Motivation and emotion/Book/2023

Understanding and improving our motivational and emotional lives using psychological science (2023)

Topic selection | Topic development | Book chapter | Multimedia presentation

Lecture 01 | Tutorial 01 | Lecture 02 | Tutorial 02

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  1. Abusive supervision - What is abusive supervision, what motivates it, and what can be done about it?  - Lara.Begg
  2. Active transport motivation - What motivates use of active transport and how can people be encouraged to use it? - U3214564
  3. Actively open-minded thinking - How can AOT be used to improve human performance? - Msherrybarr
  4. Ageing and motivation - What is the relationship between ageing and motivation? - U3217153
  5. Anomie and motivation - How does anomie affect motivation?  - U3223909
  6. Basal ganglia and motivation - What is the role of the basal ganglia in motivated behaviour?  - U3216706
  7. Bedtime procrastination - What causes it, what are the consequences, and what can be done about it?  - U3227684
  8. Brief motivational interviewing as a health intervention - How can brief motivational interviewing be used as a health intervention?   - JasnaM
  9. Childhood trauma and criminal behaviour - How does childhood trauma influence subsequent criminal behaviour?   - U3218323
  10. Comprehensive action determination model - What is the CADM and how can it be applied to understanding human motivation?  - Rocxie
  11. Conspiracy theory motivation - What motivates people to believe in conspiracy theories?    - U3223114
  12. Construal level theory - What is construal level theory and how can it be applied? - U3217803
  13. Dark tetrad and motivation - What is the dark tetrad and how does it relate to motivation? - U3223849
  14. Death drive - What is the death drive and how can it be negotiated? - U3197031
  15. Dopamine and extraversion-introversion - How does dopamine affect extraversion-introversion? - SaucyTuRkLeBiRd
  16. Egosystem and ecosystem motivation - What are egosystem and ecosystem motivations and what are their consequences? - U3216125
  17. Effective leadership - What does it take to be an effective leader? - U103189
  18. Episodic future thinking and delay discounting - What is the relationship between between EFT and DD?  - LightDragonflies
  19. Episodic future thinking and delay discounting 2 - What is the relationship between episodic future thinking and delay discounting? - U3224582
  20. Episodic memory and planning - What role does episodic memory play in planning? - Maheenusman
  21. Environmental volunteering motivation - What motivates environmental volunteering?   - U891419
  22. Freedom and motivation - What is the effect of freedom on motivation?    - U3217955
  23. Gamer motivation - What motivates game playing?  - Bellehines
  24. Grit and achievement - How does grit affect achievement?   - AnaStuart
  25. Growth mindset and mental health - What is the relationship between growth mindset and mental health? - Mia Pearse
  26. Health belief model - What is the HBM and how can it be used to enhance motivation for health-promoting behaviour?  - U3226487
  27. Identity fusion and motivation - What are the motivational implications of identity fusion?   - U3235369
  28. IKEA effect - What is the IKEA effect and how can it be applied?   - U3209567
  29. Impact bias - What is impact bias, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be avoided?  - De2023
  30. Indigenous Australian engagement in mental health services - What helps Indigenous Australians to engage with mental health services? - CaitlinFisher01
  31. Intertemporal choice - What are intertemporal choices and how can they be effectively negotiated?  - TD3223808
  32. Irrational belief motivation - What motivates irrational beliefs?   - Concettazicc
  33. Köhler effect and motivation - What is the Köhler effect and how can it be applied? - Declan Robinson
  34. Learning motivation and chatbots - How can student motivation to learn be enhanced by using artificial intelligence chatbots? - Ashhstarr
  35. Life history theory and human reproductive strategies - How does life history theory explain human reproductive strategies? - U3212234
  36. Machiavellian motivation - What is the motivational role of Machiavellianism? - Casey Coulton
  37. Mobile phone use motivation - What are the motivations for mobile phone use?  - Yaruki91
  38. Morning routine and motivation - How can a morning routine be used to facilitate motivation, productivity, and well-being?  - U3216585
  39. Motivational technologies - How can motivation be fostered through technology? - U3196624
  40. Novelty-variety as a psychological need - What is novelty-variety and what are its implications as a psychological need? - U3161239
  41. Nudge theory and sedentary behaviour - How can nudge theory can be used reduce sedentary behaviour?  - U3145851
  42. Overchoice and motivation - What is the overchoice effect, why does it occur, and who are most susceptible to it?    - U3230003
  43. Physical activity tracking and exercise motivation - What role can physical activity tracking play in exercise motivation?  - U3230383
  44. Physiological needs - How do human's physiological needs affect motivation? - Superghostfresh
  45. Placebo effect and motivation - What is the placebo effect and how can it affect motivation? - U3203797
  46. Protection motivation theory and COVID-19 - How does PMT apply to managing COVID-19?   - U3227759
  47. Sadism motivation - What motivates sadism and what can be done about it? - BM3062384
  48. Signature strengths - What are signature strengths and how can they be applied? - Rumesa.Aria
  49. Social media engagement motivation - What motivates different levels of engagement with content on social media? - Adf001
  50. Sport injury recovery motivation - How can motivation be sustained when recovering from a sport injury? - U3210285
  51. SSRIs and motivation - What are the effects of SSRIs on motivation?  - Josh.Cattle
  52. Stretch goals - What are stretch goals? How do they work?  - U3231448UC
  53. System justification theory - What is SJT, how does it affect our lives, and what can be done about it? - Ishi
  54. Testosterone and dominance - What is the relationship between testosterone and dominance? Giovannihbartlett
  55. Testosterone and violent crime - What is the relationship between testosterone and violent crime?  - U3200902
  56. Testosterone, winning, and losing - What is the relationship between winning, losing, and testosterone? - Hugo DL
  57. Time management - How can one's time be managed effectively? - Madison.Mayo
  58. To-do lists - Are to-do lists a good idea? What are their pros and cons? How can they be used effectively?  - U3162169T
  59. Treatment motivation in substance use disorder - What is the role of treatment motivation in substance abuse disorder and how can it be enhanced?  - KATE HERLIHY
  60. Violent extremism motivation - What motivates people to engage in violent extremism? - U3216313
  61. Vocational identity - What is vocational identity and how does it develop? - U3171379


  1. Artificial emotion - To what extent can artificial intelligence experience emotion and how can this be applied? - KylieGiddings
  2. Attributions and emotion - How do attributions affect emotion? - Carol Chariarse
  3. Autonomous sensory meridian response and emotion - What emotions are involved in ASMR experiences and why do they occur? - Zmelmoth02
  4. Bewilderment - What is bewilderment and how can it be dealt with? - Samanthagrebert
  5. Body functionality and body satisfaction - What is the relationship between body functionality and body satisfaction? - Fatima2617
  6. Burn injury and body image - What is the impact of burn injury on body image and what can be done? - Biancanappo
  7. Burnout - What is burnout and how can be it be managed and prevented? - Grace (Tram) Chu
  8. Choice and emotion - How does emotion affect choice? - Jingying Chen
  9. Climate change emotion - What is the relationship between climate change and emotion?- Sireyes
  10. Commitment bias - What motivates escalation of commitment even it does not lead to desirable outcomes? - U3203936
  11. Community resilience - What is community resilience and how can it be fostered?  - U3213682
  12. Consumer emotion measurement - How can consumer emotion be measured? - Rhys Harmer
  13. Core emotions - What are the core emotions and what is their function?  - U3229619
  14. Dark tetrad and emotion - What is the dark tetrad and how does it relate to emotion? - U3214333
  15. Death and meaning in life - How does confronting mortality influence the sense of meaning in life? - U3222680
  16. Default mode network and the self - What is the relationship between the DMN and the self? - U3190506
  17. Deference emotion system - What is the deference emotion system, how does it work, and what are its implications? - U3216127
  18. Eco-anxiety - What is eco-anxiety, what are its consequences, and what can be done about it? - MT200107
  19. Eco-emotions - What are eco-emotions, why do they matter, and how can they be managed? - Emkatev
  20. Ecopsychology and stress - How can ecopsychology help to explain and deal with stress?  - Dnamynts
  21. Ego death - What is ego death, what are its consequences, and how can it be facilitated?  - Gaissa
  22. Emotion across the lifespan - How does emotion develop across the lifespan? - Taliastefanoski
  23. Emotion detection using artificial intelligence - How can emotion be detected using artificial intelligence? - Adf001
  24. Emotional intelligence training - How can emotional intelligence be trained? - RolandC2023
  25. Empathy and psychopathy - What is the relationship between empathy and psychopathy? - U3218292
  26. Empathy training - How can empathy be enhanced? - U3224924
  27. Equine therapy and emotion - What is the role of emotion in equine therapy? - SoSilverLibby
  28. Fear of apocalypse - What is apocalyptic fear and how can it be dealt with? - AliciaEdwards1212
  29. Flourishing in the elderly - How can psychological flourishing be supported in the elderly?   - JorjaFive
  30. Guided meditation and emotion regulation - How can guided meditation be used to regulate emotion?  - U3215755
  31. Hedonic adaptation prevention model - What is the HAP model and how can it be applied? - Siobhanu3216316
  32. Hijack hypothesis of drug addiction - What is the hijack hypothesis and how does it help to understand drug addiction? - U3189442 - K.Ryan
  33. Humility - What is humility, what causes it, and is it desirable?  - Inandonit365
  34. Interoception and mental health - What is the role of interoception in mental health? - U3229576
  35. Indigenous Australian mindfulness - How has Indigenous Australian culture traditionally conceived of, and practiced, mindfulness?  - U3168525
  36. Long-term injury in high performance field athletes and emotion - How do long-term injuries impact the emotions of high performance field athletes? - U3216619
  37. Meditation and mindfulness - How can meditation contribute to mindfulness? - APMonte
  38. Mental health literacy - What is mental health literacy, why does it matter, and how can it be fostered? - U3215387
  39. Mental imagery and emotion - How can mental imagery be used to regulate emotion? - MaryamNageeb
  40. Mental toughness in the workplace - How can mental toughness be useful in the workplace and how can it be developed? - KubeChu
  41. Moral outrage - What is moral outrage, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be managed? - U3215934
  42. Narrative therapy and emotion - What is the role of emotion in narrative therapy?  - Alyssa.marin
  43. Placebo effect and emotion - What is the placebo effect and how can it affect emotion? - U3213568
  44. Positive body image development - What is a positive body image and how can it be developed? - U3224053
  45. Psilocybin assisted therapy and anxiety - How can psilocybin assisted therapy help to treat anxiety?  - SammyTabrett
  46. Psychedelic treatment of anxiety - How can psychedelics be used to help in treating anxiety? - SashaBrooksby
  47. Psychological literacy - What is psychological literacy, why does it matter, and how can it be fostered?  - DMaphosa
  48. Relief - What is relief and what role does it play in our emotional lives? - U3216413(2023)
  49. Sadism and emotion - What are the emotional aspects of sadism? - Kimberley Manyura
  50. Seasonal affective disorder - What is SAD, why does it occur, and how can it be managed? - U3229936
  51. Self-affirmation and psychological change - How can self-affirmation be used for positive psychological change? - U3213910
  52. Self-discrepancy theory and emotion - In what ways does self-discrepancy help to understand emotion? - U3173387
  53. Singing and emotion - What is the relation between singing and emotion?   - U3213084
  54. Smiling and emotion - What is the relationship between smiling and emotion? - U3230268
  55. Stress mindset - What is stress mindset, why does it matter, and how can it be cultivated?  - U3224687
  56. Sublimation - What is sublimation and how can it be fostered? - U3185622
  57. Therapeutic recreation - What is therapeutic recreation, how does it work, and what are its impacts? - MojoHides
  58. Toxic positivity - What is toxic positivity, why does it occur, and how can it be managed? - Lauraei11
  59. Trauma and emotion - What is the effect of trauma on emotion?  - Clarestuparich
  60. Tragic optimism - What is tragic optimism, why does it matter, and how can it be fostered? - Alice hatcher
  61. Trauma-informed care - What is trauma-informed care and how can it be implemented?  - Nabila.Tursun
  62. Unconscious aspects of multiple selves and emotion - What role do unconscious aspects play in shaping our multiple selves and their influence on emotion? - Natsta19
  63. Uncertainty and emotion - How does uncertainty influence emotion? Mikaela MG
  64. Unemployment and depression - What is the relationship between unemployment and depression? - U3213250
  65. Unemployment and mental health - What is the relationship between unemployment and mental health? - U3211780
  66. Vicarious embarrassment - What is vicarious embarrassment, why does it occur, and how can it be managed?   - U3216476
  67. Viewing natural scenes and emotion - What is the effect of viewing natural scenes on emotion and how can this be applied? - Alyson131
  68. Yoga and emotional regulation - How can yoga help with emotional regulation? - U3169170

Motivation and emotion

  1. GABA, motivation, and emotion - What is the neurological function of GABA for motivation and emotion? - U3227976
  2. Medial forebrain bundle, motivation, and emotion - What are the motivational and emotional functions of the medial forebrain bundle? - U3226707
  3. Multiple selves theory, motivation, and emotion - How does the concept of multiple selves impact our motivational and emotional experiences?  - H.Maycock
  4. Overchoice, motivation, and emotion - What are the motivational and emotional effects of overchoice? - Atu320270
  5. Role-playing games, motivation, and emotion - What are the motivational and emotional characteristics of role-playing games?  - U3224203
  6. Torture interrogation, motivation, and emotion - What are the motivational and emotional aspects of torture interrogation and how do these impact on the effectiveness of torture interrogation? - U3204500