
< Korean‎ | Words



Kiwi fruit
Roman: darae
Older: (dvrae)
Noun [1] [2]
  1. 다랫과의 낙엽 활엽 덩굴나무. 잎은 어긋나고 긴 타원형이며 톱니가 있다. 초여름에 흰 꽃이 피고 열매는 둥근 장과(漿果)로 가을에 누런 풀색으로 익는다. 열매는 식용하거나 약용한다. 깊은 산에서 자라는데 한국, 중국, 일본, 우수리강 등지에 분포한다.
    (fruit) kiwi [3]
  • 참다래 (cham-, "kiwi" lit. "true kiwi")
  • 키위 (kiwi, one of the worldwide loanwords)






A rooster (left) and hen (right) perching on a roost
Cock crowing
Roman: dalg
Sound: [닥] (dag)
Noun [4] [5]
  1. 꿩과의 새. 머리에 붉은 볏이 있고 날개는 퇴화하여 잘 날지 못하며 다리는 튼튼하다. 육용과 난용으로 육종된 수많은 품종이 있으며, 가금으로 가장 많이 사육한다. 원종은 인도, 말레이시아 등지의 들꿩이다.
    chicken [6]
  • 달걀 (dalgyal, "hen's egg")
  • 탁(, tag, "to peck")
Language to dawn #Translations day #Translation
Danish:   dag, døgn
Dutch: dagen dag
English: dawn, OE: dagian day
German: tagen Tag
Icelandic: daga dagur
Norwegian:   dag, døgn
Swedish: dagas dag, dygn

Stone wall as a thick barrier
The Roman dam at Cornalvo in Spain has been in use for almost two millennia.
Roman: dam
Noun [9] [10]
  1. 집이나 일정한 공간을 둘러막기 위하여 흙, 돌, 벽돌 따위로 쌓아 올린 것. [11]
    Wall #Boundary wall, cf. dam as a barrier that bars passage of flood
  • 담장 (dam-jang)
  • (ul, "fence" as a thin barrier) cf. 담 (dam, "wall") as a thick barrier
  • (byeog, "wall") cf. Danish væg, Norwegian vegg
  • 바람벽 (baram-byeog, "enclosing wall")
  • 성벽 (seong-byeog, "definsive wall") [12]
  • 담벼락 (-byeorag, "various walls") [13]
dam #Translations

Afsluitdijk with the Wadden Sea (part of the North Sea) on the left and the IJsselmeer on the right in the Netherlands. Which should it be called, dam or dyke?
Afsluitdijk in red. This is namely "close-off dyke or dam," damming off the Zuiderzee, a salt water inlet of the North Sea, and turning it into the fresh water lake of the IJsselmeer. The dam serves as a sea barrier to protect the inland against flooding.
The Roman dam at Cornalvo in Spain has been in use for almost two millennia.
Roman: daem
Noun [14] [15]
  1. 발전(發電), 수리(水利) 따위의 목적으로 강이나 바닷물을 막아 두기 위하여 쌓은 둑. [16]
    dam, cf. dyke
댐 dam < dam #English
  1. 발전(發電), 수리(水利) 따위의 목적으로 강이나 바닷물을 막아 두기 위하여 쌓은 둑. [17]
유의어 - 둑 방죽 제방
  1. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕.
  2. 하천이나 호수의 물, 바닷물의 범람을 막기 위하여 설치하는, 흙이나 콘크리트 따위로 만든 구축물.
  3. 보를 만들거나 논밭을 보호할 목적으로 쌓은 언덕.
유의어: 댐 방죽 제방
방죽 < 방축 防築
  1. 물이 밀려들어 오는 것을 막기 위하여 쌓은 둑. cf. German Deich
  2. 파거나, 둑으로 둘러막은 못. cf. German Teich
유의어: 냇둑 댐 둑
제방 堤防
  1. 물가에 흙이나 돌, 콘크리트 따위로 쌓은 둑. 홍수나 해일에 물이 넘어 들어오지 못하게 하거나 물을 막아 고이게 한다.
유의어: 제당 강둑 댐
The following are citations.
Afsluitdijk #
  • The Afsluitdijk (... English: "Enclosure Dam") is a major dam and causeway in the Netherlands. [18]
  • The Afsluitdijk is a fundamental part of the larger Zuiderzee Works, damming off the Zuiderzee, a salt water inlet of the North Sea, and turning it into the fresh water lake of the IJsselmeer. The dam serves as a sea barrier to protect the inland against flooding.
Afsluitdijk #Trivia
  • The Dutch word 'dijk' (dike) is actually a division between land and water. The name Afsluitdijk would be correct if the entire IJsselmeer had been drained. However, due to the change of plans it was left flooded so the Afsluitdijk is a barrier between two bodies of waters. In Dutch that is a 'dam'. This structure could more properly be called 'Afsluitdam'.
  1. (transitive) to close off, seal
    De waterkering sluit het IJsselmeer af van de Waddenzee.
    The embankment closes off the IJssel Lake from the Wadden Sea.
  2. (transitive) to conclude, to end, to terminate
See also
  • (dam, "wall, thick barrier")
  • (dug, "dyke") cf. levee instead!
  • (byeog, "wall, barrier")


A donkey or ass
Roman: dang-nagwi
Hanja: 唐나귀
Noun [19] [20]
  1. 말과의 포유류. 말과 비슷한데 몸은 작고 앞머리의 긴 털이 없으며 귀가 길다. 털빛은 대부분 누런 갈색ㆍ잿빛 황색ㆍ잿빛 흑색이며, 어깨ㆍ다리에 짙은 줄무늬가 있고 허리뼈가 다섯 개이다. 병에 대한 저항력이 강하여 부리기에 적당하다. 아프리카의 야생종을 가축화한 것으로 전 세계에 분포한다.
    ass, donkey
ass #Translations
  • Czech: osel
  • Danish: æsel
  • Dutch: ezel
  • English: ass, donkey [21]
  • Estonian: eesel
  • Finnish: aasi
  • French: âne
  • German: Esel, Eselin
  • Icelandic: asni
  • Italian: asino
  • Korean: 나귀 (nagwi),[22] 당나귀 (dangnagwi)
  • Norwegian: esel, asen
  • Latin: asinus, asellus, asella
  • Portuguese: asno
  • Spanish: asno
  • Swedish: åsna


Chinese Seal script for 덕 (德, deog, "virtue")
Chinese Seal script for 득 (得, deug, "usefulness, utility")
Roman: deog
Hanja: 德
  1. 도덕적ㆍ윤리적 이상을 실현해 나가는 인격적 능력. 공정하고 남을 넓게 이해하고 받아들이는 마음이나 행동. 베풀어 준 은혜나 도움. 착한 일을 하여 쌓은 업적과 어진 덕. [23]
    virtue [24]
Germanic Norse

Roman: do
Particle [26] [27]
  1. 이미 어떤 것이 포함되고 그 위에 더함의 뜻을 나타내는 보조사.
    too, as well; either ... or, (negative) neither ... nor


Roman: dotori
Noun [29] [30]
  1. 갈참나무, 졸참나무, 물참나무, 떡갈나무 따위의 열매를 통틀어 이르는 말. 묵을 쑤어 먹기도 한다.
  • 상수리 (sansuri) [31]
  • 상실 (橡實, sangsil)
  • 상자 (橡子, sanja)
  • 참나무 (cham-namu, "oak")
  • 상수리나무 (sangsuri-namu, "oak")
See also

Korean dolia
Dolia at Ostia Antica
Roman: dog
Noun [32] [33]
  1. 간장, 술, 김치 따위를 담가 두는 데에 쓰는 큰 오지그릇이나 질그릇. 운두가 높고 중배가 조금 부르며 전이 달려 있다.
    dolium [34] cf. Latin doga "vat, vessel"
  • 항아리 (hang-ari)
  • 단지 (danji)
  • 간장독 (ganjang-, "dolium for soybean source")
  • 된장독 (doenjang-, "dolium for soybean paste")
  • 김장독 (gimjang-, "dolium for gimjang")
  • 김칫독 (gimchit-, "dolium for kimchi")
  • 술독 (sul-, "dolium for liquor")
  • 동이 (dong-i, "earthenware jar")
dolium #Descendants
  • Catalan: doll
  • English: dolium
  • Italian: doglio
  • Portuguese: talha


Dolmen at Ganghwa Island, South Korea
Roman: dolmen
Noun [35] [36]
  1. 고인돌 (큰 돌을 몇 개 둘러 세우고 그 위에 넓적한 돌을 덮어 놓은 선사 시대의 무덤).
    (loanword) dolmen [37]
Related terms
  • 고인돌 (goindol, "dolmen"), origin unknown.
  • *돌면 (돌, dolmyeon, "dolmen"), assumed.
  • 면 (, myeon, Old Chinese *men, "roof; house"). [38]


Yule log on fire
Roman: dongji
Hanja: 冬至
Noun [39] [40]
  1. 이십사절기의 하나. 대설(大雪)과 소한(小寒) 사이에 들며 태양이 동지점을 통과하는 때인 12월 22일이나 23일경이다. 북반구에서는 일 년 중 낮이 가장 짧고 밤이 가장 길다. 동지에는 음기가 극성한 가운데 양기가 새로 생겨나는 때이므로 일 년의 시작으로 간주한다. 이날 각 가정에서는 팥죽을 쑤어 먹으며 관상감에서는 달력을 만들어 벼슬아치들에게 나누어 주었다고 한다. ≒아세1(亞歲)ㆍ이신4(履新)ㆍ이신지경ㆍ이장11(履長)ㆍ이장지경.
    winter solstice, Christmastide, Yuletide, Yule [41]
Korean English
동지절 [45] (dongjijeol) Yuletide [46]
성탄절 [47] (seongtanjeol) Christmastide

Two by hand signal
Roman: du
Numeral [48] [49]
  1. 그 수량이 둘임을 나타내는 말.
    (adjectival) two
Nominal form
Arabic Roman Hanja Nominal Adjectival English
1 I 하나 (hana) 한 (han) one
2 II 둘 (dul) 두 (du) two
3 III 셋 (set) 세 (se) three
4 IV 넷 (net) 네 (ne) four
5 V 다섯 (daseot) 다섯 (daseot) five
Germanic Norse Latinic


Common frog
Roman: dukkeobda
Adjective [50] [51]
  1. 두께가 보통의 정도보다 크다.
    to be thick
  • 두텁다 (duteob-da)
  • 두께 (dukke, "thickness")
  • 두테 (dute, "thickness")
  • 두틔 (dutui, "thickness")
  • 두꺼비 (dukkeobi, "toad")
  • 두터비 (duteobi, "toad")
  • 두텁 (duteob, "toad")
  • (dug, "dyke")
thick toad
Danish: tyk tudse
Dutch: dik
English: thick toad
Old English: þicce tādiġe, tāxe
Faroese: tjúkkur
German: dick
Icelandic: þéttur
Irish: tiubh
Old Irish: tiug
Korean: 두껍다 (dukkeopda),
두텁다 (duteopda)
두꺼비 (dukkeobi),
두터비 (duteobi)
Norwegian: tykk
Swedish: tjock tossa
Yiddish: דיק‎ (dik)


The two players of Go (game), Black and White, take turns placing stones of their colour on the intersections of the board, one stone at a time.
Roman: du-da
  1. 일정한 곳에 놓다. [52] [53]
    to lay, put, place something somewhere, say, on the table.
  • 놓다 (noh-da, "to lay down, put down")
  • 놓아두다 (noh-a-, "to get something laid down")
  • 쌓아두다 (ssah-a-, "to get something piled")
  • 바둑을 두다 (badug-eul-, "to play go game," lit. "to place one after another stone in the vital position on the board.") [54]




Broken dyke on the Sacramento River
Components of a levee:
  1. Design high water level (HWL)
  2. Low water channel
  3. Flood channel
  4. Riverside slope
  5. Riverside banquette
  6. Levee crown
  7. Landside slope
  8. Landside banquette
  9. Berm
  10. Low water revetment
  11. Riverside land
  12. Levee
  13. Protected lowland
  14. River zone
Schematic cross-section of Offa's Dyke, showing the design intended to protect Mercia against attacks/raids from Powys. The deep ditch makes the high dyke. Korean (gud, "ditch") is the anagram as well as antonym of (dug, "dyke").
Roman: dug
Noun [56] [57]
  1. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕. 하천이나 호수의 물, 바닷물의 범람을 막기 위하여 설치하는, 흙이나 콘크리트 따위로 만든 구축물. 보를 만들거나 논밭을 보호할 목적으로 쌓은 언덕.
    dyke, levee, bank, embankment, dam [58]
  • dyke as "barrier to prevent flooding"
Germanic Latinic Others
levee #Translation
  • Bulgarian: дига (diga)
  • Danish: floddige
  • French: digue
  • German: Deich, Damm
  • Korean: 둑 (dug)
  • Portuguese: dique
  • Russian: да́мба (dámba)
  • Spanish: dique
WHY & HOW it is vital
From: Wikipedia: Great Flood (China)
He figures prominently in the Chinese legend of "Great Yu Who Controlled the Waters" (Chinese: 大禹治水; pinyin: Dà Yǔ Zhì Shuǐ).
Still in 2020 summer, we saw such a disastrous flooding along the Yangtze River.
The readers do miss the story of such a thrilling success he made by controlling the huge body of water that he may well be called the father of flood control, or 한물(hanmur, "flood") + 아비(abi, "father") in Korean wordplay.
Korean dictionaries
낱말 표준국어대사전 뉴에이스 국어사전
  1. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕. [62]
  2. 하천이나 호수의 물, 바닷물의 범람을 막기 위하여 설치하는, 흙이나 콘크리트 따위로 만든 구축물.
  3. 보를 만들거나 논밭을 보호할 목적으로 쌓은 언덕.
  1. 제방(堤防).
  2. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕.
  1. 물가에 흙이나 돌, 콘크리트 따위로 쌓은 둑. 홍수나 해일에 물이 넘어 들어오지 못하게 하거나 물을 막아 고이게 한다.
    cf. levee #American English
  1. 홍수를 막기 위하여 흙으로 쌓은 둔덕. 둑.
  1. 물이 밀려들어 오는 것을 막기 위하여 쌓은 둑.
    cf. Deich #German
  2. 파거나, 둑으로 둘러막은 못.
    cf. Teich #German
  1. 물의 침범을 막기 위하여 쌓은 둑.
  1. 넓고 오목하게 팬 땅에 늘 물이 괴어 있는 곳. 늪보다 작다.
    cf. pond, pool, above all, moat.
  1. 넓고 깊게 팬 땅에 물이 괴어 있는 곳. 늪보다 작음. 연못.
See also
  • (gud, "gut")
  • (dam, "dam")
  • (dun, "dun")

Bird's-eye view of Verdun (meaning "strong fort") in 1638
Roman: dun
Noun [63] [64]
  1. 많은 사람이 떼를 지어 모이는 일. 또는 모인 곳이나 모인 무리. [65]
    dun, fort, hillfort; hill; town
  • 둔병 (-byeong, lit. "dun soldiers")
  • 둔전 (-jeon, lit. "dun farm")
  • 둔덕 (dun-deog, "hill")
  • 둔치 (dun-chi, "dune")
  • 둔치다 (dunchi-da, "to camp, station")
  • 진치다 (dunchi-da, "to camp, station")
屯 #Chinese (tún, "village, camp, station")
dun #English dun ("fort, hill-fort")
dun #Old English dun ("hill, mountain")
dún #Irish dún ("fort, fortress")
dún #Old Irish dún ("fort, fortress")
dùn #Scottish Gaelic dùn ("heap; fort, fortress; town")
  • (dun, "hill") vs. (dug, "dyke")
둔 (dun) [67] 둑 (duk) [68]
English  Dutch  German 
dune duin Düne
thin dun dünn
down[69] dons Daune[70]
town tuin[71] Zaun[72]
dun dun Dun
English  Dutch  German 
dyke dijk Deich
thick dik dick
tight dicht dicht
thigh dij דיך‎ [73]
dough deeg Teig





Full moon seen from Earth
Roman: dunggeul-da
Adjective [74] [75]
  1. 원이나 공과 모양이 같거나 비슷하다.
    to be round
  • 둥글둥글 (dunggeul-dungeul, "all round; rolling(ly)")
tungol #Old English celestial body, planet, star
tungal #Old Saxon celestial body, planet, star
tungl #Old Norse moon
tungl #Icelandic moon
tungel #Swedish moon


A dale, cf. dell [76]
A vale, or valley
Дала (dala, "steppe")
A wadi in Egypt
Roman: deul
Older: 듫 (deulh), 드릏 (deureuh), 드르 (deureu)
Noun [77] [78]
(Dually comparative definition)
  1. ( cf. dale) 매우 넓게 트인 또는 드러난 펀펀한 땅. 들판.
  2. ( cf. vale) 조금 넓게 트인 또는 벌어진 판판한 땅. 벌판.
(Related to the wide wilderness, or dale rather than vale)
  • 들꽃 (-kkoch, "wild flower")
  • 들국화 (-gughwa, "wild chrysanthemum")
  • 들장미 (jangmi, "wild rose")
  • 들쥐 (-jwi, "wild rat")
  • 들짐승 (deul-jimseung, "wild, feral animal" like a deer [79])

¶ Wide steppe vs. narrow wadi

steppe #Translations wadi #Translations
Bashkir: дала (dala)
Kazakh: дала (dala)
Kyrgyz: талаа (talaa)
Mongolian: тал (tal)
Tatar: дала (dala) 
Georgian: ველი (veli)
Catalan: uadi
Czech: vádí 
Dutch: wadi 
English: wadi
<!-- German: Wadi -->
Finnish: vadi 
French: oued 
Hungarian: vádi
Italian: uadi
Polish: ued 

valley meaning "an elongated depression between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it."

Azerbaijani: dərə / vadi
Belarusian: далі́на (dalína)
Bulgarian: доли́на (dolína)
Czech: dolina 
Danish: dal 
Dutch: dal / vallei
English: dale / valley, vale
Faroese: dalur 
German: Tal 
* Pennsylvania German: Daal / Waelli
Gothic: 𐌳𐌰𐌻 (dal)
Hunsrik: Daal 
Icelandic: dalur 
Kurdish: دۆڵ‎ (doll)
* Northern Kurdish: dehl 
Luxembourgish: Dall 
Macedonian: долина (dolina)
Mongolian: тал (tal) 
Norwegian: dal 
Old Church Slavonic: долъ (dolŭ)
Old Norse: dalr
Pashto: دره‎ (dará)
Persian: دره‎ (darre) / وادی‎ (vâdi)
Polish: dolina 
Russian: доли́на (dolína)
Serbo-Croatian: долина (dolina) 
Slovak: dolina 
Slovene: dolína 
Upper Sorbian: doł 
Swedish: dal 
Tajik: дара (dara) / водӣ (vodī) 
Turkmen: dere
Ukrainian: доли́на (dolýna)
West Frisian: dal 
Yiddish: טאָל‎ (tol)
Aromanian: vale 
Asturian: valle 
Azerbaijani: vadi / dərə 
Catalan: vall 
Dutch: vallei / dal
English: valley, vale / dale 
French: vallée, val
Friulian: val 
Galician: val 
Hindi: वादी (vādī)
Hungarian: völgy
Italian: valle 
Latin: valles, vallis 
Norman: vallée 
Novial: vale
Occitan: val 
Old French: valee 
Pennsylvania German: Waelli / Daal 
Persian: وادی‎ (vâdi) / دره‎ (darre)
Portuguese: vale 
Romanian: vale 
Romansch: val 
Sardinian: badde, baddi, vadde
Sicilian: vaddi, valli
Spanish: valle
Tajik: водӣ (vodī) / дара (dara)
Turkish: vadi 
Urdu: وادی‎ (vādī)
Uyghur: ۋادى‎ (wadi)
Uzbek: vodiy 
Venetian: val, vałe





(ditda, "to set foot on" [81])


  1. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=다래
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/다래
  3. This brand name has become the origin of worldwide loanwords; Korean 다래 (darae) may be far more worth than kiwi as such an origin.
  4. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=닭
  5. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/닭
  6. Fowl have been known in Egypt since the mid-15th century BCE, with the "bird that gives birth every day" ...
    1. 새벽에 맨 처음 우는 닭.
      the earliest chicken who's crowed at dawn
    1. 아침이 되다. 날이 새다.
      to dawn, lit. "for it to dawn or to become morning"
  7. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=담
  8. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/담
  9. This definition, including "둘러막기" (enclosing) to stick to "boundary wall," is overdone a little, however prototypical it may be. Such is also the case with 벽 (beog, "wall" cf. Danish væg, Norwegianvegg). Otherwise, Korean 담 (dam, "wall") is more comparable with Dutch and English dam, etc.
  10. 깁흔 희즈 놉흔 담 고 -- 교학고어사전 p.1469
  11. 담이나 벽 따위를 통틀어 이르는 말.
  12. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=댐
  13. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/댐
  14. Synonymy is seen between dam and dyke, cf. Korean (dam) and (dug).
  15. Simply, the dam is Korean (dam, "wall") in itself.
  16. The English translation "Enclosure Dam" is implausible, as it literally means "close-off or shut-off dyke." [My comment]
  17. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=당나귀
  18. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/당나귀
  19. English donkey has no cognate but possibly Korean 당나귀 (dang-nagui).
  20. cf. English nag and Middle English nagge, which also have few cognates.
  21. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=덕
  22. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/덕
  23. (Scotland, Northern England, obsolete) might, strength
  24. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=도
  25. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/도
  26. Listen to the audio there!
  27. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=도토리
  28. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/도토리
  29. cf. 橡樹
  30. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=독
  31. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/독
  32. From Latin dolium "large earthenware vessel." According to John Pairman Brown, a Punic commercial loanword, comparing Hebrew דֳּלִי‎ (dŏlī) which already appears in Isaiah 40:15[2] and is from Proto-Semitic, also Arabic دَلْو‎ (dalw, “bucket”) etc.
  33. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=돌멘
  34. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/돌멘
  35. A dolmen, a prehistoric megalith having a capstone supported by two or more upright stones.
  36. 宀 #Japanese
    On: べん (ben), めん (men)
    Kun: やね (yane, "roof"), いえ (ie, "house").
  37. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=동지
  38. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/동지
  39. From Old English ġeōl “midwinter”, cf. Korean 겨울 (gyeo-ul, "winter")
  40. Naver: 사명일
    1. 우리나라의 사대 명일. 설, 단오, 추석, 동지를 이른다. ≒사명절.
    2. 예전에, 왕의 탄신일과 설ㆍ단오ㆍ동지의 네 명일을 이르던 말.
  41. Naver: 사명절
    1. [같은 말] 사명일 (1. 우리나라의 사대 명일).
  42. "Macrobius' Chronicon noted the annual ancient Egyptian celebration of Horus, specifying the time as the winter solstice."
  43. This term is to come in to recall the past festivity.
  44. Wikt: Yule
    • "In pre-Christian times, the term designated the two-month midwinter season (December and January). After Christianization, it became a narrower reference to the twelve days of Christmas."
    from Old English ġeōl, ġeōla ("Christmastide, midwinter")
    Yule in itself is simply "midwinter," or more simply "winter," or more precisely, "the two-month midwinter season (December and January)" as noted above. Etymology reads Proto-Germanic meaning "festivity, celebration," and PIE "joke, play," while OE ġeōl, equivalent to Korean 겨울 (gyeoul, "winter"), may well compare with Italian gelo ("intense cold, frost"), Latin gelo ("I freeze, cause to congeal"), even English cold, etc.
  45. Naver: 성탄절
    1. 12월 24일부터 1월 6일까지 예수의 성탄을 축하하는 명절.
  46. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=두
  47. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/두
  48. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=두껍다
  49. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/두껍다
  50. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=두다
  51. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/두다
  52. One theory about the etymology of 바둑 (badug) is that it was known as 바독 (badog), a diminutive of 바닥 (badag, "base"), hence the go board. Another is that either 바둑 or 바독 or the dialect 바돌 (badol) means 바둑돌 (badug-dol, "go stone"), which fits the opening phrase well.
  53. https://www.websters1913.com/words/Do
    Do (d?), v. t. or auxiliary. [...]
    1. To place; to put. [Obs.] Tale of a Usurer (about 1330).
    2. To cause; to make; -- with an infinitive. [Obs.]
  54. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=둑
  55. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/둑
  56. Compare Korean/Words/담 as well as wikt: dam.
  57. cf. dike #English, ditch #English
  58. American English.
  59. Levee #
    • A levee (/ˈlɛvi/), dike, dyke, embankment, floodbank or stopbank is an elongated naturally occurring ridge or artificially constructed fill or wall that regulates water levels.
  60. You might wonder why this should come first.
  61. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=둔
  62. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/둔
  63. This definition is necessary but too insufficient.
  64. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=진 군사들의 대오(隊伍)를 배치한 것. 또는 그 대오가 있는 곳.
  65. A thinly-topped or obtusely-topping heap or hill, say, dune. It may further compare with English down, town, dun, etc., and with the other Germanic relatives.
  66. A thickly-topped or acutely-topping heap or hill, say, dyke. It may further compare with English tight, thigh, dough, etc., and with their Dutch and German (or Yiddish) counterparts.
  67. "Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds"
  68. dun #Danish, dun #Norwegian, dun #Swedish, dúnn #Icelandic.
  69. "garden"
  70. "fence"
  71. Yiddish dikh
  72. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=둥글다
  73. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/둥글다
  74. "A valley, especially in the form of a natural hollow, small and deep."
  75. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=들
  76. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/들
  77. Indeed, the deer is representative of the feral rather than general animals.
  78. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=와디
    건조 지역에서, 평소에는 마른 골짜기이다가 큰비가 내리면 홍수가 되어 물이 흐르는 강.
  79. "After the boat capsized, I thought that I would never set foot on dry land again."