Web Design/Cert IV Websites Qualification in Australia

Qualification name: ICA40305 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Websites) - Design stream

Web Design Cert IV Websites Qualification in Australia
This page is part of the Web Design project.
A sample plan (work in progress) for learning and demonstrating the Cert IV Web course

"This role involves designing and constructing web pages and creating the look and feel of the site. The design role's objective is to create, in consultation with the client, the flow or 'story' of the website and how information will be displayed. From a technical perspective, designers will make use of graphical knowledge, knowledge of specific technologies and various platforms, creative flair and ability to put down an image, layout and design skills, technical knowledge of hardware, software and specific web languages." [1]

There are 21 core units for the Design stream of the Cert IV Websites qualification and 4 electives. For more detailed information about this qualification you can either find the qualification in the official ICA05 Training Package PDF (note: it is huge) or browse the conveniently accessible Certificate IV in Information Technology (Websites) page provided by Bathurst TAFE's ICA05 - Deconstructed.

For tips on how you can learn towards this qualification, check out Learning towards a qualification

Core Units


The following 21 core units is made up of the 12 common core units (common to both the Website Design stream and the Website Administration stream), and the 9 core units for the Website Design stream.

Note: the small box after each unit indicates the completion status of the unit description.

Electives for the Website Design stream


TBD: Notes about electives, especially from the admin stream.

If you are studying within TAFE you may also have the opportunity to take part in the following enrichment units:

Prerequisite units


TBD: Notes about prereq units


  1. ICA05 - Deconstructed Accessed on 15th November 2006