Selecting and employing software and hardware tools


Original image: 'cartographictools.JPG' by: Matthew Hine

From the official document:

"This unit defines the competency required to select and use software and hardware diagnostic tools, including multimedia contexts and automated testing environments."

Basically, that means ... (translate above into plain english)

You can read more about this unit on the National Training Information Systems Official document for ICAU4205A.

This unit is a pre-requisite for the following qualifications:

How this unit will help you


After learning and applying the skills required by this unit you'll be able to demonstrate your skills in:

1. Establish process operational requirements
  1. Identify the process requirements ensuring they are accurate, complete, prioritised, have functionality and reference appropriate method/media types
2. Select hardware and software for processing function
  1. Identify and evaluate relevant hardware and software with reference to functional requirements
3. Configure and test hardware and software
  1. Install and configure appropriate hardware and software according to vendor guidelines with reference to system architecture and client functionality requirements
4. Use and validate software and hardware
  1. Provide appropriate training of client with reference to guides, instructions and vendor materials
  • translate the above elements and performance criteria into plain english and summarise here...

Ideas for learning the required skills



  • Research
  • Find Download
  • Install
  • Train somebody
  • Lesson on Digi cams
  • Research browsers
  • download and install browsers
  • Bookmarklets and extensions
  • Write documentation - for client
  • Train client in using (with extension - such as bookmarks)

Ideas for demonstrating this unit


The best way to demonstrate these skills is ...



If you are demonstrating this unit as part of a formal course, you might find that the unit is graded (meaning you can not only demonstrate your competence, but can also gain a credit or distinction). Your facilitator may already have set criteria that your college uses. If not, here are some ideas for possible credit/distinction activities that you can discuss with your facilitator:

  • ...

Notes and discrepancies

  • ...