Australian Vocational Education and Training/ICAA4142A Design a website to meet technical requirements

From the official document:

Web Design ICAA4142A Design a website to meet technical requirements
This page is part of the Web Design project.
Original image: 'Veerle on notepad???' by: Erika
"This unit defines the competency required to design a website to specifications within a particular technical and human interface environment."

Basically, that means ... (translate above into plain english)

You can read more about this unit on the National Training Information Systems Official document for ICAA4142A.

This unit forms part of the following qualifications:

How this unit will help you


After learning and applying the skills required by this unit you'll be able to demonstrate your skills in:

1. Define the technical environment
  1. Identify business requirements, hardware and software requirements
  2. Define software and hardware types to ensure that site is designed to meet business requirements
  3. Identify appropriate standards, software and hardware required to develop the site
2. Define the human computer interface
  1. Conduct user analysis to determine a user profile and user needs
  2. Determine user content and requirements
  3. Determine appropriate design principles for the site
  4. Identify appropriate operating system
3. Determine site hierarchy
  1. Identify the hierarchy of pages
  2. Ensure content is logical and accessible to user
  3. Ensure that navigation between pages is consistent and clear
4. Design website
  1. Apply appropriate information hierarchy to site design
  2. Ensure design principles are appropriate to business and user
  3. Ensure process flow is developed in a logical and simple manner
  4. Test site search engine, site map, frequently asked questions and news sections against user needs
  5. Complete and document the design
  • translate the above elements and performance criteria into plain english and summarise here...

Ideas for learning the required skills


Ideas for demonstrating this unit


The best way to demonstrate these skills is ...



If you are demonstrating this unit as part of a formal course, you might find that the unit is graded (meaning you can not only demonstrate your competence, but can also gain a credit or distinction). Your facilitator may already have set criteria that your college uses. If not, here are some ideas for possible credit/distinction activities that you can discuss with your facilitator:

Notes and discrepancies
