Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/
Journal pages in this Wikiversity project
edit- Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/
- 4caddit
- Alex-Afriyie
- Alex-Afriyie/Narrative Analysis of Telegraphy
- Amanomahitotsu1
- AydenGenther
- AydenGenther/Phonograph and-Narrative
- AydenGenther/Photagraph and Narrative
- Bart Casabona
- Bart Casabona/Semiotics Analysis of Telegraphy
- Bart Casabona/phonograph Phenomenology of Technology
- Bart Casabona/photograph Phenomenology of Technology
- Bartgis
- Bartgis/Phenomenological analysis of photography
- Bartgis/Phenomenological analysis of the phonograph
- BeastRengoku
- Cadancummings24
- CaseyIsSheep
- Cjeroloman
- Cjeroloman/postcolonial phonography
- Cjeroloman/postcolonial photography
- Cjeroloman/postcolonial television
- Cmn1012
- ConnorB
- ConnorB/Phonograph and Photograph Semiotics
- ConnorB/Semiotics-Television
- DroopyB
- ElijahStemmer
- ElijahStemmer/Telegraph feminist theory
- ElijahStemmer/Telephone feminist theory
- Elijah Stemmer
- ErikasJournal
- FrancescaBonfardeci
- Fynx5
- Giannimbluce
- Giannimbluce/Google scholar reference on Phenomenological Theory
- Hunter Kaminski
- Hunter Kaminski/Portfolio
- Hunter Kaminski/Telegraph Postcolonial
- Hunter Kaminski/Telephone Postcolonial
- Hunter Kaminski/Television question
- Jasjacksonftw
- Jasjacksonftw/Critcal Analysis of Telephone
- Jasjacksonftw/Critical Analysis of Telegraphy
- Jcollins1717
- Jinx Tunes
- Leeonardo1505
- M1dn1ght F0r3st
- MichaelAlbertine
- MichaelAlbertine/SemioticsTelegraph
- MichaelAlbertine/semioticstelephone
- Moltenonyxx
- MyNameIsPixul
- MyNameIsPixul/Critical Analysis of Phonographs
- MyNameIsPixul/Critical Analysis of Phonographs and Photographs
- OutlawPear
- ReeVrze
- Reese02
- Reese02/Feminists Theory Phonograph
- Reese02/Narrative Theory Television
- Samantha Marie D
- ShadowWizardMoney
- ShinxPMD
- ShinxPMD/Critical Theory on Television
- ShinxPMD/Feminist Theory on Phonograph
- ShinxPMD/Feminist Theory on Photograph
- Stable2241
- TheLonePlush
- TheLonePlush/Narrative Phonograph
- TheLonePlush/Narrative photography
- Tucklatta21
- Tucklatta21/
- TylerBarth05
- Vinchenstein
- Vinchenstein/Semiotics Telephone and telegraph
- WA Stokins
- WA Stokins/Critical Analysis of Phonographs and Photographs
- car.mcfadden
- car.mcfadden/culturalmaterialism
- cjeroloman
- clangamer42
- hagerejspoly
- poly-student-steve
- poly-student-steve/Feminist Theory Telephone
- poly-student-steve/cultural materialism telephone
- poly-student-steve/postcolonial photography
- zafraa
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Techniques for adding comments to Conversation pages
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= 10 Sep 2023 ==
=== Orality ===
My comments about talking with chatGPT about orality, with a link to the chatGPT conversation
- Add the following to the conversation page (in this example, to Orality:
~~~ {{#lsth:Digital_Media_and_Information_in_Society/Student_Journals/poly-student-steve|Orality}} (including the three ~~~ to start the line, to generate this output:
Stevesuny (discuss • contribs) === Is social media more oral than written? I don't think so ===
I'm not sure I agree with this. I think social media is much more oral than written. It may be circumstantial: perhaps some type of social media, that is immediate, is oral. And others that are more delayed are written? I guess we will see. (edited at 11:36am)some characteristics of orality due to its real-time nature and conversational style. Social media platforms often facilitate quick exchanges of information, similar to face-to-face conversations in oral cultures. However, social media is primarily a written medium, as the information is typically conveyed through text, images, and videos, rather than solely through spoken words. Therefore, while it may embrace some oral-like features, it remains essentially a written form of communication.
Poly-student-steve 15:24, 6 August 2023 (UTC)