Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/Hunter Kaminski/Portfolio

Wikiedu assignments


6/6 exercises completed 12/12 training modules complete

  • signed into Wikiversity and joined the class
  • created my student journal on Wikiversity
  • Learned the rules of Wikipedia

Chat-GPT conversation

  1. A conversation with Chat-GPT about the hello world program

2. A conversation with Chat-GPT about the biggest technology innovations

3. The bigging of the final project, asking Chat-GPT the future on videogames

4. A conversation with Chat-GPT about a alternate timeline where writing was never discovered

5.Both positive and negative examples on AI writing articles


6. Another conversation about the future of videogames and what will happen if AI were used to help make games

7. A conversation with Chat-GPT about what would happen if printing was never invented

Office Hours

  • Planned a meeting with Mr.Schnider on Wednesday December 6th, discussed about the final project and plans about the future.

Class Attendance

  • I went to class a total of 25 out of the 28 classes

Wikipedia Project

  • Created my final project on my sandbox
  • Project was about game engines

Wikipedia critique


While the training modules were a little annoying at times because it spewed out stuff i already knew like Plagiarizing, I don't have too much critique. At first, Wikipedia and Wikiversity was a little weird to switch to, but later on i got used to the platforms.

Chat-GPT critique


When i first started to use Chat-GPT i was very skeptical about it. I was thinking how in the world would chat GPT help me with my class. But after using it for a little bit, then i realized how useful it was. One critique I have with Chat-GPT is it was sometimes inconsistent. When i ask chat GPT a question, it would sometimes think of the question differently and spew out an answer that wouldn't help me. Plus, chat GPT can go on forever without a limitation, giving you 10 answers to your question that are each a paragraph long.