Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/ConnorB

30 August, 2023


Starting Wikiversity


Brand new to wikiversity

13 September, 2023


Chat GPT Conversation


I asked Chat GPT two questions, the first was "How does digital media tie into Interactive Media + Game Design" and "How impactful is Digital Media in todays society" and it gave me 2 outstanding answers that completely answered all my questions and gave me way more information then I thought it was going to. It told me just how important Digital Media is, especially now while we are in the Digital age where everything is done online. It also helped me learn just how important digital media is for my major, IMGD which I thought the class was kind of weird to be taking when I'm trying to learn how to make games. It actually ties in perfectly with IMGD because you use it to come up with ideas that would better suit the game development. This the conversation Link

For the Media and Information Ages, I asked "How has media and information evolved into digital media and how does it impact our lives" and it gave me 9 examples of how it effects us or how it has changed. It gave me tons of information on how Digital media is put into our lives, some of the examples are things we wouldn't think about or even notice when we use it. Its kind of crazy to me to think what might happen 50 years from now, we are not even 100 years into Digital Media and we are this developed. I asked Chat GPT about what it would look like in 50 years and it said that AR and VR will most likely be completely changing our lives. 3d and holographic content will be common, maybe when you walk outside your house there will be a hologram of an advertisement on a nearby building. Data will be able to be near-instantaneously transferred and maybe even 8K or higher streaming resolution. This the conversation Link

17 September, 2023


Wikipedia Edit


I made a small change in the wikipedia article Police Car, there was a minor error in a sentence about the traditional foot patrols.

20 September, 2023


Chat GPT Discussion


Chat GPT and I had a conversation about AR, I asked some interesting questions about augmented reality and Chat GPT gave me answers. Of course it did, that is what it is designed to do. I asked it how it would affect our lives and what it would look like, and what it told me was outstanding. All I can say by what it told me was that I can not wait for Augmented reality. It was telling me how it would completely change the way we live our lives, it will change things like Healthcare, retail, education, architecture, entertainment, navigation. It will literally allow us to try on outfits virtually without actually trying them on, kids can have interactive AR lessons and historical tours, real-life time information about surroundings and map overlays. Surgeries can be assisted with Augmented reality, giving professionals real time data about the surgery and what might be wrong with the patient that they haven't thought of. People with disabilities will easily be able to access everything about the world, because it will give them information about their environment and provide real-time assistance. Augmented Reality will come on things like a headset, glasses, contact lenses, your phone camera, really any wearable accessory. Conversation Link

1 October, 2023


Chat GPT Topic


I decided I was going to make my topic about the future of Virtual Reality, because one of my favorite shows of all time is Sword Art Online which is heavily based around Virtual Reality. The first question I asked Chat Gpt is if VR will ever be able to catch up or become like the VR Headset from the show, which completely immerses the user into the virtual world. By sending neural signals to your brain its able to put images and data into your head while your asleep making it feel like your fully in the world. Chat Gpt said it is entirely possible, although it would be incredibly difficult to actually achieve, the steps required would be incredibly hard because the technology is not fully developed. We have ways of using sending signals to the brain and having those signals making our body do an action, but we don't really have a way for someone to send signals to the headset. The Virtual world would need to be super realistic, making everything look like it was real life, having it look like a lifelike replica of the real world in a game. This game would also have to be able to be sent to someones brain, which could have some issues with safety as you could guess. I'll continue to have this conversation with chat gpt -> Conversation

23 October, 2023


Photograph and Phonograph


I created a subpage to explain how Semiotics played into Phonography and Photography and helps explain its role and importance. Subpage

1 November, 2023




I created another subpage on Semiotics, but this time talking about how television played an important role in the later period of the 20th century. Subpage

6 November, 2023


Brain Implants


I added to the talk page in the article Brain Implant, I told them my plans of what I'm going to add later on the reference material from the Cyberpunk series. I asked for their opinion on this as I don't want them to be like "Oh yeah this is a bad reference its not an actual brain implant if it doesn't attach directly to the brain." and just delete all my work.