Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/S

The A-Z of Parkinson's Symptoms




Excessive sexual activity

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(Related symptoms: Satyriasis, Sadomachism)

The following references are relevant:-

Witjas et al (2012) Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease. [1]

Politis et al (2013) Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease. [2]

Pereira et al (2013) Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice. [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypersexuality .
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Witjas, T.; Eusebio, A.; Fluchère, F. and Azulay, J.P. (2012) Full Text Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 168 (8-9) 624 - 633. Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Politis, M.; Loane, C.; Wu, K.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Woodhead, Z.; Kiferle, L.; Lawrence, A.D.; Lees, A.J. and Piccini, P. (2013) Full Text Brain. 136 (Pt 2) 400 -411.Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease.
  3. Pereira, B.; Llorca, P.M.; Durif, F.; Brousse, G.; Blanc, O.; Rieu, I.; Derost, P.; Ulla, M.; Debilly, B. and de Chazeron, I. (2013) Full Text Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 19 (2) 242 - 246. Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice.
Satyriasis(Excessive sexual activity)


Excessive sexual activity

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(Related symptoms: Satyriasis, Sadomachism)

The following references are relevant:-

Witjas et al (2012) Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease. [1]

Politis et al (2013) Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease. [2]

Pereira et al (2013) Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice. [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypersexuality .
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Witjas, T.; Eusebio, A.; Fluchère, F. and Azulay, J.P. (2012) Full Text Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 168 (8-9) 624 - 633. Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Politis, M.; Loane, C.; Wu, K.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Woodhead, Z.; Kiferle, L.; Lawrence, A.D.; Lees, A.J. and Piccini, P. (2013) Full Text Brain. 136 (Pt 2) 400 -411.Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease.
  3. Pereira, B.; Llorca, P.M.; Durif, F.; Brousse, G.; Blanc, O.; Rieu, I.; Derost, P.; Ulla, M.; Debilly, B. and de Chazeron, I. (2013) Full Text Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 19 (2) 242 - 246. Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice.
Shaking Palsy

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Shaking Palsy

An early name for Parkinson's Disease.

Sialorrhoea (Drooling)

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Increased salivation

Alternative term:- Drooling

The following references are relevant:-

Kalf et al (2009) Prevalence and definition of drooling in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review [1]

Bloem et al (2009) Debilitating consequences of drooling [2]

Kalf et al (2011) Diurnal and nocturnal drooling in Parkinson’s disease[3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature - Sialorrhoea

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Sialorrhoea.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)

Search the scientific literature - Drooling

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Drooling.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Kalf, J.G.; de Swart, B.J.; Borm, G.F.; Bloem, B.R. and Munneke, M. (2009) Full TextJ. Neurol. 256 (9) 1391 – 1396Prevalence and definition of drooling in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
  2. Bloem, B,R,; Kalf, J.G.; van de Kerkhof, P.C.M. and Zwarts, M.J. (2009) Full TextJ. Neurol. 256 (8) 1382 – 1383Debilitating consequences of drooling
  3. Kalf, J.G.; Bloem, B.R. and Munneke, M. (2011) Full TextJ. Neurol. 259 (1) 119 – 123 Diurnal and nocturnal drooling in Parkinson’s disease
Sleep disorder

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Disturbed sleep

May include Agrypnia

The following references are relevant:-

Schutte-Rodin et al (2008)Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults [1]

Suzuki et al(2011)Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease [2]

Louter et al (2012) Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature (Insomnia)

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Insomnia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)

Search the scientific literature (Agrypnia)

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Agrypnia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Schutte-Rodin, Sharon; Broch, Lauren; Buysse, Daniel; Dorsey, Cynthia and Sateia, Michael (2008) Full Text J. Clin. Sleep Med. 4 (5) 487 – 504. Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults
  2. Suzuki, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Masayuki; Miyamoto, Tomoyuki; Iwanami, Masoki and Hirata, Koichi (2011) Full TextParkinsons Dis. 2011: 219056. Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease
  3. Louter, Maartje; Aarden, Willemijn C.C.A.; Lion, Joy, Bloem, Bastiaan R. and Overeem, Sebastian (2012) Full TextJ. Neurol. 259 (10) 2031 – 2040. Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease

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Disturbed sleep

May include Agrypnia

The following references are relevant:-

Schutte-Rodin et al (2008)Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults [1]

Suzuki et al(2011)Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease [2]

Louter et al (2012) Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature (Insomnia)

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Insomnia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)

Search the scientific literature (Agrypnia)

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Agrypnia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Schutte-Rodin, Sharon; Broch, Lauren; Buysse, Daniel; Dorsey, Cynthia and Sateia, Michael (2008) Full Text J. Clin. Sleep Med. 4 (5) 487 – 504. Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults
  2. Suzuki, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Masayuki; Miyamoto, Tomoyuki; Iwanami, Masoki and Hirata, Koichi (2011) Full TextParkinsons Dis. 2011: 219056. Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease
  3. Louter, Maartje; Aarden, Willemijn C.C.A.; Lion, Joy, Bloem, Bastiaan R. and Overeem, Sebastian (2012) Full TextJ. Neurol. 259 (10) 2031 – 2040. Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease

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Divergent squint of the eyes

(See also Exotropia = Outward divergence and Esotropia = Inward Divergence. Also Tic)

The following references are relevant:-

Rascol et al (1991) Square wave jerks in parkinsonian syndromes[1]

Scoditti, et al (1993) Peroneal muscular atrophy with parkinsonism, ptosis, and congenital strabismus. [2]

Almer et al (2011) Ocular Motor and Sensory Function in Parkinson Disease [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Strabismus.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)



  1. Rascol, O.; Sabatini, U.; Siminetta-Moreau, M.; Montatruc J.L.; Rascol, A. and Clanet, M. (1991) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 54 (7) 599 – 602. Square wave jerks in parkinsonian syndromes.
  2. Scoditti, U.; Gemighnanai, F.; Colonna, F.; Ludovico, L. and Bettoni,(1993) Full Text L. Acta Neurol. Scand. 88 (4) 251 -253 Peroneal muscular atrophy with parkinsonism, ptosis, and congenital strabismus
  3. Almer, Zina; Klein, Katheine S.; Marsh, Laura; Gerstenhaber, Melissa and Repka, Michael X. (2011) Full Text Ophthalmology. 119 (1) 178 – 182. Ocular Motor and Sensory Function in Parkinson Disease

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