Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research

This is Section 1 of The science behind Parkinson's disease - a Wikiversity learning project.

This Section is for those who are interested in following research into Parkinson's and thinking about what questions remain unanswered, what issues need to be resolved and what implications arise from research results.

Below are topics which contributors wish to bring to the attention of others.

But there is also a 'Magazine Section' dealing with articles to enable readers to get an overview of the current 'Hot Topics' and read discussions of key issues. These articles will link to the main body of the learning project.

Purpose of Section 1: To enable contributors:

  • to highlight interesting topics in current Parkinson's research
  • to explain their significance and background
  • to describe the questions answered and identify the questions still unanswered
  • to say how the work fits into the bigger picture and what other researchers are doing
  • to examine hypotheses and to raise implications
  • to identify possible new lines of enquiry and new implications for research strategy



Topics below in red are those thought to be important but have not been worked on yet. You are invited to start them.

You are welcome to add topics you believe are important.

Topics for Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research
Main field Topic Subpages
Researching Parkinson's Modelling PD Animal Models, Rotenone Model, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, A pathogenesis map
Hot Topics Vitamin D, Role of alpha-synuclein in pathogenesis, Neuroprotective agents, Biomarkers and Biomeasures, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Genome-Wide Association Studies, Getting Drugs from Lab to Clinic

Causes Inheritance SNCA,



Cysts, Vascular PD,


Helicobacter pylori, Influenza, Lipopolysaccharide, Melanoma, Whooping cough,


Blood, Glutathione, Melatonin, Norepinephrine, Vitamin D, Zinc


Cadmium, Copper, Dieldrin, Manganese, Maneb, Mercury, MPTP, n-Hexane, Paraquat, Rotenone, Toluene, Trichloroethylene, Ziram,

Pathogenesis Current Parkinson's Paradigm Working Hypothesis, Emerging Hypotheses, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Role of alpha-synuclein, A pathogenesis map
Therapy Transplantation
Symptomatic Relief

Bradykinesia -, Dyskinesia -, Festination -, Freezing -, Non-motor symptoms - Sleep Disturbance -, Tremor,

Exercise Effect on symptoms, Neuroproective effects
Neuroprotection Neuroprotective agents,

Caffeine,-- Celastrol,-- Co-enzyme Q10,-- Creatine,-- DHA,-- Exendin-4 (EX-4),-- GDNF,-- Glutathione (GSH),-- GM1,-- Herbal Remedies,-- Isradipine,-- Melatonin,-- Mirapex,-- Minocycline,-- Nicotine,-- NSAIDs,-- Phenylbutyrate,-- Phytic Acid,-- Probucol,-- Quinoxaline,-- Rasagiline,-- Riboflavin,-- Statins,-- Tolcapone,-- Urate & Uric Acid-- Vitamin D,-- Vitamin E,--

Gene Therapy RNA interference
From Lab to Clinic Clinical trials and the route to market
Monitoring Disease Biomarkers, Measurement of Disease Progression
Atypical parkinsonism MSA, PSP, DLB, ET, CBD,

PD Map


Moved to: Parkinson's_Pathogenesis/PD_Map with Magazine Section article at PD_Magazine_Section/PD_pathogenesis_map

