Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/R

The A-Z of Parkinson's Symptoms


Resting Tremor

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Involuntary shaking, trembling or quivering movements of the muscles

The following references are relevant:-

Sanchez-Ramos et al (2011) Quantitative Analysis of Tremors in Welders[1]

Mure et al (2011) Parkinson’s Disease Tremor-Related Metabolic Network: Characterization, Progression, and Treatment Effects [2]

Helmich et al (2012) Cerebral causes and consequences of parkinsonian resting tremor: a tale of two circuits?[3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Tremor.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)



  1. Sanchez-Ramos; Reimer, Dacy; Zesiewiccz, Theresa; Sulliven, Kelly and Nausieda, Paul A. (201) Full TextInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 8 (5) 1478 – 1490 Quantitative Analysis of Tremors in Welders
  2. Mure, Hideo; Hirano, Shigeki; Tang, Chris C,; Isias, Ioannis U.;Antonini, Angelo; Ma, Yilong; Dhaan, Vijay and Eidelberg, David (1965) Full TextNeuroimage 54 (2) 1244 – 1253 Parkinson’s Disease Tremor-Related Metabolic Network: Characterization, Progression, and Treatment Effects
  3. Helmich, Rick C.; Hallett, Mark; Deuschl, Gunther; Toni, Ivan and Bloem, Bastiaan R. (1965) Full TextBrain 135 (11) 3206 – 3226. Cerebral causes and consequences of parkinsonian resting tremor: a tale of two circuits?
Restless Legs Syndrome

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Uncontrollable, involuntary movement of the legs and feet

The following references are relevant:-

Gao et al (2010) Restless Legs Syndrome and Erectile Dysfunction[1]

Gao et al (2010) Restless legs syndrome and Parkinson’s disease in men[2]

Pourcher et al (2010) Compulsive habits in restless legs syndrome patients under dopaminergic treatment [3]

Peeraully and Tan (2012) Linking restless legs syndrome with Parkinson's disease: clinical, imaging and genetic evidence [4]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Restless_Legs_Syndrome.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Gao, Xiang; Schwarzchilds, Michael A.: O’Reilly, Eilis J.; Wang, Hao and Ascherio, Alberto (2010) Full TextSleep 33 (1) 75 – 79 Restless Legs Syndrome and Erectile Dysfunction
  2. Gao, Xiang; Schwarzschild, Michael A.; O’Reilly, Eilis J.; Wang, Hao and Ascherio, Alberto (2010) Full Text Mov. Disord. 25 (15) 2654 – 2657 Restless legs syndrome and Parkinson’s disease in men
  3. Pourcher, E.; Remillard, S. and Cohen, H. (2010) Full TextJ. Neurol. Sci. 290 (1-2) 52 -56 Compulsive habits in restless legs syndrome patients under dopaminergic treatment.
  4. Peeraully, Tasneem and Tan, Eng-King (2012) Full TextTransl. Neurodegener. 2012; 1: 6. Linking restless legs syndrome with Parkinson's disease: clinical, imaging and genetic evidence

Redirected from Rigidity ( To subpage for editing >> )

Reduced force, impetus or speed of movement

The following refences are relevant:-

Ackermann et al (1989) Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.[1]

Heldman et al (2011) The Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease: Reliability and Comparison with Kinematic Measures[2] #

Espay et al (2011) Differential Response of Speed, Amplitude, and Rhythm to Dopaminergic Medications in Parkinson’s Disease [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature for Hypokinesia

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypokinesia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)

Search the scientific literature for Rigidity

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Rigidity.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Ackermann, H.; Ziegler,W. andOertel, W.H. (1989) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 52 (6) 805 – 807. Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.
  2. Heldman, Dustin A.; Giuffrida, Joseph P.; Robert; Megan; Filomena; Andrew P.; Alok; Sang Jin; Fredy J. and Espay, Alberto J. (2011) Full Text Mov. Disord. 26 (10) 1859 – 1863. The Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease: Reliability and Comparison with Kinematic Measures
  3. Espay, Alberto J,;Giuffrida, Joe P.; Chen, Robert; Payne, Megan; Mazzella, Filomena; Dunn, Emily; Vaughan, Jennifer E.; Duker, Andrew P.; Sahay, Alok; Kim, Sang Jin; Revilla, Fredy J. and Heldman, Dustin A. (2011) Full TextMov. Disord. 26 (14) 2504 – 2508. Differential Response of Speed, Amplitude, and Rhythm to Dopaminergic Medications in Parkinson’s Disease



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