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  Some of these pages are under construction this month 

Narrative film production:
Course #01: The basics of filmmaking with the list of the lessons.
Creating the thumbnail storyboards
Pages of this Lesson:
Lesson Introduction - Creating the Thumbnail Storyboards
What are thumbnail storyboards?
Example storyboards for our movie.
What software do I need for thumbnail storyboards?.
Pre-Visualization for thumbnail storyboards.
How to draw thumbnail storyboards with ArtRage 2.
How to draw thumbnail storyboards with Photoshop.
Using the library of storyboard frames.

Sample Body

  Color Scheme #1: This color is #FFFFA0

Left Column is #FFFFE0

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Another simple title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.
Third title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Fourth title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.

Right Column is Cornsilk

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Another simple title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.

Left is BlanchedAlmond

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Another simple title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.
Third title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Fourth title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.


Right is Lavender

Simple title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.
Another simple title
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text. Text text text text text.
Third title line
Lots of wonderful text. Even more text. Great text is the best text but marvelous text is even better yet. Text text text text text.


Reference materials

Reference materials for Seduced by the Dark Side! that you might need.
  • The storyboard outline. Print this script outline and use the numbers on this script for your thumbnail storyboards.
  • The original story. To get additional information for your storyboards, look at the original story.
  • A possible floor plan for the movie set. This will help you plan your shots.

The formatted scripts from the lesson on "Script Formatting"

Version: The Live-Action Script
Note: The instructions in the lessons are only a guide. Here is an excellent example of creative script formatting. Converting the story into a script can be done with a great amount of originality. Great job, Capt. Mike!
"D" says: I wasn´t sure if could make all this changes in the story but here it goes! (Ps: sorry if the script its not fluid or something but though english its not my native language I wanted to give it a try anyway.)
  • MilesR has completed this assignment (pdf). 10 points. (5 May 2007) Remember to set each line to the correct format. This is very easy in Final Draft.
  • Krishna Datta has completed this assignment (pdf). I used MS Word and converted the script to PDF using a PDF Convertor. I am not able to install the Tool as I am using a restricted Computer where I don't have permission to install any software. I think this will suffice.6 points. (23 July 2007)
  • Astroboi has not completed this assignment (pdf). Please use the free demo of Final Draft to format this script.
  • Igor Popovski has completed this assignment (pdf) using the free Final Draft demo. This was done using a TV format rather than a motion picture. The differences are very interesting. 8 points - (03 November 2007)

Click on the word assignment to see the actual pdf document.

Version: The Animation Script
  • Special Note: This is the first script to get the scene numbering correct!!!!
  • Special Note: This is the second script to get the scene numbering correct!!!!

Unique scripts

Completed assignment - Script formatting

June 3, 2010 -- Macurik has formatted the script with Free Final Draft 8. You can download it at Media:Macurik_Seduced by the dark side.pdf. xxx

The Next Page

The next page tells you what to look for on the "Follow Dave?" Editing Workshop CD.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.  

Short Sample Body


Left Title

Left text


Right top

Right top text.

Right bottom

Right bottom text.



Another Sample Body


Analyze the story to format the movie script

For the first lesson of this course, you are given a short story and you are told to format the story into the proper format for a motion picture script.

A golden opportunity
Now is an excellent time to learn script formatting. This is a task that people do every day in Hollywood so this lesson give you excellent practice.
A wonderful tool
To help you, you can download a free yet working demo version of Final Draft which is a script typing and script formatting program. This is the ideal program for learning script formatting. There are versions for both the Macintosh and Windows.

Why such a simple story?

This is an extremely simple story. It seems trivial. You say, "I want something more challenging!"
I have heard this a thousand times from beginning filmmakers. Filmmaking looks so easy.
Wrong! This movie will be anything but easy. By the time we turn this simple script into a motion picture, this tiny movie will require a huge amount of effort. Filmmaking is never as simple as it looks. With this very simple scene, you will have the opportunity to do it all.


The steps of this lesson

1. Look at the story
To the right, you see the story for "Seduced by the Dark Side!". Even though this is a very short story, it still needs proper formatting because this movie will be worked on by hundreds of people. Everyone in Hollywood expects to see your script typed in the proper format.
2. Identify the elements
On page 2 , you see how the story is broken down into the different elements such as CHARACTER and DIALOG. Before you turn to this page, think about what elements of the story are needed for the script.
3. Download and learn to use Final Draft demo version
On page 3, you get a brief introduction to Final Draft. Final Draft is both a very professional program with lots of features and a simple typing program. First, you need to learn all the elements of a formatted script. Your second step is to learn how to navigate inside of Final Draft.
Important: Even though Final Draft has a tutorial, you will learn navigation mostly by trial and error using the TAB and the RETURN keys.
4. Typing the script - Line by Line
On page 4, you as shown all the steps of typing this script using Final Draft. Try doing this without looking. If you have studied the script and learned how to format using Final Draft, you should not need to read this page… but I include it just in case.

Your Assignment

  • Submit a PDF file with the completed script formatted in proper format for a motion picture. (With the Macintosh OS X, you simply as to print the page using the PDF option.)
  • The title page will print automatically when you print your script so don't forget to select the Title under the Document menu and fill in all the info for the title page.


"Seduced by the Dark Side!"

An old (yet wise) person and a young (but curious) person are outside a movie theater where they have just seen the movie "Star Wars". Now they stand looking at the movie poster on the wall outside the theater.

The younger person says, "That was a great movie... but I don't understand one thing." The older person says, "Hum, what's that?". The young person says, "I don't understand how anyone can be 'seduced by the dark side'".

The older person thinks for a while and then answers, "What computer do you use at home?"

The young person immediately responds eagerly, "A Macintosh."

Then the older person slowly says, "But what computer does your father use at work?"

The young person thinks for a while and then smiles in amazement, exclaiming loudly, "Seduced by the Dark Side!"

The older person smiles knowingly at the young person. The young person is very happy knowing he has just learned a very important lesson. Now the two have formed a bond that will last a lifetime.

They begin walking slowly home together.

The End

Things to Read

The Tutorial

  • Skim the tutorial for Final Draft which is located in the Final Draft folder. Most of the content is for advanced users so you will not need this.

Optional Readings

Optional References

Want more?

There is another course which teaches how high school drama departments can create motion pictures as part of their class. See Course #03 :Basic Filmmaking for High School Drama Departments. Please write a movie script and, of course, format the script just as you did in this lesson.

The formatted scripts from the lesson on "Script Formatting"

Version: The Live-Action Script
Note: The instructions in the lessons are only a guide. Here is an excellent example of creative script formatting. Converting the story into a script can be done with a great amount of originality. Great job, Capt. Mike!
"D" says: I wasn´t sure if could make all this changes in the story but here it goes! (Ps: sorry if the script its not fluid or something but though english its not my native language I wanted to give it a try anyway.)
  • MilesR has completed this assignment (pdf). 10 points. (5 May 2007) Remember to set each line to the correct format. This is very easy in Final Draft.
  • Krishna Datta has completed this assignment (pdf). I used MS Word and converted the script to PDF using a PDF Convertor. I am not able to install the Tool as I am using a restricted Computer where I don't have permission to install any software. I think this will suffice.6 points. (23 July 2007)
  • Astroboi has not completed this assignment (pdf). Please use the free demo of Final Draft to format this script.
  • Igor Popovski has completed this assignment (pdf) using the free Final Draft demo. This was done using a TV format rather than a motion picture. The differences are very interesting. 8 points - (03 November 2007)

Click on the word assignment to see the actual pdf document.

Version: The Animation Script
  • Special Note: This is the first script to get the scene numbering correct!!!!
  • Special Note: This is the second script to get the scene numbering correct!!!!

Unique scripts

Completed assignment - Script formatting

June 3, 2010 -- Macurik has formatted the script with Free Final Draft 8. You can download it at Media:Macurik_Seduced by the dark side.pdf. xxx


The Next Page

Continue this lesson on Page 2 - Analyze the story

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.  

Sample Assignments

Completed Homework Assignments - Thumbnail Storyboarding
Thumbnail storyboads from the lesson on Thumbnail storyboarding

Sample Reference


Reference materials

Reference materials for Seduced by the Dark Side! that you might need.
  • The storyboard outline. Print this script outline and use the numbers on this script for your thumbnail storyboards.
  • The original story. To get additional information for your storyboards, look at the original story.
  • A possible floor plan for the movie set. This will help you plan your shots.

Sample Pop Quiz Header

This school is:
Narrative film production - Wikiversity Film School
This course is:
The basics of narrative filmmaking

This is an important pop quiz:
  • What is your first frame? Why? - 2 points
  • What is your second frame for this movie? - 2 points

Sample Pop Quiz Answers

Answers to the Pop Quiz on thumbnail storyboarding.
Pop Quiz
What is the first frames of the movie?

Elatanatari selects this images as the first frame of his movie - 2 points.

Pedromax says, "For first shot, I'd choose picture no 10 and would pull back the camera to frame the two characters, just like image 8 shows. Opening with the vision of the poster would mark the conversation object to the viewer right from beginning." - 4 points

Fat Penguin says, "For first shot, I propose frame 11. This frame gives a clear view of the characters' faces, this catches the viewers' attention, now they will be wondering what are the two persons looking at? Who are they? And that's why for second shot I chose frame 15, a clear view of the surroundings where also the movie poster is visible." - 4 points

Quintana4 says, "I would chose frame #1 as the first shot, as it serves as an establishing scene, immediately answering "who" and "where". Frame #6 would would comprise the second shot and would reveal the characters faces and focus on the young adult's starting dialogue." - 4 points

Still Life says, "I would start with frame #6 because the story starts with the young person's confusion and ends with her/his lightening. So it would be nice to distinguish the young person from the old one. It also makes us wonder what they are looking at. I would go on with frame #10 to tell the audience what they are talking about." - 4 points

· Version 1: "As classical as can be"

Greg From Austin says, "I will start with an establishing shot (thumbnail 1). In this case, I would eventually add ESTABLISHING to the scene heading in the script. I will then move closer (and knowing that the young person will talk first, I may very well go with shot 17 (and therefore make the decision that the line of action goes from the poster to the younger person, and that I will not cross it)" - 4 points

· Version 2: "A little more creative"

Greg From Austin says, "My own preference would be as follow: 11 then 10. And I will start the dialogue (the young person saying it was a great movie) while still on frame 10. It doesn't show the movie theatre as well as the first version, but it gives more intimacy with the characters and gives makes the movie itself more important." - 2 points extra credit

Bobilobio says, "The over the shoulder shot is a good angle that captures both characters in the story as well as the poster, which is the subject at hand. Without the poster somewhere near the beginning frames, the meaning would be lost on the viewers. " - 4 points

Aryansri says, "I would first take number 10 because it would show the poster and give the audience an idea about what the subjects are looking at. Then I would go for number 3 as it would show us the subjects. The audience would be able to understand the situation (i.e it is a movie theater) in the first shot and the people involved in the second shot." - 4 points (13 February 2007)

Tedrick022 says, "For the first shot I would probably choose #8 because it clearly presents the scene, it shows both characters and the poster. For the second shot I would choose frame #13 because it clearly defines the young person as the speaker while still keeping the older person and the poster in the scene, this reinstates the scene while showing that the child is about to say a line. " - 4 points (13 February 2007)

Koolaidman says, "The first shot is 8, it shows the two people standing in front of the poster. If 8 weren't there I would have chosen 1 but I like 8 better because it doesn't have all of that white space around the people like 1 does.

The second shot is 13 because it shows the young person turning to the older person getting ready to talk. " - 4 points (19 February 2007)

L. K. LaRose says, "Shot #1 anchors the scene the two characters outside of the theater looking at the poster, giving us time to lead into the characters. Shot #3 then establishes the characters, the older wiser person and the younger person, as they continue to contemplate the poster. The camera moving from shot 1 to 3 establish suspense with the audience." - 4 points (21 February 2007)

Forbe says, "The first shot should be shot 10, the big poster shot. It introduces the subject of the Star Wars film and gears up the audience for the deep Star Wars discussion about to take place between the two people. Shot 16 should be second--this shot ties in the personal aspect of the film, and hints at the thought running through the young person's mind ("How is someone seduced by the Dark Side?"); it also stays in smooth sequence with the first shot--the audience can tell by the angle that the young person is looking at the poster. " - 4 points (10 March 2007)

Cluv138 says, "Shot number 10 then shot Number 8." - 4 points (21 March 2007)

Deimos says,
"Shot 1

I have made my own shot. Its a kind of wide shot, framing the movie theater from outside, you can see the main movie board, the box office, footpath, road and the poster n subjects. The poster is illuminated from the top, the light also falls on the subjects. This I feel is a essential first shot, coz it summarizes to the viewer about the location where this incident is taking place. And as the subjects are illuminated by the light on the poster, they wont be missed in all the hub-bub on the street.

Shot 2
For shot 2, I will choose image number 15 from your list, its a close up shot. The frame shows the poster, which immediately becomes the center of interest coz both the subjects are looking at it. Its also a introduction shot of both the subjects, though the angle of the camera doesnt completely describe the younger character (shows back of the head), shifting the angle a lil bit will do the trick." - 4 points + 2 points for an original drawing (22 March 2007)

Cameron is the best says,

"1st shot - #15: It automatically grabs my attention and makes me question why they are staring at the poster.

2nd shot - #22: It shows the older person as larger which makes him/her look wise and intelligent, The younger person's head it tilted upward towards the older persons as if they admire them. " - 4 points (24 March 2007)

The Mirror says,

"1. A panoramic view, moving very slowly to the interest point: the movie theatre. Is the place where the question appeared, a magic point, a place where the seeds of multiply possibilities come to life.

2. The young person face and his expression of wonder. Everything dies in his eyes and becomes part of his mind." - 4 points (5 April 2007)

Note from Instructor: Remember, a script can be turned into an animated motion picture which can have very unusual visualization. This movie does not have to be realistic live action. Always keep an open mind when you read a script. This is an excellent example from The Mirror.

Kroebuck67 says,

"I would use Deimos described first shot (21) with the additional action of the Young Person and Old Person exiting the theater, to stop in front of the marquee.

My second shot would be 15, as it would transition best into the upcoming dialogue. " - 4 points (16 April 2007)

Jack21 says,

"My answer would be #12 and #13." - 2 points (21 April 2007)

Kinsuji says,

"On the first shot, I would use no. 21. I would like to show to everyone where everything is going on. The time of a day, the place of action. Then with slow zooming (if possible) to pict no.1. It would still be the one shot I think. And it would fit the best for my script too :).

For the second shot, I would choose no. 4. It would best represent the both characters. From that shot everyone can see clearly the young and the old person. Differences between them. Emotions and gestures they make (again from my script).

I can explain why I didn't chose a shot where you can clearly see a poster. (If slow zoom to pict no.1 is impossible.) First of all in pict no. 21, you can see the name of the movie and the small poster itself. And the in the shot no.4, it is obvious that they are looking at the poster. The viewers imagination would make bigger impression than the bigger poster on screen. (In my opinion of course:)) " - 4 points (26 April 2007)

Stewart says,

"For the first shot, I would use shot #1, because I want to communicate the focus on the poster to the exclusion of anything else. Second, I would use shot #22, since in my script, the young person is the first to speak. The camera is pointed at her face already, and the first dialogue in the script is the younger person's question to the older person---when the older person speaks, this camera angle gives the best angle for such an effect." - 4 points (29 April 2007)

Eze says,

"21 for the first shot because it feels like an establishing shot. People coming out of the cinema, cars passing by... 8 for the second because you can inmediately see the poster and the two characters involved. Afterwards I would use the close ups." - 4 points (30 April 2007)

Ltjlogic says,

"Question 1:

I believe the first shot could be shot number 21. It is the first shot of the short movie and it shows the movie theater, and the two people standing next to the poster. This gives the viewer all the information that they need to be able to understand that these two people are at the movies, that it is at night, and you briefly see that there are two subjects, which later we will get more information when they converse.

Question 2:

For the next shot, I would choose number 15. I chose this shot because it is more interesting than 8 or 1. It's a lot more interesting to see something with more perspective than two people standing parallel to the wall. With less perspective (shots 1 and 8) the shot is not as lively, we don't get the feeling of the 3D shapes as we do in shot 15. " - 4 points (1 May 2007)

BSB says,

"My pick for the first scene would have to be 21. The reason being that it is a wide shot during (preferably) dusk exposing not only the color scale, but more importantly the over all mood of the story and film.

My pick for the second scene would have to be number eight. Though it may look like a cheesy close up, it would show what the characters were looking at and show texture. Plus, it would signify the symbolic relationship between an older generation to a newer one." - 4 points (10 May 2007)

Havryliuk says,

"I chose picture 4 for the first frame. It shows the characters of the film. But the poster in not still there. So the viewer is wondering what they are looking at.

The second frame would be picture 10. It shows the poster in closeup. So that becomes clear what they are talking about." - 4 points (15 May 2007)

Fanninator says,

"For the first frame I would choose #10 because it shows the movie poster which is what they are looking at. Then I would pull back to #8 because it shows the characters looking at the poster." - 4 points (17 May 2007)

Munibaron says,

"Frame one is Pic 21

Frame two is Pic 1


Pic 21 showing a high level theme of the Story.


Pic 1 can explain the initiation of the story clearly" - 4 points (17 May 2007)

Niri0n says,

Shot 1: 21

Shot 2: 3 or 4

"I want a very broad view of the first scene to set the context for the viewer. The second shot should show the persons involved. It should not break the 180 degree rule, so any shot taken from the side showing the old person closer to the camera would be bad. But any shot from behind or the side with the young person closer would be ok. I want the picture to show the emotions and state of mind of the characters. I would maybe choose a perspective a little higher up than waist, so maybe neck height." - 4 points (22 May 2007)


Continued on next page

Software Review

Filmmaking Software Review for Narrative Film Production
A fun and useful demo program for film scoring with full symphony orchestra sounds. Works for 30 days.
Review by Robert Elliott

Notation's Protégé - demo version

This is a unique musical notation program for people who want to learn film scoring. The quality of the symphony orchestra sounds if great.
Notation has two programs. This is the smaller version with fewer voices yet all the voices are from the London Symphony Orchestra at full quality.
To use this program, you must know musical notation or you must be very eager to learn musical notation. There is a useful reference card with the program and a good, but short, tutorial. However, there is no help in learning notation. Fortunately, there are many free tutorials on the Internet.
This fully working demo version can only be used for 30 days and has other minor limitations. However, that is enough for you to learn a tremendous amount about film scoring with the sounds of a symphony orchestra. This is version 1.0 so it is still a bit rough.
Anyone interested in filmmaking should immediately request a free copy of the program. It is fun!
Uses at Wikiversity Film School
  • Film scoring
  • Learning musical notation
  • Having fun!!!
  • Four Stars
The program is wonderful but this version is 1.0 so some things are still a bit rough.
I highly recommend this program for anyone interested in learning more about musical notation and film scoring. Robert Elliott 14 January 2007 (UTC)


{{Basic filmmaking:Footer:Formatting the script}}

Creates this:


The Next Page

{{{description}}} [[{{{link}}} |{{{link_description}}}]]

Contact Your Instructor

  • Your instructor for this class is [[User:{{{instructor_link}}}|{{{instructor_name}}}]]. To email me, you simply [{{fullurl:Special:Emailuser/{{{instructor_link}}}|wpSubject=%7B%7B%7Bsubject%7D%7D%7D}} Click Here!].  

which is called by this:

{{Basic filmmaking:Footer:Formatting the script||image=Nuvola_apps_emacs.png| link=LessonPage:Analyze the story |link_description=Page 2 - Analyze the Story |description=Continue this lesson on |subject = Question about {{PAGENAME}}|instructor_link=Robert_Elliott|instructor_name=Robert Elliott}}

which creates this:


The Next Page

Continue this lesson on Page 2 - Analyze the Story

Contact Your Instructor