Obviously, paper and pencil are the best possible tools for thumbnail storyboarding.
The only problem is how do you show your sketches to the other members of our jolly crew who live all around the world.
If you use pencil and paper, you have to scan your pictures into a computer… and that can take more time than drawing the pictures on a computer to start with.
OPTION 2 - Adobe Photoshop
A thumbnail storyboard frame created quickly using Adobe Photoshop 5.5
Adobe Photoshop is ideal for storyboarding because it is fast… once you become familiar with the program. Photoshop has round and square marquee tools for making selections which can be filled and stroked to create heads, eyes, and bodies.
All you need is Photoshop 4 or better to make wonderful storyboards. An old antique computer is perfect for this. (Though Photoshop is not free, you can use an old version which is almost free. I use version 5.5 on a laptop made 10 years ago.)
OPTION 3 - ArtRage(Free demo version)
Highly Recommended !!!
A very simple storyboard frame created using the free version of ArtRage.
ArtRage 2 is a fun painting program simulating simple artist tools. Ambient Design is a New Zealand based company founded by Andy Bearsley and Matt Fox-Wilson who came from MetaCreations Corp. They offer a free version of ArtRage 2 which has only some of the features of the full version. Still, the free version is more than enough to do this project.
Note 1
ArtRage 2 requires a graphic tablet since a mouse is not a good painting tool. I tried using a mouse and could not do it. You must have an artist's tablet attached to your computer to get the benefit of pressure sensitivity.
OPTION 4 - Camera
Some film directors prefer to get real actors and have them walk through the script. As the actor move into position, the director photographs them. This way the director can use the actual lenses in the actual location.
OPTION 5 - FrameForge 3D Studio 2 - (Free demo version)
Good news! I have just discovered this wonderful program called "FrameForge".
FrameForge 3D Studio 2 is a fun program which you can being using almost immediately. Download the free demo version and try it. I think you will like it!!!
For more info, look at the article on the right.
FrameForge 3D Studio 2
The FreeDemo Version
The young person looks at the movie poster.
A wonderful opportunity
FrameForge 3D Studio 2
FrameForge is a great 3D storyboarding program. It is designed for professional storyboard artists to create lens accurate images for real motion pictures.
Best of all, this program is well designed and well written. This is rare!
The Advantage of FrameForge
FrameForge has a unique advantage. The program teaches you about lenses.
FreameForge 3D Studio is an excellent program for people who do not understand the impact of lenses. Unless you are an expert with SLR fixed-focus cameras, I strongly suggest that you start with the freedemo version of FreameForge 3D Studio to experiment with the way camera lenses work. After you know this, then you can begin creating thumbnail storyboards with pencil and paper.
The Free Demo Version
You can download a free demo version of FrameForge. This free version has limitations but the demo program works well enough for completing the storyboards for our movie while learning a tremendous amount about camera lenses.
Other Software
Not Recommended
Sketch Up has a free demo version of SketchUp 5 which is fully working for 8 hours... which is enough time for you to experiment with the program creating storyboards. The program is absolutely fascinating but too awkward for storyboarding. I will continue to test this. There has to be some use in filmmaking for this wonderful program.
Not Recommended
Open Office 2 has a draw module which is designed for full size pages. It has no paint features for drawing expressions on the actor's faces. Therefore, creating small thumbnail storyboards is difficult.
Here are interesting products that I need to test.
I have not tried this product
Storyboard Artist by Power Products provides professional level features that are easy to learn and access. Creates print boards and QuickTime animatics. Also useful for prototyping games and other visual projects.
I have not tried this product
Storyboard Quick by Power Products comes complete with pre-drawn image libraries which includes rotating characters; both specific and generic locations plus everyday props.
I have not tried this product
Storyboard Artist Studio by Power Products contains all of the features of StoryBoard Artist with additional features such as a sketch mode which turns all your frames into a sketch-like look so no matter what you use in a frame, the printed page looks like you sketched it.
New version
EazyDraw has a free version. My original test of the demo version discovered a bug which apparently has now been fixed. Small windows could not be created in the demo version. Now I must test the newest version.
An interesting program but can I load it?
GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. The GIMP ORG provides the free source code which then must be compiled in X11. Previously, this program was too difficult to load so I did not recommend it to the average filmmaker. (For more detail, see WikiU Film School - Problems installing GIMP.)
New Loader
GIMP for the Macintosh now has a new loader. The previous free loader reqires extensive knowledge of Unix code so it was not appropriate for filmmakers. The newest verion is 80 MEGs so I am unable to download it. (Anyone with a fast connection and a Mac?)
Totally new options
GIMP for the Window was previously difficult to load or was not free. Now there is a wide range of ways to get this program for free (or almost free.) With the introduction of Ubuntu and Edubuntu, all the pain is gone. Also, loaders for Gimp for Windows from Jernej Simoncic apparently makes this very easy. (I have not tested this.)