Elements of terminology

The course objective is to provide students with the elements of terminology. At the completion of the course, a student should have a well-rounded knowledge of terminology, definitions, semantics, and pragmatics. Each applies to scientific or cultural terms.

Cast members of the play "White's Lies" pose for this photograph. Here used to represent a dominant anthropological group. Credit: Cristina V.

The course is built upon the ongoing studies performed by linguists around the world and here at Wikiversity.

In line with the Wikiversity ideal of learning by doing are several participatory activities.

The course content is layered from a secondary education level, which benefits from the Wikipedia project, through the university level with inclusion of experimentation, some of which is here at Wikiversity.

The course carries an invitation to the primary level learner or teacher.



A working knowledge of English is beneficial. Additional learning resources involving other languages are included.

Completion levels


This course is dynamic in the sense that lectures already exist and are being expanded. Quizzes for each lecture are being created. The course becomes longer and involves more learning and resources as it expands. It is to be limited only by the number of resources and activities the student wishes to enjoy. At its maximum expansion, the course is equivalent to a one semester advanced undergraduate course. Hypotheses are included to entice the student, teacher, or participant to enjoy their investigation.

Each component resource has a level of content icon following it that relates to a total number of bytes of approximately 100 kb, a lecture with a rating of  C has at least 91 kb with a maximum of about 150 kb:

  1. This resource is a stub, which means that pretty well nothing has been done yet. 0-5%.  
  2. This resource is just getting off the ground. Please feel welcome to help! 6-15%.  
  3. Been started, but most of the work is still to be done - 16-30%.  
  4. About halfway there. You may help to clarify and expand it - 31-45%.  
  5. Almost complete, but you can help make it more thorough - 46-60%.  
  6. Ready for testing by learners and teachers. Please begin! 61-75%.  
  7. This resource is considered to be ready for use - 76-90%.  R
  8. This resource has reached a high level of completion - 91-100%.  C



Lectures are about individual topics that contribute to our understanding and use of terminology.



Articles contain applications of various components of semantics and terminology to specific topics.

  1. Dominant group/Synonymous definition
  2. Dominant group/Genus differentia definition
  3. Dominant group/Lexical definition
  4. Dominant group/Relative synonyms
  5. Dominant group/Theoretical definition
  6. Dominant group/Rigorous definition



A laboratory is a special activity for you to experience aspects of terminology.



Lessons give the students an opportunity to decide various situations and positions, and to learn about different fields.

  1. ADempiere Application Dictionary
  2. Dominant group/Anthropology/Term test
  3. Dominant group/Metagenome/Term test
  4. Dominant group/Sociology/Term test
  5. Greek and Roman military traditions

Problem sets


Each problem set focuses on a terminology puzzle with up to five problems for you to solve, or challenges for you to meet or exceed.



Quizzes are upon the content of lectures, articles and lessons for this course, but include a few from other courses where understanding of terminology is important.






  1. Specific terminology elements can be described.

See also


Further reading


{{Dominant group}}{{Linguistics resources}}{{Reasoning resources}}{{Semantics resources}}

{{Universal translator}}