Votian/Plural Cases

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Plural cases [1]


Plural marker


The plural marker was -i-, added between a stem and a following case ending.

It has been preserved this way after short e̮   , u, ü, o   e.g. paŋke̮-i-ллa ('by buckets') < paŋge̮-ллa ('by a bucket'), vävü-i-lē ('to sons in law') < vävü-lē ('to a son in law'), lintu-i-ллa ('by the birds') < linnu-ллa ('by a bird'), e̮htago-i-ллa ('in the evenings') < e̮htago-ллa ('in the evening').

It is less obvious now after numerous sound changes. See the "Pronunciation" chapter below.

  • A plural stem is always in the strong grade, if there is such a grade available e.g. lintu-i-ллa ('by the birds') < linnu-ллa ('by a bird').
    • Yet a plural stem of some dialects may be in the weak grade in front of a short vowel, if it is in the weak grade in singular e.g. pezä-llä ('on a nest') > pezi-llä ('on nests'), jaлga-ллa ('by a foot') > jaлgo-ллa ('by feet').


  • Long vowels and -i- melt together into diphthongs e.g. mā-ллa ('in a country') > mai-ллa ('in countries'), rattā-ллa ('by a wheel') > rattai-ллa ('by wheels').
  • Diphtongs e̮a and lost their last component in front of the plural -i- e.g. ke̮rke̮a-лē̮ ('into a high (place)') > ke̮rke̮i-лē̮ ('into high (places)'), pimeä-llä ('on a dark (way)') > pimei-llä ('on dark (ways)').

  • Short vowels have disappeared in front of the plural -i- or melt together with it into a long ī e.g. sepä-lē ('to a blacksmith') > seppī-lē ('to blacksmiths'), ärjä-lē ~ ärdžä-lē ('to an ox') > ärtšī-lē ('to oxen'), tšäe-llä ('on a hand') > tšäzi-llä ~ tšäsī-llä ('on hands'), naize̮-лē̮ ('to a woman') > naisī-лē̮ ('to women'), vanapa-лē̮ ('to an elder') > vanapī-лē̮ ('to elders'), sāttaja-лē̮ ('to an attendant') > sāttajī-лē̮ ('to attendants'), vokki-za ('in a spinning wheel') > vokkī-za ('in spinning wheels'). Yet:
    • a + -i- > e̮i in the second or third syllable, if the first syllable has o, u or ( The majority of stems belong here.)  : e.g.
      • nurka-ллa ('on a corner') > nurke̮i-ллa ('on corners')
      • poiga-лē̮ ('to her son') > poike̮i-лē̮ ('to her sons')
      • se̮bra-лē̮ ('to a friend') > se̮bre̮i-лē̮ ('to friends')
      • sāttaja-лē̮ ('to an attendant') > sāttaje̮i-лē̮ ('to attendants')
    • a + -i- > oi in the third or second syllable, if the first syllable has i, a or ( Then it's counterpart in Kukkuzi dialect is probably a)  : e.g.
      • adra-ллa ('by a plough') > adroi-ллa ('by ploughs')
      • kataga-ллa ('on a juniper') > katagoi-ллa ('on junipers').
      • se̮na-ллa ('in a word') > se̮noi-ллa ('with his words')
      • siллa-ллa ('on a bridge') > siлtoi-ллa ('on bridges')
        • Also: koto-ллa ('by a home') > kotoi-ллa ~ koi-ллa ('by homes') & rōto-ллa ('by a fish-bone') > rōtoi-ллa ~ roi-ллa ('by fish-bones')
    • ä + -i- > oi in the second syllable of some words, if the first syllable has ei  : e.g.
      • leivä-llä ('on a bread') > leipoi-ллa ('on breads')
  • The plural diphthongs oi, e̮i, ai, äi may lose their plural -i- in unstressed syllables e.g. se̮bre̮-лē̮ ('to friends').

Dialectal alternatives

  • Votic of Ingria
    • Eastern Votic dialect
      • o has been preserved anywhere in front of the plural -i- .
      • Diphtongs e̮a and and the plural -i- melt together into ī e.g. pimeä-llä ('on a dark (way)') > pim̆mī-llä ('on dark (ways)').
      • Short consonants were geminated in front of the long ī e.g. pimeä-llä ('on a dark (way)') > pim̆mī-llä ('on dark (ways)').
    • Western
      • In a group of villages the case endings are preceded by ai or äi ( depending in vowel harmony ) in plural
        • of some 2 syllable stems, if the stem vowel was i, u, o, e or  : e.g. tšive-llä ('on a stone') > tšiväi-llä ('on stones'), лahze̮-лē̮ ('to a kid') > лahsai-лē̮ ('to kids'), pojo-лē̮ ('to a boy') > pojai-лē̮ ('to boys'), pilli-llä ('by a musical instrument') > pilläi-llä ('by instruments')
        • of some 3 syllable stems, if the stem vowel was i or o  : e.g. ahvako-лē̮ ('to a perch') > ahvakkai-лē̮ ('to perches'), karjuši-лē̮ ('to a shepherd') > karjuššai-лē̮ ('to shepherds')
      • Hill dialect:
        • Diphtongs e̮a and and the plural -i- melt together into ī in ( Kattila and Pihlaala etc.) e.g. vaлke̮a-лē̮ ('onto a white (place)') > vaлkī-лē̮ ('onto white (places)'), pehmėä-llä ('on a soft (place)') > pehmī-llä ('on soft (places)').
      • Valley dialect:
        • All Votic (both eastern and western) dialects in contact with Soikkola ingrian dialect may use borrowed plural markers ( depending in vowel harmony ) -löi, -лoi or -läi, -лai (all four in the very same dialects) e.g. Mati dialect püssü-löi-llä ('by guns'), jarvi-лoi-ллa ('on lakes'), Kõrvõttula dialect se̮tamehi-läi-l̄   ('by warriors'), vittso-лai-л̄   ('by twigs').
        • Mati dialect
          • The plural diphthongs oi, e̮i, ai, äi are usually replaced with long vowels in unstressed syllables of plural partitive e.g. e̮hsa ('a tree branch') > e̮hsē̮ ('tree branches' - plural partitive), tšivi ('a stone') > tšiv̆vǟ ('stones' - plural partitive).
      • Vaipooli
        • Jõgõperä dialect
          • o has been preserved anywhere in front of the plural -i- .
          • Short consonants were geminated in front of the long ī e.g. tšäe-llä ('on a hand') > tšässī-llä ('on hands').


  • XIV Declension: -s stems ending with -iz in singular nominative have the same stem for plural and singular e.g. kallī-ллa ('on an expensive one') > kallī-ллa ('on expensive (things)').


  1. Ariste, Paul Vadja keele grammatika. Tartu, 1948. p. 42
  2. Ariste, Paul Vadja keele grammatika. Tartu, 1948. p. 46
  3. Ahlqvist A. Wotisk grammatik jemte språkprof och ordförteckning. — Helsinki, 1856.

See also

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