Social Victorians/People/Cook

Also Known As

  • Family name: Cook
  • Captain E. B. Cook

Acquaintances, Friends and Enemies






1880 January 6, Tuesday, Dutton Cook attended a celebration of Twelfth Night, both the Christmas event and Shakespeare's play, at the Drury Lane.

1880 February 14, Dutton Cook attended the dinner in honor of the 100th performance of Henry Irving's Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum.

1886 March 13, Mr. Ward Cook attended the Reception at the French Embassy.

1891 July 9, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cook and Miss Cook attended a Garden Party at Marlborough House.

1897 May 28, Friday, a "Masonic service" was held in the Collegiate Church of St. Saviour, Southwark, to raise funds for restoring the church and to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

1897 June 28, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. (Edward Tyas) Cook attended Henry Irving's Performance and Reception for the Colonial Premiers.

1897 July, the proprietors of the Daily News in July 1897 appear to have been Henry Oppenheim and Arnold Morley, M.P., and the editor was Edward Tyas Cook.[1]:660a

1897 July 2, Friday, Captain E. B. Cook attended the Duchess of Devonshire's fancy-dress ball.

Costume at the Duchess of Devonshire's 2 July 1897 Fancy-dress Ball


At the Duchess of Devonshire's fancy-dress ball, Captain E. B. Cook (at 270) was dressed as an Imperial Guard in the Court in the Empress Catherine II of Russia procession.[2]:p. 7, Col. 5b

  • "Lord Raincliffe, Lord Romilly, Mr. H. T. Barclay, Mr. J. Forbes, Mr. C. H. Wellesley Wilson, Captain E. B. Cook, the Hon. Gerald Ward, the Hon. Cecil Campbell (eight officers of the Imperial Guard, attending Catherine of Russia), white and gold uniform with blue facings; ribbon and Order of Catherine of Russia."[3]:p. 36, Col. 3b
  • He "and seven other gentlemen formed an Imperial guard, wearing splendid white uniforms, with blue facings and trimmed with gold. They all wore the ribbon of the Order of Catherine of Russia."[4]:p. 5, Col. 7a


  • Nationality:





Some Other Cooks

  • Edward Tyas Cook, editor of the London Daily News, at least in July 1897.[1]:660a Edward Tyas Cook was never in any branch of the armed forces.
    • Mr and Mrs E. T. Cook attended Henry Irving's Performance and Reception for the Colonial Premiers.
  • Colonel A. B. Cook was present at a Masonic service to raise money for the restoration of the church.
  • Mr. Edwin Cook attended one of the big social events.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cook and Miss Cook attended attended a Garden Party at Marlborough House.
  • Dutton Cook appears to have attended theatrical events in 1880.

Notes and Questions

  1. Need to check for a "Captain" Cook about this time in the newspaper reports of social events to flesh out the individual, but the Gentlewoman enables him to be identified as Captain E. B. Cook.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Brake, Laurel, and Marysa Demoor, eds. Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism. Gent, Belgium: Academia Press; London, The British Library, 2009.
  2. "Fancy Dress Ball at Devonshire House." Morning Post Saturday 3 July 1897: 7 [of 12], Col. 4a–8 Col. 2b. British Newspaper Archive
  3. “The Duchess of Devonshire’s Ball.” The Gentlewoman 10 July 1897 Saturday: 32–42 [of 76], Cols. 1a–3c [of 3]. British Newspaper Archive
  4. "Duchess of Devonshire's Fancy Ball. A Brilliant Spectacle. Some of the Dresses." London Daily News Saturday 3 July 1897: 5 [of 10], Col. 6a–6, Col. 1b. British Newspaper Archive and