Political and Social Elite People of the Late Victorian Era


These are not really biographies in these pages. They are collections of the data needed to identify who was at social events as described in newspapers, magazines, diaries and letters at the time, and they collect information about social events these people attended. In every case, the page links to and cites other sources of biography, especially the biography pages in Wikipedia. If no biography has been written, as in the cases of, for example, Miss Muriel Wilson and Arthur Collins, the data is here for a biography, which will like result in a biography page in Wikipedia, as has already happened for Arthur Collins.

Some Social Networks


Spiritual Societies


Some Notable Individuals


Charismatic Mega-People


Folks with Some Public Presence


People Whose Lives Were, Essentially, Private

  • Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • Jonathan Hutchinson
  • Mary Ann Nichols
  • Marion Sambourne