Social Victorians/1881-07-14 Garden Party


  • Thursday afternoon, 14 July 1881, beginning about 2 p.m.
  • Hosted by the Prince and Princess of Wales
  • In the garden at Marlborough House

Who Was Present

  1. Queen Victoria
  2. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Alexandra, Princess of Wales
  3. His Majesty the King of the Sandwich Islands
  4. the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Germany, with their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Victoria, Sophie, and Margaret of Prussia
  5. the Duke and Duchess of Connaught
  6. Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein Sonderburg-Augustenburg
  7. Princess Louise
  8. the Duke of Cambridge
  9. Princess Mary Adelaide (Duchess of Teck)
  10. the Duke of Teck

People Invited

  1. Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar and the Countess Dornburg
  2. the Prince of Leiningen
  3. Count and Countess Gleichen and the Countesses Gleichen
  4. Count Edward Gleichen
  5. the Maharajah Duleep Singh and the Maharanee
  6. Prince Louis Murat
  7. the Turkish Ambassador (Musurus Pasha) and Madlle. Musurus
  8. the German Ambassador (Count Münster) and the Countesses Marie and Olga Münster
  9. the Italian Ambassador (General Count Menabrea) and the Marquise de Val Dora
  10. the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador (Count Karolyi) and the Countess Karolyi
  11. the Russian Ambassador (Prince Lobanoff)
  12. the French Ambassador (M. Challemel Lacour)
  13. the Netherlands Minister (Count de Bylandt) and the Countess de Bylandt
  14. the Belgian Minister (Baron Solvyns) and the Baronne Solvyns
  15. the Persian Minister (Mirza Malcom Khan) and the Princess Malcom Khan
  16. the Brazilian Minister (Baron de Penedo) and the Baronne Penedo
  17. the Spanish Minister (Marquis de Casa Laiglesia)
  18. the Portuguese Minister (M. d'Antas) and Madame d'Antas
  19. the Swedish and Norwegian Minister (Count Piper)
  20. the Chinese Minister (Marquis Tseng) and the Marchioness Tseng
  21. the Japanese Minister (Mori Arinori) and Madame Mori
  22. the United States Minister (Mr. James Russell Lowell)
  23. the Greek Minister (M. Contostavlos) and Madame and the Mesdlles. Contostovlos
  24. the Danish Minister (M. de Falbe) and Madame de Falbe
  25. the Roumanian Minister (M. N. Callimaki-Catargi) and Madame and Madlle. Callimaki-Catargi
  26. the Colombian Minister (M. Holguin)
  27. Prince Batthyany
  28. Prince D. Dolgorouky
  29. Prince Soltykoff
  30. Princess Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg and Countess A. Hatzfeldt
  31. Duc and Duchesse de Frias
  32. Duc and Duchesse de Marino
  33. Duchesse de Saldanha
  34. Cardinal Manning
  35. Cardinal Howard
  36. Marquis d'Azeglio
  37. Marquis Fortunato
  38. Marques and Marquesa Santurce
  39. Mehmed Djemal Bey
  40. the Marshal Hobart Pasha and Hon. Mrs. Hobart Hampden
  41. the Nawab Mookurrum ood Dowlah
  42. Count N. Adlerberg
  43. Count and Countess Bylandt
  44. Count and Countess d'Arschot
  45. Countess Blucher Altona
  46. Count and Countess E. Batthyany
  47. Count Cassini
  48. Count and Countess d'Aunay
  49. Count Eulenburg
  50. Count W. Kannitz
  51. Count Charles Kitsky
  52. Count G. Knissy?
  53. Count and Countess Knuth of Knuthenborg
  54. Count and Countess Francis Lutzow
  55. Count A. de Perponcher
  56. Count Charles Menabrea
  57. Count Bela Szechenyi
  58. Count de Sponneck
  59. Count G. de Wezele
  60. Count and Countess Steenbock
  61. Baron de Biegleben
  62. Baron Bertouch
  63. Baron D'Estournelles de Constant
  64. Baron Ferdinand and Miss Alice de Rothschild
  65. Baron N. de Rothschild (from Vienna)
  66. Baroness Alphonse de Rothschild
  67. Baroness Rosenom-Lehn
  68. Baron Richard Sterneck
  69. Baron E. Whettenall
  70. Tomita Tetshoski (Secretary of Japanese Legation)
  71. Tanenori Shimida (Attaché of Japanese Legation)
  72. General Tcherthoff
  73. Lieutenant-General A. Gorloff
  74. Major von Vietinghoff
  75. Captain de la Chauvinière
  76. Captain Hakki Bey
  77. Chevalier and Madame de Stuers
  78. Chevalier de Souza Corrêa
  79. M. and Madame de Bille
  80. M. and Madame de Bunsen and Madlle. de Bunsen
  81. M. J. Bastien-Lepage
  82. M. and Madame C. Catalani
  83. M. D. A. Coundouriotis (Secretary of Greek Legation)
  84. M. A. Davydow
  85. Madame d'Aress?
  86. M. J. Gennadius
  87. M. Von Hengelmuller
  88. M. and Madame Gosch
  89. M. and Madame Catilani?
  90. M. Adriane da Murrietta
  91. M. C. de Murrieta
  92. Madame Christine Nilsson and M. Rouzard
  93. Madlle. de Perpignan
  94. Mr. and Mrs. Leopold de Rothschild
  95. M. D. Paolo Tosti
  96. M. Vanderbilt
  97. the Lord Chancellor
  98. Lady Selborne
  99. the Hon. Misses Palmer
  100. the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Countess Cowper
  101. the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and Lady O'Hagan
  102. the Lord Mayor of London and Lady Mayoress
  103. Archbishop of Canterbury and the Misses Tait
  104. Archbishop of Armagh, Mrs. Milner and Miss Milner
  105. Archbishop of Dublin, the Hon. Mrs. Trench and the Misses Trench
  106. the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk and Philippa Fitzalan-Howard Stewart and Anne Fitzalan-Howard (the Ladies Fitzalan Howard) and Minna Margaret Hope-Scott (Miss Minna Hope)
  107. Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk, and Flora Paulyna Hetty Barbara Abney-Hastings Fitzalan-Howard, Duchess of Norfolk
  108. the Duke and Duchess of Somerset
  109. the Duke and Duchess of Richmond and Ladies Gordon Lennox
  110. Duke of Grafton
  111. Duke and Duchess of Beaufort
  112. Dowager Duchess of St. Albans
  113. Duke and Duchess of St. Albans
  114. George Godolphin Osborne, 9th Duke of Leeds, and Frances Georgiana Pitt-Rivers Osborne, Duchess of Leeds
  115. Duke and Duchess of Bedford and the Ladies Russell
  116. John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, and Frances Anne Emily Vane Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, and Georgiana Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill (Lady Georgiana Churchill)
  117. Duke of Rutland
  118. Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott and Charlotte Anne Thynne Montagu Douglas Scott, Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch
  119. Duke and Duchess of Athole
  120. Caroline Agnes Horsley-Beresford Graham, (Dowager) Duchess of Montrose, and Mr. W. S. Stirling Crawford
  121. Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe
  122. William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of Portland
  123. William Drogo Montagu, 7th Duke, and Luise Friederike Auguste Gräfin von Alten Montagu, Duchess of Manchester and Alice Maude Olivia Montagu (Lady Alice Montagu)
  124. Eleanor (Grosvenor Percy), Dowager Duchess of Northumberland
  125. Duke and Duchess of Wellington
  126. Richard Plantagenet Campbell Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, and (probably) Mary Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Anne Temple-Gore-Langton and Caroline Jemima Elizabeth Temple-Gore-Langton, Ladies Grenville
  127. George Granville William Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland, and Anne Hay-Mackenzie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Sutherland
  128. Harry George (Vane) Powlett, 4th Duke of Cleveland, and Wilhelmina Stanhope Primrose Vane Powlett, Duchess of Cleveland and Lady Mary Primrose
  129. Duke and Duchess of Abercorn
  130. Lady Georgiana Hamilton and Miss Florence Anson
  131. Maria Marchioness of Ailesbury
  132. the Marquis and Marchioness of Ailesbury
  133. the Marquis and Marchioness of Abergavenny and Lady Alice Nevill
  134. the Marquis and Marchioness of Anglesey
  135. the Marquis and Marchioness of Bath
  136. the Marquis and Marchioness of Bristol and Lady Mary Hervey
  137. the Marquis of Clanricarde
  138. the Marquis and Marchioness Conyngham and Ladies Conyngham
  139. the Marchioness of Camden and Captain Philip Green
  140. the Marquis and Marchioness of Donegall
  141. the Marchioness of Downshire
  142. the Marquis and Marchioness of Drogheda
  143. the Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter and Ladies Cecil
  144. the Marquis and Marchioness of Hamilton and Lady Catherine Lambton
  145. General the Marquis of Hertford and Marchioness of Hertford
  146. the Marquis of Huntington
  147. the Marchioness of Huntly
  148. the Dowager Marchioness of Huntly and the Ladies Gordon
  149. the Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort and Lady Adelaide Taylour
  150. the Dowager Marchioness of Lansdowne and Lady Emily Fitzmaurice
  151. Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry
  152. Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne
  153. Marquis of Northampton and Lady Margaret Compton
  154. Marquis and Marchioness of Ormonde
  155. Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury and Ladies Cecil
  156. Marquis of Stafford
  157. Marquis and Marchioness of Tavistock
  158. Julia Marchioness of Tweeddale
  159. the Marquis and Marchioness of Tweeddale
  160. Marquis of Winchester and Lady E. Poulet
  161. Dowager Marchioness of Waterford
  162. Marquis and Marchioness of Waterford
  163. the Earl of Aylesford
  164. the Earl and Countess of Antrim
  165. the Earl and Countess of Airlie and Lady Maude Ogilvy
  166. the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen
  167. the Earl of Ashburnham
  168. the Earl and Countess of Bradford and Ladies Bridgeman
  169. the Earl and Countess Beauchamp
  170. the Earl and Countess of Breadalbane
  171. the Earl and Countess of Belmore and Lady Theresa Lowry-Corry
  172. the Earl and Countess of Bective
  173. the Earl and Countess of Brownlow
  174. the Countess Bremer and Miss Charlotte Bremer
  175. the Earl of Bessborough
  176. the Earl of Clonmell
  177. the Earl and Countess Cadogan
  178. the Earl and Countess of Cork and Orrery and Ladies Boyle
  179. the Countess of Clanwilliam
  180. the Earl and Countess of Craven
  181. Charles John Spencer Compton, the Earl Compton
  182. Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, and Mary Harriet McNeill Cairns, Countess Cairns
  183. the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon
  184. the Earl and Countess Cowley
  185. the Earl and Countess of Clarendon
  186. the Countess of Caledon and Lady Jane Alexander
  187. the Earl and Countess of Coventry
  188. the Earl and Countess of Crawford and Balcarres
  189. the Earl and Countess of Donoughmore
  190. the Earl and Countess of Dalhousie
  191. the Earl and Countess of Dunraven
  192. the Earl and Countess of Derby and Lady Margaret Cecil
  193. William Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley, and Georgina Ward, Countess of Dudley
  194. the Dowager Countess of Donoughmore and Lady Margaret Hely-Hutchinson
  195. Walter Montagu Douglas Scott, Earl of Dalkeith, and Lady Louisa Scott, Countess of Dalkeith
  196. the Earl and Countess of Dartrey
  197. the Earl and Countess of Denbigh and Ladies Feilding
  198. the Earl and Countess of Ducie
  199. the Earl and Countess of Dunmore
  200. Frederick Oliver Robinson, Earl de Grey
  201. the Earl and Countess De-La-Warr
  202. Elizabeth Countess of Desart
  203. the Dowager Countess of Elgin and Lady Louisa Bruce
  204. Arthur Algernon Capell and Louisa Elizabeth Heneage Capell, the Earl and Countess of Essex
  205. the Countess of Erroll and Lady Cecilia Hay
  206. Hugh Fortescue, the 3rd Earl Fortescue, and Ladies Fortescue
  207. Alexander William George Duff, the Earl of Fife
  208. the Earl and Countess of Feversham and Lady Hermione Duncombe
  209. William Wentworth-FitzWilliam, the 6th Earl of FitzWilliam, and Lady Frances Wentworth-FitzWilliam, Countess Fitzwilliam and the Ladies Fitzwilliam
  210. the Earl and Countess Granville
  211. the Earl of Gainsborough
  212. the Countess Dowager of Gainsborough
  213. the Earl and Countess of Granard and Lady Sophia Forbes
  214. the Earl and Countess of Gosford
  215. the Earl and Countess of Galloway
  216. the Earl and Countess Howe and Lady Evelyn Curzon
  217. the Earl and Countess of Hardwicke
  218. the Countess of Hopetoun and Miss Reynardson
  219. the Earl of Howth
  220. the Earl and Countess of Harewood and Lady Susan Lascelles
  221. the Earl of Harrowby
  222. Earl and Countess of Ilchester
  223. Julia Countess of Jersey and Mr. Brandling
  224. Earl and Countess of Jersey
  225. Earl and Countess of Kenmare and Lady Margaret Browne
  226. Earl and Countess of Kilmorey
  227. Earl and Countess of Kimberley and Lady Constance Wodehouse
  228. Earl and Countess of Kintore
  229. Dowager Countess of Lonsdale and Lady Sybil Lowther
  230. Earl and Countess of Lonsdale
  231. Earl and Countess of Lathom and Ladies Wilbraham
  232. Earl and Countess of Lovelace
  233. Earl and Countess of Listowel
  234. Earl and Countess of Lytton
  235. Earl of Lewes
  236. Earl and Countess of Loudoun
  237. Earl and Countess of Leitrim
  238. Earl of Limerick
  239. Earl of Leven and Melville
  240. Earl and Countess of Lanesborough
  241. Earl and Countess of Longford
  242. Earl and Countess of Leicester and Hon. Miss Cavendish
  243. Earl and Countess of Lindsay and Miss Dallas
  244. Earl and Countess of Morley
  245. Earl and Countess of Malmesbury
  246. Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe and Ladies Edgcumbe
  247. Earl and Countess of Morton
  248. Earl of March
  249. Earl and Countess Manvers
  250. Countess of Mayo and Ladies Bourke
  251. Earl of Mayo
  252. Earl and Countess of Macclesfield and Ladies Parker
  253. Earl of Northbrook and Lady Emma Baring
  254. Earl and Countess of Normanton and the Ladies Agar
  255. Earl and Countess of Orkney
  256. Earl and Countess of Onslow
  257. Earl and Countess Percy
  258. Earl of Powis
  259. Earl and Countess of Pembroke
  260. Earl of Redesdale
  261. Earl and Countess of Rosslyn and Miss Maynard
  262. Earl and Countess of Rosebery
  263. Earl and Countess of Romney
  264. Earl and Countess of Ravensworth and Lady Mary Liddell
  265. Earl and Countess of Roden
  266. Earl and Countess Spencer
  267. Earl and Countess Sydney
  268. Earl and Countess of Sandwich
  269. Earl and Countess Stanhope
  270. Earl and Countess of Sefton
  271. Earl and Countess of Shannon
  272. Earl of St. Germans
  273. Earl and Countess Sondes and Ladies Milles
  274. Earl and Countess Somers and Miss Agnes Somers-Cocks and Miss Blanche Clagstoun
  275. Earl and Countess of Suffolk and Miss Callander
  276. Earl of Seafield
  277. Earl and Countess of Stair and Ladies Dalrymple
  278. Earl and Countess of Strafford and Ladies Byng
  279. Earl and Countess of Strathmore
  280. Earl and Countess of Wharncliffe
  281. Earl and Countess of Warwick and Lady Eva Greville
  282. Earl and Countess Waldegrave
  283. Earl and Countess of Wilton
  284. Earl of Winchilsea
  285. Earl and Countess of Westmorland and Lady Grace Fane
  286. Earl and Countess of Yarmouth
  287. Countess of Yarborough and Lady Gertrude Pelham
  288. Earl and Countess of Zetland
  289. Viscount and Viscountess Anton
  290. Viscount and Viscountess Barrington and Hon. Florence Barrington
  291. Viscount Baring
  292. General Viscount Bridport, Viscountess Bridport, and the Hon. Rosa Hood
  293. Viscount and Viscountess Bury and Hon. Theodore Keppel
  294. Viscount and Viscountess Coke
  295. Viscount and Viscountess Crichton and Lady Alice Cole
  296. Viscount and Viscountess Castlereagh
  297. Viscount Combermere
  298. Viscount and Viscountess Cole
  299. Viscount and Viscountess Cardwell
  300. Viscount Castlerosse
  301. Viscount and Viscountess Canterbury
  302. Viscount and Viscountess Downe and Miss Mildred Bagot
  303. Viscount Dungarvan
  304. Viscountess Dalrymple
  305. Viscount Dupplin
  306. Viscount Ebrington
  307. Viscount and Viscountess Enfield
  308. Viscount Eversley and Hon. Emma Shaw Lefevre and Miss Florence St. John Mildmay
  309. Viscount and Viscountess Folkestone
  310. Viscount and Viscountess Falmouth and Hon. Misses Boscawen
  311. Viscount and Viscountess Grimston
  312. Viscount and Viscountess Grey de Wilton
  313. Viscount and Viscountess Gort
  314. Viscount and Viscountess Hood
  315. Viscount and Viscountess Helmsley
  316. Viscount and Viscountess Holmesdale
  317. Lieutenant-Colonel Viscount Hinchingbroke
  318. Viscount and Viscountess Halifax
  319. Viscount Hardinge and the Hon. Misses Hardinge
  320. Viscount and Viscountess Lewisham
  321. Viscount and Viscountess Lismore
  322. Viscount Lascelles
  323. Viscount Melgund
  324. Viscount and Viscountess Mandeville and Miss Iznaga
  325. Viscountess Malden and Hon. Misses Capell
  326. Viscountess Newry and Lady May Needham
  327. George Cecil Orlando Bridgeman and Ida Frances Annabella Lumley Bridgeman, Viscount and Viscountess Newport
  328. Viscountess Ossington
  329. Mervyn Wingfield and Julia Coke Wingfield, Viscount and Viscountess Powerscourt
  330. Viscount and Viscountess Pollington
  331. Viscount and Viscountess Parker
  332. Viscount and Lady Mary Sandon
  333. Viscount Strathallan and Hon. F. Drummond
  334. Viscount and Viscountess Sherbrooke
  335. Viscount Sudley
  336. Viscount and Viscountess Stormont and Hon. Miss Murray
  337. Viscount and Viscountess Torrington
  338. Viscount and Viscountess Tarbat and Hon. Miss Macdonald
  339. Bishop of Bath and Wells and Lady Arthur Hervey and Miss Caroline Hervey
  340. Bishop Claughton and Miss Stephanie Claughton
  341. Bishop of Gibraltar
  342. Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol
  343. Mrs. Ellicott, and Miss Ellicott
  344. Bishop of Ripon, Mrs. Bickersteth, and Miss Bickersteth
  345. General Lord and Lady Airey
  346. Lord and Lady Alington
  347. Lord and Lady Annaly
  348. Lord and Lady Aveland
  349. Lord and Lady Ashburton
  350. Lady Marian Alford
  351. Lord and Lady Aberdare and the Hon. Misses Bruce
  352. Lord and Lady Ampthill
  353. Lord and Lady Brabourne and Hon. Miss Knatchbull-Hugessen
  354. Lord and Lady Charles Beresford
  355. Lord and Lady Charles Bruce
  356. Lord and Lady Cecilia Bingham
  357. Lord and Lady Brooke
  358. Lord Arthur Butler
  359. Lord and Lady Burghley
  360. Hon. Lady Biddulph and Miss Biddulph
  361. Lord and Lady Belper and Hon. Miss Strutt
  362. Lady Frances Baillie and Miss Baillie
  363. Lord Beaumont
  364. Baroness Bolsover
  365. Baroness Burdett-Coutts and Mr. Burdett-Goutts Bartlett
  366. Lord and Lady Carrington
  367. Lord and Lady Welter Campbell
  368. Lord and Lady Colville of Culross and Hon. Blanche Colville
  369. Major-General Lord and Lady Chelmsford
  370. Lord and Lady A. Campbell
  371. Lord and Lady Eustace Cecil
  372. Lord and Lady Churston
  373. Lord Cremorne
  374. Lord William Cecil
  375. Lord and Lady Francis Cecil
  376. Lord and Lady Frederick Cavendish
  377. Lord Capell
  378. Lord and Lady Edward Cavendish
  379. Lord Calthorpe
  380. Lord and Lady Alfred Spencer Churchill and the Misses Spencer Churchill
  381. Lord and Lady Cochrane
  382. Lady Caroline Cust
  383. Lord Carlingford
  384. Lord and Lady Churchill
  385. Lord William Compton
  386. Lord Crofton
  387. Lord and Lady Dorchester
  388. Lord De L'lsle and Dudley
  389. Lord and Lady Dacre
  390. Lord Digby and Hon. Miss Digby
  391. Lady Elizabeth Drummond
  392. Lord and Lady De Clifford
  393. Lord and Lady De Tabley
  394. Lord and Lady Elcho
  395. Lord and Lady W. G. Osborne Elphinstone
  396. Lord and Lady Ebury and Hon. Misses Grosvenor
  397. Lady Ernestine Edgcumbe
  398. Lieutenant-Colonel Lord and Lady Frederick Fitzroy and Miss Ethel Fitzroy
  399. Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice
  400. Lord and Lady Otho Fitzgerald
  401. Lady Louisa Feilding and Miss Feilding [sic?]
  402. Lady Foley
  403. Lord and Lady Fitzhardinge
  404. Lord Charles Fitzroy
  405. Lord and Lady Forester
  406. Lord Ronald Gower
  407. Lady Harriot Grimston
  408. Lord and Lord Gerard
  409. Lord and Lady Granville Gordon
  410. Lord and Lady Garvagh
  411. Lord and Lady Claud J. Hamilton
  412. Lord and Lady Claud Hamilton and Miss Hamilton
  413. Lord Houghton and Hon. Florence Milnes
  414. Lady Augustus Hervey
  415. Lord and Lady Harris
  416. Dowager Lady Henniker and Hon. Misses Henniker
  417. Lord and Lady Hammond and the Hon. Misses Hammond
  418. Lady Hampton
  419. Lord and Lady Howard of Glossop and the Misses Fitzalan Howard
  420. Lord and Lady Hastings
  421. Lord and Lady Harlech and the Hon. Emily Ormsby Gore
  422. Lord and Lady George Hamilton
  423. Lady Holland
  424. Lady Alfred Hervey and Miss Mary Hervey
  425. Lord and Lady Henniker
  426. Dowager Lady Howard de Walden and Miss A. Hardinge
  427. Lord and Lady Inchiquin and Hon. Geraldine O'Brien
  428. Lord and Lady Kilmarnock
  429. Admiral Lord Frederick and Lady Kerr and the Misses Kerr
  430. Lord and Lady Kensington
  431. Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Ralph and Lady Anne Kerr
  432. General Lord Mark Kerr
  433. Lord and Lady Lovat
  434. Lady Sarah Lindsay and Miss Lindsay
  435. Lord Henry Gordon Lennox
  436. Lord and Lady Lamington and Hon. Violet Cochrane-Baillie
  437. Lord and Lady Londesborough
  438. Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox
  439. Lord Langford
  440. Lord and Lady Leconfield
  441. Lady Llanover and Miss Herbert of Llanarth
  442. Lord and Lady Methuen
  443. Lord and Lady John Manners
  444. Lord and Lady Monson
  445. Lord and Lady Mount-Temple
  446. Lord and Lady Muncaster
  447. Lady Susan L. Melville
  448. Lady Adeliza and Miss Manners
  449. Lord and Lady Moncrieff
  450. Lady Louisa Moncreiffe
  451. Lord and Lady Napier and Ettrick
  452. Lady Dorothy and Miss Nevill
  453. Lord Norreys
  454. General Lord Napier of Magdala
  455. Lord Overstone
  456. Lord Ogilvy
  457. Lord and Lady Ormathwaite and Hon. Miss Walsh
  458. Lieutenant-General Lord and Lady Alfred Paget
  459. Hon. Evelyn Paget and the Misses Paget
  460. Lieutenant-Colonel Lord and Lady Edward Pelham-Clinton
  461. Lord and Lady Poltimore and Hon. Miss Bampfylde
  462. General Lord William Paulet
  463. Lord and Lady Penzance
  464. Lord and Lady Algernon Percy
  465. Lord and Lady Penrhyn and Hon. Misses Douglas Pennant
  466. Lord and Lady Berkeley Paget
  467. Lord and Lady Alexander Paget
  468. Lord and Lady Ribblesdale
  469. Lord Rowton
  470. Lord and Lady Reay
  471. Lord and Lady Arthur Russell
  472. Lord Rendlesham and the Hon. Miss Thellusson
  473. Lord Herbrand Russell
  474. Lady Rossmore and Lieutenant-Colonel Stacpoole
  475. Lord and Lady Ruthven
  476. Lieutenant General Lord and Lady Alexander Russell
  477. Lord and Lady Raglan
  478. Field-Marshal Lord Strathnairn
  479. Lord and Lady Sudeley and Miss Gertrude Peel
  480. Lord Sandhurst
  481. Lord and Lady Walter Scott
  482. Lord and Lady Suffield and Hon. Misses Harbord
  483. Lady Susan and Miss Grant Suttie
  484. Lady Southampton and Hon. Miss FitzRoy
  485. Dowager Lady Sandys and Hon. Miss Sandys
  486. Lady Sarah Spencer and Lady Victoria Spencer
  487. Lord and Lady Sandys
  488. Lady Sandhurst
  489. Lord and Lady Henry Scott
  490. Dowager Lady Sondes and Hon. Misses Milles
  491. Lord Arthur Somerville
  492. Lord and Lady Albert Seymour
  493. Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley and Hon. Maude Stanley
  494. Lord and Lady Thurlow
  495. Lady Taunton and Hon. Emily Labouchere and Hon. Constance Bagot
  496. Lord and Lady Tenterden and Hon. Miss Abbott
  497. Lord Henry and Lady Ulrica Thynne and Miss Thynne
  498. Lord and Lady Edmund Talbot
  499. Lord Henry Vane Tempest
  500. Lord and Lady Vernon
  501. Lord and Lady Ventry and Hon. Miss de Moleyns
  502. Lord and Lady Vivian
  503. Lord Waveney
  504. Lord Winmarleigh and the Hon. Misses Wilson-Patten
  505. Lord and Lady Walsingham
  506. Lord and Lady Wrottesley
  507. Lord and Lady Wolverton
  508. Lady Waterpark and Hon. Susan Cavendish
  509. Lord Waterpark
  510. Lord and Lady Wenlock
  511. the Speaker and the Hon. Mrs. Brand and Miss Brand
  512. the Right Hon. A. S. Ayrton
  513. the Right Hon. G. and Mrs. Cavendish Bentinck and Miss Venetia Cavendish Bentinck
  514. Right Hon. Robert and Lady Susan Bourke
  515. Right Hon. Sir Michael and Lady Lucy Hicks Beach
  516. Right Hon. Lord Justice and Lady Brett
  517. Right Hon. Sir Andrew and Hon. Lady Buchanan
  518. Right Hon. John Bright
  519. Right Hon. Sir R. Assheton and Lady Cross and Miss Cross
  520. Right Hon. Hugh and Mrs. Childers and Miss Louise Childers
  521. Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain
  522. Right Hon. George and Mrs. Sclater-Booth
  523. Right Hon. J. G. and Mrs. Dodson and the Misses Dodson
  524. Right Hon. Sir Bartle and Lady Frere and the Misses Frere
  525. Right Hon. Sir W. Seymour Fitzgerald and the Misses Fitzgerald
  526. Right Hon. W. E. and Mrs. Forster and Miss Arnold
  527. Right Hon. W. E. and Mrs. Gladstone
  528. Right Hon. Sir William and Lady Gregory
  529. Right Hon. G. and Mrs. Goschen and Miss Goschen
  530. Right Hon. Sir William and Lady Harcourt
  531. Admiral Right Hon. Sir John and Lady Dalrymple Hay and Miss Mabel Hay
  532. General Right Hon. Sir William Knollys
  533. the Misses Knollys and Miss Constance Bagot
  534. Right Hon. Sir Henry and Lady Layard
  535. Right Hon. James Lowther
  536. Right Hon. A. J. and Mrs. Mundella and Miss Mundella
  537. Right Hon. Sir John and Lady Macdonald and Miss Bernard
  538. Right Hon. Sir Charles Murray
  539. Right Hon. Sir Stafford and Lady Northcote and Miss Northcote
  540. Lieutenant-General Right Hon. Sir Henry and Hon. Lady Ponsonby and Miss Ponsonby
  541. Right Hon. Lyon and Mrs. Playfair
  542. Right Hon. Sir Augustus and Lady Paget and Miss Paget
  543. Right Hon. Sir Frederick and Lady Peel
  544. Colonel Right Hon. F. and Lady Constance Stanley
  545. Right Hon. W. H. and Mrs. Smith and the Misses Smith
  546. Colonel Right Hon. E. and Mrs. Taylor
  547. Right Hon. C. Villiers
  548. Right Hon. Spencer and Mrs. Walpole and Mrs. George Heathcote
  549. Hon. Evelyn and Mrs. Ashley
  550. Colonel Hon. Henry Byng
  551. Hon. Henry and Mrs. Bourke
  552. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. E. Boscawen
  553. Hon. and Rev. Francis and Mrs. Byng, Captain Hon. Charles Byng
  554. Hon. Algernon Bourke
  555. Hon. Thomas and Mrs. Bruce
  556. Hon. Eric and Mrs. Barrington
  557. Hon. Mark Bouverie
  558. Hon. Mrs. R. Bruce
  559. Major-General Hon. J. Bourke
  560. Hon. Charles Bourke
  561. Hon. Hugh and Lady Boscawen
  562. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. Francis Bridgeman
  563. Hon. William Barrington
  564. Hon. S. Colville, R.N.
  565. Captain Hon. Otway Cuffe
  566. Captain Hon. W. Carpenter, R.N.
  567. Colonel Hon. W. and Mrs. Colville and Miss May Colville
  568. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. W. and Mrs. Carington
  569. Hon. Rupert Carington
  570. Hon. Frederick and Lady Adelaide Cadogan and the Misses Cadogan
  571. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. Henry and Mrs. Campbell, and Miss Edith Campbell
  572. Hon. Emily Cathcart
  573. Hon. Edward and Mrs. Coke
  574. Captain Hon. C. and Lady Beatrix Cavendish
  575. Lieutenant Colonel Hon. Charles Crichton
  576. Hon. Mrs. Cust and the Misses Cust
  577. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. Lewis and Mrs. Dawney
  578. Hon. Richard and Mrs. Dawson
  579. Captain Hon. Henry Denison
  580. Lieutenant Hon. Conyngham and Mrs. Denison
  581. Hon. J. Duncombe
  582. Vice-Admiral Hon. F. and Lady Louisa Egerton
  583. Captain Hon. Charles and Mrs. Eliot
  584. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. O. Edgcumbe
  585. Hon. Charles Ellis
  586. Hon. Albany and Mrs. Erskine
  587. Hon. Alfred and Mrs. Egerton
  588. Hon. Spencer and Mrs. Ponsonby-Fane and the Misses Ponsonby
  589. Major-General Hon. William Fielding
  590. Hon. Thomas and Mrs Fitzwilliam
  591. Hon. Henry W. and Lady May Fitzwilliam
  592. Hon. Alexander and Mrs. Fitzmaurice
  593. Lieutenant-General Hon. St. George and Mrs. Foley
  594. Rear-Admiral Hon. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Foley and Miss Foley
  595. Colonel Hon. H. Forester
  596. Hon. W and Mrs. Gerard
  597. Hon. F. Leveson-Gower
  598. Hon. Charles Gore, the Countess of Kerry, and Miss Gore
  599. Rear-Admiral Hon. H. Glyn and Miss Rose Glyn
  600. Hon. Mrs. Grey and Miss Grey
  601. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. C. and Lady Cicely Gathorne-Hardy
  602. Hon. R. W. and Mrs. Grosvenor
  603. General Hon. Sir Alexander and Lady Hamilton Gordon and the Misses Hamilton Gordon
  604. Hon. Charles Harbord
  605. Lieuteuant-Colonel Hon. A. N. and Lady Maria Hood
  606. Captain Hon. A. W. Hill-Trevor
  607. Hon. Mrs. Meynell Ingram
  608. Admiral of the Fleet Hon. Sir Henry and Lady Keppel
  609. Major Hon. C. and Mrs. Keith Falconer and Miss Keith Falconer
  610. Hon. Henry Leeson
  611. Colonel Hon. C. H. and Miss Violet Lindsay
  612. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. E. and Mrs. Littleton
  613. Captain Hon. N. G. Lyttelton
  614. Hon. F. and Mrs. Lambton
  615. Hon. Chandos and Mrs. Leigh
  616. Hon. George Waldegrave Leslie and the Countess of Rothes
  617. Hon. Mary Lascelles
  618. Hon. Hugh and Lady Grace Lowther
  619. Hon. G. Spencer Lyttelton
  620. Hon. Sir Adolphus Liddell and the Misses Liddell
  621. Hon. W. and Mrs. Lowther and Miss Lowther
  622. Captain Hon. Victor and Lady Agneta Montagu
  623. Captain Hon. Oliver Montagu
  624. Captain Hon. D. and Mrs. Monson
  625. Hon. Graham and Mrs. Manners Sutton
  626. Lieutenant-General Hon. J. and Mrs. Macdonald
  627. Hon. Flora Macdonald
  628. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. P. Methuen
  629. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. Caryl and Mrs. Molyneux
  630. Colonel Hon. S. Mostyn
  631. Hon. Roger S. Molyneux
  632. Hon. Ronald Leslie Melville
  633. Hon. W. and Mrs. North
  634. Major Hon. R. Napier
  635. Hon. G. and Lady Augusta Noel and Miss Evelyn Wood
  636. Hon. E. Needham
  637. Major Hon. G. Napier
  638. Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Everard Primrose
  639. Hon. Harriet Phipps
  640. Hon. W. H. B. and Mrs. Portman, and Miss Portman
  641. Hon. Lady Pelly
  642. General the Hon. Sir Augustus and Lady Spencer and the Misses Spencer
  643. Hon. C. R. Spencer
  644. Hon. Humphry Sturt
  645. Hon. Mrs. John Stanley
  646. Hon. James Saumarez
  647. Hon. H. Tyrwhitt Wilson
  648. Hon. Mary Thesiger
  649. Hon. Reginald Harris Temple
  650. Colonel Hon. W. P. and Lady Emma Talbot
  651. Lieutenant Hon. Hugh Tyrwhitt
  652. Major Hon. R. and Mrs. Talbot
  653. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. Walter and Lady Mary Trefusis
  654. Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. George Villiers
  655. Hon. Robert Villiers
  656. Hon. C. L. and Lady Agnes Wood
  657. Major Hon. H. L. Wood
  658. Hon. Arthur Walsh
  659. Captain Hon. John and Mrs. Yorke
  660. Hon. Mrs. Eliot Yorke
  661. Hon. A. Yorke
  662. Sir George Arthur
  663. Sir J. D. and Lady Astley and Miss Astley
  664. Sir Robert and Lady Anstruther
  665. Major-General Sir Seymour Blane
  666. Sir Robert and Lady Buxton
  667. Sir George and Lady Bonham
  668. Sir Francis and Lady Boileau
  669. Sir George Bowyer
  670. Sir Joseph and Lady Bailey
  671. General Sir Henry de Bathe
  672. Sir Richard and Lady Williams Bulkeley
  673. Sir Reginald P. and Lady Violet Beauchamp
  674. Sir Archibald and Hon. Lady Campbell
  675. Sir Henry and Hon. Lady Cotterell
  676. Sir Reginald and Lady Cathcart
  677. Sir George Chetwynd
  678. the Marchioness of Hastings and Miss Chetwynd
  679. Sir W. Gordon Cumming
  680. Sir Savile Crossley
  681. Sir Charles W. Dilke
  682. Sir W. H. and Lady Emily Dyke
  683. Sir William and Lady Dunbar
  684. Sir Henry and Lady Alice Des Voeux
  685. Sir Henry Edwardes
  686. Sir Gerald and Lady Dalton FitzGerald
  687. Sir Henry and Lady Fletcher
  688. Sir E. and Hon. Lady Filmer
  689. Sir Charles and Lady Forbes
  690. Sir William Fraser
  691. Major-General Sir F. FitzWygram
  692. Sir Maurice FitzGerald (Knight of Kerry)
  693. Sir William and Lady Ffolks
  694. Sir William and Lady Gull and Miss Gull
  695. Sir Thomas and Lady Gladstone and Miss Gladstone
  696. Sir George and Lady Macpherson Grant
  697. Sir Frederick and Lady Hermione Graham and Miss Hilda Graham
  698. Sir William and Lady Welby Gregory
  699. Sir Henry and Lady Holland and Miss Margaret Holland
  700. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir J. M'Garel and Hon. Lady Hogg and Miss Hogg
  701. Sir Robert and Lady Harvey and the Misses Harvey
  702. Sir Arthur and Lady Hayter
  703. Major-General Sir H. and Lady Havelock-Allan
  704. Sir William and Lady Jenner and Miss Jenner
  705. Sir Harcourt and Lady Johnstone and Miss Johnstone
  706. Sir John Lister Kaye
  707. Sir Rainald and Lady Knightley
  708. Sir Edward and Lady Caroline Kerrison
  709. Sir John and Lady Leslie and the Misses Leslie
  710. Sir Simon Lockhart
  711. Sir Massey Lopes and the Misses Lopes
  712. Sir John Lubbock and the Misses Lubbock
  713. Lady Molesworth
  714. General Sir Thomas M'Mahon
  715. Admiral Sir Alexander and Lady Milne and the Misses Milne
  716. Sir Alexander Malet
  717. Sir Robert and Lady Moncrciffe
  718. Sir James and Lady Paget and Miss Paget
  719. Sir Robert and Lady Emily Peel
  720. Sir John and Lady Gwendolen Ramsden
  721. Sir John and Lady Rose
  722. Major-General Sir Frederick and Lady Roberts
  723. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Russell
  724. Sir Horace Rumbold
  725. Lady Scott and Miss Scott
  726. Sir Arthur Bateman Scott
  727. General Sir Francis and Lady Seymour
  728. Sir Tollemache Sinclair and Miss Sinclair
  729. Sir Edward and Lady Sullivan and Miss Sullivan
  730. Sir John and Lady Elizabeth St. Aubyn and Miss St. Aubyn
  731. Sir Michael and Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart and Miss Stewart
  732. Sir Henry and Lady Tufton
  733. Sir Charles and Lady Trevelyan
  734. Sir Henry Meysey Thompson
  735. Sir Richard and Lady Temple
  736. Sir Sydney H. Waterlow and Miss Waterlow
  737. Sir George and Lady Julia Wombwell and Misses Wombwell
  738. Sir Henry and Lady Wilmot
  739. Sir Richard Wallace
  740. Sir Watkin and Lady Williams Wynn
  741. Sir Edward and Lady Watkin
  742. General Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars
  743. Sir Matthew and Lady White Ridley
  744. Sir Thomas Watson and Miss Watson
  745. Sir Archibald and Lady Alison and the Misses Alison
  746. Lieutenant-General Sir James Airey
  747. Sir Rutherford and Lady Alcock
  748. Sir Alexander Armstrong
  749. Sir William and Lady Anderson
  750. Lieutenant-General Sir John and Lady Adye and the Misses Adye
  751. Sir Algernon and Lady Borthwick
  752. Colonel Sir T. D. Baker
  753. Lieutenant-General Sir S. and Lady Browne
  754. Sir T. and Lady Brassey
  755. Colonel Sir Charles Brownlow
  756. Colonel Sir Owen Burne
  757. Sir George and Lady Ferguson Bowen
  758. Sir Henry Bulwer
  759. Sir Julius and Lady Benedict
  760. Sir Philip and Lady Cunliffe Owen and the Misses Cunliffe Owen
  761. General Sir F. Chapman
  762. Vice-Admiral Sir E. and Lady Commerell and Miss Commerell
  763. Major-General Sir John and Lady Cowell
  764. General Sir W. and Lady Codrington
  765. Sir Michael Costa
  766. General Sir Neville and Lady Chamberlain
  767. Lady Cochrane and the Misses Cochrane
  768. Sir Patrick and Lady Colquhoun
  769. General Sir Arthur and Hon. Lady Cunynghame
  770. Colonel Sir A. and Lady Clarke
  771. Admiral Sir R. Collinson
  772. General Sir Hastings Doyle
  773. Sir Charles and Hon. Lady Ducane
  774. Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Daly
  775. Lieutenant-General Sir Charles D'Aguilar
  776. Admiral Sir James and Hon. Lady Drummond and the Misses Drummond
  777. Lieutenant-General Sir Charles and Lady Ellice
  778. Colonel Sir Howard and Lady Elphinstone
  779. Sir Barrow Ellis
  780. Sir Andrew and Lady Fairbairn and Miss Edith Wailes
  781. Sir Joseph and Lady Fayrer
  782. Sir Alexander and Lady Galt and the Misses Galt
  783. General Sir Patrick and Hon. Lady Grant and Miss Grant
  784. Sir John Glover
  785. Rear-Admiral Sir William Hewett
  786. Sir Charles Hall
  787. Admiral Sir G. Phipps and Lady Hornby and the Misses Hornby
  788. General Sir Alfred Horsford
  789. Sir Henry Hawkins
  790. Baron and Lady Diana Huddleston
  791. Admiral Sir W. and Lady King Hall
  792. General Sir Frederick P. Haines
  793. Sir J. H. Drummond Hay
  794. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Gustavus and Lady Hume and Miss Hume
  795. Sir Victor and Lady Houlton
  796. General Sir Edward Hodge
  797. Sir Edmund and Lady Henderson and the Misses Henderson
  798. General Sir Frederick and Lady Hamilton
  799. Sir Lewis and Lady Jarvis and Miss Jarvis
  800. <! -- 800 -->Admiral Sir Cooper and Lady Key
  801. Admiral Sir George King and Miss King
  802. General Sir D. and Lady Lysons
  803. Sir Henry and Lady Loch
  804. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir R. J. and Hon. Lady Loyd-Lindsay
  805. Colonel Sir Peter and Lady Lumsden
  806. Sir Frederick Leighton
  807. Sir John Savile Lumley
  808. Vice-Admiral Sir R. and Hon. Lady Macdonald and Miss Macdonald
  809. Colonel Sir J. C. M'Neill
  810. Sir Theodore and Lady Martin
  811. Sir Thomas and Lady Erskine May and Miss Langton
  812. Sir Louis and Lady Mallet
  813. Lieutenant-General Sir F. and Lady Maude
  814. Major-General Sir George and Lady Macgregor
  815. Lieutenant-General Sir A. Macdonell
  816. Lieutenant-General Sir Henry and Lady Norman and the Misses Norman
  817. Colonel Sir Lewis and Lady Pelly and Miss Pelly
  818. Sir Erskine and Lady Perry and Miss Hilda Perry
  819. Lieutenant-General Sir Dighton and Lady Probyn
  820. Sir Richard and Lady Pollock
  821. Sir Frederick and Lady Pollock
  822. Major-General Sir H. and Lady Rawlinson
  823. Sir N. and Lady de Rothschild
  824. Vice-Admiral Sir W. and Lady Houston Stewart and the Misses Stewart
  825. General Sir Charles and Lady Staveley
  826. Sir Albert Sassoon
  827. Sir George C. Strahan
  828. Sir Michael and Lady Culme Seymour
  829. Sir Lintorn and Lady Simmons and the Misses Simmons
  830. Sir John and Lady Strachey
  831. Colonel Sir John Stokes
  832. Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Sullivan
  833. Sir Henry and Lady Thring and Miss Thring
  834. Admiral Sir George and Lady Wellesley and Miss Wellesley
  835. General Sir Edward and Lady Warde
  836. Lieutenant-General Sir B. and Lady Walker
  837. Sir Rivers Wilson
  838. Sir Alexander and Lady Wood and Miss Mabel Wood
  839. Sir Albert and Lady Woods
  840. Sir Henry and Lady Drummond Wolff and Miss Wolff
  841. Sir Allen Young
  842. General Studholme Brownrigg
  843. General and Mrs. Crutchley and Miss Crutchley
  844. General C. and Mrs. Chamberlain
  845. General Custance
  846. General and Miss Elphinstone Dalrymple
  847. General and Mrs. Eyre and Miss Eyre
  848. General and Miss Foster
  849. General Sir Edwin Johnson
  850. General Sir Arnold and Lady Kemball
  851. General Lawrence
  852. General Freeman Murray
  853. General Napier
  854. General and Mrs. Meredith Reade
  855. General and Mrs. Rumley
  856. General and Mrs. Mark Wood and Miss Wood
  857. Lieutenant-General Conolly
  858. Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Herbert
  859. Lieutenant-General J. H. Pearson
  860. Lieutenant-General Stephenson
  861. Lieutenant-General Whitmore
  862. Major-General and Mrs. Charles Baring and the Misses Baring
  863. Major-General E. G. Buller
  864. Major-General Hope Crealock
  865. Major-General Clifton and Lady Cosmo Russell
  866. Major-General De Horsey
  867. Major-General Dillon
  868. Major-Generel Du Plat
  869. Major-General and Mrs. William Earle
  870. Major-General Charles Fraser
  871. Major-General and Mrs. Lynedoch Gardiner and the Misses Gardiner
  872. Major-General and Hon. Mrs. Higginson and Miss Higginson
  873. Major-General Hawley
  874. Major-General and Hon. Mrs. Cecil Ives
  875. Major-General and Mrs. Bryan Milman and Miss L. Milman
  876. Major-General and Mrs. Marshall
  877. Major-General Edward Newdigate
  878. Major-General and Mrs. Rich and Miss Emily Randolph
  879. Colonel and Mrs. Alexander
  880. Colonel Bateson
  881. Colonel and Hon. Mrs. Blundell
  882. Colonel G. Bray
  883. Colonel and Mrs. Duncan Baillie
  884. Colonel H. Brackenbury
  885. Colonel E. Manningham Buller
  886. Colonel FitzRoy and Lady Isabel Clayton
  887. Colonel and Mrs. Clive
  888. Colonel and Mrs. Spencer Clifford
  889. Colonel Delafosse
  890. Colonel and Mrs. Deedes
  891. Colonel and Mrs. Davies
  892. Colonel Ewart
  893. Colonel and Hon. Mrs. Arthur Ellis
  894. Colonel and Mrs. Keith Fraser
  895. Colonel FitzRoy
  896. Colonel Greville
  897. Colonel and Mrs. Goodenough
  898. Colonel R. Gipps
  899. Colonel and Mrs. Milne-Home
  900. Colonel and Mrs. Julian Hall
  901. Colonel King-Harman
  902. Colonel Robert Hale
  903. Colonel and Lady Emily Kingscote
  904. Colonel and Mrs. Labalmondiere and Miss Labalmondiere
  905. Colonel and Mrs. C. A. Maude
  906. Colonel Macdonell
  907. Colonel Michael
  908. Colonel and Mrs. J. Moncrieff
  909. Colonel Leigh Pemberton
  910. Colonel G. Phillips
  911. Colonel Reilly
  912. Colonel and Mrs. Napier Sturt
  913. Colonel Adolphus Stevens
  914. Colonel A. C. H. and Mrs. Stewart
  915. Colonel Snow
  916. Colonel Upperton
  917. Colonel and Mrs. Howard Vyse
  918. Colonel Owen Williams
  919. Colonel Raymond White
  920. Colonel Wigram
  921. Colonel E. Wynne
  922. Lieutenant-Colonel F. Baring
  923. Lieuteuant-Colonel R. F. Balfour
  924. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. E. R. C. Bradford
  925. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. F. Burnaby
  926. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Stanley Clarke
  927. Lieutenant-Colonel E. and Lady Gwendoline Chaplin
  928. Lieutenant-Colonel E. and Mrs. Campbell
  929. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur H. Cass
  930. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Frederick Custance
  931. Lieutenant-Colonel C. W. Duncombe
  932. Lieutenant-Colonel H. Eaton
  933. Lieutenant-Colonel and Hon. Mrs. Ferguson of Pitfour
  934. Lieutenant-Colonel Farquharson
  935. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Ferguson
  936. Lieutenant-Colonel Wynne Finch
  937. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. George Grant Gordon
  938. Lieutenant-Colonel F. Grant
  939. Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Hozier
  940. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. George Johnstone
  941. Lieutenant-Colonel Julias Johnstone
  942. Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Knox
  943. Lieutenant-Colonel and Lady Adela Larking
  944. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Murray of Polmaise
  945. Lieutenant-Colonel and Lady Georgina Drummond-Moray
  946. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Henry Moorsom
  947. Lieutenant-Colonel and Lady Margaret Maitland-Crichton
  948. Lieutenant-Colonel and Hon. Mrs. Oliphant
  949. the officers of the Queen's Guard, St. James's Palace
  950. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. R. Pearson
  951. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Leopold Seymour
  952. Lieutenant-Colonel Stirling and Viscountess Clifden and Hon. L. Agar-Ellis
  953. Lieutenant-Colonel Streatfeild
  954. Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald Thynne
  955. Lieutenant-Colonel M. D. Treherne
  956. Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Vivian
  957. Lieutenant-Colonel H. Wellesley
  958. Major Bulkeley
  959. Major and Mrs. Brabazon
  960. Major and Mrs. Chayne and Miss Sayer
  961. Major and Mrs. Curzon
  962. Major Allen Gardner
  963. Major and Hon. Mrs. Haig
  964. Major George Jackson
  965. Major C. Musgrave
  966. Major F. A. St. Quintis
  967. Major F. Townshend
  968. Captain Batchellor
  969. Captain and Mrs. A. Bigge
  970. Captain and Mrs. J. F. Brocklehurst
  971. Captain and Hon. Mrs. Candy
  972. Captain John Clerk
  973. Captain Arthur Collins
  974. Captain H. Coventry and Miss Callander
  975. Captain G. W. Cockburn
  976. Captain and Mrs. Walrond Clarke
  977. Captain and Mrs. Walter Campbell
  978. Captain Alfred and Lady Florence Duncombe
  979. Captain and Mrs. Edwards
  980. Captain and Lady Rosamund Fellowes
  981. Captain A. C. FitzGeorge
  982. Captain FitzGeorge
  983. Captain Seymour Wynne Finch
  984. Captain A. S. Gough
  985. Captain Arthur Gooch
  986. Captain and Mrs. A. Hill
  987. Captain and Mrs. F. Johnstone
  988. Captain and Mrs. Henry Knollys
  989. Captain and Hon. Mrs. William Keppel
  990. Captain H. A. Lascelles
  991. Captain and Mrs. E. St. John Mildmay and Miss G. Mildmay
  992. Captain and Mrs. Charles Needham
  993. Captain C. Nelson
  994. Captain Perceval
  995. Captain and Mrs. Arthur Paget
  996. Captain G. H. Poore
  997. Captain L. H. Pearson
  998. Captain and Miss Phillips
  999. Captain and Hon. Mrs. Stirling
  1000. Captain and Mrs. E. M. Shaw and the Misses Shaw
  1001. Captain and Mrs. Walter Stopford
  1002. Captain Reginald Turner
  1003. Captain S. Waller
  1004. Captain G. Wickham
  1005. Captain and Mrs. Whitmore
  1006. Admiral and Mrs. Fanshawe and Miss Fanshawe
  1007. Admiral and Mrs. Farquhar and the Misses Farquhar
  1008. Vice-Admiral H. Hillyer
  1009. Vice-Admiral and Mrs. Arthur Hood and the Misses Hood
  1010. Vice-Admiral and Mrs. Rice
  1011. Vice-Admiral Vansittart
  1012. Rear-Admiral Hoskins
  1013. Rear-Admiral and Mrs. Maine
  1014. Captain R. F. Britten
  1015. Captain F. G. D. Bedford, R.N.
  1016. Captain W. Codrington, R.N.
  1017. Captain Fairfax, R.N., and Mrs. H. Fairfax
  1018. Captain FitzGeorge, R.N., and Mrs. A. FitzGeorge
  1019. Captain George L. Sulivan, R.N.
  1020. Captain D. Welch, R.N.
  1021. Staff-Commander Balliston, R.N.
  1022. Staff-Commander W. B. Goldsmith, R.N.
  1023. Commander Gye, R.N., and the Hon. Mrs. H. E. Gye
  1024. Commander C. Noel Hoare, R.N.
  1025. Commander Richard A. Hamond
  1026. Commander Swinton C. Holland
  1027. Lieutenant R. C. Tyllier Blunt, R.N.
  1028. Lieutenant Le Strange, R.N.
  1029. Lieutenant J. M. Stuart- Wortley, R.N.
  1030. Dean of Westminster
  1031. Sub-dean of the Chapels Royal
  1032. Canon and Mrs. Birch
  1033. Canon and Mrs. Tarver
  1034. Canon and Mrs. Prothero
  1035. Rev. Canon Heaviside
  1036. Rev. Augustus F. Birch
  1037. Rev. F. A. J. Hervey
  1038. Rev. W. F. Erskine Knollys
  1039. Rev. Charles J. Martyn
  1040. Rev. William Rogers
  1041. Rev. Arthur Robins
  1042. Rev. T. Teignmouth and Mrs. Shore
  1043. Dr. George Birdwood
  1044. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson Fox and Miss Wilson Fox
  1045. Dr. and Mrs. W. Corbyn Finch
  1046. Dr. Gream and Lady Gooch
  1047. Dr. F. H. Laking
  1048. Dr. Lowe
  1049. Dr. Poore
  1050. Dr. Halliday Macartney
  1051. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allsopp
  1052. Mr. and Mrs. Alston
  1053. Mr. Matthew Arnold
  1054. Mr. and Mrs. Tyssen Amherst and Miss Amherst
  1055. Mr. Hamilton Aïdé
  1056. Mr. Evelyn Atherley
  1057. Mr. and Misses Caledon Alexander and the Misses Alexander
  1058. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Anson
  1059. Mr. Bentinck
  1060. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boehm and Miss Boehm
  1061. Mr. and Lady Margaret Beaumont and Miss Beaumont
  1062. Mr. and Hon. Mrs. Birkbeck
  1063. Mr. Raoul Badingfield
  1064. Mrs. Henry Baring and Madlle. Martinoff
  1065. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baring and Miss Bulteel
  1066. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brand
  1067. Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Biddulph and Miss Adeane
  1068. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Brierley
  1069. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baliol Brett
  1070. Mr. John Loraine Baldwin and Lady Frances Russell
  1071. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ten Broeck
  1072. Mr. and Mrs. George Batten
  1073. Mr. Serjeant Ballantine
  1074. Mr. and Lady Feodore Bertie
  1075. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cunliffe Brooks
  1076. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Birch
  1077. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brassey
  1078. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Biddulph and Miss Biddulph
  1079. Mrs. John Bigelow
  1080. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tress Barry
  1081. Mr. J. Hunter Blair
  1082. Mr. and Mrs. Bontein and Miss Bontein
  1083. Mr. and Hon. Mrs. Prideaux Brune and the Misses Prideaux Brune
  1084. Mr. Tankerville Chamberlain
  1085. Mr. Andrew P. Cockerell
  1086. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Campbell
  1087. Mr. H. Calcraft
  1088. Mr. Alfred Cooper
  1089. Mr. Oscar Clayton
  1090. Mr. Philip Currie
  1091. Mr. and Lady Florence Chaplin
  1092. Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Cole
  1093. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collins
  1094. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson Clark
  1095. Mr. W. G. Craven and the Misses Craven
  1096. Mr. Edwin and the Hon. Mrs. Corbett
  1097. Mr. and Mrs. Cushing
  1098. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chaplin
  1099. Mr. Frederick Clay
  1100. Mr. Ernest Cust
  1101. Mr. Henry Cadogan
  1102. Mrs. St. George Caulfield
  1103. Mr. and Mrs. D. Criesis
  1104. Mr. Percy W. Doyle
  1105. Mr. John Delacour
  1106. Mr. Douglas Dawson
  1107. Mr. Frank Dicey
  1108. Mr. and Mrs. Grant-Duff
  1109. Mr. and Mrs. Bromley Davenport and Miss Davenport
  1110. Mr. R. D. Dalyell
  1111. Mr. James Daly
  1112. Mr. and Mrs. R. Duff of Fetteresso
  1113. Mr. Tyrwhitt Drake
  1114. Mr. W. and the Hon. Mrs. B. Denison, and Miss Violet Denison
  1115. Mr. P. Durnham
  1116. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Deacon
  1117. Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli and Miss Disraeli
  1118. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Engleheart
  1119. Mrs. Robert Elwes and the Misses Elwes
  1120. Mr. and Lady Horatia Erskine
  1121. Mr. George Farquharson
  1122. Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes
  1123. Mr. Horace Farquhar
  1124. Mr. Cecil and Lady Augusta Fane
  1125. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Freake
  1126. Mr., Mrs., and Miss Finch
  1127. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Flower
  1128. Mr. Myles Fenton
  1129. Mr. John A. Farquharson
  1130. Mr. Granville Farquharson
  1131. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lane Fox
  1132. Mr. R. P. Ffrench, of Monivea
  1133. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Fitzgerald and Miss Geraldine Fitzgerald
  1134. the Misses Farquharson of Invercauld
  1135. Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Fitzgerald
  1136. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick
  1137. Mr. Alderman R. N. Fowler
  1138. Mr. Montagu Guest
  1139. Mr. W. H. Grenfell
  1140. Mr. Charles Hutton Gregory
  1141. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grey
  1142. Mr. F. W. Gibbs
  1143. Mr. Herbert Gardner
  1144. Mr. C. R. F. Graham, R.N.
  1145. Mrs. Greville
  1146. Mr. Herbert Gladstone
  1147. Mr. Richard Grant
  1148. Mr. and Mrs. Green
  1149. Mr. Mackenzie Grieves
  1150. Mr. and Mrs. Godley
  1151. Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. W. H. Gladstone
  1152. Mr. G. Leveson-Gower
  1153. Mr. W. J. Hoppin
  1154. Mr. Charles Hall
  1155. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Holmes
  1156. Mr. H. V. and Lady Hilda Higgins
  1157. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hambro
  1158. Mr. M. Holzmann
  1159. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hope
  1160. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Heriot
  1161. Mrs. and the Hon. Mrs. Herbert of Muckross and Miss Bengor
  1162. Mr. Philip Beresford-Hope
  1163. Mr. and Mrs. Ion Hamilton
  1164. Mr. G. L. Holford
  1165. Mr. and Mrs. Holford and Miss Holford
  1166. Mr. C. B. Harvey
  1167. Mr. and Miss Prescott Hewett
  1168. Mr. and Mrs. Hartmann
  1169. Mr. Sydney P. Hall
  1170. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
  1171. Mr. Arthur Hardinge
  1172. Mr. and Lady Eleanor Heneage
  1173. Mr. and Mrs. George Henschel
  1174. Mr. L. V. Harcourt
  1175. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Heneage
  1176. Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont Hotham and the Misses Hotham
  1177. Mrs. Halkett and the Misses Halkett
  1178. Mrs. and Miss Washington Hibbert and Miss de Trafford
  1179. Mr. Francis Knollys
  1180. Mr. F. R. Knollys
  1181. Mr. Cyprian Knollys
  1182. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Kennard
  1183. Mrs. Kerr
  1184. Mr. Cecil and Lady Beatrice Lister Kaye and Lady Emily Pelham Clinton
  1185. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lawson
  1186. Mr. Augustus Savile Lumley
  1187. Mr. John Savile Lumley
  1188. Mr. and Mrs. Legh and Miss Legh of Lyme
  1189. Mr. and Lady Constance Shaw Lefevre
  1190. Mrs. Gerard Leigh
  1191. Mr. H. Gerard Leigh
  1192. Mr. and Mrs. Langtry
  1193. Mr. and Mrs. Le Strange
  1194. Mr. Guy Le Strange, R.N.
  1195. Mr. and Mrs. Luttrell and the Misses Luttrell
  1196. Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
  1197. Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie of Kintail
  1198. Mr. D. and Lady M. Cameron of Lochiel
  1199. Mr. A. B. and Lady Clementina Mitford
  1200. Mr. and Mrs. Morier and Miss Morier
  1201. Mr. Henry Manners
  1202. Mr. and Lady Sophia Macnamara
  1203. Mr. Alfred Montgomery
  1204. Mr. and Mrs. L. Molesworth
  1205. Mr. and Lady Fanny Marjoribanks
  1206. Mr. Frank Miles
  1207. Mr. Edward Malet
  1208. Mr. Athole Macgregor
  1209. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mounsey
  1210. Mr. Whyte Melville
  1211. Mr. and Mrs. E. Millais and the Misses Millais
  1212. Mr. and Lady Anne Murray
  1213. Mr. John Morley
  1214. Mr. Lionel Munro, R.N.
  1215. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, and the Misses Naylor
  1216. Mr. C. N. Newdegate, M.P.
  1217. Mr. C. T. Newton
  1218. Mr. R. Bernal Osborne
  1219. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oppenheim
  1220. Mr. Henry Petre
  1221. Mr. and Hon. Mrs. George Petre
  1222. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Palmer
  1223. Mr. T. T. Pratt
  1224. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Payne
  1225. Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Charles Lennox Peel and Miss Cecilia Peel
  1226. Mr. Val Prinsep
  1227. Mrs. Trevor Plowden
  1228. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paget
  1229. Mr. Edward F. S. Pigott
  1230. Mr. Charles S. Paris
  1231. Mr. Herbert Praed
  1232. Mr. Chandos Pole
  1233. Mr. Cecil Paget
  1234. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Post
  1235. Mr. Alfred de Rothschild
  1236. Mrs. Ronalds and Miss Ronalds
  1237. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rawlinson
  1238. Mr. and Lady Jane Repton
  1239. Mrs. J. Cecil Russell
  1240. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Royle
  1241. Mr. A. Thorndike Rice
  1242. Mr. Charles N. Ridley
  1243. Mr. W. H. Russell
  1244. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sassoon
  1245. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sassoon
  1246. Mr. Edward Sassoon
  1247. Mr. and Mrs. Sloane Stanley
  1248. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sloane Stanley
  1249. Mr. Christopher Sykes, M.P.
  1250. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Sands
  1251. Mr. Francis Stephens
  1252. Mr. Arthur Sullivan
  1253. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Seymour
  1254. Mr. Charles and Lady Charlotte Schreiber
  1255. Miss Du Cane and Miss Margaret Alderson
  1256. Mr. George Sheffield
  1257. Mr. Henry Streatfeild
  1258. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stumm
  1259. Mr. H. Savile
  1260. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus K. Stephenson
  1261. Mr. and Mrs. Sparke
  1262. Mr. Conway Seymour
  1263. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ker-Seymer
  1264. Mr. and Mrs. Spottiswoode
  1265. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrien Smith
  1266. Mr. E. Scudamore-Stanhope
  1267. Mr. Raglan Somerset
  1268. Mr. F. R. St. John
  1269. Mr. and Mrs. John Thynne
  1270. Mr. E. Tredcroft
  1271. Mr. and Mrs. Brook Taylor
  1272. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Trevelyan
  1273. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges Taylor and Miss Jessie Taylor
  1274. Mr. and Mrs. Montagu Tharp
  1275. Mr. and Mrs. Brodrick Thomas
  1276. Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Tremayne and the Misses Tremayne
  1277. Mr. and Mrs. Thorold
  1278. Mr. R. Thorold
  1279. Mr. O. Anstruther Thomson
  1280. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tennyson
  1281. Mr. Hallam Tennyson
  1282. Mr. Howard Vincent
  1283. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Vaughan
  1284. Mr. and Lady Emily Van de Weyer and Miss Van de Weyer
  1285. Mr. Graham Vivian
  1286. Mr. and Mrs. Villebois and the Misses Bagge
  1287. Mr. A. P. and Lady Jane Vivian
  1288. Mrs. Verschoyle and Miss Verschoyle
  1289. Mr. and Mrs. Hussey Vivian
  1290. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wheeler
  1291. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Winn and the Misses Winn
  1292. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold White
  1293. Mr. and Mrs. Algernon West and Miss Constance West
  1294. Mr. Archibald Stuart- Wortley
  1295. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Wemyss and the Misses Wemyss
  1296. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodford
  1297. Mr. Oscar Wylde [?]
  1298. Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Miss Walter
  1299. Mr. and Mrs. Cornwallis West
  1300. Mr. and Mrs. Hwfa Williams
  1301. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Ward
  1302. Mr. and Lady Rose Weigall
  1303. Mr. and Lady Catherine Weyland and Miss Weyland
  1304. Mr. G. Wilmshurst
  1305. Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A.
  1306. Mr. W. A. White
  1307. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Waterlow
  1308. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wyndham

Present as an Attendant


In attendance on the King of the Sandwich Islands:

  1. Colonel the Hon. Hastings Ludd
  2. Mr. W. N. Armstrong
  3. Mr. R. F. Synge

In attendance on the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Germany:

  1. Countess Kalckeuth
  2. Madlle. Buyard
  3. Count Eulenburg
  4. Count Seckendorff
  5. Major Von Pfuhlstein

In attendance on the Duke and Duchess of Connaught:

  1. Lady Adela Larking
  2. Captain Sir Maurice Fitzgerald

In attendance on the Prince and Princess Princess Christian:

  1. Lady Susan L. Melville
  2. Captain the Hon. C. Eliot

In attendance on Princess Louise:

  1. Lady Sophia Macnamara
  2. Captain A. [Arthur] Collins

In attendance on the Duke of Cambridge:

  1. Major-General C. Tyrwhitt

In attendance on the Princess Mary Adelaide (Duchess of Teck):

  1. the Hon. Mary Thesiger



From the Morning Post


<quote>Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales gave a garden party at Marlborough House on Thursday afternoon to the Queen.

Her Majesty was accompanied by her Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice, and attended by the Countess of Erroll, the Hon. Ethel Cadogan, Lieutenant-General Lynedoch Gardiner, and Captain A. Bigge.</quote> (

From the Morning Post


Thursday afternoon, beginning about 2 p.m., Garden Party at Marlborough House for the Queen; Arthur Collins is listed as having been invited, as are Mrs. Ronalds, Arthur Sullivan, and a number other familiar names ( Ronald, Lord Gower says, <quote>A garden party at Marlborough House. The Queen present, evidently suffering from the intense heat. I noticed Her Majesty talking much to John Bright</quote> (8).

The Music


<quote>The band of the 2d Life Guards, under the direction of Mr. W. Winterbottom, played the following selection of music:—

March, "Naaman" … Sir M. Costa.
Overture, "Semiramide" … Rossini.
Selection, "Mefistofele" … Boito.
"Schwäbischer Tanz" ... Metzgar.
Invocation to Harmony — His Royal Highness the Prince Consort (arranged for military band by W. Winterbottom).
Valse, "Gloire de Dijon" ... Enos Andrew.
Fantasia, "On Swedish Melodies" .. Dunkler.
Selection, "Patience" .. Sullivan.
Entr'acte, "La Colombe")
Chant, "Nazareth" …… ) … Gounod
March, "Hongroise" (Faust) … Berlioz.

Kalozdy's Hungarian Band and Duncan Miller's Party of Handbell Ringers also played in the garden during the afternoon.</quote>


Questions and Notes


