Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 11/refcontrol

Exercise for the break

Which of the following geometric shapes can be the image of a square under a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping from to ?


Let be a field, and let and be -vector spaces. Let

be a linear map. Prove the following facts.

  1. For a linear subspace , also the image is a linear subspace of .
  2. In particular, the image

    of the map is a subspace of .

  3. For a linear subspace , also the preimage is a linear subspace of .
  4. In particular, is a subspace of .

Determine the kernel of the linear map

given by the matrix

Determine the kernel of the linear map

We consider the linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping given by the matrixMDLD/matrix .

  1. Determine the imageMDLD/image of the line defined by the equation
  2. Determine the preimageMDLD/preimage of the line given by the equation

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let denote a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector space.MDLD/vector space Let be a linear subspace. Show that there exists a -vector space and a surjective -linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

such that holds.

Let a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping as in Example 10.11 be given, in order to represent three-dimensional shapes in the plane. Imagine the preimageMDLD/preimage for a point ! How do the corresponding line equations look like? What points have the same image point as the corner of the unit cube?

Let , and let

denote the corresponding linear mapping.MDLD/linear mapping

  1. Determine a basisMDLD/basis (vs) and the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of , and of .
  2. Find a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace such that


  3. Does there also exist a linear subspace , , such that ?

Let be a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector space,MDLD/vector space and be an endomorphism.MDLD/endomorphism Show that the following statements are equivalent.

  1. ,
  2. ,
  3. ,
  4. .

We consider the mappingMDLD/mapping

Show that for this mapping, neither the image of a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace must be a linear subspace, nor the preimage of a linear subspace must be a linear subspace.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let be a -vector space.MDLD/vector space For a vector , the mappingMDLD/mapping

is called the translation by the vector .

A translation is in general not a linear mapping, as is not sent to . It is, however, an affine-linear mapping,MDLD/affine-linear mapping we will come back later to this concept.

Let be a "geometric shape“, for example, a circle or a rectangle in the plane. Let

be the translationMDLD/translation with the vector , and let denote the translated shape. Let

be a linear mapping.MDLD/linear mapping Show that the imageMDLD/image arises from the image by a translation.

How does the graphMDLD/graph (map) of a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

look like? How can you see in a sketch of the graph the kernel of the map?

Give an example for a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

which is not injective,MDLD/injective but such that its restrictionMDLD/restriction

is injective.

Let be the linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping determined by the matrix (with respect to the standard basis). Determine the describing matrix of with respect to the basis and .

The telephone companies and compete for a market, where the market customers in a year are given by the customers-tuple (where is the number of customers of in the year etc.). There are customers passing from one provider to another one during a year.

  1. The customers of remain for with , while of them goes to , and the same percentage goes to .
  2. The customers of remain for with , while of them goes to , and goes to .
  3. The customers of remain for with , while of them goes to , and goes to .

a) Determine the linear map (i.e. the matrix), which expresses the customers-tuple with respect to .

b) Which customers-tuple arises from the customers-tuple within one year?

c) Which customers-tuple arises from the customers-tuple in four years?

The newspapers and sell subscriptions, and they compete in a local market with customers. Within a year, one can observe the following movements.

  1. The subscribers of stick with a percentage of to , switch to , switch to and become nonreaders.
  2. The subscribers of stick with a percentage of to , switch to , switch to and become nonreaders.
  3. The subscribers of stick with a percentage of to , nobody switches to , switch to and become nonreaders.
  4. Among the nonreaders, subscribe to or , the rest remains nonreaders.

a) Establish the matrix, which describes the movement of customers within a year.

b) In a certain year, each of the three newspapers has subscribers and there are nonreaders. How does the distribution look like after a year?

c) The three newspapers expand to another city, where there are no newspapers at all so far, but also potential customers. How many subscribers does each newspaper have (and how many nonreaders) after three years, if the same movements hold in the new city?

We consider the linear map

Let be the subspace of , defined by the linear equation , and let be the restriction of on . On , there are given vectors of the form

Compute the "change of basis" matrix between the bases

of , and the transformation matrix of with respect to these three bases (and the standard basis of ).

We consider the families of vectors

in and in . We denote the standard basesMDLD/standard bases by and . We consider the linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

given by the matrixMDLD/matrix

with respect to the standard bases. Determine the describing matricesMDLD/describing matrices of with respect to the bases

a) and ,

b) and ,

c) and .

Prove Theorem 9.7 using Theorem 11.5 .


be an endomorphismMDLD/endomorphism on a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space . Show that is a homothetyMDLD/homothety if and only if the describing matrixMDLD/describing matrix is independent of the chosen basis.MDLD/basis

Prove Corollary 8.10 using Corollary 11.9 and Exercise 10.23 .

Prove Lemma 9.5 with the help of Lemma 11.10 and Example 10.13 .

The following exercise uses the concept of an isomorphism for groups, it also needs the concept of cardinality. The result might be somehow confusing.

Let and be finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional real vector spaces,MDLD/real vector spaces both not the zero-space. Are these spaces isomorphicMDLD/isomorphic (group) as commutative groups?MDLD/commutative groups


Sketch the imageMDLD/image of the pictured circles under the linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping given by the matrixMDLD/matrix from to itself.

Determine the image and the kernel of the linear map

Let be the plane defined by the linear equation . Determine a linear map

such that the image of is equal to .

On the real vector space of mulled wines, we consider the two linear maps


We consider as the price function, and as the caloric function. Determine a basis for , one for and one for .[1]

An animal population consists of babies (first year), freshers (second year), rockers (third year), mature ones (fourth year) and veterans (fifth year), these animals can not become older. The total stock of these animals in a given year is given by a -tuple .

During a year, of the babies become freshers, of the freshers become rockers, of the rockers become mature ones, and of the mature ones reach the fifth year.

Babies and freshers can not reproduce yet, then they reach the sexual maturity, and rockers generate new pets, and of the mature ones generate new babies, and the babies are born one year later.

a) Determine the linear map (i.e. the matrix), which expresses the total stock with respect to the stock .

b) What will happen to the stock in the next year?

c) What will happen to the stock in five years?

Let be a complex number and let

be the multiplication map, which is a -linear map. How does the matrix related to this map with respect to the real basis and look like? Let and be complex numbers with corresponding real matrices and . Prove that the matrix product is the real matrix corresponding to .

  1. Do not mind that there may exist negative numbers. In a mulled wine, of course the ingredients do not enter with a negative coefficient. But if you would like to consider, for example, in how many ways you can change a particular recipe, without changing the total price or the total amount of energy, then the negative entries make sense.

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