Collaborative computing

Welcome to the learning project on Collaborative computing!

Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.
Completion status: this resource is just getting off the ground. Please feel welcome to help!

Learning project summary


This is a learning resource for students and others interested in Collaborative Computing. This site is currently being developed by graduate students enrolled in the course "Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Organizational Communication" at the University of Copenhagen. As part of the course, students develop, modify and expand the site, contributing their own understanding of the course readings and critical analysis. The course is jointly taught by Assistant Professor Stine Lomborg and Professor Jørgen P. Bansler from the Centre for Communication and Computing at the University of Copenhagen.



In this learning project we aim to write the new bible (



Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)

Litteratur til eksamensspm.

Learning materials


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Readings and other resources


Each topic/concept/discussion may have a suggested reading selection. For example:



Subpages can be created - using the syntax '[[/concepts/]]' (for concepts involved in this learning project & without the quotes).

Subpages in Collaborative computing:

Active participants


Active participants in this Learning Group

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You should also read about the Wikiversity:Learning model. Lessons should center on learning activities for Wikiversity participants. Learning materials and learning projects can be used by multiple projects - and you are encouraged to cooperate with other departments that use the same learning resource.