Assistant teacher course


Assistant teacher program

  Moral culture must be based upon 'maxims', not upon discipline; the one prevents evil habits, the other trains the mind to think. We must see, then, that the child should accustom himself to act in accordance with 'maxims' and not from certain ever-changing springs of action. Through discipline we form certain habits, moreover, the force of which becomes lessened in the course of years. The child should learn to act according to 'maxims', the reasonableness of which he is able to see for himself. One can easily see that there is some difficulty in carrying out this principle with young children, and that moral culture demands a great deal of insight on the part of parents and teachers. 

On education (Über Pädagogik), Immanuel Kant

Welcome to the assistant teacher course of the Wikiversity assistant teacher program. The course covers the exemplary components of the assistant teacher program. Optional components are available on the page Topic:Assistant teacher program. You can find the info you need from there.

The assistant teacher course aims to educate pupils to understand and to appreciate the view and the work of teachers. Assistant teachers should be qualified to teach other pupils in a classroom under the supervision of an adult teacher or teaching assistant and to educate other pupils to become assistant teachers. The office of assistant teacher will have its own code of conduct developed by the participants. A service provider attitude and a code of conduct developed by the pupils can help to establish a purpose and make education more meaningful for pupils. The course assumes the purpose of assistant teachers to be as described in this proposal but schools are, obviously, free to redefine the exact purpose of assistant teachers as desired.

Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Involve me and I will understand.

(attributed to Confucius and Laozi)

The course is expected to be held as a tight three week course in a summer camp or summer school for pupils between seventh grade and eighth grade. The format may help to leave a lasting impression on young pupils. The course is meant for attentive, disciplined and cooperative pupils. The selection criteria can help to provide motivation, just like the office of assistant teacher can help to motivate the peers of the assistant teachers to want the same qualification. It is recommended to select between 10% and 25% of the pupils of a grade for the initial group of assistant teachers participating in the course.

The Wikiversity assistant teacher program can serve as a way for course instructors of derived courses to give feedback to the general public.

Handbooks for teachers and instructors



  Completion status: this resource is ~50% complete.
  Type classification: this resource is a course.
  This resource is currently unmaintained. Please feel welcome to adopt it and then change this tag.

First week

Second week

Third week


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