Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2024/Money and motivation

Suggestions and Feedback


Hi EmmanuelPaps,

Good job for starting this topic :) I'll make some edits on your chapter to fix your indenting. I've also added the subheading from the assignment list.

Some other suggestions are:

  • You've got to include some focus questions in the overview - e.g. what are the primary goals/outcomes of your chapter?
  • Refer to your figure 1 in the body of your chapter to get some extra points under 'figure' of the rubric
  • An interesting learning feature could be how does money motivate us? - e.g. money serves to meet our basic needs (warmth, home, food, clothes) but also allows us to engage with things that bring us joy (like going overseas, guilty splurges). Alternatively you could have a textbox asking people to reflect on how money can both positively and negatively impact emotions.

I suggest shortening the case study to make it a bit easier to read - I'll copy some suggested words below. I'd also suggest connecting your image to the case study more - what is it about the coins that is relevant? You could refer it to as something like Figure 1: Is more money worth it?

Case study

Jasper works in coding and loves what he does. He has recently been offered a job with the Government - it's not interesting work, but it does pay almost double his current salary and offers financial security. He decides to accept the job.

After 3 months starts Jasper to dread going into work. He is already getting tired of his coworkers and finds the work boring. He used to love his job and although he is making more money, he is struggling to find motivation to work.

Goodluck with the assessment!

Mel U3225022 (discusscontribs) 12:51, 15 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

Topic development feedback


The topic development submission has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is below, plus see the general feedback page. Please also check the page history for changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Marks are available via UCLearn. Marks are based on the latest version before the due date.

  1. The title and sub-title are correctly worded and formatted
  1. Promising 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development and/or refinement
  2. Adopt closer alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings
  3. The Overview and Conclusion should not have sub-headings
  4. Avoid having sections with only 1 sub-heading – use 0 or 2+ sub-headings
  5. Remove "Key points" heading
  6. Use 3rd person perspective (e.g., remove "us")
  7. Use correct spelling (e.g., affect vs. effect)
  1. Move the scenario or case study into a feature box (with an image) to the start of this section to help catch reader interest
  2. A brief, evocative description of the problem/topic is provided
  3. Present focus questions in a feature box at the end of this section
  1. Basic development of key points for each section, with some relevant citations
  2. For sections which include sub-sections, include the key points for an overview paragraph prior to branching into the sub-headings
  3. Avoid providing too much background information. Aim to briefly summarise general concepts and provide internal links to relevant book chapters and/or Wikipedia pages for further information. Then focus most of the content on directly answering the core question(s) posed by the chapter sub-title.
  4. No development
  5. It is unclear whether the best available psychological theory and research has been consulted in the preparation of this plan
  6. I recommend using the Studiosity service and/or a service like Grammarly to help improve the quality of written expression such as checking grammatical and spelling errors
  7. Conclusion (the most important section):
    1. Hasn't been developed

One or more relevant figure(s) is/are presented and captioned

  1. The figure caption(s) could better explain how the image connects to key points being made in the main text
  2. Cite each figure at least once in the main text using APA style (e.g., see Figure 1)
  1. One use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters
  2. Promising use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
  3. Consider including one or more quiz question(s) about the take-home messages
  4. Also consider using one or more tables to summarise key information
  1. Very good
  2. Are there any systematic reviews about this topic?
  3. Check and correct APA referencing style:
    1. capitalisation
    2. make doi hyperlinks active (i.e., clickable)
  1. See also
    1. One of two link types provided
      1. Also link to relevant Wikipedia pages
    2. Use bullet-points (see Tutorial 02)
    3. Use alphabetical order
  2. External links
    1. Move Wikipedia link to the See also section
    2. Rename link so that it is more user-friendly. Include source in parentheses after the link.
  1. Basic – minimal, but sufficient
  2. Very brief description about self – consider expanding
  3. Consider linking to your eportfolio page and/or any other professional online profile or resume such as LinkedIn. This is not required, but it can be useful to interlink your professional networks.
  4. A link to the book chapter is provided
  1. One out of three types of contributions made with with indirect link(s) to evidence. The other types of contribution are making:
    1. comments on the talk pages of other chapters (past or current)
    2. posts about the unit or project on other platforms such as the UCLearn discussion forum or on X using the #emot24
  2. To add direct links to evidence: view the page history, select the version of the page before and after your contributions, click "compare selected revisions", and paste the comparison URL on your user page. For more info, see Making and summarising social contributions.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 21:54, 26 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

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