Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Therapy/Neuroprotection/Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is a powerful antioxidant and it has been hypothesised that it could have neuroprotective qualities for PD patients. Research is at the stage of basic data gathering.



Phytic acid (known as inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), or phytate when in salt form) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds.




Obata [1] examined the antioxidant effect of phytic acid on iron (II)-enhanced hydroxyl radical (*OH) generation induced by MPP+ in the extracellular fluid of rat striatum. The results were :-

These results suggest that the antiradical effect of phytic acid occurs by chelating iron required for the MPP(+)-enhanced *OH generation via the Fenton-type reaction.


Xu et al [2] tested the hypothesis that excess iron associated with cell death in PD could be reduced by the application of phytic acid. They tried this on rats pre-treated with MPP+ to render them Parkinsonian. Their results concluded:-

Collectively, our results demonstrate a significant neuroprotective effect of phytate in a cell culture model of PD.


Xu et al [3] repeated the 2008 research with a number of variables. The conclusion:-

Together, our data suggest that IP6 protects against 6-OHDA-induced cell apoptosis in both normal and iron-excess conditions, and IP6 may offer neuroprotection in PD.

Further Reading



Kell, Douglas B. Full Text Arch. Toxicol.84 (11) 823—889

Towards a unifying systems biology understanding of large-scale cellular death and destruction caused by poorly iganded iron: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, prions, bactericides, chemical toxiclogy and others as examples.


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Therapy > Neuroprotection

Sub Pages:

Neuroprotective agents
Substances with possible neuroprotective properties:
Caffeine,--Celastrol,--Co-Enzyme Q10,--Creatine,--DHA,--Exendin-4 (EX-4),--GDNF,--Glutathione (GSH),--GM1,--Isradipine,--Melatonin,--Minocycline,--Nicotine,--NSAIDs,--Phenylbutyrate,--Phytic Acid,--Probucol,--Quinoxaline,--Rasagiline,--Riboflavin,--Statins,--Tolcapone,--Urate & Uric Acid,--Vitamin D,--Vitamin E,--


  1. Obata, T. 2003 Abstract Brain Res. 978 (1-2):241 - 244. Phytic acid suppresses 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion-induced hydroxyl radical generation in rat striatum.
  2. Xu, Q.; Kanthasamy, A. G. and Reddy, M. B. (2008)Abstract Toxicology 245 (1-2):101 - 108. Neuroprotective effect of the natural iron chelator, phytic acid in a cell culture model of Parkinson's disease.
  3. Xu, Q.; Kanthasamy, A. G, and Reddy ,. M. B.(2011) Abstract Parkinsons Dis. Feb 7;2011:431068. Phytic Acid Protects against 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Dopaminergic Neuron Apoptosis in Normal and Iron Excess Conditions in a Cell Culture Model.