Instructional design/Cognitive behaviors/Teaching Procedures

Instructional Design > Cognitive behaviors > Teaching Procedures > Define > Learn > Teach > Routine > Power > Steps > Try > Example



This lesson covers how to design instruction that teaches procedures, or “procedure-using” instruction. After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • Recognize the definition of a procedure.
  • Distinguish between linear and branched procedures.
  • Design an effective, efficient and appealing instructional method for a procedure-using skill.

Topics and Navigation


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Primary References for this Lesson


This section contains the primary references and resources used to produce this original lesson. Where available, a hyperlink to the WorldCat library database is provided for the references and resources used in this lesson. Per the web site, WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. By following the hyperlinks below to the WorldCat web site, it is possible to find library copies of the resources in your area by conducting a search by zip code. In addition, hyperlinks to other web sites are used within the lesson to provide additional sources of information for further exploration of topics that are beyond the primary focus or scope of this lesson.