Film editing/Analyzing film dailies/Jason

Table of Contents
This school is:
Narrative Film Production
The course is:
Basic film editing (editing a dramatic conversation)
This lesson is:
Analyzing film dailies - What can you learn from film dailies?
The pages of this lesson are:
1. Lesson summary - Analyzing & editing film dailies

24 Unedited Scenes Disk

Scene: "Out for a walk" Funny, short, needs matte painting
Scene: "The Assignment" Long and intense
Scene: "Ice Cream" Long but simple
12 scenes from the family reunion
Scene: "Taking Notes" A basic scene
Scene: "Morning Coffee" A basic scene
Scenes about Amy Good practice
Scenes about Jason Simple but good practice
Scene: "Morning Surprise" Needs 3D animation
Scene: "Doctor, Doctor!" Needs sound F/X and music
Scene: "The Girl and the Golden Jewel" Needs F/X, voice over, sound
Scene: "Wedding Bells" Funny, old, poor color, only 12fps
Scene: "The Big Bad Bell" A bit odd
Scene: "Open The Door" Totally weird, MOS - even needs dialog!!!

"24 Unedited Scenes"
from the
Star Movie Shop

Four Scenes about Jason

Four scenes about Jason

Here is a set of four simple scenes which explain the story of Jason who is one of the sons of the family. You will have no problem editing the first three scenes but the fourth has many challenges.
The location
Near the house of the mother and father of the family is Jason's house. He is a song writer who travels constantly.
The characters
Most of the scenes are with Jason and his wife. One scne is "Pillow Fight" where they talk about Jason's most recent disappearance. The final scene (which is the most challenging) is with Jason and Elvis.
The story - "Happy Homecoming"
Jason is playing with his son. He seems very happy but his wife is not happy.
The story - "Leaving Soon"
Jason is leaving and his wife is very unhappy.
The story - "Pillow Fight"
The girls are staying in their own room of ther parent's house. They talk about Jason having left without telling anyone where he was going. A visitor comes to the room and they have a pillw fight.
The story - "Come On In"
In this scene, Jason goes to meet Elvis. In this scene, which is filmed as a single take, Jason enters the backstage of a theater, gets information and goes to the dressing room of Elvis. Outside the room, girls are waiting and talking. The manager of Elvis is waiting for Jason and he lets Jason go inside the room. We hear Elvis say, "Come on in."
The challenge
All of the scenes are very simple and easy to edit. Music or just musical effects are needed at the end of most scenes. These scenes are simply practice scenes... except for the last scene.
The last scene is called "Come On In". The scene has three different camera setups. But as you will see, there was a mistake. The three different camera setups are so similar (from almost the same location and camera angle) that you cannot edit this scene. There is no place that you can cut which will not produce a jump cut. Therefore, you cannot edit his scene. You can only trim the ends of one of the takes. That is all you can do (as far as editing is concerned. You still need lots of sound effects to make this scene seem real.)
Jump cut
A jump cut is where the camera angle does not change by at least 30 degrees. If you take a scene and remove some of the frames in the middle, the picture seems to jump. You can get this exact same effect if you do not have enough difference between the shots.

Notice that the screaming girls in the scene are mute. They do not say a word. This is good for two reasons, One, it gives you complete control where to add their words. If the girls were talking, they might drown out the manager's words. And the second reason is if the girls talked, you would have to pay tham as full actors, not extras.

Edit this scene

Order the disk
Order the disk from the Star Movie Shop. Remember, if you have earned enough points at the Wikiversity Film School, the disk is free. If you do not have enough points, the Star Movie Shop will accept PayPal. To contact the Star Movie Shop, you simply click here.
The Overview Movie
Start by looking at the overview movie for these four scenes. (The overview movie filesa are in a different folder than the film dailies.) The overview movie shows you the important parts of the film dailies in chronological order so you can quickly see which shots are best.
Transfer the dailies
Copy all the film dailies (not the overview movie) to your hard drive. If necessary, convert the dailies to whatever format your editing program prefers. Import them into your editing program.
Edit the scenes
Editing the scenes is easy. Always start by looking for the best audio. Once the audio (along with the picture) is edited, you will lock the audio and roll the picture edits to find the best visual transitions thereby creating "L-Cuts".
The opening shot
These four scenes are mixed in between scenes about the main characters. To help the audience know that these scenes are from the story about the store keeper's family, show the [icture of the store at the beginning of each scene.
Submit your finished scene
Each scene is worth 20 points and 10 points for original music or musical sound effects. Email me when you are finished.

Analyze the Dailies

Look at the screaming girls in the scene "Come On In". The film editor must write a script for the screaming girls, record the screaming girls, and them insert their words into the scene without covering up the words of the manager.
No mistake
This method is not a mistake. Anytime that someone is not seen on screen (or in this case, their mouths are not seen on screen), they should be mute. The editor has no control if people off screen make sounds that are on top of the sounds of the actors. As an editor, you must go onto the movie set and watch that people off screen are not talking to people who are on screen in such as way that the two sounds overlap.

The next scene

These four scenes are good practice scenes. There is one more scene from this same TV show which is important to look at. It is called "Morning Surprise".

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