Film editing/Analyzing film dailies/Trivia Quiz

Table of Contents
This school is:
Narrative Film Production
The course is:
Basic film editing (editing a dramatic conversation)
This lesson is:
Analyzing film dailies - What can you learn from film dailies?
The pages of this lesson are:
1. Lesson summary - Analyzing & editing film dailies

24 Unedited Scenes Disk

Scene: "Out for a walk" Funny, short, needs matte painting
Scene: "The Assignment" Long and intense
Scene: "Ice Cream" Long but simple
12 scenes from the family reunion
Scene: "Taking Notes" A basic scene
Scene: "Morning Coffee" A basic scene
Scenes about Amy Good practice
Scenes about Jason Simple but good practice
Scene: "Morning Surprise" Needs 3D animation
Scene: "Doctor, Doctor!" Needs sound F/X and music
Scene: "The Girl and the Golden Jewel" Needs F/X, voice over, sound
Scene: "Wedding Bells" Funny, old, poor color, only 12fps
Scene: "The Big Bad Bell" A bit odd
Scene: "Open The Door" Totally weird, MOS - even needs dialog!!!

Please take this pop quiz!

Trivia Question #1

What is the name of the space station in "Out for a Walk".

(Hint: It is located in deep space but it is not number nine!)

Trivia Question #2

What is the name of the family in the scenes of the "Family Reunion".

(Hint: They have a mountain named after them.)

Trivia Question #3

The doctor in "Doctor, Doctor!" was a child actor. What famous role did she play?

(Hint: The TV series featured a very small house at the edge of the Indian Territories on very flat ground with lots of grass on it.)

Trivia Question #4

The male actor in "Wedding Bells" once dreamed of who?

(Hint: This is the name of a popular TV show about a beautiful girl who lived in a bottle and he was an astronaut.)

The next page

Now you will being to look at 24 unedited scenes filmed in Hollywood. The first one is:

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this film editing class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.