Choose a Rhyme Point from the following list and click the link to see a list of Esper' words with that Rhyme Point. Within such lists there may be one or more sub-lists based on what languages the words are being translated into. Next to the translation there may be a word in parentheses, representing a variant which can be used as an alternative in a dialect of Esper' based on the written destination language. This is to allow an alternative to learning many new words before being able to hold a conversation in the language, so that people with a shared language may start by learning the Esper' pronouns and basic word building, and applying what they have learned to their shared language. This may first be done haphazardly and intuitively if so desired, moving later to something like the suggested dialect variants and eventually learning the Esper' words through conversations with people who know them, rather than having to memorize completely new words from a list. This teaching method is just one possibility out of an endless range and both students and teachers are encouraged to find what works best for them personally.

Note: If you see a "hide" link at the top of a vocabulary list, you may click it to collapse that list, bringing other lists below it (if any) up into view. Try this if you don't see the language you are looking for is not listed.

(Some browsers may have the lists collapsed by default, while others may not.)

a, ab, ac, ad, af, ag, ah, aj, ak, al, am, an, ap, aq, ar, as, at, av, aw, ax, ay, az.

e, eb, ec, ed, ef, eg, eh, ej, ek, el, em, en, ep, eq, er, es, et, ev, ew, ex, ey, ez.

i, ib, ic, id, if, ig, ih, ij, ik, il, im, in, ip, iq, ir, is, it, iv, iw, ix, iy, iz.

o, ob, oc, od, of, og, oh, oj, ok, ol, om, on, op, oq, or, os, ot, ov, ow, ox, oy, oz.

u, ub, uc, ud, uf, ug, uh, uj, uk, ul, um, un, up, uq, ur, us, ut, uv, uw, ux, uy, uz.

No Rhyme Point


Listed here are words which technically have no rhyme point. These are mainly intended for use in the formation of other words, although they can be used as words in their own right also. Note that when used as a modifier word, one which starts with an apostrophe will effect the word before it, while one which ends in an apostrophe will effect the word after it. This is reflective of their usage in word formation and may evolve over time as the language evolves.

Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English.

Esper' English
y' familiar (y')
'a adjective ('a)
'e adverb ('e)
'i infinitive ('i)
'j connective ('j)
'j connective (j')
'l contemplative ('l)
'm abstract ('m)
'n accusative ('n)
'o substantive ('o)
'r head ('r)
'v able ('v)
'w singular ('w)
'x ordinal ('x)
'y plural ('y)
'z nominative ('z)
'ac mixture ('ac)
'aj conjunction ('aj)
'al rationale ('al)
'am temporal ('am)
'as general present ('as)
'at passive present ('at)
'av able present ('av)
'aw incisive ('aw)
'ax present ('ax)
'ec source ('ec)
'ej inclusive conjunction ('ej)
'ex untemporal ('ex)
'it passive past ('it)
'iv able past ('iv)
'ix past ('ix)
'nz multicase ('nz)
'ot passive future ('ot)
'wa intransative_nexus ('wa)
'wi preposition ('wi)
'wn accusative singular ('wn)
'wo postposition ('wo)
'wu circumposition ('wu)
'wz nominative singular ('wz)
'yn accusative plural ('yn)
'yz nominative plural ('yz)
'and utility ('and)
'ant active present ('ant)
'ast stative present ('ast)
'ent active ('ent)
'ews singular possessive ('ews)
'eys plural possessive ('eys)
'int active past ('int)
'wnz multicase singular ('wnz)
'ynz multicase plural ('ynz)