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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
cud' blasfem' should curse
〔 cud' /+/ "blasf" -tendency 〕
cud' prem' should press
cud' rem' should row
cud' sem' should sow seeds
cud' subprem' should oppress
〔 cud' /+/ "subpr" -tendency / "subp" -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" 〕
cud' tem' should be about
dev' blasfem' must curse
〔 dev' /+/ "blasf" -tendency 〕
dev' prem' must press
dev' rem' must row
dev' sem' must sow seeds
dev' subprem' must oppress
〔 dev' /+/ "subpr" -tendency / "subp" -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" 〕
dev' tem' must be about
em' propensity (propensity')
em' tendency (tend')
kud' dissem' could disperse
〔 kud' /+/ "diss" -tendency / scatter- "sem" 〕
kud' em' could tend toward
kud' tem' could be about
kud' trem' could shake
mem' herself (self')
mem' himself (him')
mem' itself (self')
mem' self (self') mem (mem')
simem' self (self')
〔 "sim" -tendency / reflexive- "mem" 〕
mem (mem')
trem' quake (trem') (trem')
trem' tremble (trem') (trem')
trem' tremor (trem') (trem')
wil' dissem' will disperse
〔 wil' /+/ "diss" -tendency / scatter- "sem" 〕
wil' em' will tend toward
wil' tem' will be about
wil' trem' will shake
wud' dissem' would disperse
〔 wud' /+/ "diss" -tendency / scatter- "sem" 〕
wud' em' would tend toward
wud' tem' would be about
wud' trem' would shake
adaptidjem'a flexible (flexibl'a)
〔 "adaptidjem" -adjective / "adaptidj" -adjective -tendency / "adapt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
adaptiĝema (adaptidjem'a)
adultem'a adulterous (adulterus'a)
〔 "adultem" -adjective / "adult" -adjective -tendency 〕
adultema (adultem'a)
afektem'a showy (cowy'a)
〔 "afektem" -adjective / "afekt" -adjective -tendency 〕
afektema (afektem'a)
agitidjem'a uptight (uptiqt'a)
〔 "agitidjem" -adjective / "agitidj" -adjective -tendency / "agit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "ag" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -done 〕
agitiĝema (agitidjem'a)
aglutinem'a agglutinative (aglutinativ'a)
〔 "aglutinem" -adjective / "aglutin" -adjective -tendency / "aglut" -adjective -tendency -grammatical_feminine / "agl" -adjective -tendency -grammatical_feminine -likely 〕
aglutinema (aglutinem'a)
agresem'a aggressive (agresiv'a)
〔 "agresem" -adjective / "agres" -adjective -tendency / "agr" -adjective -tendency -owner / "ag" -adjective -tendency -owner -head 〕
agresema (agresem'a)
akomodem'a adaptable (adaptabl'a)
〔 "akomodem" -adjective / "akomod" -adjective -tendency / "akom" -adjective -tendency -previous_generation / "ak" -adjective -tendency -previous_generation -degree 〕
akomodema (akomodem'a)
akomodidjem'a adaptable (adaptabl'a)
〔 "akomodidjem" -adjective / "akomodidj" -adjective -tendency / "akomod" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "akom" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -previous_generation / "ak" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -previous_generation -degree 〕
akomodiĝema (akomodidjem'a)
akordidjem'a conciliatory (conciliatory'a)
〔 "akordidjem" -adjective / "akordidj" -adjective -tendency / "akord" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
akordiĝema (akordidjem'a)
aktseptem'a receptive (receptiv'a)
〔 "aktseptem" -adjective / "aktsept" -adjective -tendency 〕
akceptema (akceptem'a)
alfrontem'a belligerent (beligerent'a)
〔 "alfrontem" -adjective / "alfront" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- "front" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- "frontem" -adjective / to_or_toward- "front" -adjective -tendency 〕
alfrontema (alfrontem'a)
alfrontem'a confrontational (confrontational'a) alfrontema (alfrontem'a)
algluidjem'a sticky (stiky'a)
〔 "algluidjem" -adjective / "algluidj" -adjective -tendency / "alglu" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / to_or_toward- "glu" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / to_or_toward- "gluidj" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- "glu" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / to_or_toward- "gluidjem" -adjective / to_or_toward- "gluidj" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- "glu" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
algluiĝema (algluidjem'a)
altidjem'a upward (upward'a)
〔 "altidjem" -adjective / "altidj" -adjective -tendency / "alt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / to_or_toward- "tidj" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- "tidjem" -adjective / to_or_toward- "tidj" -adjective -tendency / to_or_toward- that- "djem" -adjective 〕
altiĝema (altidjem'a)
amem'a loving (loving'a)
〔 "amem" -adjective / "am" -adjective -tendency 〕
amema (amem'a)
amikem'a friendly (friendly'a)
〔 "amikem" -adjective / "amik" -adjective -tendency / "am" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of 〕
amikema (amikem'a)
amikidjem'a social (social'a)
〔 "amikidjem" -adjective / "amikidj" -adjective -tendency / "amik" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "am" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -reminiscent_of 〕
amikiĝema (amikidjem'a)
antawenem'a progressive (antawenem'a)
〔 "antawenem" -adjective / "antawen" -adjective -tendency / "antaw" -adjective -tendency -goal / "ant" -adjective -tendency -goal -in_any_sense / before- "en" -adjective -tendency / before- "enem" -adjective / before- "en" -adjective -tendency / before- in- "em" -adjective 〕
antaŭenema (antawenem'a)
antawgardem'a careful (careful'a)
〔 "antawgardem" -adjective / "antawgard" -adjective -tendency / before- "gard" -adjective -tendency / before- "gardem" -adjective / before- "gard" -adjective -tendency 〕
antaŭgardema (antawgardem'a)
antawtemp'a premature (prematur'a)
〔 "antawtemp" -adjective / before- "temp" -adjective 〕
antaŭtempa (antawtemp'a)
antawyudjem'a prejudiced (prejudiced'a)
〔 "antawyudjem" -adjective / "antawyudj" -adjective -tendency / "antawy" -adjective -tendency -departing / before- "yudj" -adjective -tendency / before- "yudjem" -adjective / before- "yudj" -adjective -tendency 〕
antaŭjuĝema (antawjudjem'a)
aridjem'a social (social'a)
〔 "aridjem" -adjective / "aridj" -adjective -tendency / "ar" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "a" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -head 〕
ariĝema (aridjem'a)
artifikem'a tricky (triky'a)
〔 "artifikem" -adjective / "artifik" -adjective -tendency / "artif" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of / "art" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of -change_into 〕
artifikema (artifikem'a)
asertivem'a assertive (asertiv'a)
〔 "asertivem" -adjective / "asertiv" -adjective -tendency / "asert" -adjective -tendency -knowledgable 〕
asertivema (asertivem'a)
atakem'a aggressive (agresiv'a)
〔 "atakem" -adjective / "atak" -adjective -tendency / "at" -adjective -tendency -derived_from 〕
atakema (atakem'a)
atendem'a patient (patient'a)
〔 "atendem" -adjective / "atend" -adjective -tendency / "at" -adjective -tendency -important 〕
atendema (atendem'a)
atentem'a attentive (atentiv'a)
〔 "atentem" -adjective / "atent" -adjective -tendency 〕
atentema (atentem'a)
atentem'a careful (car'a) atentema (atentem'a)
atentem'a expectant (expectant'a) atentema (atentem'a)
atentigem'a alert (alert'a)
〔 "atentigem" -adjective / "atentig" -adjective -tendency / "atent" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become 〕
atentigema (atentigem'a)
bagatelem'a frivolous (frivolus'a)
〔 "bagatelem" -adjective / "bagatel" -adjective -tendency / "bagat" -adjective -tendency -method / "bag" -adjective -tendency -method -happening 〕
bagatelema (bagatelem'a)
batalem'a belligerent (batalem'a)
〔 "batalem" -adjective / "batal" -adjective -tendency / "bat" -adjective -tendency -reason 〕
batalema (batalem'a)
batalem'a feisty (batalem'a) batalema (batalem'a)
batalem'a militant (batalem'a) batalema (batalem'a)
blasfem'a blasphemous (blasfem'a)
〔 "blasfem" -adjective / "blasf" -adjective -tendency 〕
blasfema (blasfem'a)
bonfarem'a humanitarian (bonfarem'a)
〔 "bonfarem" -adjective / "bonfar" -adjective -tendency / "bonfa" -adjective -tendency -head / good- "fa" -adjective -tendency -head / "bonf" -adjective -tendency -collection / good- "far" -adjective -tendency / good- "fa" -adjective -tendency -head / good- "farem" -adjective / good- "far" -adjective -tendency / good- "fa" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
bonfarema (bonfarem'a)
brulem'a flammable (flam'a)
〔 "brulem" -adjective / "brul" -adjective -tendency 〕
brulema (brulem'a)
brulem'a inflammable (flam'a) brulema (brulem'a)
buklidjem'a curly (curly'a)
〔 "buklidjem" -adjective / "buklidj" -adjective -tendency / "bukl" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
bukliĝema (buklidjem'a)
candjiĝem'a changeable (tcangeabl'a)
〔 "candjiĝem" -adjective / "candjiĝ" -adjective -tendency 〕
ŝanĝiĝema (candjidjem'a)
cantselidjem'a uncertain (uncertain'a)
〔 "cantselidjem" -adjective / "cantselidj" -adjective -tendency / "cantsel" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "cants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method 〕
ŝanceliĝema (cancelidjem'a)
certsem'a mischievous (micievus'a)
〔 "certsem" -adjective / "certs" -adjective -tendency 〕
ŝercema (cercem'a)
cparem'a economical (econom'a)
〔 "cparem" -adjective / "cpar" -adjective -tendency / "cpa" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
ŝparema (cparem'a)
cparem'a frugal (frugal'a) ŝparema (cparem'a)
dankem'a grateful (grateful'a)
〔 "dankem" -adjective / "dank" -adjective -tendency / quantity_of- "nkem" -adjective 〕
dankema (dankem'a)
dawrem'a permanent (perm'a)
〔 "dawrem" -adjective / "dawr" -adjective -tendency / "daw" -adjective -tendency -head / quantity_of- "wrem" -adjective 〕
daŭrema (dawrem'a)
detsidem'a decisive (decisiv'a)
〔 "detsidem" -adjective / "detsid" -adjective -tendency / "dets" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / of- "tsid" -adjective -tendency / of- "tsidem" -adjective / of- "tsid" -adjective -tendency 〕
decidema (decidem'a)
detsidem'a purposeful (purposeful'a) decidema (decidem'a)
diktatorem'a dictatorial (dictatorial'a)
〔 "diktatorem" -adjective / "diktator" -adjective -tendency / "diktato" -adjective -tendency -head / "diktat" -adjective -tendency -value / "dikt" -adjective -tendency -value -happening 〕
diktatorema (diktatorem'a)
disputem'a contentious (contentius'a)
〔 "disputem" -adjective / "disput" -adjective -tendency / "disp" -adjective -tendency -likely / scatter- "put" -adjective -tendency / scatter- "putem" -adjective / scatter- "put" -adjective -tendency 〕
disputema (disputem'a)
djustatemp'a opportune (op'a)
〔 "djustatemp" -adjective 〕
ĝustatempa (djustatemp'a)
djustatemp'a timely (timely'a) ĝustatempa (djustatemp'a)
dogmem'a dogmatic (dogm'a)
〔 "dogmem" -adjective / "dogm" -adjective -tendency 〕
dogmema (dogmem'a)
donatsem'a generous (generus'a)
〔 "donatsem" -adjective / "donats" -adjective -tendency / gift- "ats" -adjective -tendency / gift- "atsem" -adjective / gift- "ats" -adjective -tendency 〕
donacema (donacem'a)
dormem'a sleepy (dormem'a)
〔 "dormem" -adjective / "dorm" -adjective -tendency 〕
dormema (dormem'a)
dubem'a skeptical (skeptical'a)
〔 two- "bem" -adjective 〕 〔 "dubem" -adjective / "dub" -adjective -tendency 〕
dubema (dubem'a)
ekcandjiĝem'a volatile (volatil'a)
〔 "ekcandjiĝem" -adjective / "ekcandjiĝ" -adjective -tendency 〕
ekŝanĝiĝema (ekcandjidjem'a)
eksplodem'a explosive (explosiv'a)
〔 "eksplodem" -adjective / "eksplod" -adjective -tendency / "ekspl" -adjective -tendency -previous_generation / outside- "plod" -adjective -tendency / outside- "plodem" -adjective / outside- "plod" -adjective -tendency 〕
eksplodema (eksplodem'a)
ekstrem'a dire (ekstrem'a)
〔 "ekstrem" -adjective / "ekstr" -adjective -tendency / "ekst" -adjective -tendency -head / outside- "trem" -adjective 〕
ekstrema (ekstrem'a)
ekstrem'a end (ekstrem'a) (ekstrem'a)
ekstrem'a extreme (ekstrem'a) ekstrema (ekstrem'a)
ekstrem'a gross (ekstrem'a) ekstrema (ekstrem'a)
ekzempl'a representative (representativ'a)
〔 "ekzempl" -adjective 〕
ekzempla (ekzempl'a)
elektem'a fastidious (elektem'a)
〔 "elektem" -adjective / "elekt" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "ekt" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "ektem" -adjective / out_of- "ekt" -adjective -tendency 〕
elektema (elektem'a)
elektem'a particular (elektem'a) elektema (elektem'a)
elektem'a picky (elektem'a) elektema (elektem'a)
elektem'a selective (elektem'a) elektema (elektem'a)
elglitem'a elusive (elusiv'a)
〔 "elglitem" -adjective / "elglit" -adjective -tendency / "elgl" -adjective -tendency -done / out_of- "glit" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "glitem" -adjective / out_of- "glit" -adjective -tendency 〕
elglitema (elglitem'a)
elmontrem'a showy (cowy'a)
〔 "elmontrem" -adjective / "elmontr" -adjective -tendency / "elmont" -adjective -tendency -head / out_of- "mont" -adjective -tendency -head / out_of- "montr" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "mont" -adjective -tendency -head / out_of- "montrem" -adjective / out_of- "montr" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "mont" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
elmontrema (elmontrem'a)
elpensem'a inventive (elpensem'a)
〔 "elpensem" -adjective / "elpens" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "pens" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "pensem" -adjective / out_of- "pens" -adjective -tendency 〕
elpensema (elpensem'a)
eltenem'a robust (eltenem'a)
〔 "eltenem" -adjective / "elten" -adjective -tendency / "elt" -adjective -tendency -goal / out_of- "ten" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "tenem" -adjective / out_of- "ten" -adjective -tendency 〕
eltenema (eltenem'a)
eltrovem'a inventive (eltrovem'a)
〔 "eltrovem" -adjective / "eltrov" -adjective -tendency / "eltr" -adjective -tendency -ready / "elt" -adjective -tendency -ready -head / out_of- "trov" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "trovem" -adjective / out_of- "trov" -adjective -tendency / out_of- excessive- "vem" -adjective 〕
eltrovema (eltrovem'a)
eltrovem'a resourceful (eltrovem'a) eltrovema (eltrovem'a)
elturnidjem'a slippery (slipery'a)
〔 "elturnidjem" -adjective / "elturnidj" -adjective -tendency / "elturn" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / out_of- "turn" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / out_of- "turnidj" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "turn" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / out_of- "turnidjem" -adjective / out_of- "turnidj" -adjective -tendency / out_of- "turn" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
elturniĝema (elturnidjem'a)
emblem'a emblematic (emblem'a)
〔 "emblem" -adjective / "embl" -adjective -tendency 〕
emblema (emblem'a)
emblem'a symbolic (symbolic'a) emblema (emblem'a)
ennovigem'a innovative (inovativ'a)
〔 "ennovigem" -adjective / "ennovig" -adjective -tendency / "ennov" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become / "enn" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become -ready / in- "nov" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become / in- "novig" -adjective -tendency / in- "nov" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become / in- "novigem" -adjective / in- "novig" -adjective -tendency / in- "nov" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become 〕
ennovigema (enovigem'a)
entreprenem'a enterprising (entreprenem'a)
〔 "entreprenem" -adjective / "entrepren" -adjective -tendency / "entrepr" -adjective -tendency -goal / "entrep" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / "entr" -adjective -tendency -goal -head -demonstration / "ent" -adjective -tendency -goal -head -demonstration -head / in- "trep" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / in- "trepr" -adjective -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / in- "trepren" -adjective -tendency / in- "trepr" -adjective -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / in- very- "pren" -adjective -tendency / in- "treprenem" -adjective / in- "trepren" -adjective -tendency / in- "trepr" -adjective -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / in- very- "pren" -adjective -tendency / in- very- "prenem" -adjective / in- very- "pren" -adjective -tendency 〕
entreprenema (entreprenem'a)
entreprenem'a entrepreneurial (entreprenem'a) entreprenema (entreprenem'a)
enviem'a envious (enviem'a)
〔 "enviem" -adjective / "envi" -adjective -tendency / in- "vi" -adjective -tendency / in- "viem" -adjective / in- "vi" -adjective -tendency / in- second_person- "em" -adjective 〕
enviema (enviem'a)
esperem'a hopeful (hopeful'a)
〔 "esperem" -adjective / "esper" -adjective -tendency / "espe" -adjective -tendency -head / "esp" -adjective -tendency -element 〕
esperema (esperem'a)
evitem'a cautious (cautius'a)
〔 "evitem" -adjective / "evit" -adjective -tendency / "ev" -adjective -tendency -done 〕
evitema (evitem'a)
favorem'a benign (benign'a)
〔 "favorem" -adjective / "favor" -adjective -tendency / "favo" -adjective -tendency -head / "fav" -adjective -tendency -value 〕
favorema (favorem'a)
fendidjem'a fragile (fragil'a)
〔 "fendidjem" -adjective / "fendidj" -adjective -tendency / "fend" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
fendiĝema (fendidjem'a)
festenem'a festive (festiv'a)
〔 "festenem" -adjective / "festen" -adjective -tendency / "fest" -adjective -tendency -goal 〕
festenema (festenem'a)
fidem'a confident (confident'a)
〔 "fidem" -adjective / "fid" -adjective -tendency 〕
fidema (fidem'a)
fidem'a trusting (trusting'a) fidema (fidem'a)
fikacem'a sly (sly'a)
〔 "fikacem" -adjective / "fikac" -adjective -tendency / "fik" -adjective -tendency -balance 〕
fikaŝema (fikacem'a)
filozofiem'a philosophical (filosofical'a)
〔 "filozofiem" -adjective / "filozofi" -adjective -tendency 〕
filozofiema (filozofiem'a)
flamidjem'a passionate (pasionat'a)
〔 "flamidjem" -adjective / "flamidj" -adjective -tendency / "flam" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
flamiĝema (flamidjem'a)
flatem'a flattering (flatering'a)
〔 "flatem" -adjective / "flat" -adjective -tendency 〕
flatema (flatem'a)
fleksidjem'a flexible (flexibl'a)
〔 "fleksidjem" -adjective / "fleksidj" -adjective -tendency / "fleks" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
fleksiĝema (fleksidjem'a)
fleksidjem'a pliant (pliant'a) fleksiĝema (fleksidjem'a)
fluktuem'a volatile (volatil'a)
〔 "fluktuem" -adjective / "fluktu" -adjective -tendency 〕
fluktuema (fluktuem'a)
fremd'a extraneous (extraneus'a)
〔 "fremd" -adjective 〕
fremda (fremd'a)
fremd'a foreign (foreign'a) fremda (fremd'a)
gardem'a careful (careful'a)
〔 "gardem" -adjective / "gard" -adjective -tendency 〕
gardema (gardem'a)
gardem'a watchful (watcful'a) gardema (gardem'a)
gayem'a cheerful (tcerful'a)
〔 "gayem" -adjective / "gay" -adjective -tendency 〕
gajema (gajem'a)
gestem'a animated (anim'a)
〔 "gestem" -adjective / "gest" -adjective -tendency 〕
gestema (gestem'a)
helpem'a constructive (constructiv'a)
〔 "helpem" -adjective / "help" -adjective -tendency 〕
helpema (helpem'a)
helpem'a helpful (helpful'a) helpema (helpem'a)
helpem'a supportive (suportiv'a) helpema (helpem'a)
heymsidem'a sedentary (sedentary'a)
〔 "heymsidem" -adjective / "heymsid" -adjective -tendency / "heyms" -adjective -tendency -next_generation 〕
hejmsidema (hejmsidem'a)
hezitem'a hesitant (hesitant'a)
〔 "hezitem" -adjective / "hezit" -adjective -tendency / "hez" -adjective -tendency -done 〕
hezitema (hezitem'a)
hezitem'a indecisive (indecisiv'a) hezitema (hezitem'a)
hontem'a shy (cy'a)
〔 "hontem" -adjective / "hont" -adjective -tendency 〕
hontema (hontem'a)
idealem'a idealistic (idealem'a)
〔 some- "dealem" -adjective / some- "deal" -adjective -tendency / some- "de" -adjective -tendency -reason / some- of- "al" -adjective -tendency / some- of- "alem" -adjective / some- of- "al" -adjective -tendency / some- of- to_or_toward- "em" -adjective 〕 〔 "idealem" -adjective / "ideal" -adjective -tendency / "ide" -adjective -tendency -reason 〕
idealema (idealem'a)
ignorem'a cavalier (cavalier'a)
〔 some- "gnorem" -adjective / some- "gnor" -adjective -tendency / some- "gno" -adjective -tendency -head 〕 〔 "ignorem" -adjective / "ignor" -adjective -tendency / "igno" -adjective -tendency -head / "ign" -adjective -tendency -value 〕
ignorema (ignorem'a)
imagem'a imaginative (imagem'a)
〔 some- "magem" -adjective / some- "mag" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "imagem" -adjective / "imag" -adjective -tendency / "im" -adjective -tendency -act 〕
imagema (imagem'a)
impresidjem'a sensitive (sensitiv'a)
〔 some- "mpresidjem" -adjective / some- "mpresidj" -adjective -tendency / some- "mpres" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕 〔 "impresidjem" -adjective / "impresidj" -adjective -tendency / "impres" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "impr" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -owner / "imp" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -owner -head 〕
impresiĝema (impresidjem'a)
impulsem'a impulsive (im'a)
〔 some- "mpulsem" -adjective / some- "mpuls" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "impulsem" -adjective / "impuls" -adjective -tendency 〕
impulsema (impulsem'a)
impulsidjem'a impetuous (im'a)
〔 some- "mpulsidjem" -adjective / some- "mpulsidj" -adjective -tendency / some- "mpuls" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕 〔 "impulsidjem" -adjective / "impulsidj" -adjective -tendency / "impuls" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
impulsiĝema (impulsidjem'a)
impulsidjem'a impulsive (im'a) impulsiĝema (impulsidjem'a)
indignem'a resentful (resentful'a)
〔 some- "ndignem" -adjective / some- "ndign" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "indignem" -adjective / "indign" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dign" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dignem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "dign" -adjective -tendency 〕
indignema (indignem'a)
indulgem'a soft (soft'a)
〔 some- "ndulgem" -adjective / some- "ndulg" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "indulgem" -adjective / "indulg" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adjective -tendency 〕
indulgema (indulgem'a)
infektidjem'a susceptible (susceptibl'a)
〔 some- "nfektidjem" -adjective / some- "nfektidj" -adjective -tendency / some- "nfekt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕 〔 "infektidjem" -adjective / "infektidj" -adjective -tendency / "infekt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / not_on_the_outside- "fektidj" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / not_on_the_outside- "fektidjem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "fektidj" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
infektiĝema (infektidjem'a)
inflamem'a inflammatory (inflam'a)
〔 some- "nflamem" -adjective / some- "nflam" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "inflamem" -adjective / "inflam" -adjective -tendency / "infl" -adjective -tendency -time / not_on_the_outside- "flam" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "flamem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "flam" -adjective -tendency 〕
inflamema (inflamem'a)
informem'a informative (inform'a)
〔 some- "nformem" -adjective / some- "nform" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "informem" -adjective / "inform" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "form" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "formem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "form" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- away- "mem" -adjective 〕
informema (informem'a)
initsiatem'a inventive (inventiv'a)
〔 some- "nitsiatem" -adjective / some- "nitsiat" -adjective -tendency / some- "nitsi" -adjective -tendency -happening 〕 〔 "initsiatem" -adjective / "initsiat" -adjective -tendency / "initsi" -adjective -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiatem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -adjective -tendency -happening 〕
iniciatema (iniciatem'a)
insidem'a sneaky (insidem'a)
〔 some- "nsidem" -adjective / some- "nsid" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "insidem" -adjective / "insid" -adjective -tendency / "ins" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / not_on_the_outside- "sid" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "sidem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "sid" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- reflexive- "dem" -adjective 〕
insidema (insidem'a)
insultem'a insulting (insulting'a)
〔 some- "nsultem" -adjective / some- "nsult" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "insultem" -adjective / "insult" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "sult" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "sultem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "sult" -adjective -tendency 〕
insultema (insultem'a)
intertemp'a acting (acting'a)
〔 some- "ntertemp" -adjective 〕 〔 "intertemp" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "tertemp" -adjective / between- "temp" -adjective 〕
intertempa (intertemp'a)
intertemp'a temporary (temp'a) intertempa (intertemp'a)
intrigem'a scheming (cem'a)
〔 some- "ntrigem" -adjective / some- "ntrig" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "intrigem" -adjective / "intrig" -adjective -tendency / "intr" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become / "int" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become -head / not_on_the_outside- "trig" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "trigem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "trig" -adjective -tendency 〕
intrigema (intrigem'a)
intsitidjem'a crusty (crusty'a)
〔 some- "ntsitidjem" -adjective / some- "ntsitidj" -adjective -tendency / some- "ntsit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕 〔 "intsitidjem" -adjective / "intsitidj" -adjective -tendency / "intsit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "ints" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -done / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / not_on_the_outside- "tsitidj" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / not_on_the_outside- "tsitidjem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "tsitidj" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
incitiĝema (incitidjem'a)
inventem'a inventive (inventiv'a)
〔 some- "nventem" -adjective / some- "nvent" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "inventem" -adjective / "invent" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "ventem" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -adjective -tendency / not_on_the_outside- come- "tem" -adjective 〕
inventema (inventem'a)
kacem'a close (kacem'a)
〔 "kacem" -adjective / "kac" -adjective -tendency 〕
kaŝema (kacem'a)
kacem'a coy (kacem'a) kaŝema (kacem'a)
kaltsitrem'a feisty (feisty'a)
〔 "kaltsitrem" -adjective / "kaltsitr" -adjective -tendency / "kaltsit" -adjective -tendency -head / "kalts" -adjective -tendency -head -done 〕
kalcitrema (kalcitrem'a)
kamaradem'a sociable (sociabl'a)
〔 "kamaradem" -adjective / "kamarad" -adjective -tendency / "kamar" -adjective -tendency -ongoing / "kama" -adjective -tendency -ongoing -head / "kam" -adjective -tendency -ongoing -collection 〕
kamaradema (kamaradem'a)
karesem'a tender (karesem'a)
〔 "karesem" -adjective / "kares" -adjective -tendency / "kar" -adjective -tendency -owner / "ka" -adjective -tendency -owner -head 〕
karesema (karesem'a)
kelktemp'a temporary (temp'a)
〔 "kelktemp" -adjective 〕
kelktempa (kelktemp'a)
klopodem'a hard-working (hard-working'a)
〔 "klopodem" -adjective / "klopod" -adjective -tendency / "klop" -adjective -tendency -previous_generation 〕
klopodema (klopodem'a)
komandem'a peremptory (perem'a)
〔 "komandem" -adjective / "komand" -adjective -tendency / "kom" -adjective -tendency -valuable 〕
komandema (komandem'a)
komplezem'a civil (civil'a)
〔 "komplezem" -adjective / "komplez" -adjective -tendency / "kompl" -adjective -tendency -device 〕
komplezema (komplezem'a)
komprenem'a intelligent (komprenem'a)
〔 "komprenem" -adjective / "kompren" -adjective -tendency / "kompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / "komp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head 〕
komprenema (komprenem'a)
konfidem'a trusting (trusting'a)
〔 "konfidem" -adjective / "konfid" -adjective -tendency / "konf" -adjective -tendency -next_generation 〕
konfidema (konfidem'a)
konfliktem'a confrontational (confrontational'a)
〔 "konfliktem" -adjective / "konflikt" -adjective -tendency 〕
konfliktema (konfliktem'a)
konkurem'a competitive (com'a)
〔 "konkurem" -adjective / "konkur" -adjective -tendency / "konku" -adjective -tendency -head / "konk" -adjective -tendency -cost 〕
konkurema (konkurem'a)
konkurentsem'a competitive (com'a)
〔 "konkurentsem" -adjective / "konkurents" -adjective -tendency 〕
konkurencema (konkurencem'a)
konsentem'a agreeable (agreabl'a)
〔 "konsentem" -adjective / "konsent" -adjective -tendency 〕
konsentema (konsentem'a)
konservem'a sustainable (sustainabl'a)
〔 "konservem" -adjective / "konserv" -adjective -tendency 〕
konservema (konservem'a)
kontempl'a contemplative (contempl'a)
〔 "kontempl" -adjective 〕
kontempla (kontempl'a)
kontrawem'a perverse (pervers'a)
〔 "kontrawem" -adjective / "kontraw" -adjective -tendency / "kontr" -adjective -tendency -in_any_sense / "kont" -adjective -tendency -in_any_sense -head 〕
kontraŭema (kontrawem'a)
kortucidjem'a emotional (em'a)
〔 "kortucidjem" -adjective / "kortucidj" -adjective -tendency / "kortuc" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "kort" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -independent 〕
kortuŝiĝema (kortucidjem'a)
kreem'a creative (creativ'a)
〔 "kreem" -adjective / "kre" -adjective -tendency 〕
kreema (krem'a)
kritikem'a critical (critical'a)
〔 "kritikem" -adjective / "kritik" -adjective -tendency / "krit" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of 〕
kritikema (kritikem'a)
kucem'a inactive (inactiv'a)
〔 "kucem" -adjective / "kuc" -adjective -tendency 〕
kuŝema (kucem'a)
kurbidjem'a flexible (flexibl'a)
〔 "kurbidjem" -adjective / "kurbidj" -adjective -tendency / "kurb" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
kurbiĝema (kurbidjem'a)
kverelem'a contentious (contentius'a)
〔 "kverelem" -adjective / "kverel" -adjective -tendency / "kver" -adjective -tendency -method / "kve" -adjective -tendency -method -head 〕
kverelema (kverelem'a)
kvietem'a shy (cy'a)
〔 "kvietem" -adjective / "kviet" -adjective -tendency / "kvi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive 〕
kvietema (kvietem'a)
laborem'a hard-working (hard-working'a)
〔 "laborem" -adjective / "labor" -adjective -tendency / "labo" -adjective -tendency -head / "lab" -adjective -tendency -value 〕
laborema (laborem'a)
laborem'a hardworking (hardworking'a) laborema (laborem'a)
laborem'a industrious (industrius'a) laborema (laborem'a)
laborem'a painstaking (painstaking'a) laborema (laborem'a)
lamenidjem'a flaky (flaky'a)
〔 "lamenidjem" -adjective / "lamenidj" -adjective -tendency / "lamen" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "lam" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -goal 〕
lameniĝema (lamenidjem'a)
lastatemp'a recent (recent'a)
〔 "lastatemp" -adjective 〕
lastatempa (lastatemp'a)
lawtem'a pertinent (pertinent'a)
〔 "lawtem" -adjective / "lawt" -adjective -tendency / according_to- "tem" -adjective 〕
laŭtema (lawtem'a)
lawtem'a thematic (xem'a) laŭtema (lawtem'a)
libertemp'a casual (casual'a)
〔 "libertemp" -adjective / third_person- "bertemp" -adjective 〕
libertempa (libertemp'a)
longatemp'a long term
〔 "longatemp" -adjective 〕
longatempa (longatemp'a)
longatemp'a long-term (long-term'a) longatempa (longatemp'a)
longtemp'a historical (historical'a)
〔 "longtemp" -adjective 〕
longtempa (longtemp'a)
ludem'a playful (playful'a)
〔 "ludem" -adjective / "lud" -adjective -tendency 〕
ludema (ludem'a)
malaborem'a lazy (lazy'a)
〔 "malaborem" -adjective / "malabor" -adjective -tendency / "malabo" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "abo" -adjective -tendency -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -adjective -tendency -head / "malab" -adjective -tendency -value / opposite_of- "ab" -adjective -tendency -value / opposite_of- "abor" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "abo" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "ab" -adjective -tendency -value / adjectival_opposite_of- "bor" -adjective -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "aborem" -adjective / opposite_of- "abor" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "abo" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "ab" -adjective -tendency -value / adjectival_opposite_of- "borem" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "bor" -adjective -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
malaborema (malaborem'a)
malatentem'a lax (lax'a)
〔 "malatentem" -adjective / "malatent" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "atent" -adjective -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "tent" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "atentem" -adjective / opposite_of- "atent" -adjective -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "tentem" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "tent" -adjective -tendency 〕
malatentema (malatentem'a)
malcatem'a pejorative (pejorativ'a)
〔 "malcatem" -adjective / "malcat" -adjective -tendency / "malc" -adjective -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "cat" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "catem" -adjective / opposite_of- "cat" -adjective -tendency 〕
malŝatema (malcatem'a)
malcparem'a extravagant (extravagant'a)
〔 "malcparem" -adjective / "malcpar" -adjective -tendency / "malcpa" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "cpa" -adjective -tendency -head / "malcp" -adjective -tendency -collection / opposite_of- "cpar" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "cpa" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "cparem" -adjective / opposite_of- "cpar" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "cpa" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
malŝparema (malcparem'a)
malcparem'a wasteful (wasteful'a) malŝparema (malcparem'a)
malfidem'a suspicious (suspicius'a)
〔 "malfidem" -adjective / "malfid" -adjective -tendency / "malf" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "fid" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "fidem" -adjective / opposite_of- "fid" -adjective -tendency 〕
malfidema (malfidem'a)
malfruem'a dilatory (dilatory'a)
〔 "malfruem" -adjective / "malfru" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "fru" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "fruem" -adjective / opposite_of- "fru" -adjective -tendency 〕
malfruema (malfruem'a)
malhelpem'a obstructive (obstructiv'a)
〔 "malhelpem" -adjective / "malhelp" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "help" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "helpem" -adjective / opposite_of- "help" -adjective -tendency 〕
malhelpema (malhelpem'a)
malindulgem'a rigid (rigid'a)
〔 "malindulgem" -adjective / "malindulg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "indulg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "indulgem" -adjective / opposite_of- "indulg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -adjective / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adjective -tendency 〕
malindulgema (malindulgem'a)
malkacem'a outspoken (malkacem'a)
〔 "malkacem" -adjective / "malkac" -adjective -tendency / "malk" -adjective -tendency -balance / opposite_of- "kac" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "kacem" -adjective / opposite_of- "kac" -adjective -tendency 〕
malkaŝema (malkacem'a)
malkacem'a transparent (malkacem'a) malkaŝema (malkacem'a)
malkompatem'a harsh (harc'a)
〔 "malkompatem" -adjective / "malkompat" -adjective -tendency / "malkomp" -adjective -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "kompat" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "kompatem" -adjective / opposite_of- "kompat" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "komp" -adjective -tendency -happening 〕
malkompatema (malkompatem'a)
mallevidjem'a bearish (mallevidjem'a)
〔 "mallevidjem" -adjective / "mallevidj" -adjective -tendency / "mallev" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "mall" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -powerful / opposite_of- "lev" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "levidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "lev" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "levidjem" -adjective / opposite_of- "levidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "lev" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
malleviĝema (mallevidjem'a)
mallongatemp'a short term
〔 "mallongatemp" -adjective / opposite_of- "longatemp" -adjective 〕
mallongatempa (malongatemp'a)
mallongatemp'a short-term (cort-term'a) mallongatempa (malongatemp'a)
malordem'a chaotic (malordem'a)
〔 "malordem" -adjective / "malord" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "ordem" -adjective / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -tendency / nominal_opposite_of- "rdem" -adjective 〕
malordema (malordem'a)
malpardonem'a resentful (resentful'a)
〔 "malpardonem" -adjective / "malpardon" -adjective -tendency / "malpard" -adjective -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pard" -adjective -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pardon" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "pard" -adjective -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pardonem" -adjective / opposite_of- "pardon" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "pard" -adjective -tendency -part 〕
malpardonema (malpardonem'a)
malparolem'a silent (malparolem'a)
〔 "malparolem" -adjective / "malparol" -adjective -tendency / "malpar" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / "malpa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / opposite_of- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / "malp" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -collection / opposite_of- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / opposite_of- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / opposite_of- "parol" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / opposite_of- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / opposite_of- "parolem" -adjective / opposite_of- "parol" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / opposite_of- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head 〕
malparolema (malparolem'a)
malpatsem'a belligerent (beligerent'a)
〔 "malpatsem" -adjective / "malpats" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "pats" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "patsem" -adjective / opposite_of- "pats" -adjective -tendency 〕
malpacema (malpacem'a)
malrapidem'a tardy (tardy'a)
〔 "malrapidem" -adjective / "malrapid" -adjective -tendency / "malrap" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / "malr" -adjective -tendency -next_generation -apparatus / "mal" -adjective -tendency -next_generation -apparatus -head / opposite_of- "rap" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "rapid" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "rap" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "rapidem" -adjective / opposite_of- "rapid" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "rap" -adjective -tendency -next_generation 〕
malrapidema (malrapidem'a)
malsamseksem'a heterosexual (heterosexual'a)
〔 "malsamseksem" -adjective / "malsamseks" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "samseks" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "samseksem" -adjective / opposite_of- "samseks" -adjective -tendency 〕
malsamseksema (malsamseksem'a)
malsanem'a weak (weak'a)
〔 "malsanem" -adjective / "malsan" -adjective -tendency / "mals" -adjective -tendency -member / opposite_of- "san" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "sanem" -adjective / opposite_of- "san" -adjective -tendency 〕
malsanema (malsanem'a)
malsanidjem'a susceptible (susceptibl'a)
〔 "malsanidjem" -adjective / "malsanidj" -adjective -tendency / "malsan" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "mals" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -member / opposite_of- "san" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "sanidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "san" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "sanidjem" -adjective / opposite_of- "sanidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "san" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
malsaniĝema (malsanidjem'a)
malsanidjem'a vulnerable (vulnerabl'a) malsaniĝema (malsanidjem'a)
malsentem'a insensitive (malsentem'a)
〔 "malsentem" -adjective / "malsent" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "sent" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "sentem" -adjective / opposite_of- "sent" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- without- "tem" -adjective 〕
malsentema (malsentem'a)
malsotsietem'a antisocial (antisocial'a)
〔 "malsotsietem" -adjective / "malsotsiet" -adjective -tendency / "malsotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / opposite_of- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / opposite_of- "sotsiet" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / opposite_of- "sotsietem" -adjective / opposite_of- "sotsiet" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive 〕
malsocietema (malsocietem'a)
malsotsietem'a reclusive (reclusiv'a) malsocietema (malsocietem'a)
malsparem'a lavish (lavic'a)
〔 "malsparem" -adjective / "malspar" -adjective -tendency / "malspa" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "spa" -adjective -tendency -head / "malsp" -adjective -tendency -collection / opposite_of- "spar" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "spa" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "sparem" -adjective / opposite_of- "spar" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "spa" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
malsparema (malsparem'a)
maltimem'a bold (bold'a)
〔 "maltimem" -adjective / "maltim" -adjective -tendency / "malt" -adjective -tendency -idea / opposite_of- "tim" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "timem" -adjective / opposite_of- "tim" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- that- "mem" -adjective 〕
maltimema (maltimem'a)
maltrankvilidjem'a uptight (uptiqt'a)
〔 "maltrankvilidjem" -adjective / "maltrankvilidj" -adjective -tendency / "maltrankvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "maltrankv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -tool / opposite_of- "trankv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -tool / opposite_of- "trankvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "trankv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -tool / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "trankvilidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "trankvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "trankv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -tool / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- through- "nkvilidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "trankvilidjem" -adjective / opposite_of- "trankvilidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "trankvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- "trankv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -tool / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- through- "nkvilidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / opposite_of- through- "nkvilidjem" -adjective / opposite_of- through- "nkvilidj" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- through- "nkvil" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
maltrankviliĝema (maltrankvilidjem'a)
maltsedem'a adamant (adam'a)
〔 "maltsedem" -adjective / "maltsed" -adjective -tendency / "malts" -adjective -tendency -repetition / opposite_of- "tsed" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "tsedem" -adjective / opposite_of- "tsed" -adjective -tendency 〕
malcedema (malcedem'a)
maltsedem'a die-hard (die-hard'a) malcedema (malcedem'a)
maltsedem'a hawkish (hawkic'a) malcedema (malcedem'a)
maltsedem'a obdurate (obdurat'a) malcedema (malcedem'a)
maltsedem'a relentless (relentles'a) malcedema (malcedem'a)
maltsedem'a stubborn (stuborn'a) malcedema (malcedem'a)
malverem'a deceitful (deceitful'a)
〔 "malverem" -adjective / "malver" -adjective -tendency / "malve" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "ve" -adjective -tendency -head / "malv" -adjective -tendency -element / opposite_of- "ver" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "ve" -adjective -tendency -head / opposite_of- "verem" -adjective / opposite_of- "ver" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "ve" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
malverema (malverem'a)
malzorgem'a negligent (negligent'a)
〔 "malzorgem" -adjective / "malzorg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "zorg" -adjective -tendency / opposite_of- "zorgem" -adjective / opposite_of- "zorg" -adjective -tendency 〕
malzorgema (malzorgem'a)
malzorgem'a reckless (rekles'a) malzorgema (malzorgem'a)
mandjegem'a greedy (mandjegem'a)
〔 "mandjegem" -adjective / "mandjeg" -adjective -tendency / "mandj" -adjective -tendency -extreme 〕
manĝegema (mandjegem'a)
mandjem'a hungry (mandjem'a)
〔 "mandjem" -adjective / "mandj" -adjective -tendency 〕
manĝema (mandjem'a)
maniem'a eccentric (ecentric'a)
〔 "maniem" -adjective / "mani" -adjective -tendency 〕
maniema (maniem'a)
mastrem'a domineering (dom'a)
〔 "mastrem" -adjective / "mastr" -adjective -tendency / "mast" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
mastrema (mastrem'a)
mem'a self like
〔 "mem" -adjective 〕
meminitsiatem'a proactive (proactiv'a)
〔 "meminitsiatem" -adjective / "meminitsiat" -adjective -tendency / "meminitsi" -adjective -tendency -happening 〕
meminiciatema (meminiciatem'a)
mezlongatemp'a medium-term (medium-term'a)
〔 "mezlongatemp" -adjective 〕
mezlongatempa (mezlongatemp'a)
militem'a militant (militant'a)
〔 "militem" -adjective / "milit" -adjective -tendency / "mil" -adjective -tendency -done / first_person- "lit" -adjective -tendency / first_person- "litem" -adjective / first_person- "lit" -adjective -tendency / first_person- third_person- "tem" -adjective / 1/1000- "tem" -adjective 〕
militema (militem'a)
modem'a fashionable (facionabl'a)
〔 "modem" -adjective / "mod" -adjective -tendency 〕
modema (modem'a)
mokem'a scornful (scornful'a)
〔 "mokem" -adjective / "mok" -adjective -tendency 〕
mokema (mokem'a)
mortem'a mortal (mortal'a)
〔 "mortem" -adjective / "mort" -adjective -tendency 〕
mortema (mortem'a)
movidjem'a mobile (mobil'a)
〔 "movidjem" -adjective / "movidj" -adjective -tendency / "mov" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
moviĝema (movidjem'a)
murdem'a murderous (murderus'a)
〔 "murdem" -adjective / "murd" -adjective -tendency 〕
murdema (murdem'a)
naskem'a productive (productiv'a)
〔 "naskem" -adjective / "nask" -adjective -tendency 〕
naskema (naskem'a)
neakvem'a waterproof (waterpruf'a)
〔 "neakvem" -adjective / "neakv" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "akv" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "akvem" -adjective / no,_not- "akv" -adjective -tendency 〕
neakvema (neakvem'a)
neatentem'a negligent (negligent'a)
〔 "neatentem" -adjective / "neatent" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "atent" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "atentem" -adjective / no,_not- "atent" -adjective -tendency 〕
neatentema (neatentem'a)
nedetsidem'a indecisive (indecisiv'a)
〔 "nedetsidem" -adjective / "nedetsid" -adjective -tendency / "nedets" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / "ned" -adjective -tendency -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- "detsid" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "detsidem" -adjective / no,_not- "detsid" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- of- "tsidem" -adjective / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -tendency 〕
nedecidema (nedecidem'a)
neglektem'a negligent (negligent'a)
〔 negative- "lektem" -adjective / negative- "lekt" -adjective -tendency 〕 〔 "neglektem" -adjective / "neglekt" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "glekt" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "glektem" -adjective / no,_not- "glekt" -adjective -tendency 〕
neglektema (neglektem'a)
nekacem'a candid (nekacem'a)
〔 "nekacem" -adjective / "nekac" -adjective -tendency / "nek" -adjective -tendency -balance / no,_not- "kac" -adjective -tendency / neither- "ac" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "kacem" -adjective / no,_not- "kac" -adjective -tendency / neither- "acem" -adjective / neither- "ac" -adjective -tendency 〕
nekaŝema (nekacem'a)
nekacem'a open (nekacem'a) nekaŝema (nekacem'a)
nekomprenem'a unsympathetic (nekomprenem'a)
〔 "nekomprenem" -adjective / "nekompren" -adjective -tendency / "nekompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / "nekomp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / no,_not- "komp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / neither- "omp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / no,_not- "kompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / no,_not- "komp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / neither- "ompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / neither- "omp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / no,_not- "kompren" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "kompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / no,_not- "komp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / neither- "ompren" -adjective -tendency / neither- "ompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / neither- "omp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / no,_not- "komprenem" -adjective / no,_not- "kompren" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "kompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / no,_not- "komp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head / neither- "omprenem" -adjective / neither- "ompren" -adjective -tendency / neither- "ompr" -adjective -tendency -goal / neither- "omp" -adjective -tendency -goal -head 〕
nekomprenema (nekomprenem'a)
nenifarem'a lazy (nenifarem'a)
〔 none- "ifarem" -adjective / none- "ifar" -adjective -tendency / none- "ifa" -adjective -tendency -head / none- "if" -adjective -tendency -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_none- "farem" -adjective / pronominal_none- "far" -adjective -tendency / pronominal_none- "fa" -adjective -tendency -head 〕 〔 "nenifarem" -adjective / "nenifar" -adjective -tendency / "nenifa" -adjective -tendency -head / no,_not- "nifa" -adjective -tendency -head / "nenif" -adjective -tendency -collection / "nen" -adjective -tendency -collection -change_into / no,_not- "nif" -adjective -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifar" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -adjective -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -adjective -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifarem" -adjective / no,_not- "nifar" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -adjective -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -adjective -tendency -collection 〕
nenifarema (nenifarem'a)
neofendem'a sensitive (neofendem'a)
〔 "neofendem" -adjective / "neofend" -adjective -tendency / "neof" -adjective -tendency -important / "ne" -adjective -tendency -important -change_from / no,_not- "of" -adjective -tendency -important / no,_not- "ofend" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "of" -adjective -tendency -important / no,_not- "ofendem" -adjective / no,_not- "ofend" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "of" -adjective -tendency -important 〕
neofendema (neofendem'a)
neparolem'a quiet (neparolem'a)
〔 "neparolem" -adjective / "neparol" -adjective -tendency / "nepar" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / "nepa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / "nep" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -collection / no,_not- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / no,_not- "parol" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head / no,_not- "parolem" -adjective / no,_not- "parol" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head 〕
neparolema (neparolem'a)
neparolem'a reticent (neparolem'a) neparolema (neparolem'a)
nepatsidjem'a restless (restles'a)
〔 "nepatsidjem" -adjective / "nepatsidj" -adjective -tendency / "nepats" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / no,_not- "pats" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / no,_not- "patsidj" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "pats" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / no,_not- "patsidjem" -adjective / no,_not- "patsidj" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "pats" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
nepaciĝema (nepacidjem'a)
nepenem'a casual (nepenem'a)
〔 "nepenem" -adjective / "nepen" -adjective -tendency / "nep" -adjective -tendency -goal / no,_not- "pen" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "penem" -adjective / no,_not- "pen" -adjective -tendency 〕
nepenema (nepenem'a)
nepostulem'a reasonable (nepostulem'a)
〔 "nepostulem" -adjective / "nepostul" -adjective -tendency / "nepost" -adjective -tendency -person / no,_not- "post" -adjective -tendency -person / no,_not- "postul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "post" -adjective -tendency -person / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- after- "ul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "postulem" -adjective / no,_not- "postul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "post" -adjective -tendency -person / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- after- "ul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "stulem" -adjective / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- after- "ulem" -adjective / no,_not- after- "ul" -adjective -tendency 〕
nepostulema (nepostulem'a)
neprofitem'a selfless (selfles'a)
〔 "neprofitem" -adjective / "neprofit" -adjective -tendency / "neprof" -adjective -tendency -done / "nepr" -adjective -tendency -done -change_from / "nep" -adjective -tendency -done -change_from -head / no,_not- "prof" -adjective -tendency -done / no,_not- "profit" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "prof" -adjective -tendency -done / no,_not- on_account_of- "fit" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "profitem" -adjective / no,_not- "profit" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "prof" -adjective -tendency -done / no,_not- on_account_of- "fit" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- on_account_of- "fitem" -adjective / no,_not- on_account_of- "fit" -adjective -tendency 〕
neprofitema (neprofitem'a)
neripozem'a restless (neripozem'a)
〔 "neripozem" -adjective / "neripoz" -adjective -tendency / "nerip" -adjective -tendency -effect / "ner" -adjective -tendency -effect -structure / "ne" -adjective -tendency -effect -structure -head / no,_not- "rip" -adjective -tendency -effect / no,_not- "ripoz" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "rip" -adjective -tendency -effect / no,_not- "ripozem" -adjective / no,_not- "ripoz" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "rip" -adjective -tendency -effect 〕
neripozema (neripozem'a)
neriskem'a safe (saf'a)
〔 "neriskem" -adjective / "nerisk" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "risk" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "riskem" -adjective / no,_not- "risk" -adjective -tendency 〕
neriskema (neriskem'a)
nesentem'a hard (nesentem'a)
〔 "nesentem" -adjective / "nesent" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sent" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sentem" -adjective / no,_not- "sent" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- without- "tem" -adjective 〕
nesentema (nesentem'a)
nesingardem'a reckless (rekles'a)
〔 "nesingardem" -adjective / "nesingard" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "singard" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "singardem" -adjective / no,_not- "singard" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngardem" -adjective / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adjective -tendency 〕
nesingardema (nesingardem'a)
nesorbem'a impermeable (imperm'a)
〔 "nesorbem" -adjective / "nesorb" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sorb" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sorbem" -adjective / no,_not- "sorb" -adjective -tendency 〕
nesorbema (nesorbem'a)
nesotsietem'a reserved (reserv'a)
〔 "nesotsietem" -adjective / "nesotsiet" -adjective -tendency / "nesotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsiet" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsietem" -adjective / no,_not- "sotsiet" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive 〕
nesocietema (nesocietem'a)
nestarem'a unstable (nestarem'a)
〔 "nestarem" -adjective / "nestar" -adjective -tendency / "nesta" -adjective -tendency -head / no,_not- "sta" -adjective -tendency -head / "nest" -adjective -tendency -collection / no,_not- "star" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sta" -adjective -tendency -head / no,_not- "starem" -adjective / no,_not- "star" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "sta" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
nestarema (nestarem'a)
netsedem'a tough (tuq'a)
〔 "netsedem" -adjective / "netsed" -adjective -tendency / "nets" -adjective -tendency -repetition / no,_not- "tsed" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "tsedem" -adjective / no,_not- "tsed" -adjective -tendency 〕
necedema (necedem'a)
nezorgem'a careless (careles'a)
〔 "nezorgem" -adjective / "nezorg" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -tendency / no,_not- "zorgem" -adjective / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -tendency 〕
nezorgema (nezorgem'a)
nuntemp'a contemporary (contemp'a)
〔 "nuntemp" -adjective / now- "temp" -adjective 〕
nuntempa (nuntemp'a)
obeem'a docile (docil'a)
〔 "obeem" -adjective / "obe" -adjective -tendency 〕
obeema (obem'a)
obeem'a dutiful (dutiful'a) obeema (obem'a)
obeem'a obedient (obedient'a) obeema (obem'a)
obeem'a submissive (subm'a) obeema (obem'a)
obeigem'a authoritative (auxoritativ'a)
〔 "obeigem" -adjective / "obeig" -adjective -tendency / "obe" -adjective -tendency -cause_to_become 〕
obeigema (obeigem'a)
observem'a compliant (com'a)
〔 "observem" -adjective / "observ" -adjective -tendency 〕
observema (observem'a)
observem'a observant (observant'a) observema (observem'a)
obstruktsem'a obstructive (obstructiv'a)
〔 "obstruktsem" -adjective / "obstrukts" -adjective -tendency 〕
obstrukcema (obstrukcem'a)
ofendem'a invidious (invidius'a)
〔 "ofendem" -adjective / "ofend" -adjective -tendency / "of" -adjective -tendency -important 〕
ofendema (ofendem'a)
ofendidjem'a sensitive (sensitiv'a)
〔 "ofendidjem" -adjective / "ofendidj" -adjective -tendency / "ofend" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "of" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -important 〕
ofendiĝema (ofendidjem'a)
ofendsentem'a sensitive (sensitiv'a)
〔 "ofendsentem" -adjective / "ofendsent" -adjective -tendency 〕
ofendsentema (ofendsentem'a)
ofitsialem'a officious (oficius'a)
〔 "ofitsialem" -adjective / "ofitsial" -adjective -tendency / "ofitsi" -adjective -tendency -reason 〕
oficialema (oficialem'a)
ordem'a systematic (ordem'a)
〔 "ordem" -adjective / "ord" -adjective -tendency 〕
ordema (ordem'a)
ordonem'a imperious (ordonem'a)
〔 "ordonem" -adjective / "ordon" -adjective -tendency / "ord" -adjective -tendency -part 〕
ordonema (ordonem'a)
ordonem'a officious (ordonem'a) ordonema (ordonem'a)
panikem'a panicky (paniky'a)
〔 "panikem" -adjective / "panik" -adjective -tendency / "pan" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of 〕
panikema (panikem'a)
paradem'a flamboyant (paradem'a)
〔 "paradem" -adjective / "parad" -adjective -tendency / "par" -adjective -tendency -ongoing / "pa" -adjective -tendency -ongoing -head 〕
paradema (paradem'a)
paradem'a ostentatious (paradem'a) paradema (paradem'a)
paradem'a showy (paradem'a) paradema (paradem'a)
parolem'a communicative (parolem'a)
〔 "parolem" -adjective / "parol" -adjective -tendency / "par" -adjective -tendency -compared_to / "pa" -adjective -tendency -compared_to -head 〕
parolema (parolem'a)
parolem'a loquacious (parolem'a) parolema (parolem'a)
partatemp'a part-time (part-tim'a)
〔 "partatemp" -adjective 〕
partatempa (partatemp'a)
partiem'a partial (partial'a)
〔 "partiem" -adjective / "parti" -adjective -tendency 〕
partiema (partiem'a)
patsem'a peaceful (peaceful'a)
〔 "patsem" -adjective / "pats" -adjective -tendency 〕
pacema (pacem'a)
pekem'a sinful (sinful'a)
〔 "pekem" -adjective / "pek" -adjective -tendency 〕
pekema (pekem'a)
penem'a painstaking (penem'a)
〔 "penem" -adjective / "pen" -adjective -tendency 〕
penema (penem'a)
penetrem'a piercing (penetrem'a)
〔 "penetrem" -adjective / "penetr" -adjective -tendency / "penet" -adjective -tendency -head / "pen" -adjective -tendency -head -diminutive 〕
penetrema (penetrem'a)
pentem'a apologetic (apologetic'a)
〔 "pentem" -adjective / "pent" -adjective -tendency 〕
pentema (pentem'a)
pereem'a perishable (pericabl'a)
〔 "pereem" -adjective / "pere" -adjective -tendency / with- "e" -adjective -tendency / with- "eem" -adjective / with- "e" -adjective -tendency 〕
pereema (perem'a)
perfidem'a perfidious (perfidius'a)
〔 "perfidem" -adjective / "perfid" -adjective -tendency / "perf" -adjective -tendency -next_generation / with- "fid" -adjective -tendency / with- "fidem" -adjective / with- "fid" -adjective -tendency 〕
perfidema (perfidem'a)
perfortem'a violent (violent'a)
〔 "perfortem" -adjective / "perfort" -adjective -tendency / with- "fort" -adjective -tendency / with- "fortem" -adjective / with- "fort" -adjective -tendency / with- away- "tem" -adjective 〕
perfortema (perfortem'a)
persistem'a dogged (doged'a)
〔 "persistem" -adjective / "persist" -adjective -tendency / with- "sist" -adjective -tendency / with- "sistem" -adjective / with- "sist" -adjective -tendency / with- reflexive- "stem" -adjective 〕
persistema (persistem'a)
persistem'a tenacious (tenacius'a) persistema (persistem'a)
pertseptem'a perceptive (perceptiv'a)
〔 "pertseptem" -adjective / "pertsept" -adjective -tendency / with- "tsept" -adjective -tendency / with- "tseptem" -adjective / with- "tsept" -adjective -tendency 〕
perceptema (perceptem'a)
petolem'a mischievous (petolem'a)
〔 "petolem" -adjective / "petol" -adjective -tendency / "pet" -adjective -tendency -compared_to 〕
petolema (petolem'a)
petsetidjem'a crumbly (crum'a)
〔 "petsetidjem" -adjective / "petsetidj" -adjective -tendency / "petset" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "pets" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -diminutive 〕
pecetiĝema (pecetidjem'a)
pikem'a satirical (pikem'a)
〔 "pikem" -adjective / "pik" -adjective -tendency 〕
pikema (pikem'a)
platcem'a amiable (am'a)
〔 "platcem" -adjective / "platc" -adjective -tendency 〕
plaĉema (platcem'a)
plentemp'a full-time (ful-tim'a)
〔 "plentemp" -adjective 〕
plentempa (plentemp'a)
pleyekstrem'a ultimate (pleyekstrem'a)
〔 "pleyekstrem" -adjective / "pleyekstr" -adjective -tendency / "pleyekst" -adjective -tendency -head / most- "ekst" -adjective -tendency -head / most- "ekstr" -adjective -tendency / most- "ekst" -adjective -tendency -head / most- "ekstrem" -adjective / most- "ekstr" -adjective -tendency / most- "ekst" -adjective -tendency -head / most- outside- "trem" -adjective 〕
plejekstrema (pleyekstrem'a)
poem'a poetic (poem'a)
〔 "poem" -adjective / "po" -adjective -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adjective 〕
poem'a rhythmic (poem'a) (poem'a)
polvidjem'a crumbly (crum'a)
〔 "polvidjem" -adjective / "polvidj" -adjective -tendency / "polv" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / at_the_rate_of- "lvidj" -adjective -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "lvidjem" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "lvidj" -adjective -tendency 〕
polviĝema (polvidjem'a)
posedem'a possessive (posedem'a)
〔 "posedem" -adjective / "posed" -adjective -tendency / "pos" -adjective -tendency -repetition / at_the_rate_of- "sed" -adjective -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "sedem" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "sed" -adjective -tendency / at_the_rate_of- but- "em" -adjective 〕
posedema (posedem'a)
postatemp'a late (lat'a)
〔 "postatemp" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "statemp" -adjective / after- "atemp" -adjective 〕
postatempa (postatemp'a)
posttemp'a overdue (overdu'a)
〔 "posttemp" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "sttemp" -adjective / after- "temp" -adjective 〕
posttempa (postemp'a)
postulem'a demanding (postulem'a)
〔 "postulem" -adjective / "postul" -adjective -tendency / "post" -adjective -tendency -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -tendency / after- "ul" -adjective -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "stulem" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adjective -tendency / after- "ulem" -adjective / after- "ul" -adjective -tendency 〕
postulema (postulem'a)
postulem'a unreasonable (postulem'a) postulema (postulem'a)
praktikem'a practical (practical'a)
〔 "praktikem" -adjective / "praktik" -adjective -tendency / "prakt" -adjective -tendency -reminiscent_of / ancestral- "ktik" -adjective -tendency / ancestral- "ktikem" -adjective / ancestral- "ktik" -adjective -tendency 〕
praktikema (praktikem'a)
prem'a close (clos'a)
〔 "prem" -adjective 〕
prema (prem'a)
prem'a pressure (pres'a)
pretsizem'a painstaking (painstaking'a)
〔 "pretsizem" -adjective / "pretsiz" -adjective -tendency / "prets" -adjective -tendency -cause 〕
precizema (precizem'a)
pretsizem'a punctilious (punctilius'a) precizema (precizem'a)
pripensem'a thoughtful (pripensem'a)
〔 "pripensem" -adjective / "pripens" -adjective -tendency / about- "pens" -adjective -tendency / about- "pensem" -adjective / about- "pens" -adjective -tendency 〕
pripensema (pripensem'a)
problem'a problematic (problem'a)
〔 "problem" -adjective / "probl" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "blem" -adjective 〕
problema (problem'a)
produktem'a productive (productiv'a)
〔 "produktem" -adjective / "produkt" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "dukt" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "duktem" -adjective / on_account_of- "dukt" -adjective -tendency 〕
produktema (produktem'a)
produktem'a prolific (prolific'a) produktema (produktem'a)
progresem'a progressive (progresiv'a)
〔 "progresem" -adjective / "progres" -adjective -tendency / "progr" -adjective -tendency -owner / "prog" -adjective -tendency -owner -head / on_account_of- "gres" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "gresem" -adjective / on_account_of- "gres" -adjective -tendency 〕
progresema (progresem'a)
prokrastem'a dilatory (dilatory'a)
〔 "prokrastem" -adjective / "prokrast" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "krast" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "krastem" -adjective / on_account_of- "krast" -adjective -tendency 〕
prokrastema (prokrastem'a)
protsesem'a litigious (litigius'a)
〔 "protsesem" -adjective / "protses" -adjective -tendency / "prots" -adjective -tendency -owner / on_account_of- "tses" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "tsesem" -adjective / on_account_of- "tses" -adjective -tendency 〕
procesema (procesem'a)
provokem'a aggressive (agresiv'a)
〔 "provokem" -adjective / "provok" -adjective -tendency / "prov" -adjective -tendency -false / on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -tendency / on_account_of- "vokem" -adjective / on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -tendency 〕
provokema (provokem'a)
pucem'a pushy (pucem'a)
〔 "pucem" -adjective / "puc" -adjective -tendency 〕
rabem'a predatory (predatory'a)
〔 "rabem" -adjective / "rab" -adjective -tendency 〕
rabema (rabem'a)
regalem'a generous (generus'a)
〔 "regalem" -adjective / "regal" -adjective -tendency / "reg" -adjective -tendency -reason 〕
regalema (regalem'a)
religiem'a religious (religius'a)
〔 "religiem" -adjective / "religi" -adjective -tendency 〕
religiema (religiem'a)
respektem'a respectful (respectful'a)
〔 "respektem" -adjective / "respekt" -adjective -tendency 〕
respektema (respektem'a)
respondem'a responsive (responsiv'a)
〔 "respondem" -adjective / "respond" -adjective -tendency / "resp" -adjective -tendency -promising 〕
respondema (respondem'a)
respondem'a sensitive (sensitiv'a) respondema (respondem'a)
retroformidjem'a resilient (resilient'a)
〔 "retroformidjem" -adjective / "retroformidj" -adjective -tendency / "retroform" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
retroformiĝema (retroformidjem'a)
revem'a romantic (rom'a)
〔 "revem" -adjective / "rev" -adjective -tendency 〕
revema (revem'a)
ribelem'a mutinous (mutinus'a)
〔 "ribelem" -adjective / "ribel" -adjective -tendency / "rib" -adjective -tendency -method 〕
ribelema (ribelem'a)
ripetem'a repetitive (repetitiv'a)
〔 "ripetem" -adjective / "ripet" -adjective -tendency / "rip" -adjective -tendency -diminutive 〕
ripetema (ripetem'a)
riskem'a audacious (audacius'a)
〔 "riskem" -adjective / "risk" -adjective -tendency 〕
riskema (riskem'a)
rompidjem'a brittle (rompidjem'a)
〔 "rompidjem" -adjective / "rompidj" -adjective -tendency / "romp" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
rompiĝema (rompidjem'a)
ruzem'a tricky (triky'a)
〔 "ruzem" -adjective / "ruz" -adjective -tendency 〕
ruzema (ruzem'a)
samseksem'a homosexual (hom'a)
〔 "samseksem" -adjective / "samseks" -adjective -tendency 〕
samseksema (samseksem'a)
samtem'a related (related'a)
〔 "samtem" -adjective / "samt" -adjective -tendency 〕
samtema (samtem'a)
samtemp'a concurrent (concur'a)
〔 "samtemp" -adjective 〕
samtempa (samtemp'a)
samtemp'a simultaneous (simultaneus'a) samtempa (samtemp'a)
samtemp'a synchronous (syntcronus'a) samtempa (samtemp'a)
sem'a seminal (sem'a)
〔 "sem" -adjective 〕
sema (sem'a)
sencantselidjem'a gritty (grit'a)
〔 "sencantselidjem" -adjective / "sencantselidj" -adjective -tendency / "sencantsel" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "sencants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantsel" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantselidj" -adjective -tendency / without- "cantsel" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantselidjem" -adjective / without- "cantselidj" -adjective -tendency / without- "cantsel" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -method 〕
senŝanceliĝema (sencancelidjem'a)
sengardem'a careless (careles'a)
〔 "sengardem" -adjective / "sengard" -adjective -tendency / without- "gard" -adjective -tendency / without- "gardem" -adjective / without- "gard" -adjective -tendency 〕
sengardema (sengardem'a)
senpripensem'a casual (senpripensem'a)
〔 "senpripensem" -adjective / "senpripens" -adjective -tendency / without- "pripens" -adjective -tendency / without- about- "pens" -adjective -tendency / without- "pripensem" -adjective / without- "pripens" -adjective -tendency / without- about- "pens" -adjective -tendency / without- about- "pensem" -adjective / without- about- "pens" -adjective -tendency 〕
senpripensema (senpripensem'a)
sentem'a sensitive (sentem'a)
〔 "sentem" -adjective / "sent" -adjective -tendency / without- "tem" -adjective 〕
sentema (sentem'a)
siatemp'a former (former'a)
〔 "siatemp" -adjective / reflexive- "atemp" -adjective 〕
siatempa (siatemp'a)
silentem'a silent (silent'a)
〔 "silentem" -adjective / "silent" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "lent" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "lentem" -adjective / reflexive- "lent" -adjective -tendency 〕
silentema (silentem'a)
sinasertem'a assertive (asertiv'a)
〔 "sinasertem" -adjective / "sinasert" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nasert" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nasertem" -adjective / reflexive- "nasert" -adjective -tendency 〕
sinasertema (sinasertem'a)
sindetenem'a shy (cy'a)
〔 "sindetenem" -adjective / "sindeten" -adjective -tendency / "sindet" -adjective -tendency -goal / "sind" -adjective -tendency -goal -diminutive / reflexive- "ndet" -adjective -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndeten" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -adjective -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndetenem" -adjective / reflexive- "ndeten" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -adjective -tendency -goal 〕
sindetenema (sindetenem'a)
sindonem'a devoted (devoted'a)
〔 "sindonem" -adjective / "sindon" -adjective -tendency / "sind" -adjective -tendency -part / reflexive- "ndon" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "ndonem" -adjective / reflexive- "ndon" -adjective -tendency 〕
sindonema (sindonem'a)
sindonem'a selfless (selfles'a) sindonema (sindonem'a)
singardem'a careful (careful'a)
〔 "singardem" -adjective / "singard" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "ngard" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "ngardem" -adjective / reflexive- "ngard" -adjective -tendency 〕
singardema (singardem'a)
sinkacem'a secretive (secretiv'a)
〔 "sinkacem" -adjective / "sinkac" -adjective -tendency / "sink" -adjective -tendency -balance / reflexive- "nkac" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nkacem" -adjective / reflexive- "nkac" -adjective -tendency 〕
sinkaŝema (sinkacem'a)
sinkacem'a shy (cy'a) sinkaŝema (sinkacem'a)
sinmontrem'a showy (cowy'a)
〔 "sinmontrem" -adjective / "sinmontr" -adjective -tendency / "sinmont" -adjective -tendency -head / reflexive- "nmont" -adjective -tendency -head / reflexive- "nmontr" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nmont" -adjective -tendency -head / reflexive- "nmontrem" -adjective / reflexive- "nmontr" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nmont" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
sinmontrema (sinmontrem'a)
sinretenem'a reserved (reserved'a)
〔 "sinretenem" -adjective / "sinreten" -adjective -tendency / "sinret" -adjective -tendency -goal / "sinr" -adjective -tendency -goal -diminutive / "sin" -adjective -tendency -goal -diminutive -head / reflexive- "nret" -adjective -tendency -goal / reflexive- "nreten" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nret" -adjective -tendency -goal / reflexive- "nretenem" -adjective / reflexive- "nreten" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "nret" -adjective -tendency -goal 〕
sinretenema (sinretenem'a)
sistem'a systematic (system'a)
〔 "sistem" -adjective / "sist" -adjective -tendency / reflexive- "stem" -adjective 〕
sistema (sistem'a)
skem'a scheme (cem'a)
〔 "skem" -adjective 〕
skrupulem'a scrupulous (scrupulus'a)
〔 "skrupulem" -adjective / "skrupul" -adjective -tendency / "skrup" -adjective -tendency -person 〕
skrupulema (skrupulem'a)
snobem'a snobbish (snobic'a)
〔 "snobem" -adjective / "snob" -adjective -tendency 〕
snobema (snobem'a)
sorbem'a absorbent (absorbent'a)
〔 "sorbem" -adjective / "sorb" -adjective -tendency 〕
sorbema (sorbem'a)
sotsietem'a sociable (sociabl'a)
〔 "sotsietem" -adjective / "sotsiet" -adjective -tendency / "sotsi" -adjective -tendency -diminutive 〕
societema (societem'a)
sotsietem'a social (social'a) societema (societem'a)
spitem'a irreverent (ireverent'a)
〔 "spitem" -adjective / "spit" -adjective -tendency 〕
spitema (spitem'a)
starem'a stable (starem'a)
〔 "starem" -adjective / "star" -adjective -tendency / "sta" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
starema (starem'a)
stsiem'a curious (stsiem'a)
〔 "stsiem" -adjective / "stsi" -adjective -tendency 〕
sciema (stsiem'a)
studem'a academic (academ'a)
〔 "studem" -adjective / "stud" -adjective -tendency 〕
studema (studem'a)
subfalem'a vulnerable (subfalem'a)
〔 "subfalem" -adjective / "subfal" -adjective -tendency / "subf" -adjective -tendency -reason / beneath- "fal" -adjective -tendency / beneath- "falem" -adjective / beneath- "fal" -adjective -tendency 〕
subfalema (subfalem'a)
submetidjem'a susceptible (submetidjem'a)
〔 "submetidjem" -adjective / "submetidj" -adjective -tendency / "submet" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "subm" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -diminutive / beneath- "met" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / beneath- "metidj" -adjective -tendency / beneath- "met" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / beneath- "metidjem" -adjective / beneath- "metidj" -adjective -tendency / beneath- "met" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
submetiĝema (submetidjem'a)
subprem'a oppressive (opres'a)
〔 "subprem" -adjective / "subpr" -adjective -tendency / "subp" -adjective -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -adjective 〕
subprema (subprem'a)
subprem'a repressive (repres'a) subprema (subprem'a)
subtenem'a sympathetic (subtenem'a)
〔 "subtenem" -adjective / "subten" -adjective -tendency / "subt" -adjective -tendency -goal / beneath- "ten" -adjective -tendency / beneath- "tenem" -adjective / beneath- "ten" -adjective -tendency 〕
subtenema (subtenem'a)
suitsidem'a suicidal (suicidal'a)
〔 "suitsidem" -adjective / "suitsid" -adjective -tendency / "suits" -adjective -tendency -next_generation 〕
suicidema (suicidem'a)
superregem'a dominant (superregem'a)
〔 "superregem" -adjective / "superreg" -adjective -tendency / "superr" -adjective -tendency -extreme / "super" -adjective -tendency -extreme -head / "supe" -adjective -tendency -extreme -head -head / "sup" -adjective -tendency -extreme -head -element / above- "reg" -adjective -tendency / above- "regem" -adjective / above- "reg" -adjective -tendency 〕
superregema (superregem'a)
superregem'a domineering (superregem'a) superregema (superregem'a)
suspektem'a reluctant (reluctant'a)
〔 "suspektem" -adjective / "suspekt" -adjective -tendency 〕
suspektema (suspektem'a)
tciariskem'a frantic (frantic'a)
〔 "tciariskem" -adjective / "tciarisk" -adjective -tendency 〕
ĉiariskema (tciariskem'a)
tcikanem'a selective (selectiv'a)
〔 "tcikanem" -adjective / "tcikan" -adjective -tendency / "tcik" -adjective -tendency -member 〕
ĉikanema (tcikanem'a)
tedem'a tedious (tedius'a)
〔 "tedem" -adjective / "ted" -adjective -tendency 〕
tedema (tedem'a)
tem'a thematic (xem'a)
〔 "tem" -adjective 〕
tema (tem'a)
tem'a topic (topic'a)
temp'a temporal (temp'a)
〔 "temp" -adjective 〕
tempa (temp'a)
temp-al-temp'a episodic (ep'a)
〔 "temp-al-temp" -adjective 〕
temp-al-tempa (temp-al-temp'a)
tempaltemp'a occasional (ocasional'a)
〔 "tempaltemp" -adjective 〕
tempaltempa (tempaltemp'a)
timem'a afraid (afraid'a)
〔 "timem" -adjective / "tim" -adjective -tendency / that- "mem" -adjective 〕
timema (timem'a)
timem'a cowardly (cowardly'a) timema (timem'a)
timem'a frightened (friqtened'a) timema (timem'a)
timem'a pusillanimous (pusilanim'a) timema (timem'a)
timem'a shy (cy'a) timema (timem'a)
timem'a timid (tim'a) timema (timem'a)
timem'a timorous (tim'a) timema (timem'a)
tiutemp'a contemporary (contemp'a)
〔 "tiutemp" -adjective / that- "utemp" -adjective 〕
tiutempa (tiutemp'a)
trem'a dismayed (trem'a)
〔 "trem" -adjective 〕
trem'a trembly (trem'a) (trem'a)
trompem'a deceitful (deceitful'a)
〔 "trompem" -adjective / "tromp" -adjective -tendency / excessive- "mpem" -adjective 〕
trompema (trompem'a)
trompem'a tricky (triky'a) trompema (trompem'a)
troriskem'a reckless (rekles'a)
〔 "troriskem" -adjective / "trorisk" -adjective -tendency / excessive- "risk" -adjective -tendency / excessive- "riskem" -adjective / excessive- "risk" -adjective -tendency 〕
troriskema (troriskem'a)
trudem'a intrusive (intrusiv'a)
〔 "trudem" -adjective / "trud" -adjective -tendency 〕
trudema (trudem'a)
trudem'a officious (oficius'a) trudema (trudem'a)
trudidjem'a officious (oficius'a)
〔 "trudidjem" -adjective / "trudidj" -adjective -tendency / "trud" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
trudiĝema (trudidjem'a)
tsedem'a amenable (am'a)
〔 "tsedem" -adjective / "tsed" -adjective -tendency 〕
cedema (cedem'a)
tsedem'a submissive (subm'a) cedema (cedem'a)
tumultem'a rambunctious (ram'a)
〔 "tumultem" -adjective / "tumult" -adjective -tendency 〕
tumultema (tumultem'a)
vaporidjem'a volatile (volatil'a)
〔 "vaporidjem" -adjective / "vaporidj" -adjective -tendency / "vapor" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew / "vapo" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -head / "vap" -adjective -tendency -becoming_anew -value 〕
vaporiĝema (vaporidjem'a)
variem'a variable (variabl'a)
〔 "variem" -adjective / "vari" -adjective -tendency 〕
variema (variem'a)
venenem'a poisonous (venenem'a)
〔 "venenem" -adjective / "venen" -adjective -tendency / "ven" -adjective -tendency -goal / come- "en" -adjective -tendency / come- "enem" -adjective / come- "en" -adjective -tendency / come- in- "em" -adjective 〕
venenema (venenem'a)
verdirem'a truthful (truxful'a)
〔 "verdirem" -adjective / "verdir" -adjective -tendency / "verdi" -adjective -tendency -head / "verd" -adjective -tendency -opportunity 〕
verdirema (verdirem'a)
verem'a honest (honest'a)
〔 "verem" -adjective / "ver" -adjective -tendency / "ve" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
verema (verem'a)
verem'a truthful (truxful'a) verema (verem'a)
verkem'a prolific (prolific'a)
〔 "verkem" -adjective / "verk" -adjective -tendency 〕
verkema (verkem'a)
voluptem'a sensual (sensual'a)
〔 "voluptem" -adjective / "volupt" -adjective -tendency 〕
voluptema (voluptem'a)
vorem'a voracious (voracius'a)
〔 "vorem" -adjective / "vor" -adjective -tendency / "vo" -adjective -tendency -head 〕
vorema (vorem'a)
zorgem'a careful (careful'a)
〔 "zorgem" -adjective / "zorg" -adjective -tendency 〕
zorgema (zorgem'a)
amem'e fondly (fondly'e)
〔 "amem" -adverb / "am" -adverb -tendency 〕
ameme (amem'e)
antawgardem'e cautiously (cautiusly'e)
〔 "antawgardem" -adverb / "antawgard" -adverb -tendency / before- "gard" -adverb -tendency / before- "gardem" -adverb / before- "gard" -adverb -tendency 〕
antaŭgardeme (antawgardem'e)
antawtemp'e early (early'e)
〔 "antawtemp" -adverb / before- "temp" -adverb 〕
antaŭtempe (antawtemp'e)
atentem'e carefully (car'e)
〔 "atentem" -adverb / "atent" -adverb -tendency 〕
atenteme (atentem'e)
bagatelem'e frivolously (frivolus'e)
〔 "bagatelem" -adverb / "bagatel" -adverb -tendency / "bagat" -adverb -tendency -method / "bag" -adverb -tendency -method -happening 〕
bagateleme (bagatelem'e)
cparem'e economically (econom'e)
〔 "cparem" -adverb / "cpar" -adverb -tendency / "cpa" -adverb -tendency -head 〕
ŝpareme (cparem'e)
cparem'e sparingly (sparingly'e) ŝpareme (cparem'e)
detsidem'e decisively (decisiv'e)
〔 "detsidem" -adverb / "detsid" -adverb -tendency / "dets" -adverb -tendency -next_generation / of- "tsid" -adverb -tendency / of- "tsidem" -adverb / of- "tsid" -adverb -tendency 〕
decideme (decidem'e)
djustatemp'e on time
〔 "djustatemp" -adverb 〕
ĝustatempe (djustatemp'e)
donatsem'e generously (generus'e)
〔 "donatsem" -adverb / "donats" -adverb -tendency / gift- "ats" -adverb -tendency / gift- "atsem" -adverb / gift- "ats" -adverb -tendency 〕
donaceme (donacem'e)
ekstrem'e extremely (ekstrem'e)
〔 "ekstrem" -adverb / "ekstr" -adverb -tendency / "ekst" -adverb -tendency -head / outside- "trem" -adverb 〕
ekstreme (ekstrem'e)
ekstrem'e ultra (ekstrem'e) ekstreme (ekstrem'e)
ekzempl'e for example
〔 "ekzempl" -adverb 〕
ekzemple (ekzempl'e)
ekzempl'e for instance ekzemple (ekzempl'e)
evitem'e cautiously (cautius'e)
〔 "evitem" -adverb / "evit" -adverb -tendency / "ev" -adverb -tendency -done 〕
eviteme (evitem'e)
flamidjem'e passionately (pasionat'e)
〔 "flamidjem" -adverb / "flamidj" -adverb -tendency / "flam" -adverb -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
flamiĝeme (flamidjem'e)
gardem'e carefully (careful'e)
〔 "gardem" -adverb / "gard" -adverb -tendency 〕
gardeme (gardem'e)
gayem'e cheerfully (tcerful'e)
〔 "gayem" -adverb / "gay" -adverb -tendency 〕
gajeme (gajem'e)
hezitem'e shyly (cyly'e)
〔 "hezitem" -adverb / "hezit" -adverb -tendency / "hez" -adverb -tendency -done 〕
heziteme (hezitem'e)
hontem'e shyly (cy'e)
〔 "hontem" -adverb / "hont" -adverb -tendency 〕
honteme (hontem'e)
indulgem'e softly (soft'e)
〔 some- "ndulgem" -adverb / some- "ndulg" -adverb -tendency 〕 〔 "indulgem" -adverb / "indulg" -adverb -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adverb -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -adverb / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adverb -tendency 〕
indulgeme (indulgem'e)
insultem'e insultingly (insulting'e)
〔 some- "nsultem" -adverb / some- "nsult" -adverb -tendency 〕 〔 "insultem" -adverb / "insult" -adverb -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "sult" -adverb -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "sultem" -adverb / not_on_the_outside- "sult" -adverb -tendency 〕
insulteme (insultem'e)
insultem'e while tending to insult insulteme (insultem'e)
intertemp'e temporarily (temp'e)
〔 some- "ntertemp" -adverb 〕 〔 "intertemp" -adverb / not_on_the_outside- "tertemp" -adverb / between- "temp" -adverb 〕
intertempe (intertemp'e)
kacem'e furtively (kacem'e)
〔 "kacem" -adverb / "kac" -adverb -tendency 〕
kaŝeme (kacem'e)
karesem'e softly (karesem'e)
〔 "karesem" -adverb / "kares" -adverb -tendency / "kar" -adverb -tendency -owner / "ka" -adverb -tendency -owner -head 〕
kareseme (karesem'e)
kelkatemp'e awhile (ahwil'e)
〔 "kelkatemp" -adverb 〕
kelkatempe (kelkatemp'e)
kelktemp'e awhile (ahwil'e)
〔 "kelktemp" -adverb 〕
kelktempe (kelktemp'e)
kelktemp'e temporarily (temp'e) kelktempe (kelktemp'e)
kritikem'e critically (critical'e)
〔 "kritikem" -adverb / "kritik" -adverb -tendency / "krit" -adverb -tendency -reminiscent_of 〕
kritikeme (kritikem'e)
kvietem'e shyly (cy'e)
〔 "kvietem" -adverb / "kviet" -adverb -tendency / "kvi" -adverb -tendency -diminutive 〕
kvieteme (kvietem'e)
lastatemp'e lately (lately'e)
〔 "lastatemp" -adverb 〕
lastatempe (lastatemp'e)
lastatemp'e newly (newly'e) lastatempe (lastatemp'e)
lastatemp'e recently (recent'e) lastatempe (lastatemp'e)
longatemp'e in the long term
〔 "longatemp" -adverb 〕
longatempe (longatemp'e)
longtemp'e on a long-term basis
〔 "longtemp" -adverb 〕
longtempe (longtemp'e)
malindulgem'e severely (severely'e)
〔 "malindulgem" -adverb / "malindulg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "indulg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "indulgem" -adverb / opposite_of- "indulg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -adverb / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -adverb -tendency 〕
malindulgeme (malindulgem'e)
malkacem'e freely (malkacem'e)
〔 "malkacem" -adverb / "malkac" -adverb -tendency / "malk" -adverb -tendency -balance / opposite_of- "kac" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "kacem" -adverb / opposite_of- "kac" -adverb -tendency 〕
malkaŝeme (malkacem'e)
mallaborem'e lazily (lazily'e)
〔 "mallaborem" -adverb / "mallabor" -adverb -tendency / "mallabo" -adverb -tendency -head / opposite_of- "labo" -adverb -tendency -head / "mallab" -adverb -tendency -value / opposite_of- "lab" -adverb -tendency -value / opposite_of- "labor" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "labo" -adverb -tendency -head / opposite_of- "lab" -adverb -tendency -value / opposite_of- "laborem" -adverb / opposite_of- "labor" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "labo" -adverb -tendency -head / opposite_of- "lab" -adverb -tendency -value 〕
mallaboreme (malaborem'e)
mallongatemp'e in the short term
〔 "mallongatemp" -adverb / opposite_of- "longatemp" -adverb 〕
mallongatempe (malongatemp'e)
malobeem'e while tending to be disobedient
〔 "malobeem" -adverb / "malobe" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "obe" -adverb -tendency / nominal_opposite_of- "be" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "obeem" -adverb / opposite_of- "obe" -adverb -tendency / nominal_opposite_of- "beem" -adverb / nominal_opposite_of- "be" -adverb -tendency 〕
malobeeme (malobem'e)
malpersistem'e vacillatingly (vacilatingly'e)
〔 "malpersistem" -adverb / "malpersist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "persist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- with- "sist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "persistem" -adverb / opposite_of- "persist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- with- "sist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- with- "sistem" -adverb / opposite_of- with- "sist" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- with- reflexive- "stem" -adverb 〕
malpersisteme (malpersistem'e)
malpersistem'e waveringly (waveringly'e) malpersisteme (malpersistem'e)
malpersistem'e while fluctuating malpersisteme (malpersistem'e)
malrapidem'e deliberately (deliberately'e)
〔 "malrapidem" -adverb / "malrapid" -adverb -tendency / "malrap" -adverb -tendency -next_generation / "malr" -adverb -tendency -next_generation -apparatus / "mal" -adverb -tendency -next_generation -apparatus -head / opposite_of- "rap" -adverb -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "rapid" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "rap" -adverb -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "rapidem" -adverb / opposite_of- "rapid" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "rap" -adverb -tendency -next_generation 〕
malrapideme (malrapidem'e)
maltsedem'e stubbornly (stuborn'e)
〔 "maltsedem" -adverb / "maltsed" -adverb -tendency / "malts" -adverb -tendency -repetition / opposite_of- "tsed" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "tsedem" -adverb / opposite_of- "tsed" -adverb -tendency 〕
malcedeme (malcedem'e)
maltsedem'e uncompromisingly (uncomprom'e) malcedeme (malcedem'e)
malzorgem'e recklessly (rekles'e)
〔 "malzorgem" -adverb / "malzorg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "zorg" -adverb -tendency / opposite_of- "zorgem" -adverb / opposite_of- "zorg" -adverb -tendency 〕
malzorgeme (malzorgem'e)
mem'e by one's self
〔 "mem" -adverb 〕
mem'e selfly (self'e)
neerarem'e unerringly (neerarem'e)
〔 "neerarem" -adverb / "neerar" -adverb -tendency / "neera" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "era" -adverb -tendency -head / "neer" -adverb -tendency -collection / "nee" -adverb -tendency -collection -head / no,_not- "e" -adverb -tendency -collection -head / "ne" -adverb -tendency -collection -element / no,_not- "er" -adverb -tendency -collection / no,_not- "e" -adverb -tendency -collection -head / no,_not- "erar" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "era" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "er" -adverb -tendency -collection / no,_not- "e" -adverb -tendency -collection -head / no,_not- "erarem" -adverb / no,_not- "erar" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "era" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "er" -adverb -tendency -collection / no,_not- "e" -adverb -tendency -collection -head 〕
neerareme (neerarem'e)
nekacem'e frankly (nekacem'e)
〔 "nekacem" -adverb / "nekac" -adverb -tendency / "nek" -adverb -tendency -balance / no,_not- "kac" -adverb -tendency / neither- "ac" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "kacem" -adverb / no,_not- "kac" -adverb -tendency / neither- "acem" -adverb / neither- "ac" -adverb -tendency 〕
nekaŝeme (nekacem'e)
nenifarem'e lazily (nenifarem'e)
〔 none- "ifarem" -adverb / none- "ifar" -adverb -tendency / none- "ifa" -adverb -tendency -head / none- "if" -adverb -tendency -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_none- "farem" -adverb / pronominal_none- "far" -adverb -tendency / pronominal_none- "fa" -adverb -tendency -head 〕 〔 "nenifarem" -adverb / "nenifar" -adverb -tendency / "nenifa" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "nifa" -adverb -tendency -head / "nenif" -adverb -tendency -collection / "nen" -adverb -tendency -collection -change_into / no,_not- "nif" -adverb -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifar" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -adverb -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifarem" -adverb / no,_not- "nifar" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -adverb -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -adverb -tendency -collection 〕
nenifareme (nenifarem'e)
neofendem'e inoffensively (neofendem'e)
〔 "neofendem" -adverb / "neofend" -adverb -tendency / "neof" -adverb -tendency -important / "ne" -adverb -tendency -important -change_from / no,_not- "of" -adverb -tendency -important / no,_not- "ofend" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "of" -adverb -tendency -important / no,_not- "ofendem" -adverb / no,_not- "ofend" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "of" -adverb -tendency -important 〕
neofendeme (neofendem'e)
nepenem'e casually (nepenem'e)
〔 "nepenem" -adverb / "nepen" -adverb -tendency / "nep" -adverb -tendency -goal / no,_not- "pen" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "penem" -adverb / no,_not- "pen" -adverb -tendency 〕
nepeneme (nepenem'e)
nesingardem'e recklessly (rekles'e)
〔 "nesingardem" -adverb / "nesingard" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "singard" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "singardem" -adverb / no,_not- "singard" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngardem" -adverb / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -adverb -tendency 〕
nesingardeme (nesingardem'e)
netsedem'e firmly (firm'e)
〔 "netsedem" -adverb / "netsed" -adverb -tendency / "nets" -adverb -tendency -repetition / no,_not- "tsed" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "tsedem" -adverb / no,_not- "tsed" -adverb -tendency 〕
necedeme (necedem'e)
nezorgem'e carelessly (careles'e)
〔 "nezorgem" -adverb / "nezorg" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "zorg" -adverb -tendency / no,_not- "zorgem" -adverb / no,_not- "zorg" -adverb -tendency 〕
nezorgeme (nezorgem'e)
nuntemp'e at present
〔 "nuntemp" -adverb / now- "temp" -adverb 〕
nuntempe (nuntemp'e)
nuntemp'e currently (curently'e) nuntempe (nuntemp'e)
nuntemp'e for now nuntempe (nuntemp'e)
nuntemp'e nowadays (nowadays'e) nuntempe (nuntemp'e)
nuntemp'e presently (present'e) nuntempe (nuntemp'e)
ordem'e systematically (ordem'e)
〔 "ordem" -adverb / "ord" -adverb -tendency 〕
ordeme (ordem'e)
patsem'e peacefully (peaceful'e)
〔 "patsem" -adverb / "pats" -adverb -tendency 〕
paceme (pacem'e)
penem'e painstakingly (penem'e)
〔 "penem" -adverb / "pen" -adverb -tendency 〕
peneme (penem'e)
perfortem'e violently (violent'e)
〔 "perfortem" -adverb / "perfort" -adverb -tendency / with- "fort" -adverb -tendency / with- "fortem" -adverb / with- "fort" -adverb -tendency / with- away- "tem" -adverb 〕
perforteme (perfortem'e)
pikem'e sarcastically (pikem'e)
〔 "pikem" -adverb / "pik" -adverb -tendency 〕
pikeme (pikem'e)
pikem'e sarcasticly (pikem'e) pikeme (pikem'e)
pikem'e sharply (pikem'e) pikeme (pikem'e)
poem'e in rhythmic patterns (poem'e)
〔 "poem" -adverb / "po" -adverb -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adverb 〕
poem'e poetically (poem'e) (poem'e)
postulem'e demandingly (postulem'e)
〔 "postulem" -adverb / "postul" -adverb -tendency / "post" -adverb -tendency -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adverb -tendency / after- "ul" -adverb -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "stulem" -adverb / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -adverb -tendency / after- "ulem" -adverb / after- "ul" -adverb -tendency 〕
postuleme (postulem'e)
postulem'e exactingly (postulem'e) postuleme (postulem'e)
postulem'e importunatly (postulem'e) postuleme (postulem'e)
pretsizem'e painstakingly (painstaking'e)
〔 "pretsizem" -adverb / "pretsiz" -adverb -tendency / "prets" -adverb -tendency -cause 〕
precizeme (precizem'e)
printemp'e in spring
〔 "printemp" -adverb / about- "ntemp" -adverb 〕
pripensem'e deliberately (pripensem'e)
〔 "pripensem" -adverb / "pripens" -adverb -tendency / about- "pens" -adverb -tendency / about- "pensem" -adverb / about- "pens" -adverb -tendency 〕
pripenseme (pripensem'e)
problem'e problematically (problem'e)
〔 "problem" -adverb / "probl" -adverb -tendency / on_account_of- "blem" -adverb 〕
progresem'e progressively (progresiv'e)
〔 "progresem" -adverb / "progres" -adverb -tendency / "progr" -adverb -tendency -owner / "prog" -adverb -tendency -owner -head / on_account_of- "gres" -adverb -tendency / on_account_of- "gresem" -adverb / on_account_of- "gres" -adverb -tendency 〕
progreseme (progresem'e)
renversem'e subversively (subversively'e)
〔 "renversem" -adverb / "renvers" -adverb -tendency 〕
renverseme (renversem'e)
respektem'e respectfully (respectful'e)
〔 "respektem" -adverb / "respekt" -adverb -tendency 〕
respekteme (respektem'e)
samtemp'e at a time
〔 "samtemp" -adverb 〕
samtempe (samtemp'e)
samtemp'e at the same time samtempe (samtemp'e)
samtemp'e concurrently (concur'e) samtempe (samtemp'e)
samtemp'e simultaneously (simultaneus'e) samtempe (samtemp'e)
senesperem'e desperately (desperately'e)
〔 "senesperem" -adverb / "senesper" -adverb -tendency / "senespe" -adverb -tendency -head / without- "espe" -adverb -tendency -head / "senesp" -adverb -tendency -element / without- "esp" -adverb -tendency -element / without- "esper" -adverb -tendency / without- "espe" -adverb -tendency -head / without- "esp" -adverb -tendency -element / without- "esperem" -adverb / without- "esper" -adverb -tendency / without- "espe" -adverb -tendency -head / without- "esp" -adverb -tendency -element 〕
senespereme (senesperem'e)
sengardem'e carelessly (careles'e)
〔 "sengardem" -adverb / "sengard" -adverb -tendency / without- "gard" -adverb -tendency / without- "gardem" -adverb / without- "gard" -adverb -tendency 〕
sengardeme (sengardem'e)
senpripensem'e indiscriminately (senpripensem'e)
〔 "senpripensem" -adverb / "senpripens" -adverb -tendency / without- "pripens" -adverb -tendency / without- about- "pens" -adverb -tendency / without- "pripensem" -adverb / without- "pripens" -adverb -tendency / without- about- "pens" -adverb -tendency / without- about- "pensem" -adverb / without- about- "pens" -adverb -tendency 〕
senpripenseme (senpripensem'e)
senproblem'e alright (alriqt'e)
〔 "senproblem" -adverb / "senprobl" -adverb -tendency / "senpr" -adverb -tendency -mutiple / "senp" -adverb -tendency -mutiple -head / without- "probl" -adverb -tendency / without- "problem" -adverb / without- "probl" -adverb -tendency / without- on_account_of- "blem" -adverb 〕
senprobleme (senproblem'e)
sentem'e tenderly (sentem'e)
〔 "sentem" -adverb / "sent" -adverb -tendency / without- "tem" -adverb 〕
senteme (sentem'e)
siatemp'e duly (duly'e)
〔 "siatemp" -adverb / reflexive- "atemp" -adverb 〕
siatempe (siatemp'e)
sindetenem'e shyly (cy'e)
〔 "sindetenem" -adverb / "sindeten" -adverb -tendency / "sindet" -adverb -tendency -goal / "sind" -adverb -tendency -goal -diminutive / reflexive- "ndet" -adverb -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndeten" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -adverb -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndetenem" -adverb / reflexive- "ndeten" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -adverb -tendency -goal 〕
sindeteneme (sindetenem'e)
singardem'e carefully (careful'e)
〔 "singardem" -adverb / "singard" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "ngard" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "ngardem" -adverb / reflexive- "ngard" -adverb -tendency 〕
singardeme (singardem'e)
sinkacem'e shyly (cy'e)
〔 "sinkacem" -adverb / "sinkac" -adverb -tendency / "sink" -adverb -tendency -balance / reflexive- "nkac" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "nkacem" -adverb / reflexive- "nkac" -adverb -tendency 〕
sinkaŝeme (sinkacem'e)
sistem'e systematically (system'e)
〔 "sistem" -adverb / "sist" -adverb -tendency / reflexive- "stem" -adverb 〕
sisteme (sistem'e)
subtenem'e encouraging (subtenem'e)
〔 "subtenem" -adverb / "subten" -adverb -tendency / "subt" -adverb -tendency -goal / beneath- "ten" -adverb -tendency / beneath- "tenem" -adverb / beneath- "ten" -adverb -tendency 〕
subteneme (subtenem'e)
tandem'e in tandem
〔 "tandem" -adverb / "tand" -adverb -tendency 〕
tandeme (tandem'e)
tciariskem'e frantically (frantic'e)
〔 "tciariskem" -adverb / "tciarisk" -adverb -tendency 〕
ĉiariskeme (tciariskem'e)
tcikanem'e vexatiously (vexatiusly'e)
〔 "tcikanem" -adverb / "tcikan" -adverb -tendency / "tcik" -adverb -tendency -member 〕
ĉikaneme (tcikanem'e)
temp'e in time
〔 "temp" -adverb 〕
tempaltemp'e occasionally (ocasional'e)
〔 "tempaltemp" -adverb 〕
tempaltempe (tempaltemp'e)
timem'e nervously (nervusly'e)
〔 "timem" -adverb / "tim" -adverb -tendency / that- "mem" -adverb 〕
timeme (timem'e)
troriskem'e recklessly (rekles'e)
〔 "troriskem" -adverb / "trorisk" -adverb -tendency / excessive- "risk" -adverb -tendency / excessive- "riskem" -adverb / excessive- "risk" -adverb -tendency 〕
troriskeme (troriskem'e)
tsedem'e accommodatingly (acom'e)
〔 "tsedem" -adverb / "tsed" -adverb -tendency 〕
cedeme (cedem'e)
venenem'e bitterly (venenem'e)
〔 "venenem" -adverb / "venen" -adverb -tendency / "ven" -adverb -tendency -goal / come- "en" -adverb -tendency / come- "enem" -adverb / come- "en" -adverb -tendency / come- in- "em" -adverb 〕
veneneme (venenem'e)
zorgem'e carefully (careful'e)
〔 "zorgem" -adverb / "zorg" -adverb -tendency 〕
zorgeme (zorgem'e)
alprem'i press (pres'i)
〔 "alprem" -infinitive / "alpr" -infinitive -tendency / "alp" -infinitive -tendency -head / to_or_toward- "prem" -infinitive 〕
alpremi (alprem'i)
am'ux dissem'i would love to disperse
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
am'ux em'i would love to toward
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
am'ux tem'i would love to about
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
am'ux trem'i would love to shake
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
blasfem'i blaspheme (blasfem'i)
〔 "blasfem" -infinitive / "blasf" -infinitive -tendency 〕
blasfemi (blasfem'i)
blasfem'i curse (curs'i) blasfemi (blasfem'i)
blasfem'i to blaspheme (blasfem'i)
brems'i brake (brak'i)
〔 "brems" -infinitive 〕
bremsi (brems'i)
cat'ux dissem'i would like to disperse
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux em'i would like to toward
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux tem'i would like to about
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux trem'i would like to shake
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax blasfem'i should curse
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "blasfem" -infinitive / "blasf" -infinitive -tendency 〕
cud'ax prem'i should press
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "prem" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax rem'i should row
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "rem" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax sem'i should sow seeds
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "sem" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax subprem'i should oppress
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "subprem" -infinitive / "subpr" -infinitive -tendency / "subp" -infinitive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax tem'i should be about
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax blasfem'i must curse
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "blasfem" -infinitive / "blasf" -infinitive -tendency 〕
dev'ax prem'i must press
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax rem'i must row
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "rem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax sem'i must sow seeds
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "sem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax subprem'i must oppress
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "subprem" -infinitive / "subpr" -infinitive -tendency / "subp" -infinitive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax tem'i must be about
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix blasfem'i needed to curse
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "blasfem" -infinitive / "blasf" -infinitive -tendency 〕
dev'ix prem'i needed to press
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix rem'i needed to row
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "rem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix sem'i needed to sow seeds
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "sem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix subprem'i needed to oppress
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "subprem" -infinitive / "subpr" -infinitive -tendency / "subp" -infinitive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix tem'i needed to be about
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox blasfem'i will need to curse
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "blasfem" -infinitive / "blasf" -infinitive -tendency 〕
dev'ox prem'i will need to press
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox rem'i will need to row
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "rem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox sem'i will need to sow seeds
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "sem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox subprem'i will need to oppress
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "subprem" -infinitive / "subpr" -infinitive -tendency / "subp" -infinitive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox tem'i will need to be about
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
disprem'i smash (smac'i)
〔 "disprem" -infinitive / "dispr" -infinitive -tendency / "disp" -infinitive -tendency -head / scatter- "prem" -infinitive 〕
dispremi (disprem'i)
dissem'i propagate (propagat'i)
〔 "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
dissemi (disem'i)
dissem'i to disperse (dispers'i)
dissem'i to disseminate (disem'i) dissemi (disem'i)
djem'i groan (groan'i)
〔 "djem" -infinitive 〕
ĝemi (djem'i)
djem'i to moan (moan'i) ĝemi (djem'i)
ekdjem'i sigh (siq'i)
〔 "ekdjem" -infinitive / "ekdj" -infinitive -tendency 〕
ekĝemi (ekdjem'i)
ektrem'i shiver (ektrem'i)
〔 "ektrem" -infinitive / "ektr" -infinitive -tendency / "ekt" -infinitive -tendency -head 〕
ektremi (ektrem'i)
ektrem'i shudder (ektrem'i) ektremi (ektrem'i)
ekzempl'i exemplify (exempl'i)
〔 "ekzempl" -infinitive 〕
ekzempli (ekzempl'i)
ekzempl'i illustrate (il'i) ekzempli (ekzempl'i)
elprem'i squeeze (squez'i)
〔 "elprem" -infinitive / "elpr" -infinitive -tendency / "elp" -infinitive -tendency -head / out_of- "prem" -infinitive 〕
elpremi (elprem'i)
em'ax dissem'i tends to disperse
〔 "em" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
em'ax em'i tends to toward
〔 "em" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
em'ax tem'i tends to about
〔 "em" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
em'ax trem'i tends to shake
〔 "em" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
em'i incline (inclin'i)
〔 "em" -infinitive 〕
emi (em'i)
em'i tend (tend'i) emi (em'i)
em'i to have a tendency to emi (em'i)
em'i to tend toward
em'ix dissem'i tended to disperse
〔 "em" -past /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
em'ix em'i tended to toward
〔 "em" -past /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
em'ix tem'i tended to about
〔 "em" -past /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
em'ix trem'i tended to shake
〔 "em" -past /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
em'ox dissem'i will tend to disperse
〔 "em" -future /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
em'ox em'i will tend to toward
〔 "em" -future /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
em'ox tem'i will tend to about
〔 "em" -future /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
em'ox trem'i will tend to shake
〔 "em" -future /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
em'ux dissem'i would tend to disperse
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
em'ux em'i would tend to toward
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
em'ux tem'i would tend to about
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
em'ux trem'i would tend to shake
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
enprem'i press (pres'i)
〔 "enprem" -infinitive / "enpr" -infinitive -tendency / "enp" -infinitive -tendency -head / in- "prem" -infinitive 〕
enpremi (enprem'i)
ensem'i sow (sow'i)
〔 "ensem" -infinitive / "ens" -infinitive -tendency / in- "sem" -infinitive 〕
ensemi (ensem'i)
frostotrem'i shiver (civer'i)
〔 "frostotrem" -infinitive / "frostotr" -infinitive -tendency / "frostot" -infinitive -tendency -head / "frost" -infinitive -tendency -head -upcoming 〕
frostotremi (frostotrem'i)
gardem'i alert (alert'i)
〔 "gardem" -infinitive / "gard" -infinitive -tendency 〕
gardemi (gardem'i)
kontempl'i to contemplate (contempl'i)
〔 "kontempl" -infinitive 〕
kontempli (kontempl'i)
kud'ax dissem'i could disperse
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax em'i could tend toward
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax tem'i could be about
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax trem'i could shake
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
kunprem'i to clench (clentc'i)
〔 "kunprem" -infinitive / "kunpr" -infinitive -tendency / "kunp" -infinitive -tendency -head / with- "prem" -infinitive 〕
kunpremi (kunprem'i)
kunprem'i to compact (com'i) kunpremi (kunprem'i)
kunprem'i to compress (com'i) kunpremi (kunprem'i)
kunprem'i to cram (cram'i) kunpremi (kunprem'i)
malkunprem'i to decompress (decom'i)
〔 "malkunprem" -infinitive / "malkunpr" -infinitive -tendency / "malkunp" -infinitive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunp" -infinitive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunpr" -infinitive -tendency / opposite_of- "kunp" -infinitive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunprem" -infinitive / opposite_of- "kunpr" -infinitive -tendency / opposite_of- "kunp" -infinitive -tendency -head / opposite_of- with- "prem" -infinitive 〕
malkunpremi (malkunprem'i)
membr'i to be a member
〔 "membr" -infinitive / "memb" -infinitive -head 〕
nekredem'i to disbelieve (disbeliev'i)
〔 "nekredem" -infinitive / "nekred" -infinitive -tendency / "nekr" -infinitive -tendency -repetition / "nek" -infinitive -tendency -repetition -head / no,_not- "kred" -infinitive -tendency / neither- "red" -infinitive -tendency / no,_not- "kredem" -infinitive / no,_not- "kred" -infinitive -tendency / neither- "redem" -infinitive / neither- "red" -infinitive -tendency 〕
nekredemi (nekredem'i)
plordjem'i to sob (sob'i)
〔 "plordjem" -infinitive / "plordj" -infinitive -tendency 〕
plorĝemi (plordjem'i)
pov'ax dissem'i can disperse
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax em'i can toward
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax tem'i can about
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax trem'i can shake
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix dissem'i was able to disperse
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix em'i was able to toward
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix tem'i was able to about
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix trem'i was able to shake
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox dissem'i will be able to disperse
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox em'i will be able to toward
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox tem'i will be able to about
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox trem'i will be able to shake
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
prem'i to press (pres'i)
〔 "prem" -infinitive 〕
premi (prem'i)
prem'i to press (pres'i) premi (prem'i)
prem'i to squeeze (squez'i) premi (prem'i)
rem'i to row (row'i)
〔 "rem" -infinitive 〕
remi (rem'i)
samtemp'i to concur (concur'i)
〔 "samtemp" -infinitive 〕
samtempi (samtemp'i)
sem'i to sow (sow'i)
〔 "sem" -infinitive 〕
semi (sem'i)
sem'i to sow seeds
sistem'i to systemize (system'i)
〔 "sistem" -infinitive / "sist" -infinitive -tendency / reflexive- "stem" -infinitive 〕
skem'i to outline (utlin'i)
〔 "skem" -infinitive 〕
skemi (skem'i)
skem'i to schematise (cem'i) skemi (skem'i)
sopirdjem'i to sigh (siq'i)
〔 "sopirdjem" -infinitive / "sopirdj" -infinitive -tendency 〕
sopirĝemi (sopirdjem'i)
subprem'i to oppress (opres'i)
〔 "subprem" -infinitive / "subpr" -infinitive -tendency / "subp" -infinitive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -infinitive 〕
subpremi (subprem'i)
subprem'i to quell (quel'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
subprem'i to repress (repres'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
subprem'i to squelch (quel'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
subprem'i to stifle (stifl'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
subprem'i to suppress (supres'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
tem'i to be about
〔 "tem" -infinitive 〕
tem'i to deal (deal'i) temi (tem'i)
tordelprem'i to wring (wring'i)
〔 "tordelprem" -infinitive / "tordelpr" -infinitive -tendency / "tordelp" -infinitive -tendency -head 〕
tordelpremi (tordelprem'i)
trem'i to shake (trem'i)
〔 "trem" -infinitive 〕
trem'i to tremble (trem'i) tremi (trem'i)
tremp'i to impregnate (imp'i)
〔 "tremp" -infinitive 〕
trempi (tremp'i)
tremp'i to soak (soak'i) trempi (tremp'i)
tremp'i to steep (step'i) trempi (tremp'i)
tremp'i to wet (wet'i) trempi (tremp'i)
vol'ax dissem'i want to disperse
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax em'i want to toward
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax tem'i want to about
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax trem'i want to shake
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
vol'int dissem'i had been wanting to disperse
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'int em'i had been wanting to toward
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'int tem'i had been wanting to about
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'int trem'i had been wanting to shake
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix dissem'i wanted to disperse
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix em'i wanted to toward
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix tem'i wanted to about
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix trem'i wanted to shake
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont dissem'i will be wanting to disperse
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont em'i will be wanting to toward
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont tem'i will be wanting to about
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont trem'i will be wanting to shake
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox dissem'i will want to disperse
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox em'i will want to toward
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox tem'i will want to about
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox trem'i will want to shake
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt dissem'i would be wanting to disperse
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt em'i would be wanting to toward
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt tem'i would be wanting to about
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt trem'i would be wanting to shake
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax dissem'i will disperse
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax em'i will tend toward
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax tem'i will be about
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax trem'i will shake
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax dissem'i would disperse
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "dissem" -infinitive / "diss" -infinitive -tendency / scatter- "sem" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax em'i would tend toward
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "em" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax tem'i would be about
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "tem" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax trem'i would shake
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "trem" -infinitive 〕
adaptidjem'o flexibility (flexibility'o)
〔 "adaptidjem" -substantive / "adaptidj" -substantive -tendency / "adapt" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
adaptiĝemo (adaptidjem'o)
alarmem'o alarmism (alarmism'o)
〔 "alarmem" -substantive / "alarm" -substantive -tendency / to_or_toward- "arm" -substantive -tendency / to_or_toward- "armem" -substantive / to_or_toward- "arm" -substantive -tendency 〕
alarmemo (alarmem'o)
amem'o tenderness (tendernes'o)
〔 "amem" -substantive / "am" -substantive -tendency 〕
amemo (amem'o)
amemem'o gentleness (gentlenes'o)
〔 "amemem" -substantive / "amem" -substantive -tendency / "am" -substantive -tendency -tendency 〕
amememo (amemem'o)
amikem'o friendliness (friendlines'o)
〔 "amikem" -substantive / "amik" -substantive -tendency / "am" -substantive -tendency -reminiscent_of 〕
amikemo (amikem'o)
antawenem'o drive (antawenem'o)
〔 "antawenem" -substantive / "antawen" -substantive -tendency / "antaw" -substantive -tendency -goal / "ant" -substantive -tendency -goal -in_any_sense / before- "en" -substantive -tendency / before- "enem" -substantive / before- "en" -substantive -tendency / before- in- "em" -substantive 〕
antaŭenemo (antawenem'o)
antawyudjem'o bias (bias'o)
〔 "antawyudjem" -substantive / "antawyudj" -substantive -tendency / "antawy" -substantive -tendency -departing / before- "yudj" -substantive -tendency / before- "yudjem" -substantive / before- "yudj" -substantive -tendency 〕
antaŭjuĝemo (antawjudjem'o)
antikv'a temp'o antiquity
〔 "antikv" -adjective /+/ "temp" -substantive 〕
antikva tempo
atentem'o care (car'o)
〔 "atentem" -substantive / "atent" -substantive -tendency 〕
atentemo (atentem'o)
barem'o scale (barem'o)
〔 "barem" -substantive / "bar" -substantive -tendency / "ba" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
baremo (barem'o)
blasfem'o blasphemy (blasfem'o)
〔 "blasfem" -substantive / "blasf" -substantive -tendency 〕
blasfemo (blasfem'o)
blasfem'o curse (curs'o) blasfemo (blasfem'o)
brems'o brake (brak'o)
〔 "brems" -substantive 〕
bremso (brems'o)
cantselidjem'o vacillation (vacilation'o)
〔 "cantselidjem" -substantive / "cantselidj" -substantive -tendency / "cantsel" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / "cants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method 〕
ŝanceliĝemo (cancelidjem'o)
cawmkrem'o mousse (mus'o)
〔 "cawmkrem" -substantive / "cawmkr" -substantive -tendency / "cawmk" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
ŝaŭmkremo (cawmkrem'o)
cparem'o efficiency (eficiency'o)
〔 "cparem" -substantive / "cpar" -substantive -tendency / "cpa" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
ŝparemo (cparem'o)
dankem'o gratitude (gratitud'o)
〔 "dankem" -substantive / "dank" -substantive -tendency / quantity_of- "nkem" -substantive 〕
dankemo (dankem'o)
detsidem'o decisiveness (decisiv'o)
〔 "detsidem" -substantive / "detsid" -substantive -tendency / "dets" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / of- "tsid" -substantive -tendency / of- "tsidem" -substantive / of- "tsid" -substantive -tendency 〕
decidemo (decidem'o)
detsidem'o determination (determ'o) decidemo (decidem'o)
dilem'o dilemma (dilem'o)
〔 "dilem" -substantive / "dil" -substantive -tendency 〕
dilemo (dilem'o)
dilem'o predicament (predicam'o) dilemo (dilem'o)
dilem'o quandary (quandary'o) dilemo (dilem'o)
donatsem'o generosity (generosity'o)
〔 "donatsem" -substantive / "donats" -substantive -tendency / gift- "ats" -substantive -tendency / gift- "atsem" -substantive / gift- "ats" -substantive -tendency 〕
donacemo (donacem'o)
drensistem'o drainage (drainag'o)
〔 "drensistem" -substantive / "drensist" -substantive -tendency 〕
drensistemo (drensistem'o)
dubem'o scepticism (scepticism'o)
〔 two- "bem" -substantive 〕 〔 "dubem" -substantive / "dub" -substantive -tendency 〕
dubemo (dubem'o)
duontemp'o half (half'o)
〔 two- "ontemp" -substantive 〕 〔 "duontemp" -substantive 〕
duontempo (duontemp'o)
edem'o edema (edem'o)
〔 "edem" -substantive / "ed" -substantive -tendency 〕
edemo (edem'o)
ekdjem'o sigh (siq'o)
〔 "ekdjem" -substantive / "ekdj" -substantive -tendency 〕
ekĝemo (ekdjem'o)
ekosistem'o ecosystem (ecosystem'o)
〔 "ekosistem" -substantive / "ekosist" -substantive -tendency 〕
ekosistemo (ekosistem'o)
ekstrem'o end (ekstrem'o)
〔 "ekstrem" -substantive / "ekstr" -substantive -tendency / "ekst" -substantive -tendency -head / outside- "trem" -substantive 〕
ektrem'o shudder (ektrem'o)
〔 "ektrem" -substantive / "ektr" -substantive -tendency / "ekt" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
ektremo (ektrem'o)
ekzantem'o eruption (eruption'o)
〔 "ekzantem" -substantive / "ekzant" -substantive -tendency 〕
ekzantemo (ekzantem'o)
ekzem'o eczema (eczem'o)
〔 "ekzem" -substantive / "ekz" -substantive -tendency 〕
ekzemo (ekzem'o)
ekzempl'o example (exampl'o)
〔 "ekzempl" -substantive 〕
ekzemplo (ekzempl'o)
ekzempl'o sample (sampl'o) ekzemplo (ekzempl'o)
elpensem'o ingenuity (elpensem'o)
〔 "elpensem" -substantive / "elpens" -substantive -tendency / out_of- "pens" -substantive -tendency / out_of- "pensem" -substantive / out_of- "pens" -substantive -tendency 〕
elpensemo (elpensem'o)
elsendotemp'o airtime (airtim'o)
〔 "elsendotemp" -substantive / out_of- "sendotemp" -substantive / out_of- without- "dotemp" -substantive 〕
elsendotempo (elsendotemp'o)
eltenem'o threshold (eltenem'o)
〔 "eltenem" -substantive / "elten" -substantive -tendency / "elt" -substantive -tendency -goal / out_of- "ten" -substantive -tendency / out_of- "tenem" -substantive / out_of- "ten" -substantive -tendency 〕
eltenemo (eltenem'o)
eltrovem'o ingenuity (eltrovem'o)
〔 "eltrovem" -substantive / "eltrov" -substantive -tendency / "eltr" -substantive -tendency -ready / "elt" -substantive -tendency -ready -head / out_of- "trov" -substantive -tendency / out_of- "trovem" -substantive / out_of- "trov" -substantive -tendency / out_of- excessive- "vem" -substantive 〕
eltrovemo (eltrovem'o)
em'o tendency (tend'o)
〔 "em" -substantive 〕
emo (em'o)
emblem'o emblem (emblem'o)
〔 "emblem" -substantive / "embl" -substantive -tendency 〕
emblemo (emblem'o)
emblem'o logo (log'o) emblemo (emblem'o)
ensembl'o ensemble (ensembl'o)
〔 "ensembl" -substantive / in- "sembl" -substantive 〕
ensemblo (ensembl'o)
ensembl'o group (grup'o) ensemblo (ensembl'o)
entreprenem'o enterprise (entreprenem'o)
〔 "entreprenem" -substantive / "entrepren" -substantive -tendency / "entrepr" -substantive -tendency -goal / "entrep" -substantive -tendency -goal -head / "entr" -substantive -tendency -goal -head -demonstration / "ent" -substantive -tendency -goal -head -demonstration -head / in- "trep" -substantive -tendency -goal -head / in- "trepr" -substantive -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -substantive -tendency -goal -head / in- "trepren" -substantive -tendency / in- "trepr" -substantive -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -substantive -tendency -goal -head / in- very- "pren" -substantive -tendency / in- "treprenem" -substantive / in- "trepren" -substantive -tendency / in- "trepr" -substantive -tendency -goal / in- "trep" -substantive -tendency -goal -head / in- very- "pren" -substantive -tendency / in- very- "prenem" -substantive / in- very- "pren" -substantive -tendency 〕
entreprenemo (entreprenem'o)
entreprenem'o entrepreneurship (entreprenem'o) entreprenemo (entreprenem'o)
erarem'o frailty (frailty'o)
〔 "erarem" -substantive / "erar" -substantive -tendency / "era" -substantive -tendency -head / "er" -substantive -tendency -collection / "e" -substantive -tendency -collection -head 〕
eraremo (erarem'o)
fanfaronem'o boastfulness (boastfulnes'o)
〔 "fanfaronem" -substantive / "fanfaron" -substantive -tendency / "fanfar" -substantive -tendency -part / "fanfa" -substantive -tendency -part -head / "fanf" -substantive -tendency -part -collection 〕
fanfaronemo (fanfaronem'o)
favorem'o bias (bias'o)
〔 "favorem" -substantive / "favor" -substantive -tendency / "favo" -substantive -tendency -head / "fav" -substantive -tendency -value 〕
favoremo (favorem'o)
fikstemp'o deadline (deadlin'o)
〔 "fikstemp" -substantive 〕
fikstempo (fikstemp'o)
forperems'o furlough (furluq'o)
〔 "forperems" -substantive / away- "perems" -substantive / away- with- "ems" -substantive 〕
forperemso (forperems'o)
frostotrem'o shiver (civer'o)
〔 "frostotrem" -substantive / "frostotr" -substantive -tendency / "frostot" -substantive -tendency -head / "frost" -substantive -tendency -head -upcoming 〕
frostotremo (frostotrem'o)
gardem'o security (security'o)
〔 "gardem" -substantive / "gard" -substantive -tendency 〕
gardemo (gardem'o)
gardotemp'o watch (watc'o)
〔 "gardotemp" -substantive 〕
gardotempo (gardotemp'o)
gastigem'o hospitality (hospitality'o)
〔 "gastigem" -substantive / "gastig" -substantive -tendency / "gast" -substantive -tendency -cause_to_become 〕
gastigemo (gastigem'o)
gem'o gem (gem'o)
〔 "gem" -substantive 〕
gemo (gem'o)
gem'o gemstone (gem'o) gemo (gem'o)
harem'o harem (harem'o)
〔 "harem" -substantive / "har" -substantive -tendency / "ha" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
haremo (harem'o)
hezitem'o indecisiveness (indecisiv'o)
〔 "hezitem" -substantive / "hezit" -substantive -tendency / "hez" -substantive -tendency -done 〕
hezitemo (hezitem'o)
idealem'o idealism (idealem'o)
〔 some- "dealem" -substantive / some- "deal" -substantive -tendency / some- "de" -substantive -tendency -reason / some- of- "al" -substantive -tendency / some- of- "alem" -substantive / some- of- "al" -substantive -tendency / some- of- to_or_toward- "em" -substantive 〕 〔 "idealem" -substantive / "ideal" -substantive -tendency / "ide" -substantive -tendency -reason 〕
idealemo (idealem'o)
impresidjem'o susceptibility (susceptibility'o)
〔 some- "mpresidjem" -substantive / some- "mpresidj" -substantive -tendency / some- "mpres" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕 〔 "impresidjem" -substantive / "impresidj" -substantive -tendency / "impres" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / "impr" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -owner / "imp" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -owner -head 〕
impresiĝemo (impresidjem'o)
impulsem'o impetuosity (im'o)
〔 some- "mpulsem" -substantive / some- "mpuls" -substantive -tendency 〕 〔 "impulsem" -substantive / "impuls" -substantive -tendency 〕
impulsemo (impulsem'o)
indulgem'o leniency (leniency'o)
〔 some- "ndulgem" -substantive / some- "ndulg" -substantive -tendency 〕 〔 "indulgem" -substantive / "indulg" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -substantive -tendency 〕
indulgemo (indulgem'o)
initsiatem'o originality (originality'o)
〔 some- "nitsiatem" -substantive / some- "nitsiat" -substantive -tendency / some- "nitsi" -substantive -tendency -happening 〕 〔 "initsiatem" -substantive / "initsiat" -substantive -tendency / "initsi" -substantive -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -tendency -happening / not_on_the_outside- "itsiatem" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "itsiat" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "itsi" -substantive -tendency -happening 〕
iniciatemo (iniciatem'o)
intertemp'o interim (interim'o)
〔 some- "ntertemp" -substantive 〕 〔 "intertemp" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "tertemp" -substantive / between- "temp" -substantive 〕
intertempo (intertemp'o)
intertemp'o interval (interval'o) intertempo (intertemp'o)
inventem'o inventiveness (inventiv'o)
〔 some- "nventem" -substantive / some- "nvent" -substantive -tendency 〕 〔 "inventem" -substantive / "invent" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- "ventem" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -substantive -tendency / not_on_the_outside- come- "tem" -substantive 〕
inventemo (inventem'o)
kapritsem'o capriciousness (capriciusnes'o)
〔 "kapritsem" -substantive / "kaprits" -substantive -tendency 〕
kapricemo (kapricem'o)
karesem'o tenderness (karesem'o)
〔 "karesem" -substantive / "kares" -substantive -tendency / "kar" -substantive -tendency -owner / "ka" -substantive -tendency -owner -head 〕
karesemo (karesem'o)
klem'o terminal (term'o)
〔 "klem" -substantive 〕
klemo (klem'o)
komplezem'o consideration (consideration'o)
〔 "komplezem" -substantive / "komplez" -substantive -tendency / "kompl" -substantive -tendency -device 〕
komplezemo (komplezem'o)
komprenem'o sympathy (komprenem'o)
〔 "komprenem" -substantive / "kompren" -substantive -tendency / "kompr" -substantive -tendency -goal / "komp" -substantive -tendency -goal -head 〕
komprenemo (komprenem'o)
kontempl'o contemplative (contempl'o)
〔 "kontempl" -substantive 〕
kontemplo (kontempl'o)
kreem'o creativity (creativ'o)
〔 "kreem" -substantive / "kre" -substantive -tendency 〕
kreemo (krem'o)
krem'o cream (cream'o)
〔 "krem" -substantive 〕
kremo (krem'o)
laborem'o assiduity (asiduity'o)
〔 "laborem" -substantive / "labor" -substantive -tendency / "labo" -substantive -tendency -head / "lab" -substantive -tendency -value 〕
laboremo (laborem'o)
lem'o lemma (lem'o)
〔 "lem" -substantive 〕
lemo (lem'o)
libertemp'o holiday (holiday'o)
〔 "libertemp" -substantive / third_person- "bertemp" -substantive 〕
libertempo (libertemp'o)
libertemp'o leisure (leisur'o) libertempo (libertemp'o)
limtemp'o period (period'o)
〔 "limtemp" -substantive / third_person- "mtemp" -substantive 〕
limtempo (limtemp'o)
malaborem'o laziness (lazines'o)
〔 "malaborem" -substantive / "malabor" -substantive -tendency / "malabo" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "abo" -substantive -tendency -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -substantive -tendency -head / "malab" -substantive -tendency -value / opposite_of- "ab" -substantive -tendency -value / opposite_of- "abor" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "abo" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "ab" -substantive -tendency -value / adjectival_opposite_of- "bor" -substantive -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "aborem" -substantive / opposite_of- "abor" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "abo" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "ab" -substantive -tendency -value / adjectival_opposite_of- "borem" -substantive / adjectival_opposite_of- "bor" -substantive -tendency / adjectival_opposite_of- "bo" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
malaboremo (malaborem'o)
maldankem'o ingratitude (ingratitud'o)
〔 "maldankem" -substantive / "maldank" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "dank" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "dankem" -substantive / opposite_of- "dank" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- quantity_of- "nkem" -substantive 〕
maldankemo (maldankem'o)
malem'o aversion (malem'o)
〔 "malem" -substantive / "mal" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "em" -substantive 〕
malemo (malem'o)
malem'o distaste (malem'o) malemo (malem'o)
malem'o unwillingness (malem'o) malemo (malem'o)
malfidem'o distrust (distrust'o)
〔 "malfidem" -substantive / "malfid" -substantive -tendency / "malf" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / opposite_of- "fid" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "fidem" -substantive / opposite_of- "fid" -substantive -tendency 〕
malfidemo (malfidem'o)
malindulgem'o severity (severity'o)
〔 "malindulgem" -substantive / "malindulg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "indulg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "indulgem" -substantive / opposite_of- "indulg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulgem" -substantive / opposite_of- not_on_the_outside- "dulg" -substantive -tendency 〕
malindulgemo (malindulgem'o)
malkacem'o candor (malkacem'o)
〔 "malkacem" -substantive / "malkac" -substantive -tendency / "malk" -substantive -tendency -balance / opposite_of- "kac" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "kacem" -substantive / opposite_of- "kac" -substantive -tendency 〕
malkaŝemo (malkacem'o)
malkompatem'o harshness (harc'o)
〔 "malkompatem" -substantive / "malkompat" -substantive -tendency / "malkomp" -substantive -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "kompat" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -tendency -happening / opposite_of- "kompatem" -substantive / opposite_of- "kompat" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "komp" -substantive -tendency -happening 〕
malkompatemo (malkompatem'o)
malkunprem'o decompression (decom'o)
〔 "malkunprem" -substantive / "malkunpr" -substantive -tendency / "malkunp" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunp" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunpr" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "kunp" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "kunprem" -substantive / opposite_of- "kunpr" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "kunp" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- with- "prem" -substantive 〕
malkunpremo (malkunprem'o)
malmodestem'o pretension (pretension'o)
〔 "malmodestem" -substantive / "malmodest" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "modest" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "modestem" -substantive / opposite_of- "modest" -substantive -tendency 〕
malmodestemo (malmodestem'o)
malobeem'o insubordination (insubordination'o)
〔 "malobeem" -substantive / "malobe" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "obe" -substantive -tendency / nominal_opposite_of- "be" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "obeem" -substantive / opposite_of- "obe" -substantive -tendency / nominal_opposite_of- "beem" -substantive / nominal_opposite_of- "be" -substantive -tendency 〕
malobeemo (malobem'o)
malpardonem'o resentment (resentm'o)
〔 "malpardonem" -substantive / "malpardon" -substantive -tendency / "malpard" -substantive -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pard" -substantive -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pardon" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "pard" -substantive -tendency -part / opposite_of- "pardonem" -substantive / opposite_of- "pardon" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "pard" -substantive -tendency -part 〕
malpardonemo (malpardonem'o)
malratsiem'o irrationalism (irationalism'o)
〔 "malratsiem" -substantive / "malratsi" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "ratsi" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "ratsiem" -substantive / opposite_of- "ratsi" -substantive -tendency 〕
malraciemo (malraciem'o)
maltolerem'o bigotry (bigotry'o)
〔 "maltolerem" -substantive / "maltoler" -substantive -tendency / "maltole" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "tole" -substantive -tendency -head / "maltol" -substantive -tendency -element / "malt" -substantive -tendency -element -compared_to / opposite_of- "tol" -substantive -tendency -element / opposite_of- "toler" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "tole" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "tol" -substantive -tendency -element / opposite_of- "tolerem" -substantive / opposite_of- "toler" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "tole" -substantive -tendency -head / opposite_of- "tol" -substantive -tendency -element 〕
maltoleremo (maltolerem'o)
maltolerem'o intolerance (intoleranc'o) maltoleremo (maltolerem'o)
malzorgem'o negligence (negligenc'o)
〔 "malzorgem" -substantive / "malzorg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "zorg" -substantive -tendency / opposite_of- "zorgem" -substantive / opposite_of- "zorg" -substantive -tendency 〕
malzorgemo (malzorgem'o)
malzorgem'o recklessness (rekles'o) malzorgemo (malzorgem'o)
mandjegem'o gluttony (mandjegem'o)
〔 "mandjegem" -substantive / "mandjeg" -substantive -tendency / "mandj" -substantive -tendency -extreme 〕
manĝegemo (mandjegem'o)
manprem'o handshake (handcak'o)
〔 "manprem" -substantive / "manpr" -substantive -tendency / "manp" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
manpremo (manprem'o)
mem'o herself (self'o)
〔 "mem" -substantive 〕
mem'o himself (him'o)
mem'o itself (self'o)
mem'o myself (self'o)
mem'o self (self'o) memo (mem'o)
mem'o yourself (self'o)
membr'o limb (limb'o)
〔 "membr" -substantive / "memb" -substantive -head 〕
membro (membr'o)
membr'o member (member'o) membro (membr'o)
memcatem'o conceit (conceit'o)
〔 "memcatem" -substantive / "memcat" -substantive -tendency / "memc" -substantive -tendency -happening 〕
memŝatemo (memcatem'o)
mensogem'o mendacity (mendacity'o)
〔 "mensogem" -substantive / "mensog" -substantive -tendency / "mens" -substantive -tendency -construct 〕
mensogemo (mensogem'o)
modem'o modem (modem'o)
〔 "modem" -substantive / "mod" -substantive -tendency 〕
modemo (modem'o)
morfem'o morpheme (morfem'o)
〔 "morfem" -substantive / "morf" -substantive -tendency 〕
morfemo (morfem'o)
movidjem'o mobility (mobil'o)
〔 "movidjem" -substantive / "movidj" -substantive -tendency / "mov" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
moviĝemo (movidjem'o)
neagem'o inertia (neagem'o)
〔 "neagem" -substantive / "neag" -substantive -tendency / "ne" -substantive -tendency -act / no,_not- "ag" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "agem" -substantive / no,_not- "ag" -substantive -tendency 〕
neagemo (neagem'o)
neatentem'o negligence (negligenc'o)
〔 "neatentem" -substantive / "neatent" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "atent" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "atentem" -substantive / no,_not- "atent" -substantive -tendency 〕
neatentemo (neatentem'o)
nedetsidem'o indecisiveness (indecisiv'o)
〔 "nedetsidem" -substantive / "nedetsid" -substantive -tendency / "nedets" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / "ned" -substantive -tendency -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / no,_not- "dets" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- "detsid" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "dets" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "detsidem" -substantive / no,_not- "detsid" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "dets" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- of- "tsidem" -substantive / no,_not- of- "tsid" -substantive -tendency 〕
nedecidemo (nedecidem'o)
nefarem'o unwillingness (nefarem'o)
〔 "nefarem" -substantive / "nefar" -substantive -tendency / "nefa" -substantive -tendency -head / no,_not- "fa" -substantive -tendency -head / "nef" -substantive -tendency -collection / no,_not- "far" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "fa" -substantive -tendency -head / no,_not- "farem" -substantive / no,_not- "far" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "fa" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
nefaremo (nefarem'o)
neglektem'o negligence (negligenc'o)
〔 negative- "lektem" -substantive / negative- "lekt" -substantive -tendency 〕 〔 "neglektem" -substantive / "neglekt" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "glekt" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "glektem" -substantive / no,_not- "glekt" -substantive -tendency 〕
neglektemo (neglektem'o)
nekredem'o disbelief (disbelief'o)
〔 "nekredem" -substantive / "nekred" -substantive -tendency / "nekr" -substantive -tendency -repetition / "nek" -substantive -tendency -repetition -head / no,_not- "kred" -substantive -tendency / neither- "red" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "kredem" -substantive / no,_not- "kred" -substantive -tendency / neither- "redem" -substantive / neither- "red" -substantive -tendency 〕
nekredemo (nekredem'o)
nenifarem'o laziness (nenifarem'o)
〔 none- "ifarem" -substantive / none- "ifar" -substantive -tendency / none- "ifa" -substantive -tendency -head / none- "if" -substantive -tendency -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_none- "farem" -substantive / pronominal_none- "far" -substantive -tendency / pronominal_none- "fa" -substantive -tendency -head 〕 〔 "nenifarem" -substantive / "nenifar" -substantive -tendency / "nenifa" -substantive -tendency -head / no,_not- "nifa" -substantive -tendency -head / "nenif" -substantive -tendency -collection / "nen" -substantive -tendency -collection -change_into / no,_not- "nif" -substantive -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifar" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -substantive -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -substantive -tendency -collection / no,_not- "nifarem" -substantive / no,_not- "nifar" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "nifa" -substantive -tendency -head / no,_not- "nif" -substantive -tendency -collection 〕
nenifaremo (nenifarem'o)
neratsiem'o irrationalism (irationalism'o)
〔 "neratsiem" -substantive / "neratsi" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "ratsi" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "ratsiem" -substantive / no,_not- "ratsi" -substantive -tendency 〕
neraciemo (neraciem'o)
neripozem'o restlessness (neripozem'o)
〔 "neripozem" -substantive / "neripoz" -substantive -tendency / "nerip" -substantive -tendency -effect / "ner" -substantive -tendency -effect -structure / "ne" -substantive -tendency -effect -structure -head / no,_not- "rip" -substantive -tendency -effect / no,_not- "ripoz" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "rip" -substantive -tendency -effect / no,_not- "ripozem" -substantive / no,_not- "ripoz" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "rip" -substantive -tendency -effect 〕
neripozemo (neripozem'o)
nesingardem'o recklessness (rekles'o)
〔 "nesingardem" -substantive / "nesingard" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "singard" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "singardem" -substantive / no,_not- "singard" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- reflexive- "ngardem" -substantive / no,_not- reflexive- "ngard" -substantive -tendency 〕
nesingardemo (nesingardem'o)
nesotsietem'o reserve (reserv'o)
〔 "nesotsietem" -substantive / "nesotsiet" -substantive -tendency / "nesotsi" -substantive -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsi" -substantive -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsiet" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "sotsi" -substantive -tendency -diminutive / no,_not- "sotsietem" -substantive / no,_not- "sotsiet" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "sotsi" -substantive -tendency -diminutive 〕
nesocietemo (nesocietem'o)
netsedem'o firmness (firm'o)
〔 "netsedem" -substantive / "netsed" -substantive -tendency / "nets" -substantive -tendency -repetition / no,_not- "tsed" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "tsedem" -substantive / no,_not- "tsed" -substantive -tendency 〕
necedemo (necedem'o)
nevolem'o reluctance (nevolem'o)
〔 "nevolem" -substantive / "nevol" -substantive -tendency / "nev" -substantive -tendency -compared_to / no,_not- "vol" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "volem" -substantive / no,_not- "vol" -substantive -tendency 〕
nevolemo (nevolem'o)
nezorgem'o negligence (negligenc'o)
〔 "nezorgem" -substantive / "nezorg" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "zorg" -substantive -tendency / no,_not- "zorgem" -substantive / no,_not- "zorg" -substantive -tendency 〕
nezorgemo (nezorgem'o)
nuntemp'o present (present'o)
〔 "nuntemp" -substantive / now- "temp" -substantive 〕
nuntempo (nuntemp'o)
obeem'o obedience (obedienc'o)
〔 "obeem" -substantive / "obe" -substantive -tendency 〕
obeemo (obem'o)
observem'o compliance (com'o)
〔 "observem" -substantive / "observ" -substantive -tendency 〕
observemo (observem'o)
paradem'o exhibitionism (paradem'o)
〔 "paradem" -substantive / "parad" -substantive -tendency / "par" -substantive -tendency -ongoing / "pa" -substantive -tendency -ongoing -head 〕
parademo (paradem'o)
paradem'o ostentation (paradem'o) parademo (paradem'o)
paroltemp'o airtime (airtim'o)
〔 "paroltemp" -substantive 〕
paroltempo (paroltemp'o)
partiem'o bias (bias'o)
〔 "partiem" -substantive / "parti" -substantive -tendency 〕
partiemo (partiem'o)
penetrem'o penetration (penetrem'o)
〔 "penetrem" -substantive / "penetr" -substantive -tendency / "penet" -substantive -tendency -head / "pen" -substantive -tendency -head -diminutive 〕
penetremo (penetrem'o)
persistem'o determination (determ'o)
〔 "persistem" -substantive / "persist" -substantive -tendency / with- "sist" -substantive -tendency / with- "sistem" -substantive / with- "sist" -substantive -tendency / with- reflexive- "stem" -substantive 〕
persistemo (persistem'o)
pikem'o sarcasm (pikem'o)
〔 "pikem" -substantive / "pik" -substantive -tendency 〕
pikemo (pikem'o)
plordjem'o sob (sob'o)
〔 "plordjem" -substantive / "plordj" -substantive -tendency 〕
plorĝemo (plordjem'o)
poem'o poem (poem'o)
〔 "poem" -substantive / "po" -substantive -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -substantive 〕
poemo (poem'o)
prem'o pressure (pres'o)
〔 "prem" -substantive 〕
premo (prem'o)
prem'o squeeze (squez'o) premo (prem'o)
pretem'o readiness (readines'o)
〔 "pretem" -substantive / "pret" -substantive -tendency 〕
pretemo (pretem'o)
printemp'o spring (spring'o)
〔 "printemp" -substantive / about- "ntemp" -substantive 〕
printempo (printemp'o)
problem'o problem (problem'o)
〔 "problem" -substantive / "probl" -substantive -tendency / on_account_of- "blem" -substantive 〕
problemo (problem'o)
problem'o trouble (trubl'o) problemo (problem'o)
ratsiem'o rationality (rationality'o)
〔 "ratsiem" -substantive / "ratsi" -substantive -tendency 〕
raciemo (raciem'o)
redempt'o redemption (redempt'o)
〔 "redempt" -substantive 〕
redempto (redempt'o)
rekviem'o requiem (requiem'o)
〔 "rekviem" -substantive / "rekvi" -substantive -tendency 〕
rekviemo (rekviem'o)
religiem'o religiousness (religius'o)
〔 "religiem" -substantive / "religi" -substantive -tendency 〕
religiemo (religiem'o)
retroformidjem'o resilience (resilienc'o)
〔 "retroformidjem" -substantive / "retroformidj" -substantive -tendency / "retroform" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
retroformiĝemo (retroformidjem'o)
rezervidjem'o reserve (reserv'o)
〔 "rezervidjem" -substantive / "rezervidj" -substantive -tendency / "rezerv" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
rezerviĝemo (rezervidjem'o)
sem'o seed (sed'o)
〔 "sem" -substantive 〕
semo (sem'o)
sem'o semen (sem'o) semo (sem'o)
senbridem'o license (licens'o)
〔 "senbridem" -substantive / "senbrid" -substantive -tendency / "senbr" -substantive -tendency -next_generation / "senb" -substantive -tendency -next_generation -head / without- "brid" -substantive -tendency / without- "bridem" -substantive / without- "brid" -substantive -tendency 〕
senbridemo (senbridem'o)
sencantselidjem'o grit (grit'o)
〔 "sencantselidjem" -substantive / "sencantselidj" -substantive -tendency / "sencantsel" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / "sencants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantsel" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantselidj" -substantive -tendency / without- "cantsel" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method / without- "cantselidjem" -substantive / without- "cantselidj" -substantive -tendency / without- "cantsel" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / without- "cants" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -method 〕
senŝanceliĝemo (sencancelidjem'o)
sentem'o sensibility (sentem'o)
〔 "sentem" -substantive / "sent" -substantive -tendency / without- "tem" -substantive 〕
sentemo (sentem'o)
sentem'o sensitivity (sentem'o) sentemo (sentem'o)
senzorgem'o negligence (negligenc'o)
〔 "senzorgem" -substantive / "senzorg" -substantive -tendency / without- "zorg" -substantive -tendency / without- "zorgem" -substantive / without- "zorg" -substantive -tendency 〕
senzorgemo (senzorgem'o)
servem'o service (servic'o)
〔 "servem" -substantive / "serv" -substantive -tendency 〕
servemo (servem'o)
sindetenem'o restraint (restraint'o)
〔 "sindetenem" -substantive / "sindeten" -substantive -tendency / "sindet" -substantive -tendency -goal / "sind" -substantive -tendency -goal -diminutive / reflexive- "ndet" -substantive -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndeten" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -substantive -tendency -goal / reflexive- "ndetenem" -substantive / reflexive- "ndeten" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "ndet" -substantive -tendency -goal 〕
sindetenemo (sindetenem'o)
sindonem'o devotion (devotion'o)
〔 "sindonem" -substantive / "sindon" -substantive -tendency / "sind" -substantive -tendency -part / reflexive- "ndon" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "ndonem" -substantive / reflexive- "ndon" -substantive -tendency 〕
sindonemo (sindonem'o)
singardem'o caution (caution'o)
〔 "singardem" -substantive / "singard" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "ngard" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "ngardem" -substantive / reflexive- "ngard" -substantive -tendency 〕
singardemo (singardem'o)
singardem'o prudence (prudenc'o) singardemo (singardem'o)
sinkacem'o reserve (reserv'o)
〔 "sinkacem" -substantive / "sinkac" -substantive -tendency / "sink" -substantive -tendency -balance / reflexive- "nkac" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "nkacem" -substantive / reflexive- "nkac" -substantive -tendency 〕
sinkaŝemo (sinkacem'o)
sistem'o broadband (broadband'o)
〔 "sistem" -substantive / "sist" -substantive -tendency / reflexive- "stem" -substantive 〕
sistemo (sistem'o)
sistem'o system (system'o) sistemo (sistem'o)
skem'o diagram (diagram'o)
〔 "skem" -substantive 〕
skemo (skem'o)
skem'o pattern (patern'o) skemo (skem'o)
sopirdjem'o sigh (siq'o)
〔 "sopirdjem" -substantive / "sopirdj" -substantive -tendency 〕
sopirĝemo (sopirdjem'o)
spektem'o expectancy (expectancy'o)
〔 "spektem" -substantive / "spekt" -substantive -tendency 〕
spektemo (spektem'o)
spitem'o contempt (contem'o)
〔 "spitem" -substantive / "spit" -substantive -tendency 〕
spitemo (spitem'o)
spitem'o defiance (defianc'o) spitemo (spitem'o)
studtem'o subject (subject'o)
〔 "studtem" -substantive / "studt" -substantive -tendency 〕
studtemo (studtem'o)
submetidjem'o susceptibility (submetidjem'o)
〔 "submetidjem" -substantive / "submetidj" -substantive -tendency / "submet" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / "subm" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -diminutive / beneath- "met" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / beneath- "metidj" -substantive -tendency / beneath- "met" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / beneath- "metidjem" -substantive / beneath- "metidj" -substantive -tendency / beneath- "met" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
submetiĝemo (submetidjem'o)
subprem'o crackdown (crakdown'o)
〔 "subprem" -substantive / "subpr" -substantive -tendency / "subp" -substantive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -substantive 〕
subpremo (subprem'o)
subprem'o oppression (opres'o) subpremo (subprem'o)
subprem'o repression (repres'o) subpremo (subprem'o)
subsistem'o subsystem (subsystem'o)
〔 "subsistem" -substantive / "subsist" -substantive -tendency / beneath- "sist" -substantive -tendency / beneath- "sistem" -substantive / beneath- "sist" -substantive -tendency / beneath- reflexive- "stem" -substantive 〕
subsistemo (subsistem'o)
suspektem'o suspicion (suspicion'o)
〔 "suspektem" -substantive / "suspekt" -substantive -tendency 〕
suspektemo (suspektem'o)
tandem'o tandem (tandem'o)
〔 "tandem" -substantive / "tand" -substantive -tendency 〕
tandemo (tandem'o)
tantiem'o royalty (royalty'o)
〔 "tantiem" -substantive / "tanti" -substantive -tendency 〕
tantiemo (tantiem'o)
tceftem'o theme (xem'o)
〔 "tceftem" -substantive / "tceft" -substantive -tendency / at- "ftem" -substantive 〕
ĉeftemo (tceftem'o)
tem'o subject (subject'o)
〔 "tem" -substantive 〕
temo (tem'o)
tem'o theme (xem'o) temo (tem'o)
tem'o topic (topic'o) temo (tem'o)
temp'o time (tim'o)
〔 "temp" -substantive 〕
tempo (temp'o)
templ'o temple (templ'o)
〔 "templ" -substantive 〕
templo (templ'o)
teorem'o theorem (xeorem'o)
〔 "teorem" -substantive / "teor" -substantive -tendency / "teo" -substantive -tendency -head / "te" -substantive -tendency -value 〕
teoremo (teorem'o)
tertrem'o earthquake (quak'o)
〔 "tertrem" -substantive / "tertr" -substantive -tendency / "tert" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
tertremo (tertrem'o)
tertrem'o quake (quak'o) tertremo (tertrem'o)
timem'o shyness (cy'o)
〔 "timem" -substantive / "tim" -substantive -tendency / that- "mem" -substantive 〕
timem'o timidity (tim'o) timemo (timem'o)
tolerem'o forbearance (forbearanc'o)
〔 "tolerem" -substantive / "toler" -substantive -tendency / "tole" -substantive -tendency -head / "tol" -substantive -tendency -element 〕
toleremo (tolerem'o)
tolerem'o tolerance (toleranc'o) toleremo (tolerem'o)
totem'o totem (totem'o)
〔 "totem" -substantive / "tot" -substantive -tendency 〕
totemo (totem'o)
translokidjem'o mobility (mobility'o)
〔 "translokidjem" -substantive / "translokidj" -substantive -tendency / "translok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / "transl" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew -false / through- "nslok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / across- "lok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / through- "nslokidj" -substantive -tendency / through- "nslok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / across- "lokidj" -substantive -tendency / across- "lok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / through- "nslokidjem" -substantive / through- "nslokidj" -substantive -tendency / through- "nslok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew / across- "lokidjem" -substantive / across- "lokidj" -substantive -tendency / across- "lok" -substantive -tendency -becoming_anew 〕
translokiĝemo (translokidjem'o)
trem'o tremor (trem'o)
〔 "trem" -substantive 〕
tremo (trem'o)
tremp'o immersion (imersion'o)
〔 "tremp" -substantive 〕
trempo (tremp'o)
trofavorem'o favouritism (favuritism'o)
〔 "trofavorem" -substantive / "trofavor" -substantive -tendency / "trofavo" -substantive -tendency -head / excessive- "favo" -substantive -tendency -head / "trofav" -substantive -tendency -value / "trof" -substantive -tendency -value -capable / excessive- "fav" -substantive -tendency -value / excessive- "favor" -substantive -tendency / excessive- "favo" -substantive -tendency -head / excessive- "fav" -substantive -tendency -value / excessive- "favorem" -substantive / excessive- "favor" -substantive -tendency / excessive- "favo" -substantive -tendency -head / excessive- "fav" -substantive -tendency -value 〕
trofavoremo (trofavorem'o)
trompem'o duplicity (duplicity'o)
〔 "trompem" -substantive / "tromp" -substantive -tendency / excessive- "mpem" -substantive 〕
trompemo (trompem'o)
troriskem'o recklessness (rekles'o)
〔 "troriskem" -substantive / "trorisk" -substantive -tendency / excessive- "risk" -substantive -tendency / excessive- "riskem" -substantive / excessive- "risk" -substantive -tendency 〕
troriskemo (troriskem'o)
venenem'o bitterness (venenem'o)
〔 "venenem" -substantive / "venen" -substantive -tendency / "ven" -substantive -tendency -goal / come- "en" -substantive -tendency / come- "enem" -substantive / come- "en" -substantive -tendency / come- in- "em" -substantive 〕
venenemo (venenem'o)
verem'o honesty (honest'o)
〔 "verem" -substantive / "ver" -substantive -tendency / "ve" -substantive -tendency -head 〕
veremo (verem'o)
verem'o veracity (veracity'o) veremo (verem'o)
voluptem'o lust (lust'o)
〔 "voluptem" -substantive / "volupt" -substantive -tendency 〕
voluptemo (voluptem'o)
vomem'o nausea (nause'o)
〔 "vomem" -substantive / "vom" -substantive -tendency 〕
vomemo (vomem'o)
blasfem'u should curse
〔 "blasfem" -suggestive / "blasf" -suggestive -tendency 〕
prem'u ought to press
〔 "prem" -suggestive 〕
prem'u should press
rem'u ought to row
〔 "rem" -suggestive 〕
rem'u should row
sem'u ought to sow seeds
〔 "sem" -suggestive 〕
sem'u should sow seeds
subprem'u ought to oppress
〔 "subprem" -suggestive / "subpr" -suggestive -tendency / "subp" -suggestive -tendency -head / beneath- "prem" -suggestive 〕
subprem'u should oppress
tem'u ought to be about
〔 "tem" -suggestive 〕
tem'u should be about
ekzempl'aj for instance
〔 "ekzempl" -conjunction 〕 〔 "ekzempl" -connective adjective 〕
ekzemple (ekzempl'aj)
mem'ay self kinds
〔 "mem" -plural adjective 〕
mem'ay those with same attributes as self
mem'en toward one's self
〔 "mem" -toward 〕 〔 "mem" -accusative adverb 〕
mem'es self's (self'es)
〔 "mem" -possessive 〕
fem'ow a women (wom'ow)
〔 "fem" -singular substantive 〕
fem'oy women (wom'oy)
〔 "fem" -plural substantive 〕
mem'ow self (self'ow)
〔 "mem" -singular substantive 〕
mem'oy selves (selves'oy)
〔 "mem" -plural substantive 〕
fem'oyn women (wom'oyn)
〔 "fem" -accusative_plural substantive 〕
mem'own self (self'own)
〔 "mem" -accusative_singular substantive 〕
mem'owz self (self'owz)
〔 "mem" -nominative_singular substantive 〕
mem'oyn selves (selves'oyn)
〔 "mem" -accusative_plural substantive 〕
mem'oyz selves (selves'oyz)
〔 "mem" -nominative_plural substantive 〕
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Lithuanian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Lithuanian Spanish Esperanto
cud' blasfem' should curse debe decir maldición
cud' prem' should press debe prensar
cud' rem' should row debe fila
dev' blasfem' must curse debe decir maldición
dev' prem' must press debe prensar
dev' rem' must row debe fila
blasfem'a blasphemous (blasfem'a) blasfemo (blasfem'a) blasfema (blasfem'a)
ekstrem'a extreme (ekstrem'a) extrem (ekstrem'a) (ekstrem'a) final (ekstrem'a) ekstrema (ekstrem'a)
fremd'a foreign (foreign'a) fremd (fremd'a) extranjero (ekstranher'a) fremda (fremd'a)
poem'a poetic (poem'a) (poem'a) (poem'a) poético (poem'a) (poem'a)
prem'a pressure (pres'a) presión (presion'a)
problem'a problematic (problem'a) problemático (problem'a) problema (problem'a)
sistem'a systematic (system'a) sistemático (sistem'a) sistema (sistem'a)
skem'a scheme (cem'a) esquema (eskem'a)
subprem'a repressive (repres'a) represivo (represiv'a) subprema (subprem'a)
temp'a temporal (temp'a) temporal (temp'a) tempa (temp'a)
trem'a dismayed (trem'a) (trem'a) (trem'a) consternado (trem'a) (trem'a)
trem'a trembly (trem'a) (trem'a) (trem'a) temblorosa (trem'a) (trem'a)
ekstrem'e extremely (ekstrem'e) (ekstrem'e) (ekstrem'e) extremadamente (ekstrem'e) ekstreme (ekstrem'e)
poem'e poetically (poem'e) (poem'e) (poem'e) poéticamente (poem'e) (poem'e)
printemp'e in spring en primavera
problem'e problematically (problem'e) con problemas
sistem'e systematically (system'e) sistemáticamente (sistem'e) sisteme (sistem'e)
temp'e in time en el tiempo
〔 "templ" -adverb 〕
en templo
blasfem'i to blaspheme (blasfem'i) blasfemar (blasfem'i)
cud'ax blasfem'i should curse debe decir maldición
cud'ax prem'i should press debe prensar
cud'ax rem'i should row debe fila
dev'ax blasfem'i must curse debe decir maldición
dev'ax prem'i must press debe prensar
dev'ax rem'i must row debe fila
dissem'i to disseminate (disem'i) dispersar (dispersar'i) dissemi (disem'i)
djem'i to moan (moan'i) gimiendo (gim'i) ĝemi (djem'i)
em'i to have a tendency to tendencia (tendenci'i) emi (em'i)
kunprem'i to compress (com'i) compresa (com'i) kunpremi (kunprem'i)
membr'i to be a member estar miembro
prem'i to press (pres'i) prensa (prens'i) premi (prem'i)
prem'i to press (pres'i) prensar (prens'i) premi (prem'i)
rem'i to row (row'i) fila (fil'i) remi (rem'i)
sistem'i to systemize (system'i) hacer sistema
subprem'i to suppress (supres'i) suprimir (suprim'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
trem'i to tremble (trem'i) (trem'i) (trem'i) movimiento (trem'i) tremi (trem'i)
tremp'i to wet (wet'i) mojado (mohad'i) trempi (tremp'i)
blasfem'o blasphemy (blasfem'o) blasfemia (blasfem'o) blasfemo (blasfem'o)
brems'o brake (brak'o) Bremse (brems'o) freno (fren'o) bremso (brems'o)
ekstrem'o end (ekstrem'o) (ekstrem'o) (ekstrem'o) final (ekstrem'o) (ekstrem'o)
ekzem'o eczema (eczem'o) Ekzem (ekzem'o) eczema (eczem'o) ekzemo (ekzem'o)
ekzempl'o example (exampl'o) Exempel (exempel'o) ejemplo (ehempl'o) ekzemplo (ekzempl'o)
emblem'o emblem (emblem'o) Emblem (emblem'o) emblema (emblem'o) emblema (emblem'o) emblemo (emblem'o)
ensembl'o ensemble (ensembl'o) Ensemble (ensembl'o) ansamblis (ansambl'o) conjunto (conhunt'o) ensemblo (ensembl'o)
gem'o gem (gem'o) joya (hoy'o) gemo (gem'o)
harem'o harem (harem'o) Harem (harem'o) haremas (harem'o) harén (harem'o) haremo (harem'o)
krem'o cream (cream'o) Krem (krem'o) kremas (krem'o) crema (crem'o) kremo (krem'o)
membr'o member (member'o) miembro (miembr'o) membro (membr'o)
poem'o poem (poem'o) Poem (poem'o) poema (poem'o) poema (poem'o) poemo (poem'o)
prem'o pressure (pres'o) presión (presion'o) premo (prem'o)
printemp'o spring (spring'o) primavera (primaver'o) printempo (printemp'o)
problem'o problem (problem'o) Problem (problem'o) problema (problem'o) problema (problem'o) problemo (problem'o)
sem'o seed (sed'o) semilla (sem'o) semo (sem'o)
sistem'o system (system'o) System (system'o) sistema (sistem'o) sistema (sistem'o) sistemo (sistem'o)
subprem'o repression (repres'o) represión (represion'o) subpremo (subprem'o)
tem'o theme (xem'o) Thema (them'o) tema (tem'o) temo (tem'o)
tem'o topic (topic'o) tema (tem'o) temo (tem'o)
temp'o time (tim'o) tiempo (tiemp'o) tempo (temp'o)
templ'o temple (templ'o) Tempel (tempel'o) templo (templ'o)
trem'o tremor (trem'o) (trem'o) (trem'o) temblor (trem'o) tremo (trem'o)
blasfem'u should curse debe decir maldición
prem'u ought to press debe prensar
prem'u should press debe prensar
rem'u ought to row debe fila
rem'u should row debe fila
fem'ow a women (wom'ow) una mujer
fem'oy women (wom'oy) mujeres (muheres'oy)
fem'oyn women (wom'oyn) mujeres (muheres'oyn)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Latin, Polish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Latin Polish Esperanto
mem' self (self') même (mem') mem (mem')
ekstrem'a extreme (ekstrem'a) extrême (ekstrem'a) extremus (ekstrem'a) (ekstrem'a) ekstrema (ekstrem'a)
dissem'i to disseminate (disem'i) disséminer (disem'i) dissemi (disem'i)
djem'i to moan (moan'i) gémir (gem'i) ĝemi (djem'i)
kunprem'i to compress (com'i) comprimer (comprim'i) comprimere (comprim'i) kunpremi (kunprem'i)
prem'i to press (pres'i) premere (prem'i) premi (prem'i)
rem'i to row (row'i) remare (rem'i) remi (rem'i)
sem'i to sow (sow'i) semer (sem'i) seminare (sem'i) semi (sem'i)
subprem'i to suppress (supres'i) supprimer (suprim'i) supprimere (suprim'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
trem'i to tremble (trem'i) trembler (trem'i) tremere (trem'i) (trem'i) tremi (trem'i)
tremp'i to wet (wet'i) tremper (tremp'i) trempi (tremp'i)
blasfem'o blasphemy (blasfem'o) blasphemia (blasphem'o) blasfemo (blasfem'o)
ekzempl'o example (exampl'o) exemple (exempl'o) ekzemplo (ekzempl'o)
emblem'o emblem (emblem'o) emblème (emblem'o) emblem (emblem'o) emblemo (emblem'o)
ensembl'o ensemble (ensembl'o) ensemble (ensembl'o) ensemblo (ensembl'o)
gem'o gem (gem'o) gemme (gem'o) gemma (gem'o) gemo (gem'o)
harem'o harem (harem'o) harem (harem'o) (harem'o) (harem'o) haremo (harem'o)
krem'o cream (cream'o) crème (crem'o) krem (krem'o) kremo (krem'o)
membr'o member (member'o) membre (membr'o) membrum (membr'o) membro (membr'o)
poem'o poem (poem'o) poème (poem'o) poema (poem'o) (poem'o) poemo (poem'o)
printemp'o spring (spring'o) printemps (printemp'o) printempo (printemp'o)
problem'o problem (problem'o) problème (problem'o) problem (problem'o) problemo (problem'o)
sem'o seed (sed'o) semen (sem'o) siemię (siem'o) semo (sem'o)
sistem'o system (system'o) systema (system'o) systema (system'o) sistemo (sistem'o)
tem'o theme (xem'o) thème (them'o) temo (tem'o)
temp'o time (tim'o) temps (temp'o) tempus (temp'o) tempo (temp'o)
templ'o temple (templ'o) temple (templ'o) templum (templ'o) templo (templ'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Italian, Russian, Yiddish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Italian Russian Yiddish Esperanto
fremd'a foreign (foreign'a) fremd (fremd'a) fremda (fremd'a)
dissem'i to disseminate (disem'i) disseminare (disem'i) dissemi (disem'i)
djem'i to moan (moan'i) gemere (gem'i) ĝemi (djem'i)
prem'i to press (pres'i) premere (prem'i) premi (prem'i)
rem'i to row (row'i) remare (rem'i) remi (rem'i)
sem'i to sow (sow'i) seminare (sem'i) semi (sem'i)
subprem'i to suppress (supres'i) sopprimere (soprim'i) subpremi (subprem'i)
trem'i to tremble (trem'i) tremare (trem'i) (trem'i) (trem'i) tremi (trem'i)
ekzem'o eczema (eczem'o) eczema (eczem'o) экзeмa (ekzem'o) ekzemo (ekzem'o)
emblem'o emblem (emblem'o) emblema (emblem'o) эмблема (embliem'o) emblemo (emblem'o)
ensembl'o ensemble (ensembl'o) aнсaмбль (ansambl'o) ensemblo (ensembl'o)
gem'o gem (gem'o) gemma (gem'o) gemo (gem'o)
krem'o cream (cream'o) crema (crem'o) крем (kriem'o) krem (krem'o) kremo (krem'o)
membr'o member (member'o) membro (membr'o) membro (membr'o)
poem'o poem (poem'o) poema (poem'o) пoэмa (poem'o) (poem'o) poemo (poem'o)
problem'o problem (problem'o) problema (problem'o) проблема (рrobliem'o) problemo (problem'o)
sem'o seed (sed'o) seme (sem'o) сeмя (sem'o) semo (sem'o)
sistem'o system (system'o) систeмa (syistem'o) sistemo (sistem'o)
tem'o theme (xem'o) tema (tem'o) тема (tiem'o) temo (tem'o)
temp'o time (tim'o) tempo (temp'o) tempo (temp'o)