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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
abstrakto' abstract stuff
〔 "abstrakt" -item_or_substance 〕
bono' nominal good (bono')
〔 good- "o" 〕 〔 "bon" -item_or_substance 〕
do' so (so')
do' then (xen')
do' therefore (xerefo')
do' therefore, then, so do (do')
do' thus (xus')
femhero' heroine (hero')
〔 "femher" -item_or_substance / "femhe" -item_or_substance -head / "femh" -item_or_substance -element 〕
heroo (hero')
ho' attention (atentio')
ho' oh (oh') ho (ho')
ho' really, so that's how it is
ho' shocked (co')
ho' shocking (co')
lo' there (xer')
malo' nominal opposite of (malo')
〔 opposite_of- "o" 〕 〔 "mal" -item_or_substance 〕
o' a (o') (o')
o' a (o') (o')
o' an (o') (o')
o' item or substance (o') (o')
o' some (o') i (o')
o' substantive (o') (o')
plo' enough (enuq')
po' assist (po') (po')
po' at a rate of (po') (po')
po' at the rate of (po') po (po')
po' grouped by (po') (po')
po' in sync (po') (po')
po' paced (po') (po')
po' rate (po') (po')
pro' because of (pro') (pro')
pro' on account of (pro') pro (pro')
tro' excessive (tro') (tro')
tro' excessively (tro') (tro')
tro' too (tro') tro (tro')
tro' too much (tro') tro (tro')
virhero' hero (her')
〔 second_person- "rhero" 〕 〔 "virher" -item_or_substance / "virhe" -item_or_substance -head / second_person- "rhe" -item_or_substance -head / "virh" -item_or_substance -element / second_person- "rher" -item_or_substance / second_person- "rhe" -item_or_substance -head 〕
heroo (hero')
wo' postposition (postpositio')
yo' truly will be
hero'a heroic (hero'a)
〔 "hero" -adjective 〕 〔 "her" -adjective -item_or_substance / "he" -adjective -item_or_substance -head 〕
heroa (hero'a)
po'a paced (po'a)
〔 "po" -adjective 〕
tro'a excessive (tro'a)
〔 "tro" -adjective 〕
troa (tro'a)
tro'a exorbitant (tro'a) troa (tro'a)
tro'a undue (tro'a) troa (tro'a)
antaw tcio'e above all
〔 "ant" -in_any_sense 〕 〔 "anta" -singular 〕 〔 "ant" -singular -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ant" -incisive 〕 〔 "ant" -singular adjective /+/ "tcio" -adverb 〕 〔 "tci" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
antaŭ ĉio
de tempo al tempo'e occasionally
〔 "temp" -item_or_substance 〕 〔 "temp" -substantive /+/ "a" -contemplative /+/ "tempo" -adverb 〕 〔 "temp" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
de tempo al tempo
do'e so (so'e)
〔 "do" -adverb 〕
do (do'e)
ekde la komentso'e all along
〔 "ekd" -location 〕 〔 "ekd" -adverb /+/ "komentso" -adverb 〕 〔 "koments" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
ekde la komenco
en ansera vitso'e in single file
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ "anser" -type_or_kind / "anse" -type_or_kind -head / "ans" -type_or_kind -element 〕 〔 "anser" -adjective / "anse" -adjective -head / "ans" -adjective -element /+/ "vitso" -adverb / second_person- "tso" -adverb 〕 〔 "vits" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en ansera vico
en cia nomo'e on her behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ "ci" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ci" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en ŝia nomo
en djia nomo'e on its behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ "dji" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "dji" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en ĝia nomo
en ilia nomo'e on their behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ some- "lia" / some- third_person- "a" 〕 〔 power_of- "ia" 〕 〔 "ili" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 some- "li" -adjective 〕 〔 power_of- "i" -adjective 〕 〔 "ili" -adjective 〕 〔 "il" -adjective -proform /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en ilia nomo
en la tcefa tendentso'e in the mainstream
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ at- "fa" 〕 〔 "tcef" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "tcef" -adjective /+/ "tendentso" -adverb 〕 〔 "tendents" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en la ĉefa tendenco
en la venonta awtuno'e next fall
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ come- "onta" 〕 〔 "venont" -type_or_kind / come- "ont" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ven" -type_or_kind -future_active 〕 〔 "venont" -adjective / come- "ont" -adjective 〕 〔 "ven" -adjective -future_active /+/ "awtuno" -adverb 〕 〔 "awtun" -adverb -item_or_substance / "awt" -adverb -item_or_substance -solidarity 〕
en la venonta aŭtuno
en la venonta pritempo'e next spring
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ come- "onta" 〕 〔 "venont" -type_or_kind / come- "ont" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ven" -type_or_kind -future_active 〕 〔 "venont" -adjective / come- "ont" -adjective 〕 〔 "ven" -adjective -future_active /+/ "pritempo" -adverb / about- "tempo" -adverb 〕 〔 "pritemp" -adverb -item_or_substance / about- "temp" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en la venonta pritempo
en la venonta somero'e next summer
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ come- "onta" 〕 〔 "venont" -type_or_kind / come- "ont" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ven" -type_or_kind -future_active 〕 〔 "venont" -adjective / come- "ont" -adjective 〕 〔 "ven" -adjective -future_active /+/ "somero" -adverb 〕 〔 "somer" -adverb -item_or_substance / "some" -adverb -item_or_substance -head / "som" -adverb -item_or_substance -element 〕
en la venonta somero
en la venonta vintro'e next winter
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ come- "onta" 〕 〔 "venont" -type_or_kind / come- "ont" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ven" -type_or_kind -future_active 〕 〔 "venont" -adjective / come- "ont" -adjective 〕 〔 "ven" -adjective -future_active /+/ "vintro" -adverb / second_person- "ntro" -adverb 〕 〔 "vintr" -adverb -item_or_substance / "vint" -adverb -item_or_substance -head 〕
en la venonta vintro
en lia nomo'e on his behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ third_person- "a" 〕 〔 "li" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "li" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en lia nomo
en mia nomo'e on my behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ first_person- "a" 〕 〔 "mi" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "mi" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en mia nomo
en nia nomo'e on our behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ "ni" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "ni" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en nia nomo
en via nomo'e on your behalf
〔 "e" -accusative /+/ second_person- "a" 〕 〔 "vi" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "vi" -adjective /+/ "nomo" -adverb 〕 〔 "nom" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
en via nomo
per persono'e per capita
〔 "pe" -head /+/ "persono" -adverb / with- "sono" -adverb 〕 〔 "person" -adverb -item_or_substance / "pers" -adverb -item_or_substance -part / with- "son" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
per persono
po'e at a rate of (po'e)
〔 "po" -adverb 〕
tce la fronto'e in command
〔 "fronto" -adverb 〕 〔 "front" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
ĉe la fronto
tra la lando'e across the country
〔 "lando" -adverb 〕 〔 "land" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
tra la lando
tra la mondo'e across the globe
〔 "mondo" -adverb 〕 〔 "mond" -adverb -item_or_substance 〕
tra la mondo
tra la mondo'e across the world tra la mondo
tro'e excessively (tro'e)
〔 "tro" -adverb 〕
troe (tro'e)
tro'e unduly (tro'e) troe (tro'e)
veto'i to veto (veto'i)
〔 "veto" -infinitive 〕 〔 "vet" -infinitive -item_or_substance 〕
vetoi (veto'i)
o'j connective (o'j)
〔 "o" -connective 〕
konektiva (o'j)
o'j connective (o'j) konektivo (o'j)
o'l contemplative (o'l)
〔 "o" -contemplative 〕
kontempla (o'l)
o'l contemplative (o'l) kontemplo (o'l)
o'm abstract (o'm)
〔 "o" -abstract 〕
abstrakta (o'm)
o'm abstract (o'm) abstrakto (o'm)
o'n accusative (o'n)
〔 "o" -accusative 〕
akuzativa (o'n)
o'n accusative (o'n) akuzativo (o'n)
buro'o bureau (burea'o)
〔 "buro" -substantive 〕 〔 "bur" -substantive -item_or_substance / "bu" -substantive -item_or_substance -head 〕
buroo (buro'o)
ego'o ego (eg'o)
〔 "ego" -substantive 〕 〔 "eg" -substantive -item_or_substance 〕
egoo (ego'o)
halo'o halo (hal'o)
〔 "halo" -substantive 〕 〔 "hal" -substantive -item_or_substance 〕
haloo (halo'o)
hero'o hero (hero'o)
〔 "hero" -substantive 〕 〔 "her" -substantive -item_or_substance / "he" -substantive -item_or_substance -head 〕
heroo (hero'o)
karo'o diamond (karo'o)
〔 "karo" -substantive 〕 〔 "kar" -substantive -item_or_substance / "ka" -substantive -item_or_substance -head 〕
karoo (karo'o)
logo'o logotype (logo'o)
〔 "logo" -substantive 〕 〔 "log" -substantive -item_or_substance 〕
logoo (logo'o)
metro'o subway (metro'o)
〔 "metro" -substantive 〕 〔 "metr" -substantive -item_or_substance / "met" -substantive -item_or_substance -head 〕
metroo (metro'o)
metro'o underground (metro'o) metroo (metro'o)
po'o rate (po'o)
〔 "po" -substantive 〕
solo'o solo (so'o)
〔 "solo" -substantive 〕 〔 "sol" -substantive -item_or_substance 〕
soloo (solo'o)
tro'o excess (tro'o)
〔 "tro" -substantive 〕
troo (tro'o)
veto'o veto (veto'o)
〔 "veto" -substantive 〕 〔 "vet" -substantive -item_or_substance 〕
vetoo (veto'o)
o'w a (o'w)
〔 "o" -singular 〕
o'w an (o'w) (o'w)
o'w singular (o'w) unu (o'w)
o'w singular (o'w) ununura (o'w)
o'y plural (o'y)
〔 "o" -plural 〕
plurala (o'y)
o'y plural (o'y) pluralo (o'y)
o'y some (o'y) kelkaj (o'y)
o'y some (o'y) kelkoj (o'y)
o'z nominative (o'z)
〔 "o" -nominative 〕
nominativa (o'z)
o'z nominative (o'z) nominativo (o'z)
do'aj so (so'aj)
〔 "do" -conjunction 〕 〔 "do" -connective adjective 〕
do (do'aj)
tio'aj that (tio'aj)
〔 "tio" -conjunction / that- "o" -conjunction 〕 〔 "ti" -conjunction -item_or_substance 〕 〔 "tio" -connective adjective / that- "o" -connective adjective 〕 〔 "ti" -connective adjective -item_or_substance 〕
po'om grouped by (po'om)
〔 "po" -quantitative 〕 〔 "po" -abstract substantive 〕
law la ekzemplo'wi along the line
〔 "la" -singular /+/ "ekzemplo" -preposition 〕 〔 "ekzempl" -preposition -item_or_substance 〕
laŭ la ekzemplo
o'wn accusative singular (o'wn)
〔 "o" -accusative_singular 〕
o'wz nominative singular (o'wz)
〔 "o" -nominative_singular 〕
po'wi each (po'wi)
〔 "po" -preposition 〕
po (po'wi)
pro'wi because of (pro'wi)
〔 "pro" -preposition 〕
pro (pro'wi)
pro'wi due to (pro'wi) pro (pro'wi)
pro'wi on account of (pro'wi) (pro'wi)
o'yn accusative plural (o'yn)
〔 "o" -accusative_plural 〕
o'yn some (o'yn) kelkajn (o'yn)
o'yn some (o'yn) kelkojn (o'yn)
o'yz nominative plural (o'yz)
〔 "o" -nominative_plural 〕
o'yz some (o'yz) kelkaj (o'yz)
o'yz some (o'yz) kelkoj (o'yz)
o'wnz a (o'wnz)
〔 "o" -multicase_singular 〕
o'wnz an (o'wnz) (o'wnz)
o'wnz reflexive singular (o'wnz) (o'wnz)
o'ynz reflexive plural (o'ynz)
〔 "o" -multicase_plural 〕
o'ynz some (o'ynz) kelkaj (o'ynz)
o'ynz some (o'ynz) kelkajn (o'ynz)
o'ynz some (o'ynz) kelkoj (o'ynz)
o'ynz some (o'ynz) kelkojn (o'ynz)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Russian, Polish, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Russian Polish Esperanto
po' at the rate of (po') (po') по (po') po (po') po (po')
karo'o diamond (karo'o) Karo (karo'o) (karo'o) (karo'o) karoo (karo'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Latin, Lithuanian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Latin Lithuanian Spanish Esperanto
do' therefore, then, so donc (do') do (do')
o' a (o') (o') (o') (o') un (o') (o')
o' a (o') (o') (o') (o') una (o') (o')
po' at the rate of (po') (po') (po') po (po') (po') po (po')
pro' on account of (pro') (pro') pro (pro') (pro') causada por (pro') pro (pro')
tro' too much (tro') trop (tro') (tro') (tro') demasiado (tro') tro (tro')
hero'a heroic (hero'a) (hero'a) (hero'a) (hero'a) heroico (hero'a) heroa (hero'a)
hero'o hero (hero'o) héros (hero'o) heros (hero'o) herojus (hero'o) héroe (hero'o) heroo (hero'o)
karo'o diamond (karo'o) carreau (karo'o) (karo'o) (karo'o) (karo'o) karoo (karo'o)