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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
ep' demonstrate (demonstrat')
ep' demonstration (demonstrat')
femnep' granddaughter (grandauqter')
〔 "femn" -demonstration 〕
nepo (nep')
sep' seven (sep') sep (sep')
sepx' seventh (sepx')
〔 "sep" -ordinal 〕
sepa (sepx')
virnep' grandson (grandson')
〔 "virn" -demonstration / second_person- "rnep" 〕
nepo (nep')
adept'a adept (adept'a)
〔 "adept" -adjective 〕
adept'a adept (adept'a)
deksep'a seventeenth (deksep'a)
〔 ten- "sep" -adjective 〕 〔 "deksep" -adjective / "deks" -adjective -demonstration / of- "ksep" -adjective 〕
deksepa (deksep'a)
eksept'a exceptional (except'a)
〔 "eksept" -adjective / outside- "ept" -adjective 〕
estsept'a exceptional (except'a)
〔 "estsept" -adjective 〕
escepta (escept'a)
kontsept'a conceptual (concept'a)
〔 "kontsept" -adjective 〕
nepr'a assured (asur'a)
〔 "nepr" -adjective / "nep" -adjective -head 〕
nepra (nepr'a)
nepr'a essential (esential'a)
nepr'a integral (integr'a) nepra (nepr'a)
nepr'a without fail nepra (nepr'a)
pertsept'a perceptive (percept'a)
〔 "pertsept" -adjective / with- "tsept" -adjective 〕
percepta (percept'a)
senestsept'a exclusive (exclusiv'a)
〔 "senestsept" -adjective / without- "estsept" -adjective 〕
senescepta (senescept'a)
sensept'a open (open'a)
〔 "sensept" -adjective / without- "sept" -adjective 〕
sensepta (sensept'a)
sep'a seventh (sep'a)
〔 seven--adjective 〕 〔 "sep" -adjective 〕
sepa (sep'a)
seps'a septic (septic'a)
〔 "seps" -adjective 〕
sepsa (seps'a)
deksep'e seventeenth (deksep'e)
〔 ten- "sep" -adverb 〕 〔 "deksep" -adverb / "deks" -adverb -demonstration / of- "ksep" -adverb 〕
deksepe (deksep'e)
estsept'e exceptionally (except'e)
〔 "estsept" -adverb 〕
escepte (escept'e)
nepr'e necessarily (necesar'e)
〔 "nepr" -adverb / "nep" -adverb -head 〕
nepre (nepr'e)
senestsept'e exclusively (exclusiv'e)
〔 "senestsept" -adverb / without- "estsept" -adverb 〕
senescepte (senescept'e)
sep'e every seventh (sep'e)
〔 seven--adverb 〕 〔 "sep" -adverb 〕
sepe (sep'e)
aktsept'i accept (acept'i)
〔 "aktsept" -infinitive 〕
akcepti (akcept'i)
aktsept'i to accept (acept'i) akcepti (akcept'i)
estsept'i except (except'i)
〔 "estsept" -infinitive 〕
escepti (escept'i)
estsept'i exclude (exclud'i) escepti (escept'i)
estsept'i to except (except'i)
kontsept'i to conceive (conceiv'i)
〔 "kontsept" -infinitive 〕
koncepti (koncept'i)
malaktsept'i to dismiss (dismis'i)
〔 "malaktsept" -infinitive / opposite_of- "aktsept" -infinitive / adjectival_opposite_of- "ktsept" -infinitive 〕
malakcepti (malakcept'i)
malaktsept'i to overrule (overul'i) malakcepti (malakcept'i)
malaktsept'i to reject (reject'i) malakcepti (malakcept'i)
malaktsept'i to shun (cun'i) malakcepti (malakcept'i)
malaktsept'i to spurn (spurn'i) malakcepti (malakcept'i)
pep'i to beep (bep'i)
〔 "pep" -infinitive 〕
pepi (pep'i)
pep'i to chirp (tcirp'i) pepi (pep'i)
pep'i to twitter (twiter'i) pepi (pep'i)
pertsept'i to discern (discern'i)
〔 "pertsept" -infinitive / with- "tsept" -infinitive 〕
percepti (percept'i)
pertsept'i to perceive (perceiv'i) percepti (percept'i)
plorpep'i to whine (hwin'i)
〔 "plorpep" -infinitive / "plorp" -infinitive -demonstration 〕
plorpepi (plorpep'i)
repws'i to counteract (cunteract'i)
〔 "repws" -infinitive 〕
repŭsi (repws'i)
retsept'i to prescribe (prescrib'i)
〔 "retsept" -infinitive 〕
adept'o adept (adept'o)
〔 "adept" -substantive 〕
adepto (adept'o)
adept'o adherent (adherent'o) adepto (adept'o)
adept'o follower (folower'o) adepto (adept'o)
aktsept'o acceptance (acept'o)
〔 "aktsept" -substantive 〕
akcepto (akcept'o)
estsept'o derogation (derogat'o)
〔 "estsept" -substantive 〕
escepto (escept'o)
estsept'o exception (except'o) escepto (escept'o)
femnep'o granddaughter (grandauqter'o)
〔 "femnep" -substantive / "femn" -substantive -demonstration 〕
nepino (nep'o)
fortseps'o forceps (forceps'o)
〔 "fortseps" -substantive / away- "tseps" -substantive 〕
forcepso (forceps'o)
genep'o grandchild (grandtcild'o)
〔 "genep" -substantive / "gen" -substantive -demonstration 〕
genepo (genep'o)
kep'o cap (cap'o)
〔 "kep" -substantive 〕
kepo (kep'o)
kontsept'o concept (concept'o)
〔 "kontsept" -substantive 〕
koncepto (koncept'o)
kontsept'o conception (concept'o) koncepto (koncept'o)
krep'o crepe (crep'o)
〔 "krep" -substantive 〕
krepo (krep'o)
kvadritseps'o quadriceps (quadriceps'o)
〔 "kvadritseps" -substantive 〕
kvadricepso (kvadriceps'o)
lepr'o leprosy (lepr'o)
〔 "lepr" -substantive / "lep" -substantive -head 〕
lepro (lepr'o)
malaktsept'o dismissal (dismis'o)
〔 "malaktsept" -substantive / opposite_of- "aktsept" -substantive / adjectival_opposite_of- "ktsept" -substantive 〕
malakcepto (malakcept'o)
malaktsept'o rejection (reject'o) malakcepto (malakcept'o)
nep'o grandchild (grandtcild'o)
〔 "nep" -substantive 〕
nepo (nep'o)
nep'o grandkid (grandkid'o) nepo (nep'o)
pertsept'o perception (percept'o)
〔 "pertsept" -substantive / with- "tsept" -substantive 〕
percepto (percept'o)
plorpep'o whimper (hwimp'o)
〔 "plorpep" -substantive / "plorp" -substantive -demonstration 〕
plorpepo (plorpep'o)
retsept'o recipe (recip'o)
〔 "retsept" -substantive 〕
recepto (recept'o)
sept'o partition (partit'o)
〔 "sept" -substantive 〕
septo (sept'o)
sept'o wall (wal'o) septo (sept'o)
step'o plain (plain'o)
〔 "step" -substantive 〕
stepo (step'o)
step'o steppe (step'o) stepo (step'o)
stseptr'o scepter (scepter'o)
〔 "stseptr" -substantive / "stsept" -substantive -head 〕
sceptro (sceptr'o)
tsep'o onion (onion'o)
〔 "tsep" -substantive 〕
cepo (cep'o)
vepr'o brush (bruc'o)
〔 "vepr" -substantive / "vep" -substantive -head 〕
vepro (vepr'o)
vepr'o scrub (scrub'o) vepro (vepr'o)
aktsept'u accept (acept'u)
〔 "aktsept" -suggestive 〕
eksept'aj except (except'aj)
〔 "eksept" -conjunction / outside- "ept" -conjunction 〕 〔 "eksept" -connective adjective / outside- "ept" -connective adjective 〕
escepte (de)
sep'ef seven (sep'ef) sep (sep'ef)
sep'ef seventh (sep'ef) sepa (sep'ef)
sep'ic about seven (sep'ic)
〔 seven--approximative 〕 〔 "sep" -approximative 〕
sep'om seven (sep'om)
〔 seven--abstract substantive 〕 〔 seven--quantitative 〕 〔 "sep" -quantitative 〕 〔 "sep" -abstract substantive 〕
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Esper', English, German, Lithuanian, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Lithuanian Esperanto
pep'i to beep (bep'i) piepen (piep'i) pepi (pep'i)
step'o steppe (step'o) Steppe (step'o) stepe (step'o) stepo (step'o)
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Esper', English, French, Latin, Polish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Latin Polish Esperanto
aktsept'i to accept (acept'i) accepter (acept'i) acceptare (acept'i) akceptować (akcept'i) akcepti (akcept'i)
adept'o adept (adept'o) adepte (adept'o) adepto (adept'o)
estsept'o exception (except'o) exception (except'o) escepto (escept'o)
kep'o cap (cap'o) képi (kep'o) kepo (kep'o)
kontsept'o concept (concept'o) concept (concept'o) conceptus (concept'o) koncepto (koncept'o)
step'o steppe (step'o) steppe (step'o) step (step'o) stepo (step'o)
stseptr'o scepter (scepter'o) sceptre (sceptr'o) sceptrum (sceptr'o) sceptro (sceptr'o)
tsep'o onion (onion'o) cepa (cep'o) cebula (cebul'o) cepo (cep'o)
vepr'o brush (bruc'o) vepres (vepr'o) vepro (vepr'o)
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Esper', English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Italian Russian Spanish Esperanto
sepx' seventh (sepx') (sepx') (sepx') séptimo (sepx') sepa (sepx')
adept'a adept (adept'a) adepta (adept'a)
adept'a adept (adept'a) adepto (adept'a)
eksept'a exceptional (except'a) excepcional (ekscepcion'a)
estsept'a exceptional (except'a) excepcional (ekscepcion'a) escepta (escept'a)
kontsept'a conceptual (concept'a) conceptual (concept'a)
nepr'a essential (esential'a) esencial (esencial'a)
nepr'a without fail esencial (esencial'a) nepra (nepr'a)
sep'a seventh (sep'a) (sep'a) (sep'a) séptimo (sep'a) sepa (sep'a)
nepr'e necessarily (necesar'e) нeпрeмeннo (neрr'e) necesariamente (necesar'e) nepre (nepr'e)
aktsept'i to accept (acept'i) aceptar (acept'i) akcepti (akcept'i)
estsept'i to except (except'i) excepto (ekscept'i)
kontsept'i to conceive (conceiv'i) concebir (concebir'i) koncepti (koncept'i)
pep'i to beep (bep'i) pitido (pitid'i) pepi (pep'i)
retsept'i to prescribe (prescrib'i) prescribir (prescribir'i)
adept'o adept (adept'o) adepto (adept'o) adepto (adept'o)
adept'o follower (folower'o) seguidor (segidor'o) adepto (adept'o)
aktsept'o acceptance (acept'o) aceptación (acept'o) akcepto (akcept'o)
estsept'o exception (except'o) excepción (ekscepcion'o) escepto (escept'o)
retsept'o recipe (recip'o) receta (recet'o) recepto (recept'o)
step'o steppe (step'o) steppa (step'o) стeпь (steр'o) estepa (estep'o) stepo (step'o)
stseptr'o scepter (scepter'o) varilla (var'o) sceptro (sceptr'o)
tsep'o onion (onion'o) cipolla (cip'o) cebolla (ceboly'o) cepo (cep'o)
vepr'o brush (bruc'o) cepillo (cepily'o) vepro (vepr'o)
aktsept'u accept (acept'u) aceptar (acept'u)
eksept'aj except (except'aj) excepto (ekscept'aj) escepte (de)
sep'ef seventh (sep'ef) (sep'ef) (sep'ef) séptimo (sep'ef) sepa (sep'ef)
sep'ic about seven (sep'ic) (sep'ic) (sep'ic) unos siete (sep'ic) (sep'ic)