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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
cud' deditc' should devote
〔 cud' /+/ "ded" -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" 〕
cud' milit' should fight
〔 cud' /+/ "mil" -done / first_person- "lit" 〕 〔 "mil" -past_passive 〕
cud' profit' should benefit
〔 cud' /+/ "prof" -done / on_account_of- "fit" 〕 〔 "prof" -past_passive 〕
cud' sufitc' should be enough
〔 cud' /+/ "suf" -grammatical_masculine 〕
cud' tsit' should cite
cud' tsit' should quote
cud' tsit' should summon
cud' vizit' should visit
〔 cud' /+/ "viz" -done / second_person- "zit" 〕 〔 "viz" -past_passive 〕
dev' deditc' must devote
〔 dev' /+/ "ded" -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" 〕
dev' milit' must fight
〔 dev' /+/ "mil" -done / first_person- "lit" 〕 〔 "mil" -past_passive 〕
dev' profit' must benefit
〔 dev' /+/ "prof" -done / on_account_of- "fit" 〕 〔 "prof" -past_passive 〕
dev' sufitc' must be enough
〔 dev' /+/ "suf" -grammatical_masculine 〕
dev' tsit' must cite
dev' tsit' must quote
dev' tsit' must summon
dev' vizit' must visit
〔 dev' /+/ "viz" -done / second_person- "zit" 〕 〔 "viz" -past_passive 〕
djiitc' it (djiitc')
〔 "dji" -grammatical_masculine 〕
djiitc' them (djiitc') (djiitc')
djiitc' they (djiitc') (djiitc')
imiitc' masculine us (imiitc')
〔 some- "miitc" / some- "mi" -grammatical_masculine / some- first_person- "itc" 〕 〔 "imi" -grammatical_masculine 〕
imiitc' masculine we (imiitc') (imiitc')
it' done (don')
it' passive past
it' past passive
itc' grammatical masculine (itc') (itc')
itc' masculine (itc') (itc')
liitc' he (liitc')
〔 "li" -grammatical_masculine / third_person- "itc" 〕
liitc' her (liitc') (liitc')
liitc' him (liitc') (liitc')
liitc' masculine they (liitc') (liitc')
liitc' she (liitc') (liitc')
liitc' them (liitc') (liitc')
liitc' they (liitc') (liitc')
miitc' masculine me (miitc')
〔 "mi" -grammatical_masculine / first_person- "itc" 〕
miitc' masculine us (miitc') (miitc')
miitc' masculine we (miitc') (miitc')
onmiitc' masculine me (onmiitc')
〔 one- "miitc" / one- "mi" -grammatical_masculine / one- first_person- "itc" 〕 〔 "onmi" -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufitc' pretty (prety')
〔 "suf" -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufiĉe (sufitc')
sufitc' sufficiently (sufic')
viitc' masculine you (viitc')
〔 "vi" -grammatical_masculine / second_person- "itc" 〕
adoptit'a adoptive (adopt'a)
〔 "adoptit" -adjective / "adopt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "adopt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
adoptita (adoptit'a)
adoptit'a foster (fost'a) adoptita (adoptit'a)
agit'a acted (act'a)
〔 "agit" -adjective / "ag" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "ag" -adjective -past_passive 〕
agit'a agitating (agitat'a)
agitit'a agitated (agitat'a)
〔 "agitit" -adjective / "agit" -adjective -done / "ag" -adjective -done -done 〕 〔 "agit" -adjective -past_passive / "ag" -adjective -past_passive -done 〕
alarmit'a alarmed (alarmed'a)
〔 "alarmit" -adjective / "alarm" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "arm" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "armit" -adjective / to_or_toward- "arm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "alarm" -adjective -past_passive / to_or_toward- "arm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
alarmita (alarmit'a)
alfabetigit'a literate (literat'a)
〔 "alfabetigit" -adjective / "alfabetig" -adjective -done / "alfabet" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "alfab" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fabet" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fabetig" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "fabet" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fabetigit" -adjective / to_or_toward- "fabetig" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "fabet" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive 〕 〔 "alfabetig" -adjective -past_passive / "alfabet" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "alfab" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fabet" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive / to_or_toward- "fabetig" -adjective -past_passive / to_or_toward- "fabet" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "fab" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive 〕
alfabetigita (alfabetigit'a)
algoritm'a algorithmic (algorixm'a)
〔 "algoritm" -adjective / to_or_toward- "goritm" -adjective 〕
algoritma (algoritm'a)
aliantsit'a allied (alied'a)
〔 "aliantsit" -adjective / "aliants" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "iants" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "iantsit" -adjective / to_or_toward- "iants" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "aliants" -adjective -past_passive / to_or_toward- "iants" -adjective -past_passive 〕
aliancita (aliancit'a)
alligit'a tethered (texered'a)
〔 "alligit" -adjective / "allig" -adjective -done / "all" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "lig" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "ligit" -adjective / to_or_toward- "lig" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- third_person- "git" -adjective 〕 〔 "allig" -adjective -past_passive / "all" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / to_or_toward- "lig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
alligita (aligit'a)
altkvalit'a prime (prim'a)
〔 "altkvalit" -adjective / "altkval" -adjective -done / "altkv" -adjective -done -reason / to_or_toward- "tkval" -adjective -done / to_or_toward- "tkvalit" -adjective / to_or_toward- "tkval" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "altkval" -adjective -past_passive / "altkv" -adjective -past_passive -reason / to_or_toward- "tkval" -adjective -past_passive 〕
altkvalita (altkvalit'a)
amputit'a amputated (amputat'a)
〔 "amputit" -adjective / "amput" -adjective -done / "amp" -adjective -done -likely 〕 〔 "amput" -adjective -past_passive / "amp" -adjective -past_passive -likely 〕
anontsit'a announced (anunced'a)
〔 "anontsit" -adjective / "anonts" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "anonts" -adjective -past_passive 〕
anstatawigit'a overwritten (anstatawigit'a)
〔 "anstatawigit" -adjective / "anstatawig" -adjective -done / "anstataw" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "anstat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -in_any_sense / "anst" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -in_any_sense -happening / instead_of- "aw" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / instead_of- "awig" -adjective -done / instead_of- "aw" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / instead_of- "awigit" -adjective / instead_of- "awig" -adjective -done / instead_of- "aw" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "anstatawig" -adjective -past_passive / "anstataw" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "anstat" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -in_any_sense / "anst" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -in_any_sense -happening / instead_of- "aw" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / instead_of- "awig" -adjective -past_passive / instead_of- "aw" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
anstataŭigita (anstatawigit'a)
antawdetsidit'a foregone (foregon'a)
〔 "antawdetsidit" -adjective / "antawdetsid" -adjective -done / "antawdets" -adjective -done -next_generation / "antawd" -adjective -done -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / before- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / before- "detsid" -adjective -done / before- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / before- of- "tsid" -adjective -done / before- "detsidit" -adjective / before- "detsid" -adjective -done / before- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / before- of- "tsid" -adjective -done / before- of- "tsidit" -adjective / before- of- "tsid" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "antawdetsid" -adjective -past_passive / "antawdets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / "antawd" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / before- "dets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / before- "detsid" -adjective -past_passive / before- "dets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / before- of- "tsid" -adjective -past_passive 〕
antaŭdecidita (antawdecidit'a)
antawpagit'a prepaid (antawpagit'a)
〔 "antawpagit" -adjective / "antawpag" -adjective -done / "antawp" -adjective -done -act / before- "pag" -adjective -done / before- "pagit" -adjective / before- "pag" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "antawpag" -adjective -past_passive / "antawp" -adjective -past_passive -act / before- "pag" -adjective -past_passive 〕
antaŭpagita (antawpagit'a)
antawyudjinit'a prejudiced (prejudiced'a)
〔 "antawyudjinit" -adjective / "antawyudjin" -adjective -done / "antawyudj" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / "antawy" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine -departing / before- "yudj" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / before- "yudjin" -adjective -done / before- "yudj" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / before- "yudjinit" -adjective / before- "yudjin" -adjective -done / before- "yudj" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "antawyudjin" -adjective -past_passive / "antawyudj" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / "antawy" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine -departing / before- "yudj" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / before- "yudjin" -adjective -past_passive / before- "yudj" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
antaŭjuĝinita (antawjudjinit'a)
antitsipit'a early (early'a)
〔 "antitsipit" -adjective / "antitsip" -adjective -done / "antits" -adjective -done -structure 〕 〔 "antitsip" -adjective -past_passive / "antits" -adjective -past_passive -structure 〕
anticipita (anticipit'a)
apetit'a appetizing (apet'a)
〔 "apetit" -adjective / "apet" -adjective -done / "ap" -adjective -done -diminutive 〕 〔 "apet" -adjective -past_passive / "ap" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive 〕
apetita (apetit'a)
arbitr'a arbitrary (arbitrar'a)
〔 "arbitr" -adjective / "arbit" -adjective -head / "arb" -adjective -head -done 〕
arbitra (arbitr'a)
armit'a armed (armed'a)
〔 "armit" -adjective / "arm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "arm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
armita (armit'a)
artefarit'a artificial (art'a)
〔 "artefarit" -adjective / "artefar" -adjective -done / "artefa" -adjective -done -head / "artef" -adjective -done -collection / "art" -adjective -done -collection -natural 〕 〔 "artefar" -adjective -past_passive / "artefa" -adjective -past_passive -head / "artef" -adjective -past_passive -collection / "art" -adjective -past_passive -collection -natural 〕
artefarita (artefarit'a)
artrit'a arthritic (arxrit'a)
〔 "artrit" -adjective / "artr" -adjective -done / "art" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "artr" -adjective -past_passive / "art" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
artrita (artrit'a)
asotsiit'a associate (asociat'a)
〔 "asotsiit" -adjective / "asotsi" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "asotsi" -adjective -past_passive 〕
asociita (asocit'a)
atestit'a certified (cert'a)
〔 "atestit" -adjective / "atest" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "atest" -adjective -past_passive 〕
atestita (atestit'a)
awtomatigit'a automated (automat'a)
〔 "awtomatigit" -adjective / "awtomatig" -adjective -done / "awtomat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "awtom" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -happening / "awt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -happening -degree 〕 〔 "awtomatig" -adjective -past_passive / "awtomat" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "awtom" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -happening / "awt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -happening -degree 〕
aŭtomatigita (awtomatigit'a)
bazit'a based (based'a)
〔 "bazit" -adjective / "baz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "baz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
bazita (bazit'a)
bindit'a hardbound (hardbund'a)
〔 "bindit" -adjective / "bind" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "bind" -adjective -past_passive 〕
bindita (bindit'a)
blovit'a blown (blovit'a)
〔 "blovit" -adjective / "blov" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "blov" -adjective -past_passive 〕
blovita (blovit'a)
bonvenit'a welcome (bonvenit'a)
〔 "bonvenit" -adjective / "bonven" -adjective -done / "bonv" -adjective -done -goal / good- "ven" -adjective -done / good- "venit" -adjective / good- "ven" -adjective -done / good- come- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "bonven" -adjective -past_passive / "bonv" -adjective -past_passive -goal / good- "ven" -adjective -past_passive 〕
bonvenit'a welcomed (bonvenit'a) bonvenita (bonvenit'a)
cardjit'a laden (laden'a)
〔 "cardjit" -adjective / "cardj" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "cardj" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ŝarĝita (cardjit'a)
cirmit'a sheltered (celt'a)
〔 "cirmit" -adjective / "cirm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "cirm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ŝirmita (cirmit'a)
cirmtegit'a coated (coat'a)
〔 "cirmtegit" -adjective / "cirmteg" -adjective -done / "cirmt" -adjective -done -extreme 〕 〔 "cirmteg" -adjective -past_passive / "cirmt" -adjective -past_passive -extreme 〕
ŝirmtegita (cirmtegit'a)
cvit'a sweaty (sweat'a)
〔 "cvit" -adjective 〕
ŝvita (cvit'a)
debit'a ready (ready'a)
〔 "debit" -adjective / "deb" -adjective -done / of- "bit" -adjective 〕 〔 "deb" -adjective -past_passive 〕
debita (debit'a)
defitsit'a negative (negat'a)
〔 "defitsit" -adjective / "defits" -adjective -done / of- "fits" -adjective -done / of- "fitsit" -adjective / of- "fits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "defits" -adjective -past_passive / of- "fits" -adjective -past_passive 〕
deficita (deficit'a)
dekoltit'a sexy (sexy'a)
〔 ten- "oltit" -adjective / ten- "olt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "dekoltit" -adjective / "dekolt" -adjective -done / of- "kolt" -adjective -done / of- "koltit" -adjective / of- "kolt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "dekolt" -adjective -past_passive / of- "kolt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
dekoltita (dekoltit'a)
dezertit'a deserted (desert'a)
〔 "dezertit" -adjective / "dezert" -adjective -done / of- "zert" -adjective -done / of- "zertit" -adjective / of- "zert" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "dezert" -adjective -past_passive / of- "zert" -adjective -past_passive 〕
didjit'a digital (digit'a)
〔 "didjit" -adjective / "didj" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "didj" -adjective -past_passive 〕
diĝita (didjit'a)
difektit'a defective (defect'a)
〔 "difektit" -adjective / "difekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "difekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
difektita (difektit'a)
difektit'a impaired (impaired'a) difektita (difektit'a)
difinit'a particular (part'a)
〔 "difinit" -adjective / "difin" -adjective -done / "dif" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "difin" -adjective -past_passive / "dif" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
difinita (difinit'a)
diplomit'a certificated (certificat'a)
〔 "diplomit" -adjective / "diplom" -adjective -done / "dipl" -adjective -done -degree 〕 〔 "diplom" -adjective -past_passive / "dipl" -adjective -past_passive -degree 〕
diplomita (diplomit'a)
diplomit'a graduate (graduat'a) diplomita (diplomit'a)
diplomit'a qualified (qualified'a) diplomita (diplomit'a)
dispetsigit'a broken (broken'a)
〔 "dispetsigit" -adjective / "dispetsig" -adjective -done / "dispets" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "disp" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -nominal_abstraction / scatter- "pets" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / scatter- "petsig" -adjective -done / scatter- "pets" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / scatter- "petsigit" -adjective / scatter- "petsig" -adjective -done / scatter- "pets" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "dispetsig" -adjective -past_passive / "dispets" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "disp" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -nominal_abstraction / scatter- "pets" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / scatter- "petsig" -adjective -past_passive / scatter- "pets" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
dispecigita (dispecigit'a)
distordit'a slanted (slant'a)
〔 "distordit" -adjective / "distord" -adjective -done / scatter- "tord" -adjective -done / scatter- "tordit" -adjective / scatter- "tord" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "distord" -adjective -past_passive / scatter- "tord" -adjective -past_passive 〕
distordita (distordit'a)
distrit'a careless (careles'a)
〔 "distrit" -adjective / "distr" -adjective -done / "dist" -adjective -done -head / scatter- "trit" -adjective 〕 〔 "distr" -adjective -past_passive / "dist" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
distrita (distrit'a)
distrit'a preoccupied (preocupied'a) distrita (distrit'a)
djisdatigit'a updated (updat'a)
〔 "djisdatigit" -adjective / "djisdatig" -adjective -done / "djisdat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "djisd" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -happening / until- "dat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / until- "datig" -adjective -done / until- "dat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / until- quantity_of- "tig" -adjective -done / until- "datigit" -adjective / until- "datig" -adjective -done / until- "dat" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / until- quantity_of- "tig" -adjective -done / until- quantity_of- "tigit" -adjective / until- quantity_of- "tig" -adjective -done / until- quantity_of- that- "git" -adjective 〕 〔 "djisdatig" -adjective -past_passive / "djisdat" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "djisd" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -happening / until- "dat" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / until- "datig" -adjective -past_passive / until- "dat" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / until- quantity_of- "tig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ĝisdatigita (djisdatigit'a)
dresit'a tame (tam'a)
〔 "dresit" -adjective / "dres" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "dres" -adjective -past_passive 〕
dresita (dresit'a)
dulit'a twin (twin'a)
〔 two- "lit" -adjective 〕 〔 "dulit" -adjective / "dul" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "dul" -adjective -past_passive 〕
dulita (dulit'a)
edzit'a married (maried'a)
〔 "edzit" -adjective / "edz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "edz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
edzita (edzit'a)
ekskludit'a excluded (excluded'a)
〔 "ekskludit" -adjective / "eksklud" -adjective -done / "ekskl" -adjective -done -key / outside- "klud" -adjective -done / outside- "kludit" -adjective / outside- "klud" -adjective -done / outside- closure- "it" -adjective / excluding- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "eksklud" -adjective -past_passive / "ekskl" -adjective -past_passive -key / outside- "klud" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ekskvizit'a exquisite (exquisit'a)
〔 "ekskvizit" -adjective / "ekskviz" -adjective -done / "ekskv" -adjective -done -cause / outside- "kviz" -adjective -done / outside- "kvizit" -adjective / outside- "kviz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "ekskviz" -adjective -past_passive / "ekskv" -adjective -past_passive -cause / outside- "kviz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ekskvizita (ekskvizit'a)
eksplitsit'a explicit (explicit'a)
〔 "eksplitsit" -adjective / "eksplits" -adjective -done / outside- "plits" -adjective -done / outside- "plitsit" -adjective / outside- "plits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "eksplits" -adjective -past_passive / outside- "plits" -adjective -past_passive 〕
eksplicita (eksplicit'a)
ekstsit'a exciting (excit'a)
〔 "ekstsit" -adjective / "eksts" -adjective -done / outside- "tsit" -adjective 〕 〔 "eksts" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ekscita (ekscit'a)
ekstsit'a thrilling (xriling'a) ekscita (ekscit'a)
ekzertsit'a expert (expert'a)
〔 "ekzertsit" -adjective / "ekzerts" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "ekzerts" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ekzercita (ekzercit'a)
elektit'a choice (elektit'a)
〔 "elektit" -adjective / "elekt" -adjective -done / out_of- "ekt" -adjective -done / out_of- "ektit" -adjective / out_of- "ekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "elekt" -adjective -past_passive / out_of- "ekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
elektita (elektit'a)
elektit'a chosen (elektit'a) elektita (elektit'a)
elektit'a elected (elektit'a) elektita (elektit'a)
elektit'a select (elektit'a) elektita (elektit'a)
elelektit'a appointed (elelektit'a)
〔 "elelektit" -adjective / "elelekt" -adjective -done / out_of- "elekt" -adjective -done / out_of- out_of- "ekt" -adjective -done / out_of- "elektit" -adjective / out_of- "elekt" -adjective -done / out_of- out_of- "ekt" -adjective -done / out_of- out_of- "ektit" -adjective / out_of- out_of- "ekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "elelekt" -adjective -past_passive / out_of- "elekt" -adjective -past_passive / out_of- out_of- "ekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
elelektita (elelektit'a)
elit'a elite (elit'a)
〔 "elit" -adjective / "el" -adjective -done / out_of- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "el" -adjective -past_passive 〕
elita (elit'a)
elit'a exclusive (elit'a) elita (elit'a)
elprovit'a proven (proven'a)
〔 "elprovit" -adjective / "elprov" -adjective -done / "elpr" -adjective -done -ready / "elp" -adjective -done -ready -head / out_of- "prov" -adjective -done / out_of- "provit" -adjective / out_of- "prov" -adjective -done / out_of- on_account_of- "vit" -adjective 〕 〔 "elprov" -adjective -past_passive / "elpr" -adjective -past_passive -ready / "elp" -adjective -past_passive -ready -head / out_of- "prov" -adjective -past_passive 〕
elprovita (elprovit'a)
eluzit'a old (eluzit'a)
〔 "eluzit" -adjective / "eluz" -adjective -done / "el" -adjective -done -change / out_of- "uz" -adjective -done / out_of- "uzit" -adjective / out_of- "uz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "eluz" -adjective -past_passive / "el" -adjective -past_passive -change / out_of- "uz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
eluzita (eluzit'a)
eluzit'a spent (eluzit'a) eluzita (eluzit'a)
emerit'a emeritus (emerit'a)
〔 "emerit" -adjective / "emer" -adjective -done / "eme" -adjective -done -head / "em" -adjective -done -element 〕 〔 "emer" -adjective -past_passive / "eme" -adjective -past_passive -head / "em" -adjective -past_passive -element 〕
emerita (emerit'a)
emerit'a retired (ret'a) emerita (emerit'a)
endandjerigit'a endangered (endangered'a)
〔 "endandjerigit" -adjective / "endandjerig" -adjective -done / "endandjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "endandje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / "endandj" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "dandj" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "dandjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "dandje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandj" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -element / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandjerig" -adjective -done / in- "dandjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "dandje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandj" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -element / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndjerig" -adjective -done / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandjerigit" -adjective / in- "dandjerig" -adjective -done / in- "dandjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "dandje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandj" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -element / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndjerig" -adjective -done / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndjerigit" -adjective / in- quantity_of- "ndjerig" -adjective -done / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head 〕 〔 "endandjerig" -adjective -past_passive / "endandjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "endandje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / "endandj" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- "dandj" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- "dandjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "dandje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandj" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandjerig" -adjective -past_passive / in- "dandjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "dandje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "dandj" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- quantity_of- "ndjerig" -adjective -past_passive / in- quantity_of- "ndjer" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- quantity_of- "ndje" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head 〕
endanĝerigita (endandjerigit'a)
endandjerigit'a exposed (exposed'a) endanĝerigita (endandjerigit'a)
enfermit'a stuck (enfermit'a)
〔 "enfermit" -adjective / "enferm" -adjective -done / in- "ferm" -adjective -done / in- "fermit" -adjective / in- "ferm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "enferm" -adjective -past_passive / in- "ferm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
enfermita (enfermit'a)
enkludit'a included (included'a)
〔 "enkludit" -adjective / "enklud" -adjective -done / "enkl" -adjective -done -key / in- "klud" -adjective -done / in- "kludit" -adjective / in- "klud" -adjective -done / in- closure- "it" -adjective / including- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "enklud" -adjective -past_passive / "enkl" -adjective -past_passive -key / in- "klud" -adjective -past_passive 〕
enradikigit'a inherent (enradikigit'a)
〔 "enradikigit" -adjective / "enradikig" -adjective -done / "enradik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "enrad" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / "enr" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -ongoing / "en" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -ongoing -head / in- "rad" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / in- "radik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "rad" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / in- "radikig" -adjective -done / in- "radik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "rad" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / in- "radikigit" -adjective / in- "radikig" -adjective -done / in- "radik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "rad" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "enradikig" -adjective -past_passive / "enradik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "enrad" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / "enr" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -ongoing / "en" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -ongoing -head / in- "rad" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / in- "radik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "rad" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / in- "radikig" -adjective -past_passive / in- "radik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "rad" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of 〕
enradikigita (enradikigit'a)
enretigit'a on-line (enretigit'a)
〔 "enretigit" -adjective / "enretig" -adjective -done / "enret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "enr" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / "en" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive -head / in- "ret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "retig" -adjective -done / in- "ret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "retigit" -adjective / in- "retig" -adjective -done / in- "ret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "enretig" -adjective -past_passive / "enret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "enr" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive / "en" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive -head / in- "ret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "retig" -adjective -past_passive / in- "ret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
enretigita (enretigit'a)
entombigit'a entombed (ent'a)
〔 "entombigit" -adjective / "entombig" -adjective -done / "entomb" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "tomb" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "tombig" -adjective -done / in- "tomb" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / in- "tombigit" -adjective / in- "tombig" -adjective -done / in- "tomb" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "entombig" -adjective -past_passive / "entomb" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "tomb" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "tombig" -adjective -past_passive / in- "tomb" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
entombigita (entombigit'a)
establit'a mainstream (establit'a)
〔 "establit" -adjective / "establ" -adjective -done / "est" -adjective -done -increment 〕 〔 "establ" -adjective -past_passive / "est" -adjective -past_passive -increment 〕
establita (establit'a)
evit'a avoided (avoid'a)
〔 "evit" -adjective / "ev" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "ev" -adjective -past_passive 〕
evit'a preventive (prevent'a) evita (evit'a)
evitit'a avoided (avoided'a)
〔 "evitit" -adjective / "evit" -adjective -done / "ev" -adjective -done -done 〕 〔 "evit" -adjective -past_passive / "ev" -adjective -past_passive -done 〕
federit'a federal (federal'a)
〔 "federit" -adjective / "feder" -adjective -done / "fede" -adjective -done -head / "fed" -adjective -done -element 〕 〔 "feder" -adjective -past_passive / "fede" -adjective -past_passive -head / "fed" -adjective -past_passive -element 〕
federita (federit'a)
felitc'a happy (hapy'a)
〔 "felitc" -adjective / "fel" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
feliĉa (felitc'a)
fiksit'a entrenched (fiksit'a)
〔 "fiksit" -adjective / "fiks" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "fiks" -adjective -past_passive 〕
fiksita (fiksit'a)
finit'a over (over'a)
〔 "finit" -adjective / "fin" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "fin" -adjective -past_passive 〕
finita (finit'a)
flikit'a patched (pat'a)
〔 "flikit" -adjective / "flik" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "flik" -adjective -past_passive 〕
flikita (flikit'a)
foliritc'a leafy (leafy'a)
〔 "foliritc" -adjective / "folir" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "foli" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "fol" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -opportunity 〕
foliriĉa (foliritc'a)
frizit'a curly (curly'a)
〔 "frizit" -adjective / "friz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "friz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
fruktoritc'a rich (ritc'a)
〔 "fruktoritc" -adjective / "fruktor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "frukto" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "frukt" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
fruktoriĉa (fruktoritc'a)
fucsendit'a garbled (garbled'a)
〔 "fucsendit" -adjective / "fucsend" -adjective -done / "fucs" -adjective -done -important 〕 〔 "fucsend" -adjective -past_passive / "fucs" -adjective -past_passive -important 〕
fuŝsendita (fucsendit'a)
fusmiksit'a contaminated (contaminat'a)
〔 "fusmiksit" -adjective / "fusmiks" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "fusmiks" -adjective -past_passive 〕
fusmiksita (fusmiksit'a)
glazurit'a frosted (frost'a)
〔 "glazurit" -adjective / "glazur" -adjective -done / "glazu" -adjective -done -head / "glaz" -adjective -done -cost 〕 〔 "glazur" -adjective -past_passive / "glazu" -adjective -past_passive -head / "glaz" -adjective -past_passive -cost 〕
glazurita (glazurit'a)
glazurit'a iced (iced'a) glazurita (glazurit'a)
glit'a glide (glid'a)
〔 "glit" -adjective 〕
glit'a sliding (slid'a) glita (glit'a)
granit'a granite (granit'a)
〔 "granit" -adjective / "gran" -adjective -done / canceled- "nit" -adjective 〕 〔 "gran" -adjective -past_passive 〕
grasmakulit'a greasy (greasy'a)
〔 "grasmakulit" -adjective / "grasmakul" -adjective -done / "grasmak" -adjective -done -person / "grasm" -adjective -done -person -derived_from / canceled- "smak" -adjective -done -person / canceled- "smakul" -adjective -done / canceled- "smak" -adjective -done -person / canceled- "smakulit" -adjective / canceled- "smakul" -adjective -done / canceled- "smak" -adjective -done -person 〕 〔 "grasmakul" -adjective -past_passive / "grasmak" -adjective -past_passive -person / "grasm" -adjective -past_passive -person -derived_from / canceled- "smak" -adjective -past_passive -person / canceled- "smakul" -adjective -past_passive / canceled- "smak" -adjective -past_passive -person 〕
grasmakulita (grasmakulit'a)
gravit'a gravitational (gravit'a)
〔 "gravit" -adjective / "grav" -adjective -done / canceled- "vit" -adjective 〕 〔 "grav" -adjective -past_passive 〕
gravita (gravit'a)
haltigit'a stationary (stat'a)
〔 "haltigit" -adjective / "haltig" -adjective -done / "halt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "haltig" -adjective -past_passive / "halt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
haltigita (haltigit'a)
handikapit'a disabled (disabled'a)
〔 "handikapit" -adjective / "handikap" -adjective -done / "handik" -adjective -done -apparatus / "hand" -adjective -done -apparatus -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "handikap" -adjective -past_passive / "handik" -adjective -past_passive -apparatus / "hand" -adjective -past_passive -apparatus -reminiscent_of 〕
handikapita (handikapit'a)
hardit'a resistant (resistant'a)
〔 "hardit" -adjective / "hard" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "hard" -adjective -past_passive 〕
hardita (hardit'a)
hardit'a weatherbeaten (weaxerbeat'a) hardita (hardit'a)
harkovrit'a hairy (hairy'a)
〔 "harkovrit" -adjective / "harkovr" -adjective -done / "harkov" -adjective -done -head / "hark" -adjective -done -head -ready 〕 〔 "harkovr" -adjective -past_passive / "harkov" -adjective -past_passive -head / "hark" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready 〕
harkovrita (harkovrit'a)
hezit'a hesitant (hesitant'a)
〔 "hezit" -adjective / "hez" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "hez" -adjective -past_passive 〕
hezita (hezit'a)
hipokrit'a hypocritical (hypocrit'a)
〔 "hipokrit" -adjective / "hipokr" -adjective -done / "hipok" -adjective -done -head / "hip" -adjective -done -head -false 〕 〔 "hipokr" -adjective -past_passive / "hipok" -adjective -past_passive -head / "hip" -adjective -past_passive -head -false 〕
hipokrita (hipokrit'a)
honorofits'a honorary (honorary'a)
〔 "honorofits" -adjective 〕
honorofica (honorofic'a)
ilustrit'a illustrated (ilustrat'a)
〔 some- "lustrit" -adjective / some- "lustr" -adjective -done / some- "lust" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 power_of- "ustrit" -adjective / power_of- "ustr" -adjective -done / power_of- "ust" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "ilustrit" -adjective / "ilustr" -adjective -done / "ilust" -adjective -done -head / "il" -adjective -done -would_lead 〕 〔 "ilustr" -adjective -past_passive / "ilust" -adjective -past_passive -head / "il" -adjective -past_passive -would_lead 〕
ilustrita (ilustrit'a)
imit'a faux (faux'a)
〔 some- "mit" -adjective 〕 〔 "imit" -adjective / "im" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "im" -adjective -past_passive 〕
imita (imit'a)
imit'a imitative (imitat'a)
imit'a mock (mok'a) imita (imit'a)
imit'a pretend (pret'a) imita (imit'a)
implits'a implicit (implicit'a)
〔 some- "mplits" -adjective 〕 〔 "implits" -adjective 〕
implica (implic'a)
implits'a implied (implied'a) implica (implic'a)
implits'a tacit (tacit'a) implica (implic'a)
implitsit'a implicit (implicit'a)
〔 some- "mplitsit" -adjective / some- "mplits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "implitsit" -adjective / "implits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "implits" -adjective -past_passive 〕
implicita (implicit'a)
improvizit'a impromptu (imprompt'a)
〔 some- "mprovizit" -adjective / some- "mproviz" -adjective -done / some- "mprov" -adjective -done -cause 〕 〔 "improvizit" -adjective / "improviz" -adjective -done / "improv" -adjective -done -cause / "impr" -adjective -done -cause -ready / "imp" -adjective -done -cause -ready -head 〕 〔 "improviz" -adjective -past_passive / "improv" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "impr" -adjective -past_passive -cause -ready / "imp" -adjective -past_passive -cause -ready -head 〕
improvizita (improvizit'a)
improvizit'a improvisatory (improvisat'a) improvizita (improvizit'a)
improvizit'a makeshift (makecift'a) improvizita (improvizit'a)
improvizit'a spontaneous (spont'a) improvizita (improvizit'a)
inflamit'a angry (angry'a)
〔 some- "nflamit" -adjective / some- "nflam" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "inflamit" -adjective / "inflam" -adjective -done / "infl" -adjective -done -time / not_on_the_outside- "flam" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "flamit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "flam" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "inflam" -adjective -past_passive / "infl" -adjective -past_passive -time / not_on_the_outside- "flam" -adjective -past_passive 〕
inflamita (inflamit'a)
inkognit'a anonymous (anonymus'a)
〔 some- "nkognit" -adjective / some- "nkogn" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "inkognit" -adjective / "inkogn" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "kognit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "inkogn" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adjective -past_passive 〕
inkognita (inkognit'a)
inkognit'a undercover (undercover'a) inkognita (inkognit'a)
integrit'a integrated (integrat'a)
〔 some- "ntegrit" -adjective / some- "ntegr" -adjective -done / some- "nteg" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "integrit" -adjective / "integr" -adjective -done / "integ" -adjective -done -head / "int" -adjective -done -head -extreme / not_on_the_outside- "teg" -adjective -done -head / not_on_the_outside- "tegr" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "teg" -adjective -done -head / not_on_the_outside- "tegrit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "tegr" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "teg" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "integr" -adjective -past_passive / "integ" -adjective -past_passive -head / "int" -adjective -past_passive -head -extreme / not_on_the_outside- "teg" -adjective -past_passive -head / not_on_the_outside- "tegr" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "teg" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
integrita (integrit'a)
interimplikit'a tangled (tangled'a)
〔 some- "nterimplikit" -adjective / some- "nterimplik" -adjective -done / some- "nterimpl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "interimplikit" -adjective / "interimplik" -adjective -done / "interimpl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / not_on_the_outside- "terimpl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / between- "impl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / not_on_the_outside- "terimplik" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terimpl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / between- "implik" -adjective -done / between- "impl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / not_on_the_outside- "terimplikit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "terimplik" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terimpl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / between- "implikit" -adjective / between- "implik" -adjective -done / between- "impl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "interimplik" -adjective -past_passive / "interimpl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / not_on_the_outside- "terimpl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / between- "impl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / not_on_the_outside- "terimplik" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terimpl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / between- "implik" -adjective -past_passive / between- "impl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
interimplikita (interimplikit'a)
interkonfuzit'a disordered (disordered'a)
〔 some- "nterkonfuzit" -adjective / some- "nterkonfuz" -adjective -done / some- "nterkonf" -adjective -done -change 〕 〔 "interkonfuzit" -adjective / "interkonfuz" -adjective -done / "interkonf" -adjective -done -change / not_on_the_outside- "terkonf" -adjective -done -change / between- "konf" -adjective -done -change / not_on_the_outside- "terkonfuz" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terkonf" -adjective -done -change / between- "konfuz" -adjective -done / between- "konf" -adjective -done -change / not_on_the_outside- "terkonfuzit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "terkonfuz" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terkonf" -adjective -done -change / between- "konfuzit" -adjective / between- "konfuz" -adjective -done / between- "konf" -adjective -done -change 〕 〔 "interkonfuz" -adjective -past_passive / "interkonf" -adjective -past_passive -change / not_on_the_outside- "terkonf" -adjective -past_passive -change / between- "konf" -adjective -past_passive -change / not_on_the_outside- "terkonfuz" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terkonf" -adjective -past_passive -change / between- "konfuz" -adjective -past_passive / between- "konf" -adjective -past_passive -change 〕
interkonfuzita (interkonfuzit'a)
intermilit'a interwar (int'a)
〔 some- "ntermilit" -adjective / some- "ntermil" -adjective -done / some- "nterm" -adjective -done -tool 〕 〔 "intermilit" -adjective / "intermil" -adjective -done / "interm" -adjective -done -tool / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -done -tool / not_on_the_outside- "termil" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -done -tool / between- "mil" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "termilit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "termil" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -done -tool / between- "milit" -adjective / between- "mil" -adjective -done / between- first_person- "lit" -adjective 〕 〔 "intermil" -adjective -past_passive / "interm" -adjective -past_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -past_passive -tool / not_on_the_outside- "termil" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -past_passive -tool / between- "mil" -adjective -past_passive 〕
intermilita (intermilit'a)
intermit'a intermittent (intermitent'a)
〔 some- "ntermit" -adjective / some- "nterm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "intermit" -adjective / "interm" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "termit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -done / between- "mit" -adjective 〕 〔 "interm" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adjective -past_passive 〕
intermita (intermit'a)
interrompit'a suspended (interrompit'a)
〔 some- "nterrompit" -adjective / some- "nterromp" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "interrompit" -adjective / "interromp" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terromp" -adjective -done / between- "romp" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "terrompit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "terromp" -adjective -done / between- "rompit" -adjective / between- "romp" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "interromp" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "terromp" -adjective -past_passive / between- "romp" -adjective -past_passive 〕
interrompita (interrompit'a)
introvertit'a introverted (introvert'a)
〔 some- "ntrovertit" -adjective / some- "ntrovert" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "introvertit" -adjective / "introvert" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "trovert" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- excessive- "vert" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "trovertit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "trovert" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- excessive- "vert" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- excessive- "vertit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- excessive- "vert" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "introvert" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "trovert" -adjective -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- excessive- "vert" -adjective -past_passive 〕
introvertita (introvertit'a)
intsit'a annoying (anoying'a)
〔 some- "ntsit" -adjective 〕 〔 "intsit" -adjective / "ints" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -adjective 〕 〔 "ints" -adjective -past_passive 〕
incita (incit'a)
intsit'a inflammatory (inflamat'a) incita (incit'a)
inundit'a awash (inundit'a)
〔 some- "nundit" -adjective / some- "nund" -adjective -done / some- now- "dit" -adjective 〕 〔 "inundit" -adjective / "inund" -adjective -done / "in" -adjective -done -extensive / not_on_the_outside- "und" -adjective -done / not_on_the_outside- "undit" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "und" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "inund" -adjective -past_passive / "in" -adjective -past_passive -extensive / not_on_the_outside- "und" -adjective -past_passive 〕
inundita (inundit'a)
izolit'a remote (izolit'a)
〔 some- "zolit" -adjective / some- "zol" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "izolit" -adjective / "izol" -adjective -done / "iz" -adjective -done -compared_to 〕 〔 "izol" -adjective -past_passive / "iz" -adjective -past_passive -compared_to 〕
izolita (izolit'a)
izolit'a separate (izolit'a) izolita (izolit'a)
jusnaskit'a newborn (newborn'a)
〔 "jusnaskit" -adjective / "jusnask" -adjective -done / barely- "nask" -adjective -done / barely- "naskit" -adjective / barely- "nask" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "jusnask" -adjective -past_passive / barely- "nask" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ĵusnaskita (jusnaskit'a)
kacit'a secret (kacit'a)
〔 "kacit" -adjective / "kac" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kac" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kaŝita (kacit'a)
kaprits'a capricious (capric'a)
〔 "kaprits" -adjective 〕
kaprica (kapric'a)
kaprits'a wayward (wayward'a) kaprica (kapric'a)
kaptit'a captive (kaptit'a)
〔 "kaptit" -adjective / "kapt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kapt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kaptita (kaptit'a)
katenit'a mired (mired'a)
〔 "katenit" -adjective / "katen" -adjective -done / "kat" -adjective -done -goal 〕 〔 "katen" -adjective -past_passive / "kat" -adjective -past_passive -goal 〕
katenita (katenit'a)
katizit'a glossy (glosy'a)
〔 "katizit" -adjective / "katiz" -adjective -done / "kat" -adjective -done -cause 〕 〔 "katiz" -adjective -past_passive / "kat" -adjective -past_passive -cause 〕
katizita (katizit'a)
kitc'a kitschy (kitc'a)
〔 "kitc" -adjective 〕
kiĉa (kitc'a)
kitc'a tacky (taky'a) kiĉa (kitc'a)
kludit'a closed (closed'a)
〔 "kludit" -adjective / "klud" -adjective -done / closure- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "klud" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kolorilustrit'a colour (colur'a)
〔 "kolorilustrit" -adjective / "kolorilustr" -adjective -done / "kolorilust" -adjective -done -head / "koloril" -adjective -done -would_lead / "kolor" -adjective -done -would_lead -tool / "kolo" -adjective -done -would_lead -tool -head / "kol" -adjective -done -would_lead -tool -value 〕 〔 "kolorilustr" -adjective -past_passive / "kolorilust" -adjective -past_passive -head / "koloril" -adjective -past_passive -would_lead / "kolor" -adjective -past_passive -would_lead -tool / "kolo" -adjective -past_passive -would_lead -tool -head / "kol" -adjective -past_passive -would_lead -tool -value 〕
kolorilustrita (kolorilustrit'a)
komplikit'a complex (complex'a)
〔 "komplikit" -adjective / "komplik" -adjective -done / "kompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "komplik" -adjective -past_passive / "kompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
komplikita (komplikit'a)
komputilizit'a computerized (comput'a)
〔 "komputilizit" -adjective / "komputiliz" -adjective -done / "komputil" -adjective -done -cause / "komput" -adjective -done -cause -tool / "komp" -adjective -done -cause -tool -likely 〕 〔 "komputiliz" -adjective -past_passive / "komputil" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "komput" -adjective -past_passive -cause -tool / "komp" -adjective -past_passive -cause -tool -likely 〕
komputilizita (komputilizit'a)
kondamnit'a doomed (dumed'a)
〔 "kondamnit" -adjective / "kondamn" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kondamn" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kondamnita (kondamnit'a)
konditc'a conditional (condition'a)
〔 "konditc" -adjective / "kond" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
kondiĉa (konditc'a)
konservit'a canned (caned'a)
〔 "konservit" -adjective / "konserv" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "konserv" -adjective -past_passive 〕
konservita (konservit'a)
konsternit'a dumbfounded (dumbfunded'a)
〔 "konsternit" -adjective / "konstern" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "konstern" -adjective -past_passive 〕
konsternita (konsternit'a)
konstruit'a built (konstruit'a)
〔 "konstruit" -adjective / "konstru" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "konstru" -adjective -past_passive 〕
konstruita (konstruit'a)
konstruit'a constructed (konstruit'a) konstruita (konstruit'a)
kontrawit'a contested (contest'a)
〔 "kontrawit" -adjective / "kontraw" -adjective -done / "kontr" -adjective -done -in_any_sense / "kont" -adjective -done -in_any_sense -head 〕 〔 "kontraw" -adjective -past_passive / "kontr" -adjective -past_passive -in_any_sense / "kont" -adjective -past_passive -in_any_sense -head 〕
kontraŭita (kontrawit'a)
koruptit'a corrupt (corupt'a)
〔 "koruptit" -adjective / "korupt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "korupt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
koruptita (koruptit'a)
kotkovrit'a muddy (mudy'a)
〔 "kotkovrit" -adjective / "kotkovr" -adjective -done / "kotkov" -adjective -done -head / "kotk" -adjective -done -head -ready 〕 〔 "kotkovr" -adjective -past_passive / "kotkov" -adjective -past_passive -head / "kotk" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready 〕
kotkovrita (kotkovrit'a)
kredit'a believed (believed'a)
〔 "kredit" -adjective / "kred" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kred" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kunnaskit'a innate (inat'a)
〔 "kunnaskit" -adjective / "kunnask" -adjective -done / with- "nask" -adjective -done / with- "naskit" -adjective / with- "nask" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kunnask" -adjective -past_passive / with- "nask" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kunnaskita (kunaskit'a)
kurboritc'a curvy (curvy'a)
〔 "kurboritc" -adjective / "kurbor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "kurbo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "kurb" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
kurboriĉa (kurboritc'a)
kvalifikit'a qualified (qualified'a)
〔 "kvalifikit" -adjective / "kvalifik" -adjective -done / "kvalif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / "kval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into 〕 〔 "kvalifik" -adjective -past_passive / "kvalif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / "kval" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into 〕
kvalifikita (kvalifikit'a)
kvalifikit'a skilled (skiled'a) kvalifikita (kvalifikit'a)
kvalit'a qualitative (qualit'a)
〔 "kvalit" -adjective / "kval" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "kval" -adjective -past_passive 〕
kvalita (kvalit'a)
kvit'a square (squar'a)
〔 "kvit" -adjective 〕
kvita (kvit'a)
lanokovrit'a woolly (wuly'a)
〔 "lanokovrit" -adjective / "lanokovr" -adjective -done / "lanokov" -adjective -done -head / "lanok" -adjective -done -head -ready / "lan" -adjective -done -head -ready -false 〕 〔 "lanokovr" -adjective -past_passive / "lanokov" -adjective -past_passive -head / "lanok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready / "lan" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready -false 〕
lanokovrita (lanokovrit'a)
lawvits'a sequential (sequential'a)
〔 "lawvits" -adjective / according_to- "vits" -adjective 〕
laŭvica (lawvic'a)
liberit'a liberated (liberat'a)
〔 "liberit" -adjective / "liber" -adjective -done / "libe" -adjective -done -head / third_person- "be" -adjective -done -head / "lib" -adjective -done -element / third_person- "ber" -adjective -done / third_person- "be" -adjective -done -head / third_person- "berit" -adjective / third_person- "ber" -adjective -done / third_person- "be" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "liber" -adjective -past_passive / "libe" -adjective -past_passive -head / third_person- "be" -adjective -past_passive -head / "lib" -adjective -past_passive -element / third_person- "ber" -adjective -past_passive / third_person- "be" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
likvidit'a defunct (defunct'a)
〔 "likvidit" -adjective / "likvid" -adjective -done / "likv" -adjective -done -next_generation / third_person- "kvid" -adjective -done / third_person- "kvidit" -adjective / third_person- "kvid" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "likvid" -adjective -past_passive / "likv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / third_person- "kvid" -adjective -past_passive 〕
likvidita (likvidit'a)
limigit'a finite (finit'a)
〔 "limigit" -adjective / "limig" -adjective -done / "lim" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / third_person- "mig" -adjective -done / third_person- "migit" -adjective / third_person- "mig" -adjective -done / third_person- first_person- "git" -adjective 〕 〔 "limig" -adjective -past_passive / "lim" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / third_person- "mig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
limigita (limigit'a)
liniigit'a linear (linear'a)
〔 "liniigit" -adjective / "liniig" -adjective -done / "lini" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / third_person- "ni" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / third_person- "niig" -adjective -done / third_person- "ni" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / third_person- "niigit" -adjective / third_person- "niig" -adjective -done / third_person- "ni" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "liniig" -adjective -past_passive / "lini" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / third_person- "ni" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / third_person- "niig" -adjective -past_passive / third_person- "ni" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
liniigita (linigit'a)
liniit'a linear (linear'a)
〔 "liniit" -adjective / "lini" -adjective -done / third_person- "ni" -adjective -done / third_person- "niit" -adjective / third_person- "ni" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "lini" -adjective -past_passive / third_person- "ni" -adjective -past_passive 〕
liniita (linit'a)
lits'a legitimate (legitimat'a)
〔 "lits" -adjective 〕
lits'a licit (licit'a) lica (lic'a)
litsencit'a legal (legal'a)
〔 "litsencit" -adjective / "litsenc" -adjective -done / third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -done / third_person- "tsencit" -adjective / third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "litsenc" -adjective -past_passive / third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -past_passive 〕
licencita (licencit'a)
logaritm'a logarithmic (logarixm'a)
〔 "logaritm" -adjective 〕
logaritma (logaritm'a)
luit'a chartered (tcart'a)
〔 "luit" -adjective / "lu" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "lu" -adjective -past_passive 〕
luita (luit'a)
makadamit'a sealed (sealed'a)
〔 "makadamit" -adjective / "makadam" -adjective -done / "makad" -adjective -done -time / "mak" -adjective -done -time -ongoing 〕 〔 "makadam" -adjective -past_passive / "makad" -adjective -past_passive -time / "mak" -adjective -past_passive -time -ongoing 〕
makadamita (makadamit'a)
makulit'a tainted (taint'a)
〔 "makulit" -adjective / "makul" -adjective -done / "mak" -adjective -done -person 〕 〔 "makul" -adjective -past_passive / "mak" -adjective -past_passive -person 〕
makulita (makulit'a)
malapetit'a disgusting (malapetit'a)
〔 "malapetit" -adjective / "malapet" -adjective -done / "malap" -adjective -done -diminutive / "mal" -adjective -done -diminutive -apparatus / opposite_of- "ap" -adjective -done -diminutive / opposite_of- "apet" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ap" -adjective -done -diminutive / adjectival_opposite_of- "pet" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "apetit" -adjective / opposite_of- "apet" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ap" -adjective -done -diminutive / adjectival_opposite_of- "petit" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "pet" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malapet" -adjective -past_passive / "malap" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive / "mal" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive -apparatus / opposite_of- "ap" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive / opposite_of- "apet" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "ap" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive / adjectival_opposite_of- "pet" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malapetita (malapetit'a)
malarandjit'a disordered (disordered'a)
〔 "malarandjit" -adjective / "malarandj" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "arandj" -adjective -done / adjectival_opposite_of- "randj" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "arandjit" -adjective / opposite_of- "arandj" -adjective -done / adjectival_opposite_of- "randjit" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "randj" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malarandj" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "arandj" -adjective -past_passive / adjectival_opposite_of- "randj" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malaranĝita (malarandjit'a)
malbenit'a fucking (fuking'a)
〔 "malbenit" -adjective / "malben" -adjective -done / "malb" -adjective -done -goal / opposite_of- "ben" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "benit" -adjective / opposite_of- "ben" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malben" -adjective -past_passive / "malb" -adjective -past_passive -goal / opposite_of- "ben" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malbenita (malbenit'a)
malekstsit'a lacklustre (laklust'a)
〔 "malekstsit" -adjective / "maleksts" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "eksts" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ekstsit" -adjective / opposite_of- "eksts" -adjective -done / opposite_of- outside- "tsit" -adjective 〕 〔 "maleksts" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "eksts" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malekscita (malekscit'a)
malfelitc'a inauspicious (inauspic'a)
〔 "malfelitc" -adjective / "malfel" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "malf" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -method / opposite_of- "fel" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / opposite_of- "felitc" -adjective / opposite_of- "fel" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
malfeliĉa (malfelitc'a)
malfelitc'a sad (sad'a) malfeliĉa (malfelitc'a)
malfelitc'a unhappy (unhapy'a) malfeliĉa (malfelitc'a)
malfermit'a enabled (malfermit'a)
〔 "malfermit" -adjective / "malferm" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ferm" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "fermit" -adjective / opposite_of- "ferm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malferm" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "ferm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malfermita (malfermit'a)
malimplitsit'a explicit (explicit'a)
〔 "malimplitsit" -adjective / "malimplits" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "implits" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "implitsit" -adjective / opposite_of- "implits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malimplits" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "implits" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malimplicita (malimplicit'a)
malits'a malicious (malic'a)
〔 "malits" -adjective / opposite_of- "its" -adjective 〕
malica (malic'a)
malits'a wanton (wanton'a) malica (malic'a)
malordigit'a disordered (malordigit'a)
〔 "malordigit" -adjective / "malordig" -adjective -done / "malord" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / opposite_of- "ordig" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / nominal_opposite_of- "rdig" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ordigit" -adjective / opposite_of- "ordig" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / nominal_opposite_of- "rdigit" -adjective / nominal_opposite_of- "rdig" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "malordig" -adjective -past_passive / "malord" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / opposite_of- "ordig" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "ord" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / nominal_opposite_of- "rdig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malordigita (malordigit'a)
malplenumit'a broken (broken'a)
〔 "malplenumit" -adjective / "malplenum" -adjective -done / "malplen" -adjective -done -derivation / "malpl" -adjective -done -derivation -goal / opposite_of- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation / opposite_of- "plenum" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation / opposite_of- "plenumit" -adjective / opposite_of- "plenum" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation 〕 〔 "malplenum" -adjective -past_passive / "malplen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation / "malpl" -adjective -past_passive -derivation -goal / opposite_of- "plen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation / opposite_of- "plenum" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "plen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation 〕
malplenumita (malplenumit'a)
malpolurit'a frosted (frost'a)
〔 "malpolurit" -adjective / "malpolur" -adjective -done / "malpolu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- "polu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head / "malpol" -adjective -done -cost / "malp" -adjective -done -cost -compared_to / opposite_of- "pol" -adjective -done -cost / opposite_of- "polur" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "polu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- "pol" -adjective -done -cost / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lur" -adjective -done / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- "polurit" -adjective / opposite_of- "polur" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "polu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- "pol" -adjective -done -cost / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lur" -adjective -done / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lurit" -adjective / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lur" -adjective -done / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "malpolur" -adjective -past_passive / "malpolu" -adjective -past_passive -head / opposite_of- "polu" -adjective -past_passive -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -past_passive -head / "malpol" -adjective -past_passive -cost / "malp" -adjective -past_passive -cost -compared_to / opposite_of- "pol" -adjective -past_passive -cost / opposite_of- "polur" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "polu" -adjective -past_passive -head / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -past_passive -head / opposite_of- "pol" -adjective -past_passive -cost / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lur" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- at_the_rate_of- "lu" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
malpolurita (malpolurit'a)
malritc'a impoverished (impoveric'a)
〔 "malritc" -adjective / "malr" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "mal" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / opposite_of- "ritc" -adjective 〕
malriĉa (malritc'a)
malritc'a poor (pur'a) malriĉa (malritc'a)
malsprit'a uninspired (uninspired'a)
〔 "malsprit" -adjective / "malspr" -adjective -done / "malsp" -adjective -done -head / opposite_of- "sprit" -adjective 〕 〔 "malspr" -adjective -past_passive / "malsp" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
malsprita (malsprit'a)
malvenkit'a beaten (beat'a)
〔 "malvenkit" -adjective / "malvenk" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "venk" -adjective -done / opposite_of- "venkit" -adjective / opposite_of- "venk" -adjective -done / opposite_of- come- "kit" -adjective 〕 〔 "malvenk" -adjective -past_passive / opposite_of- "venk" -adjective -past_passive 〕
malvenkita (malvenkit'a)
malvenkit'a defeated (defeat'a) malvenkita (malvenkit'a)
manefarit'a handmade (handmad'a)
〔 "manefarit" -adjective / "manefar" -adjective -done / "manefa" -adjective -done -head / "manef" -adjective -done -collection / "man" -adjective -done -collection -natural 〕 〔 "manefar" -adjective -past_passive / "manefa" -adjective -past_passive -head / "manef" -adjective -past_passive -collection / "man" -adjective -past_passive -collection -natural 〕
manefarita (manefarit'a)
matritc'a paternal (paternal'a)
〔 "matritc" -adjective / "matr" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "mat" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
mekanizit'a mechanized (met'a)
〔 "mekanizit" -adjective / "mekaniz" -adjective -done / "mekan" -adjective -done -cause / "mek" -adjective -done -cause -member 〕 〔 "mekaniz" -adjective -past_passive / "mekan" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "mek" -adjective -past_passive -cause -member 〕
mekanizita (mekanizit'a)
memfarit'a home-made (home-mad'a)
〔 "memfarit" -adjective / "memfar" -adjective -done / "memfa" -adjective -done -head / "memf" -adjective -done -collection 〕 〔 "memfar" -adjective -past_passive / "memfa" -adjective -past_passive -head / "memf" -adjective -past_passive -collection 〕
memfarita (memfarit'a)
memfarit'a self-inflicted (self-inflict'a) memfarita (memfarit'a)
meritit'a just (just'a)
〔 "meritit" -adjective / "merit" -adjective -done / "mer" -adjective -done -done / "me" -adjective -done -done -head 〕 〔 "merit" -adjective -past_passive / "mer" -adjective -past_passive -done / "me" -adjective -past_passive -done -head 〕
meritita (meritit'a)
mezkvalit'a indifferent (indiferent'a)
〔 "mezkvalit" -adjective / "mezkval" -adjective -done / "mezkv" -adjective -done -reason 〕 〔 "mezkval" -adjective -past_passive / "mezkv" -adjective -past_passive -reason 〕
mezkvalita (mezkvalit'a)
miksit'a mixed (mixed'a)
〔 "miksit" -adjective / "miks" -adjective -done / first_person- "ksit" -adjective 〕 〔 "miks" -adjective -past_passive 〕
miksita (miksit'a)
mikskvalit'a spotty (spot'a)
〔 "mikskvalit" -adjective / "mikskval" -adjective -done / "mikskv" -adjective -done -reason / first_person- "kskval" -adjective -done / first_person- "kskvalit" -adjective / first_person- "kskval" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "mikskval" -adjective -past_passive / "mikskv" -adjective -past_passive -reason / first_person- "kskval" -adjective -past_passive 〕
mikskvalita (mikskvalit'a)
milit'a combat (combat'a)
〔 "milit" -adjective / "mil" -adjective -done / first_person- "lit" -adjective 〕 〔 "mil" -adjective -past_passive 〕
milita (milit'a)
milit'a martial (mart'a) milita (milit'a)
milit'a military (milit'a) milita (milit'a)
mit'a mythical (myx'a)
〔 "mit" -adjective 〕
mita (mit'a)
monolit'a monolithic (monolix'a)
〔 "monolit" -adjective / "monol" -adjective -done / "mon" -adjective -done -compared_to 〕 〔 "monol" -adjective -past_passive / "mon" -adjective -past_passive -compared_to 〕
monolita (monolit'a)
motorizit'a mobile (mobil'a)
〔 "motorizit" -adjective / "motoriz" -adjective -done / "motor" -adjective -done -cause / "moto" -adjective -done -cause -head / "mot" -adjective -done -cause -value 〕 〔 "motoriz" -adjective -past_passive / "motor" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "moto" -adjective -past_passive -cause -head / "mot" -adjective -past_passive -cause -value 〕
motorizita (motorizit'a)
mutilit'a garbled (garbled'a)
〔 "mutilit" -adjective / "mutil" -adjective -done / "mut" -adjective -done -tool 〕 〔 "mutil" -adjective -past_passive / "mut" -adjective -past_passive -tool 〕
mutilita (mutilit'a)
naskit'a born (born'a)
〔 "naskit" -adjective / "nask" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nask" -adjective -past_passive 〕
naskita (naskit'a)
ne-elprovit'a unproven (unproven'a)
〔 "ne-elprovit" -adjective / "ne-elprov" -adjective -done / "ne-elpr" -adjective -done -ready / "ne-elp" -adjective -done -ready -head / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -done -ready -head / no,_not- "-elpr" -adjective -done -ready / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -done -ready -head / no,_not- "-elprov" -adjective -done / no,_not- "-elpr" -adjective -done -ready / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -done -ready -head / no,_not- "-elprovit" -adjective / no,_not- "-elprov" -adjective -done / no,_not- "-elpr" -adjective -done -ready / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -done -ready -head 〕 〔 "ne-elprov" -adjective -past_passive / "ne-elpr" -adjective -past_passive -ready / "ne-elp" -adjective -past_passive -ready -head / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -past_passive -ready -head / no,_not- "-elpr" -adjective -past_passive -ready / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -past_passive -ready -head / no,_not- "-elprov" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "-elpr" -adjective -past_passive -ready / no,_not- "-elp" -adjective -past_passive -ready -head 〕
ne-elprovita (ne-elprovit'a)
ne-elprovit'a untested (untest'a) ne-elprovita (ne-elprovit'a)
neanontsit'a surprise (surpris'a)
〔 "neanontsit" -adjective / "neanonts" -adjective -done / no,_not- "anonts" -adjective -done / no,_not- "anontsit" -adjective / no,_not- "anonts" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "neanonts" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "anonts" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neanoncita (neanoncit'a)
neantawvidit'a unforeseen (neantawvidit'a)
〔 "neantawvidit" -adjective / "neantawvid" -adjective -done / "neantawv" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- "antawv" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- "antawvid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "antawv" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- before- "vid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "antawvidit" -adjective / no,_not- "antawvid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "antawv" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- before- "vid" -adjective -done / no,_not- before- "vidit" -adjective / no,_not- before- "vid" -adjective -done / no,_not- before- second_person- "dit" -adjective 〕 〔 "neantawvid" -adjective -past_passive / "neantawv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "antawv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "antawvid" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "antawv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- before- "vid" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neantaŭvidita (neantawvidit'a)
neatendit'a unexpected (neatendit'a)
〔 "neatendit" -adjective / "neatend" -adjective -done / "neat" -adjective -done -important / "ne" -adjective -done -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -done -important / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -done / no,_not- "at" -adjective -done -important / no,_not- "atendit" -adjective / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -done / no,_not- "at" -adjective -done -important 〕 〔 "neatend" -adjective -past_passive / "neat" -adjective -past_passive -important / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adjective -past_passive -important / no,_not- "atend" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "at" -adjective -past_passive -important 〕
neatendita (neatendit'a)
neatendit'a upset (neatendit'a) neatendita (neatendit'a)
neawtorizit'a unauthorised (unauxorised'a)
〔 "neawtorizit" -adjective / "neawtoriz" -adjective -done / "neawtor" -adjective -done -cause / "neawto" -adjective -done -cause -head / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -done -cause -head / "neawt" -adjective -done -cause -value / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -done -cause -value / no,_not- "awtor" -adjective -done -cause / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -done -cause -head / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -done -cause -value / no,_not- "awtoriz" -adjective -done / no,_not- "awtor" -adjective -done -cause / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -done -cause -head / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -done -cause -value / no,_not- "awtorizit" -adjective / no,_not- "awtoriz" -adjective -done / no,_not- "awtor" -adjective -done -cause / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -done -cause -head / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -done -cause -value 〕 〔 "neawtoriz" -adjective -past_passive / "neawtor" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "neawto" -adjective -past_passive -cause -head / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -past_passive -cause -head / "neawt" -adjective -past_passive -cause -value / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -past_passive -cause -value / no,_not- "awtor" -adjective -past_passive -cause / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -past_passive -cause -head / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -past_passive -cause -value / no,_not- "awtoriz" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "awtor" -adjective -past_passive -cause / no,_not- "awto" -adjective -past_passive -cause -head / no,_not- "awt" -adjective -past_passive -cause -value 〕
neaŭtorizita (neawtorizit'a)
neawtorizit'a unauthorized (unauxorized'a) neaŭtorizita (neawtorizit'a)
nedeterminit'a indeterminate (indeterminat'a)
〔 "nedeterminit" -adjective / "nedetermin" -adjective -done / "nedeterm" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "determ" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "determin" -adjective -done / no,_not- "determ" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "termin" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "determinit" -adjective / no,_not- "determin" -adjective -done / no,_not- "determ" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "termin" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "terminit" -adjective / no,_not- of- "termin" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "nedetermin" -adjective -past_passive / "nedeterm" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "determ" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "determin" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "determ" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- of- "termin" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- of- "term" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
nedeterminita (nedeterminit'a)
nedeterminit'a undetermined (undet'a) nedeterminita (nedeterminit'a)
nedetsidit'a undecided (undecided'a)
〔 "nedetsidit" -adjective / "nedetsid" -adjective -done / "nedets" -adjective -done -next_generation / "ned" -adjective -done -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- "detsid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "detsidit" -adjective / no,_not- "detsid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- "tsidit" -adjective / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nedetsid" -adjective -past_passive / "nedets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / "ned" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation -nominal_abstraction / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "detsid" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "dets" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- of- "tsid" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nedecidita (nedecidit'a)
nedevigit'a voluntary (nedevigit'a)
〔 "nedevigit" -adjective / "nedevig" -adjective -done / "nedev" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "ned" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -powerful / no,_not- "dev" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "devig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dev" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "devigit" -adjective / no,_not- "devig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dev" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- "vigit" -adjective / no,_not- of- "vig" -adjective -done / no,_not- of- second_person- "git" -adjective 〕 〔 "nedevig" -adjective -past_passive / "nedev" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "ned" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -powerful / no,_not- "dev" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "devig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "dev" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nedevigita (nedevigit'a)
nedifektit'a undamaged (undamaged'a)
〔 "nedifektit" -adjective / "nedifekt" -adjective -done / no,_not- "difekt" -adjective -done / no,_not- "difektit" -adjective / no,_not- "difekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nedifekt" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "difekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nedifektita (nedifektit'a)
nedifektit'a unscathed (unscaxed'a) nedifektita (nedifektit'a)
nedifinit'a indefinite (indefinit'a)
〔 "nedifinit" -adjective / "nedifin" -adjective -done / "nedif" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / "ned" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine -change_into / no,_not- "dif" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "difin" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dif" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "difinit" -adjective / no,_not- "difin" -adjective -done / no,_not- "dif" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "nedifin" -adjective -past_passive / "nedif" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / "ned" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine -change_into / no,_not- "dif" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "difin" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "dif" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
nedifinita (nedifinit'a)
nedividit'a entire (ent'a)
〔 "nedividit" -adjective / "nedivid" -adjective -done / "nediv" -adjective -done -next_generation / "ned" -adjective -done -next_generation -knowledgable / no,_not- "div" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- "divid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "div" -adjective -done -next_generation / no,_not- "dividit" -adjective / no,_not- "divid" -adjective -done / no,_not- "div" -adjective -done -next_generation 〕 〔 "nedivid" -adjective -past_passive / "nediv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / "ned" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation -knowledgable / no,_not- "div" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "divid" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "div" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation 〕
nedividita (nedividit'a)
neeldonit'a unpublished (neeldonit'a)
〔 "neeldonit" -adjective / "neeldon" -adjective -done / "neeld" -adjective -done -part / no,_not- "eld" -adjective -done -part / no,_not- "eldon" -adjective -done / no,_not- "eld" -adjective -done -part / no,_not- out_of- "don" -adjective -done / no,_not- "eldonit" -adjective / no,_not- "eldon" -adjective -done / no,_not- "eld" -adjective -done -part / no,_not- out_of- "don" -adjective -done / no,_not- out_of- "donit" -adjective / no,_not- out_of- "don" -adjective -done / no,_not- out_of- gift- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "neeldon" -adjective -past_passive / "neeld" -adjective -past_passive -part / no,_not- "eld" -adjective -past_passive -part / no,_not- "eldon" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "eld" -adjective -past_passive -part / no,_not- out_of- "don" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neeldonita (neeldonit'a)
neesplorit'a uncharted (untcart'a)
〔 "neesplorit" -adjective / "neesplor" -adjective -done / "neesplo" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "esplo" -adjective -done -head / "neespl" -adjective -done -value / no,_not- "espl" -adjective -done -value / no,_not- "esplor" -adjective -done / no,_not- "esplo" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "espl" -adjective -done -value / no,_not- "esplorit" -adjective / no,_not- "esplor" -adjective -done / no,_not- "esplo" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "espl" -adjective -done -value 〕 〔 "neesplor" -adjective -past_passive / "neesplo" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "esplo" -adjective -past_passive -head / "neespl" -adjective -past_passive -value / no,_not- "espl" -adjective -past_passive -value / no,_not- "esplor" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "esplo" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "espl" -adjective -past_passive -value 〕
neesplorita (nesplorit'a)
nefinit'a unfinished (unfiniced'a)
〔 "nefinit" -adjective / "nefin" -adjective -done / "nef" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "fin" -adjective -done / no,_not- "finit" -adjective / no,_not- "fin" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nefin" -adjective -past_passive / "nef" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "fin" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nefinita (nefinit'a)
nekatenit'a unencumbered (unencumbered'a)
〔 "nekatenit" -adjective / "nekaten" -adjective -done / "nekat" -adjective -done -goal / "nek" -adjective -done -goal -happening / no,_not- "kat" -adjective -done -goal / neither- "at" -adjective -done -goal / no,_not- "katen" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kat" -adjective -done -goal / neither- "aten" -adjective -done / neither- "at" -adjective -done -goal / no,_not- "katenit" -adjective / no,_not- "katen" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kat" -adjective -done -goal / neither- "atenit" -adjective / neither- "aten" -adjective -done / neither- "at" -adjective -done -goal 〕 〔 "nekaten" -adjective -past_passive / "nekat" -adjective -past_passive -goal / "nek" -adjective -past_passive -goal -happening / no,_not- "kat" -adjective -past_passive -goal / neither- "at" -adjective -past_passive -goal / no,_not- "katen" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "kat" -adjective -past_passive -goal / neither- "aten" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "at" -adjective -past_passive -goal 〕
nekatenita (nekatenit'a)
nekomplikit'a simple (simpl'a)
〔 "nekomplikit" -adjective / "nekomplik" -adjective -done / "nekompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "ompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "komplik" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "omplik" -adjective -done / neither- "ompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "komplikit" -adjective / no,_not- "komplik" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "omplikit" -adjective / neither- "omplik" -adjective -done / neither- "ompl" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "nekomplik" -adjective -past_passive / "nekompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / neither- "ompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "komplik" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "kompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / neither- "omplik" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "ompl" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
nekomplikita (nekomplikit'a)
nekonfirmit'a unconfirmed (unconfirmed'a)
〔 "nekonfirmit" -adjective / "nekonfirm" -adjective -done / no,_not- "konfirm" -adjective -done / neither- "onfirm" -adjective -done / no,_not- "konfirmit" -adjective / no,_not- "konfirm" -adjective -done / neither- "onfirmit" -adjective / neither- "onfirm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nekonfirm" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "konfirm" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "onfirm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nekonfirmita (nekonfirmit'a)
nekonvinkit'a unconvinced (unconvinced'a)
〔 "nekonvinkit" -adjective / "nekonvink" -adjective -done / no,_not- "konvink" -adjective -done / neither- "onvink" -adjective -done / no,_not- "konvinkit" -adjective / no,_not- "konvink" -adjective -done / neither- "onvinkit" -adjective / neither- "onvink" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nekonvink" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "konvink" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "onvink" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nekonvinkita (nekonvinkit'a)
nekuirit'a raw (raw'a)
〔 "nekuirit" -adjective / "nekuir" -adjective -done / "nekui" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "kui" -adjective -done -head / neither- "ui" -adjective -done -head / "neku" -adjective -done -opportunity / no,_not- "ku" -adjective -done -opportunity / neither- "u" -adjective -done -opportunity / no,_not- "kuir" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kui" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "ku" -adjective -done -opportunity / neither- "uir" -adjective -done / neither- "ui" -adjective -done -head / neither- "u" -adjective -done -opportunity / no,_not- "kuirit" -adjective / no,_not- "kuir" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kui" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "ku" -adjective -done -opportunity / neither- "uirit" -adjective / neither- "uir" -adjective -done / neither- "ui" -adjective -done -head / neither- "u" -adjective -done -opportunity 〕 〔 "nekuir" -adjective -past_passive / "nekui" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "kui" -adjective -past_passive -head / neither- "ui" -adjective -past_passive -head / "neku" -adjective -past_passive -opportunity / no,_not- "ku" -adjective -past_passive -opportunity / neither- "u" -adjective -past_passive -opportunity / no,_not- "kuir" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "kui" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "ku" -adjective -past_passive -opportunity / neither- "uir" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "ui" -adjective -past_passive -head / neither- "u" -adjective -past_passive -opportunity 〕
nekuirita (nekuirit'a)
nekuratsit'a untreated (untreat'a)
〔 "nekuratsit" -adjective / "nekurats" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kurats" -adjective -done / neither- "urats" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kuratsit" -adjective / no,_not- "kurats" -adjective -done / neither- "uratsit" -adjective / neither- "urats" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nekurats" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "kurats" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "urats" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nekuracita (nekuracit'a)
nekvalifikit'a unskilled (unskiled'a)
〔 "nekvalifikit" -adjective / "nekvalifik" -adjective -done / "nekvalif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / "nekval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / "nekv" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into -reason / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "val" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / no,_not- "kvalif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "valif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "val" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / no,_not- "kvalifik" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kvalif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "valifik" -adjective -done / neither- "valif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "val" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / no,_not- "kvalifikit" -adjective / no,_not- "kvalifik" -adjective -done / no,_not- "kvalif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "valifikit" -adjective / neither- "valifik" -adjective -done / neither- "valif" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of / neither- "val" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of -change_into 〕 〔 "nekvalifik" -adjective -past_passive / "nekvalif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / "nekval" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / "nekv" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into -reason / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "val" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / no,_not- "kvalif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "valif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / neither- "val" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / no,_not- "kvalifik" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "kvalif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "kval" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into / neither- "valifik" -adjective -past_passive / neither- "valif" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of / neither- "val" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of -change_into 〕
nekvalifikita (nekvalifikit'a)
nelabormeritit'a undeserved (undeserved'a)
〔 "nelabormeritit" -adjective / "nelabormerit" -adjective -done / "nelabormer" -adjective -done -done / "nelaborme" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -done -done -head / "nelaborm" -adjective -done -done -element / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -done -done -element / no,_not- "labormer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -done -done -element / no,_not- "labormerit" -adjective -done / no,_not- "labormer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -done -done -element / no,_not- "labormeritit" -adjective / no,_not- "labormerit" -adjective -done / no,_not- "labormer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -done -done -element 〕 〔 "nelabormerit" -adjective -past_passive / "nelabormer" -adjective -past_passive -done / "nelaborme" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / "nelaborm" -adjective -past_passive -done -element / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -past_passive -done -element / no,_not- "labormer" -adjective -past_passive -done / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -past_passive -done -element / no,_not- "labormerit" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "labormer" -adjective -past_passive -done / no,_not- "laborme" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / no,_not- "laborm" -adjective -past_passive -done -element 〕
nelabormeritita (nelabormeritit'a)
nelegit'a unread (nelegit'a)
〔 "nelegit" -adjective / "neleg" -adjective -done / "nel" -adjective -done -extreme / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done / no,_not- "legit" -adjective / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "neleg" -adjective -past_passive / "nel" -adjective -past_passive -extreme / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nelegita (nelegit'a)
nelegitimit'a unsubstantiated (nelegitimit'a)
〔 "nelegitimit" -adjective / "nelegitim" -adjective -done / "nelegit" -adjective -done -idea / "neleg" -adjective -done -idea -done / "nel" -adjective -done -idea -done -extreme / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done -idea -done / no,_not- "legit" -adjective -done -idea / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done -idea -done / no,_not- "legitim" -adjective -done / no,_not- "legit" -adjective -done -idea / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done -idea -done / no,_not- "legitimit" -adjective / no,_not- "legitim" -adjective -done / no,_not- "legit" -adjective -done -idea / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -done -idea -done 〕 〔 "nelegitim" -adjective -past_passive / "nelegit" -adjective -past_passive -idea / "neleg" -adjective -past_passive -idea -done / "nel" -adjective -past_passive -idea -done -extreme / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -past_passive -idea -done / no,_not- "legit" -adjective -past_passive -idea / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -past_passive -idea -done / no,_not- "legitim" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "legit" -adjective -past_passive -idea / no,_not- "leg" -adjective -past_passive -idea -done 〕
nelegitimita (nelegitimit'a)
nelits'a illegal (ilegal'a)
〔 "nelits" -adjective / no,_not- "lits" -adjective 〕
nelica (nelic'a)
nelitsencit'a illegal (ilegal'a)
〔 "nelitsencit" -adjective / "nelitsenc" -adjective -done / no,_not- "litsenc" -adjective -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -done / no,_not- "litsencit" -adjective / no,_not- "litsenc" -adjective -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsencit" -adjective / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nelitsenc" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "litsenc" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nelicencita (nelicencit'a)
nemeritit'a undeserved (undeserved'a)
〔 "nemeritit" -adjective / "nemerit" -adjective -done / "nemer" -adjective -done -done / "neme" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "me" -adjective -done -done -head / "nem" -adjective -done -done -element / no,_not- "mer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "me" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "merit" -adjective -done / no,_not- "mer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "me" -adjective -done -done -head / no,_not- "meritit" -adjective / no,_not- "merit" -adjective -done / no,_not- "mer" -adjective -done -done / no,_not- "me" -adjective -done -done -head 〕 〔 "nemerit" -adjective -past_passive / "nemer" -adjective -past_passive -done / "neme" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / no,_not- "me" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / "nem" -adjective -past_passive -done -element / no,_not- "mer" -adjective -past_passive -done / no,_not- "me" -adjective -past_passive -done -head / no,_not- "merit" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "mer" -adjective -past_passive -done / no,_not- "me" -adjective -past_passive -done -head 〕
nemeritita (nemeritit'a)
nemodifit'a unmodified (unmodified'a)
〔 "nemodifit" -adjective / "nemodif" -adjective -done / "nemod" -adjective -done -change_into / "nem" -adjective -done -change_into -previous_generation / no,_not- "mod" -adjective -done -change_into / no,_not- "modif" -adjective -done / no,_not- "mod" -adjective -done -change_into / no,_not- "modifit" -adjective / no,_not- "modif" -adjective -done / no,_not- "mod" -adjective -done -change_into 〕 〔 "nemodif" -adjective -past_passive / "nemod" -adjective -past_passive -change_into / "nem" -adjective -past_passive -change_into -previous_generation / no,_not- "mod" -adjective -past_passive -change_into / no,_not- "modif" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "mod" -adjective -past_passive -change_into 〕
nemodifita (nemodifit'a)
nenomit'a unnamed (nenomit'a)
〔 none- "omit" -adjective / none- "om" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nenomit" -adjective / "nenom" -adjective -done / "nen" -adjective -done -degree / no,_not- "nom" -adjective -done / no,_not- "nomit" -adjective / no,_not- "nom" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nenom" -adjective -past_passive / "nen" -adjective -past_passive -degree / no,_not- "nom" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nenomita (nenomit'a)
neornamit'a plain (plain'a)
〔 "neornamit" -adjective / "neornam" -adjective -done / "neorn" -adjective -done -time / no,_not- "orn" -adjective -done -time / no,_not- "ornam" -adjective -done / no,_not- "orn" -adjective -done -time / no,_not- "ornamit" -adjective / no,_not- "ornam" -adjective -done / no,_not- "orn" -adjective -done -time 〕 〔 "neornam" -adjective -past_passive / "neorn" -adjective -past_passive -time / no,_not- "orn" -adjective -past_passive -time / no,_not- "ornam" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "orn" -adjective -past_passive -time 〕
neornamita (neornamit'a)
nepagit'a unpaid (nepagit'a)
〔 "nepagit" -adjective / "nepag" -adjective -done / "nep" -adjective -done -act / no,_not- "pag" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pagit" -adjective / no,_not- "pag" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nepag" -adjective -past_passive / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -act / no,_not- "pag" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nepagita (nepagit'a)
nepetit'a unsolicited (nepetit'a)
〔 "nepetit" -adjective / "nepet" -adjective -done / "nep" -adjective -done -diminutive / no,_not- "pet" -adjective -done / no,_not- "petit" -adjective / no,_not- "pet" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nepet" -adjective -past_passive / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -diminutive / no,_not- "pet" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nepetita (nepetit'a)
neplenumit'a incomplete (incomplet'a)
〔 "neplenumit" -adjective / "neplenum" -adjective -done / "neplen" -adjective -done -derivation / "nepl" -adjective -done -derivation -goal / no,_not- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation / no,_not- "plenum" -adjective -done / no,_not- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation / no,_not- "plenumit" -adjective / no,_not- "plenum" -adjective -done / no,_not- "plen" -adjective -done -derivation 〕 〔 "neplenum" -adjective -past_passive / "neplen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation / "nepl" -adjective -past_passive -derivation -goal / no,_not- "plen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation / no,_not- "plenum" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "plen" -adjective -past_passive -derivation 〕
neplenumita (neplenumit'a)
nepreparit'a unprepared (unprepared'a)
〔 "nepreparit" -adjective / "neprepar" -adjective -done / "neprepa" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "prepa" -adjective -done -head / "neprep" -adjective -done -collection / "nepr" -adjective -done -collection -demonstration / "nep" -adjective -done -collection -demonstration -head / no,_not- "prep" -adjective -done -collection / no,_not- "prepar" -adjective -done / no,_not- "prepa" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "prep" -adjective -done -collection / no,_not- "preparit" -adjective / no,_not- "prepar" -adjective -done / no,_not- "prepa" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "prep" -adjective -done -collection 〕 〔 "neprepar" -adjective -past_passive / "neprepa" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "prepa" -adjective -past_passive -head / "neprep" -adjective -past_passive -collection / "nepr" -adjective -past_passive -collection -demonstration / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -collection -demonstration -head / no,_not- "prep" -adjective -past_passive -collection / no,_not- "prepar" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "prepa" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "prep" -adjective -past_passive -collection 〕
nepreparita (nepreparit'a)
nepretigit'a unprepared (unprepared'a)
〔 "nepretigit" -adjective / "nepretig" -adjective -done / "nepret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "nepr" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive / "nep" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -diminutive -head / no,_not- "pret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pretig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pretigit" -adjective / no,_not- "pretig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pret" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "nepretig" -adjective -past_passive / "nepret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "nepr" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -diminutive -head / no,_not- "pret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pretig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "pret" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
nepretigita (nepretigit'a)
nepripensit'a rash (nepripensit'a)
〔 "nepripensit" -adjective / "nepripens" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pripens" -adjective -done / no,_not- about- "pens" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pripensit" -adjective / no,_not- "pripens" -adjective -done / no,_not- about- "pens" -adjective -done / no,_not- about- "pensit" -adjective / no,_not- about- "pens" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nepripens" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "pripens" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- about- "pens" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nepripensita (nepripensit'a)
neprovokit'a wanton (want'a)
〔 "neprovokit" -adjective / "neprovok" -adjective -done / "neprov" -adjective -done -false / "nepr" -adjective -done -false -ready / "nep" -adjective -done -false -ready -head / no,_not- "prov" -adjective -done -false / no,_not- "provok" -adjective -done / no,_not- "prov" -adjective -done -false / no,_not- on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -done / no,_not- "provokit" -adjective / no,_not- "provok" -adjective -done / no,_not- "prov" -adjective -done -false / no,_not- on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -done / no,_not- on_account_of- "vokit" -adjective / no,_not- on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "neprovok" -adjective -past_passive / "neprov" -adjective -past_passive -false / "nepr" -adjective -past_passive -false -ready / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -false -ready -head / no,_not- "prov" -adjective -past_passive -false / no,_not- "provok" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "prov" -adjective -past_passive -false / no,_not- on_account_of- "vok" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neprovokita (neprovokit'a)
nepruvit'a unsubstantiated (nepruvit'a)
〔 "nepruvit" -adjective / "nepruv" -adjective -done / "nepr" -adjective -done -prepered / "nep" -adjective -done -prepered -head / no,_not- "pruv" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pruvit" -adjective / no,_not- "pruv" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nepruv" -adjective -past_passive / "nepr" -adjective -past_passive -prepered / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -prepered -head / no,_not- "pruv" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nepruvita (nepruvit'a)
nepublikigit'a unpublished (unpubliced'a)
〔 "nepublikigit" -adjective / "nepublikig" -adjective -done / "nepublik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "nepubl" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / "nep" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -decrement / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "publik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "publikig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "publik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "publikigit" -adjective / no,_not- "publikig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "publik" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "nepublikig" -adjective -past_passive / "nepublik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "nepubl" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of -decrement / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "publik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of / no,_not- "publikig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "publik" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "publ" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reminiscent_of 〕
nepublikigita (nepublikigit'a)
nepurigit'a untreated (untreat'a)
〔 "nepurigit" -adjective / "nepurig" -adjective -done / "nepur" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "nepu" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / "nep" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cost / no,_not- "pur" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / no,_not- "purig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pur" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / no,_not- "purigit" -adjective / no,_not- "purig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "pur" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head 〕 〔 "nepurig" -adjective -past_passive / "nepur" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "nepu" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / "nep" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cost / no,_not- "pur" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / no,_not- "purig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "pur" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "pu" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head 〕
nepurigita (nepurigit'a)
neraytigit'a unauthorised (unauxorised'a)
〔 "neraytigit" -adjective / "neraytig" -adjective -done / "nerayt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "rayt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "raytig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "rayt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "raytigit" -adjective / no,_not- "raytig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "rayt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "neraytig" -adjective -past_passive / "nerayt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "rayt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "raytig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "rayt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
nerajtigita (nerajtigit'a)
nerealigit'a unrealized (unrealized'a)
〔 "nerealigit" -adjective / "nerealig" -adjective -done / "nereal" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "nere" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "re" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "real" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "re" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "realig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "real" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "re" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "realigit" -adjective / no,_not- "realig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "real" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "re" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason 〕 〔 "nerealig" -adjective -past_passive / "nereal" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "nere" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "re" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "real" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "re" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reason / no,_not- "realig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "real" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "re" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reason 〕
nerealigita (nerealigit'a)
neregistrit'a unregistered (neregistrit'a)
〔 "neregistrit" -adjective / "neregistr" -adjective -done / "nereg" -adjective -done -has_lead / "ner" -adjective -done -has_lead -extreme / "ne" -adjective -done -has_lead -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -has_lead / "neregist" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "regist" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "registr" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -has_lead / no,_not- "regist" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "registrit" -adjective / no,_not- "registr" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -has_lead / no,_not- "regist" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "neregistr" -adjective -past_passive / "nereg" -adjective -past_passive -has_lead / "ner" -adjective -past_passive -has_lead -extreme / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -has_lead -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -has_lead / "neregist" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "regist" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "registr" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -has_lead / no,_not- "regist" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
neregistrita (neregistrit'a)
nereglamentit'a unregulated (unregulat'a)
〔 "nereglamentit" -adjective / "nereglament" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reglament" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reglamentit" -adjective / no,_not- "reglament" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nereglament" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "reglament" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nereglamentita (nereglamentit'a)
nereguligigit'a unregulated (nereguligigit'a)
〔 "nereguligigit" -adjective / "nereguligig" -adjective -done / "neregulig" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "neregul" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / "nereg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / "ner" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person -extreme / "ne" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "regulig" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "reguligig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "regulig" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "reguligigit" -adjective / no,_not- "reguligig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "regulig" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person 〕 〔 "nereguligig" -adjective -past_passive / "neregulig" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "neregul" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / "nereg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / "ner" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person -extreme / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "regulig" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person / no,_not- "reguligig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "regulig" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -cause_to_become -person 〕
nereguligigita (nereguligigit'a)
neregulit'a unregulated (neregulit'a)
〔 "neregulit" -adjective / "neregul" -adjective -done / "nereg" -adjective -done -person / "ner" -adjective -done -person -extreme / "ne" -adjective -done -person -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -person / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -person / no,_not- "regulit" -adjective / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -done / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -done -person 〕 〔 "neregul" -adjective -past_passive / "nereg" -adjective -past_passive -person / "ner" -adjective -past_passive -person -extreme / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -person -extreme -head / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -person / no,_not- "regul" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "reg" -adjective -past_passive -person 〕
neregulita (neregulit'a)
nerimarkit'a undetected (undetect'a)
〔 "nerimarkit" -adjective / "nerimark" -adjective -done / no,_not- "rimark" -adjective -done / no,_not- "rimarkit" -adjective / no,_not- "rimark" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nerimark" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "rimark" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nerimarkita (nerimarkit'a)
neritc'a low-end (neritc'a)
〔 "neritc" -adjective / "ner" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "ne" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / no,_not- "ritc" -adjective 〕
neriĉa (neritc'a)
nerompit'a intact (nerompit'a)
〔 "nerompit" -adjective / "neromp" -adjective -done / no,_not- "romp" -adjective -done / no,_not- "rompit" -adjective / no,_not- "romp" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "neromp" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "romp" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nerompita (nerompit'a)
nesolvit'a unanswered (unanswered'a)
〔 "nesolvit" -adjective / "nesolv" -adjective -done / no,_not- "solv" -adjective -done / no,_not- "solvit" -adjective / no,_not- "solv" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nesolv" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "solv" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nesolvita (nesolvit'a)
nesolvit'a unresolved (unresolved'a) nesolvita (nesolvit'a)
nestsiigit'a unspecified (nestsiigit'a)
〔 "nestsiigit" -adjective / "nestsiig" -adjective -done / "nestsi" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "stsiig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "stsiigit" -adjective / no,_not- "stsiig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "nestsiig" -adjective -past_passive / "nestsi" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "stsiig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "stsi" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
nesciigita (nestsiigit'a)
nesufitc'a insufficient (insufic'a)
〔 "nesufitc" -adjective / "nesuf" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "nes" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -potential / no,_not- "suf" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / no,_not- "sufitc" -adjective / no,_not- "suf" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
nesufiĉa (nesufitc'a)
nesufitc'a meagre (meagr'a) nesufiĉa (nesufitc'a)
nesufitc'a scarce (scarc'a) nesufiĉa (nesufitc'a)
nesuperit'a unsurpassed (nesuperit'a)
〔 "nesuperit" -adjective / "nesuper" -adjective -done / "nesupe" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "supe" -adjective -done -head / "nesup" -adjective -done -element / "nes" -adjective -done -element -kit / no,_not- "sup" -adjective -done -element / no,_not- "super" -adjective -done / no,_not- "supe" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "sup" -adjective -done -element / no,_not- "superit" -adjective / no,_not- "super" -adjective -done / no,_not- "supe" -adjective -done -head / no,_not- "sup" -adjective -done -element / no,_not- above- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "nesuper" -adjective -past_passive / "nesupe" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "supe" -adjective -past_passive -head / "nesup" -adjective -past_passive -element / "nes" -adjective -past_passive -element -kit / no,_not- "sup" -adjective -past_passive -element / no,_not- "super" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "supe" -adjective -past_passive -head / no,_not- "sup" -adjective -past_passive -element 〕
nesuperita (nesuperit'a)
nesuperpasit'a unsurpassed (unsurpased'a)
〔 "nesuperpasit" -adjective / "nesuperpas" -adjective -done / "nesuperp" -adjective -done -ace / no,_not- "superp" -adjective -done -ace / no,_not- "superpas" -adjective -done / no,_not- "superp" -adjective -done -ace / no,_not- above- "pas" -adjective -done / no,_not- "superpasit" -adjective / no,_not- "superpas" -adjective -done / no,_not- "superp" -adjective -done -ace / no,_not- above- "pas" -adjective -done / no,_not- above- "pasit" -adjective / no,_not- above- "pas" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "nesuperpas" -adjective -past_passive / "nesuperp" -adjective -past_passive -ace / no,_not- "superp" -adjective -past_passive -ace / no,_not- "superpas" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "superp" -adjective -past_passive -ace / no,_not- above- "pas" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nesuperpasita (nesuperpasit'a)
netcerpit'a untapped (unt'a)
〔 "netcerpit" -adjective / "netcerp" -adjective -done / no,_not- "tcerp" -adjective -done / no,_not- "tcerpit" -adjective / no,_not- "tcerp" -adjective -done / no,_not- at- "rpit" -adjective 〕 〔 "netcerp" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "tcerp" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neĉerpita (netcerpit'a)
netestit'a untested (untest'a)
〔 "netestit" -adjective / "netest" -adjective -done / no,_not- "test" -adjective -done / no,_not- "testit" -adjective / no,_not- "test" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "netest" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "test" -adjective -past_passive 〕
netestita (netestit'a)
netucit'a unaffected (unafect'a)
〔 "netucit" -adjective / "netuc" -adjective -done / "net" -adjective -done -independent / no,_not- "tuc" -adjective -done / no,_not- "tucit" -adjective / no,_not- "tuc" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "netuc" -adjective -past_passive / "net" -adjective -past_passive -independent / no,_not- "tuc" -adjective -past_passive 〕
netuŝita (netucit'a)
neutiligit'a unused (neutiligit'a)
〔 "neutiligit" -adjective / "neutilig" -adjective -done / "neutil" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "neut" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool / "ne" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool -likely / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "util" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "util" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utiligit" -adjective / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "util" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -tool 〕 〔 "neutilig" -adjective -past_passive / "neutil" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "neut" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -tool / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -tool -likely / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "util" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -tool / no,_not- "utilig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "util" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "ut" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -tool 〕
neutiligita (neutiligit'a)
neuzit'a unexpended (neuzit'a)
〔 "neuzit" -adjective / "neuz" -adjective -done / "ne" -adjective -done -change / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -done / no,_not- "uzit" -adjective / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "neuz" -adjective -past_passive / "ne" -adjective -past_passive -change / no,_not- "uz" -adjective -past_passive 〕
neuzita (neuzit'a)
neuzit'a unused (neuzit'a) neuzita (neuzit'a)
nevendit'a unsold (nevendit'a)
〔 "nevendit" -adjective / "nevend" -adjective -done / "nev" -adjective -done -important / no,_not- "vend" -adjective -done / no,_not- "vendit" -adjective / no,_not- "vend" -adjective -done / no,_not- come- "dit" -adjective 〕 〔 "nevend" -adjective -past_passive / "nev" -adjective -past_passive -important / no,_not- "vend" -adjective -past_passive 〕
nevendita (nevendit'a)
nezorgigit'a unfazed (unfazed'a)
〔 "nezorgigit" -adjective / "nezorgig" -adjective -done / "nezorg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "zorgig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "zorgigit" -adjective / no,_not- "zorgig" -adjective -done / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "nezorgig" -adjective -past_passive / "nezorg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "zorgig" -adjective -past_passive / no,_not- "zorg" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
nezorgigita (nezorgigit'a)
nomumit'a designate (designat'a)
〔 "nomumit" -adjective / "nomum" -adjective -done / "nom" -adjective -done -derivation 〕 〔 "nomum" -adjective -past_passive / "nom" -adjective -past_passive -derivation 〕
nomumita (nomumit'a)
novebakit'a fledgling (fledgling'a)
〔 "novebakit" -adjective / "novebak" -adjective -done / "noveb" -adjective -done -derived_from 〕 〔 "novebak" -adjective -past_passive / "noveb" -adjective -past_passive -derived_from 〕
novebakita (novebakit'a)
novenaskit'a newborn (newborn'a)
〔 "novenaskit" -adjective / "novenask" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "novenask" -adjective -past_passive 〕
novenaskita (novenaskit'a)
novigit'a updated (updat'a)
〔 "novigit" -adjective / "novig" -adjective -done / "nov" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "novig" -adjective -past_passive / "nov" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
novigita (novigit'a)
novnaskit'a fledgling (fledgling'a)
〔 "novnaskit" -adjective / "novnask" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "novnask" -adjective -past_passive 〕
novnaskita (novnaskit'a)
novnaskit'a newborn (newborn'a) novnaskita (novnaskit'a)
nutroritc'a nutritious (nutritius'a)
〔 "nutroritc" -adjective / "nutror" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "nutro" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "nutr" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value / "nut" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value -head 〕
nutroriĉa (nutroritc'a)
ofendit'a pained (pained'a)
〔 "ofendit" -adjective / "ofend" -adjective -done / "of" -adjective -done -important 〕 〔 "ofend" -adjective -past_passive / "of" -adjective -past_passive -important 〕
ofendita (ofendit'a)
okupit'a occupied (okupit'a)
〔 eight- "upit" -adjective / eight- "up" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "okupit" -adjective / "okup" -adjective -done / "ok" -adjective -done -kit 〕 〔 "okup" -adjective -past_passive / "ok" -adjective -past_passive -kit 〕
olemakulit'a oily (oily'a)
〔 "olemakulit" -adjective / "olemakul" -adjective -done / "olemak" -adjective -done -person / "olem" -adjective -done -person -derived_from / "ol" -adjective -done -person -derived_from -tendency 〕 〔 "olemakul" -adjective -past_passive / "olemak" -adjective -past_passive -person / "olem" -adjective -past_passive -person -derived_from / "ol" -adjective -past_passive -person -derived_from -tendency 〕
olemakulita (olemakulit'a)
orbit'a orbital (orbit'a)
〔 "orbit" -adjective / "orb" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "orb" -adjective -past_passive 〕
orbita (orbit'a)
origit'a gilt (origit'a)
〔 "origit" -adjective / "orig" -adjective -done / "or" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "o" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head 〕 〔 "orig" -adjective -past_passive / "or" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "o" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head 〕
origita (origit'a)
orit'a gilded (orit'a)
〔 "orit" -adjective / "or" -adjective -done / "o" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "or" -adjective -past_passive / "o" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
orita (orit'a)
ortegit'a gilt (gilt'a)
〔 "ortegit" -adjective / "orteg" -adjective -done / "ort" -adjective -done -extreme 〕 〔 "orteg" -adjective -past_passive / "ort" -adjective -past_passive -extreme 〕
ortegita (ortegit'a)
panikit'a panicky (paniky'a)
〔 "panikit" -adjective / "panik" -adjective -done / "pan" -adjective -done -reminiscent_of 〕 〔 "panik" -adjective -past_passive / "pan" -adjective -past_passive -reminiscent_of 〕
panikita (panikit'a)
parazit'a parasitical (parazit'a)
〔 "parazit" -adjective / "paraz" -adjective -done / "par" -adjective -done -mechanism / "pa" -adjective -done -mechanism -head 〕 〔 "paraz" -adjective -past_passive / "par" -adjective -past_passive -mechanism / "pa" -adjective -past_passive -mechanism -head 〕
parazita (parazit'a)
parfumit'a perfumed (perfumed'a)
〔 "parfumit" -adjective / "parfum" -adjective -done / "parf" -adjective -done -derivation 〕 〔 "parfum" -adjective -past_passive / "parf" -adjective -past_passive -derivation 〕
parfumita (parfumit'a)
patritc'a paternal (paternal'a)
〔 "patritc" -adjective / "patr" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "pat" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
perdit'a lost (perdit'a)
〔 "perdit" -adjective / "perd" -adjective -done / with- "dit" -adjective 〕 〔 "perd" -adjective -past_passive 〕
perdita (perdit'a)
perfortit'a battered (bat'a)
〔 "perfortit" -adjective / "perfort" -adjective -done / with- "fort" -adjective -done / with- "fortit" -adjective / with- "fort" -adjective -done / with- away- "tit" -adjective 〕 〔 "perfort" -adjective -past_passive / with- "fort" -adjective -past_passive 〕
perfortita (perfortit'a)
permesit'a allowed (alowed'a)
〔 "permesit" -adjective / "permes" -adjective -done / "perm" -adjective -done -owner / with- "mes" -adjective -done / with- "mesit" -adjective / with- "mes" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "permes" -adjective -past_passive / "perm" -adjective -past_passive -owner / with- "mes" -adjective -past_passive 〕
permesita (permesit'a)
persatelit'a satellite (satelit'a)
〔 "persatelit" -adjective / "persatel" -adjective -done / "persat" -adjective -done -method / "pers" -adjective -done -method -happening / with- "sat" -adjective -done -method / with- "satel" -adjective -done / with- "sat" -adjective -done -method / with- "satelit" -adjective / with- "satel" -adjective -done / with- "sat" -adjective -done -method 〕 〔 "persatel" -adjective -past_passive / "persat" -adjective -past_passive -method / "pers" -adjective -past_passive -method -happening / with- "sat" -adjective -past_passive -method / with- "satel" -adjective -past_passive / with- "sat" -adjective -past_passive -method 〕
persatelita (persatelit'a)
personigit'a custom (personigit'a)
〔 "personigit" -adjective / "personig" -adjective -done / "person" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "pers" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -part / with- "son" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / with- "sonig" -adjective -done / with- "son" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / with- "sonigit" -adjective / with- "sonig" -adjective -done / with- "son" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "personig" -adjective -past_passive / "person" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "pers" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -part / with- "son" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / with- "sonig" -adjective -past_passive / with- "son" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
personigita (personigit'a)
plilongigit'a extended (ext'a)
〔 "plilongigit" -adjective / "plilongig" -adjective -done / "plilong" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "plil" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -extractor 〕 〔 "plilongig" -adjective -past_passive / "plilong" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "plil" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -extractor 〕
plilongigita (plilongigit'a)
plisit'a pleated (pleat'a)
〔 "plisit" -adjective / "plis" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "plis" -adjective -past_passive 〕
plisita (plisit'a)
polits'a police (polic'a)
〔 "polits" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "lits" -adjective 〕
polica (polic'a)
polvokovrit'a dusty (dust'a)
〔 "polvokovrit" -adjective / "polvokovr" -adjective -done / "polvokov" -adjective -done -head / "polvok" -adjective -done -head -ready / "polv" -adjective -done -head -ready -false / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -done -head -ready / at_the_rate_of- "lvokov" -adjective -done -head / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -done -head -ready / at_the_rate_of- "lvokovr" -adjective -done / at_the_rate_of- "lvokov" -adjective -done -head / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -done -head -ready / at_the_rate_of- "lvokovrit" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "lvokovr" -adjective -done / at_the_rate_of- "lvokov" -adjective -done -head / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -done -head -ready 〕 〔 "polvokovr" -adjective -past_passive / "polvokov" -adjective -past_passive -head / "polvok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready / "polv" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready -false / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready / at_the_rate_of- "lvokov" -adjective -past_passive -head / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready / at_the_rate_of- "lvokovr" -adjective -past_passive / at_the_rate_of- "lvokov" -adjective -past_passive -head / at_the_rate_of- "lvok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready 〕
polvokovrita (polvokovrit'a)
postitc'a false (postitc'a)
〔 "postitc" -adjective / "post" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / at_the_rate_of- "stitc" -adjective / after- "itc" -adjective 〕
postiĉa (postitc'a)
postmilit'a postwar (post'a)
〔 "postmilit" -adjective / "postmil" -adjective -done / "postm" -adjective -done -tool / at_the_rate_of- "stmil" -adjective -done / after- "mil" -adjective -done / at_the_rate_of- "stmilit" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "stmil" -adjective -done / after- "milit" -adjective / after- "mil" -adjective -done / after- first_person- "lit" -adjective 〕 〔 "postmil" -adjective -past_passive / "postm" -adjective -past_passive -tool / at_the_rate_of- "stmil" -adjective -past_passive / after- "mil" -adjective -past_passive 〕
postmilita (postmilit'a)
povit'a been able (povit'a)
〔 "povit" -adjective / "pov" -adjective -done / at_the_rate_of- "vit" -adjective 〕 〔 "pov" -adjective -past_passive 〕
povita (povit'a)
preparit'a fit (fit'a)
〔 "preparit" -adjective / "prepar" -adjective -done / "prepa" -adjective -done -head / "prep" -adjective -done -collection 〕 〔 "prepar" -adjective -past_passive / "prepa" -adjective -past_passive -head / "prep" -adjective -past_passive -collection 〕
preparita (preparit'a)
preskribit'a set (set'a)
〔 "preskribit" -adjective / "preskrib" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "preskrib" -adjective -past_passive 〕
preskribita (preskribit'a)
pretervidit'a unrecognised (unrecognised'a)
〔 "pretervidit" -adjective / "pretervid" -adjective -done / "preterv" -adjective -done -next_generation 〕 〔 "pretervid" -adjective -past_passive / "preterv" -adjective -past_passive -next_generation 〕
pretervidita (pretervidit'a)
pretervidit'a unrecognized (unrecognized'a) pretervidita (pretervidit'a)
prikalkulit'a intentional (intent'a)
〔 "prikalkulit" -adjective / "prikalkul" -adjective -done / "prikalk" -adjective -done -person / about- "kalk" -adjective -done -person / about- "kalkul" -adjective -done / about- "kalk" -adjective -done -person / about- "kalkulit" -adjective / about- "kalkul" -adjective -done / about- "kalk" -adjective -done -person 〕 〔 "prikalkul" -adjective -past_passive / "prikalk" -adjective -past_passive -person / about- "kalk" -adjective -past_passive -person / about- "kalkul" -adjective -past_passive / about- "kalk" -adjective -past_passive -person 〕
prikalkulita (prikalkulit'a)
profit'a lucrative (lucrat'a)
〔 "profit" -adjective / "prof" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "fit" -adjective 〕 〔 "prof" -adjective -past_passive 〕
profita (profit'a)
profit'a profitable (profit'a) profita (profit'a)
prokrastit'a deferred (defered'a)
〔 "prokrastit" -adjective / "prokrast" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "krast" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "krastit" -adjective / on_account_of- "krast" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "prokrast" -adjective -past_passive / on_account_of- "krast" -adjective -past_passive 〕
prokrastita (prokrastit'a)
prosperit'a successful (sucesful'a)
〔 "prosperit" -adjective / "prosper" -adjective -done / "prospe" -adjective -done -head / on_account_of- "spe" -adjective -done -head / "prosp" -adjective -done -element / on_account_of- "sper" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "spe" -adjective -done -head / on_account_of- "sperit" -adjective / on_account_of- "sper" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "spe" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "prosper" -adjective -past_passive / "prospe" -adjective -past_passive -head / on_account_of- "spe" -adjective -past_passive -head / "prosp" -adjective -past_passive -element / on_account_of- "sper" -adjective -past_passive / on_account_of- "spe" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
prosperita (prosperit'a)
proyektit'a projected (project'a)
〔 "proyektit" -adjective / "proyekt" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "yekt" -adjective -done / on_account_of- "yektit" -adjective / on_account_of- "yekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "proyekt" -adjective -past_passive / on_account_of- "yekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
projektita (projektit'a)
pucit'a pushed (pucit'a)
〔 "pucit" -adjective / "puc" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "puc" -adjective -past_passive 〕
punktit'a spotted (spot'a)
〔 "punktit" -adjective / "punkt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "punkt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
punktita (punktit'a)
rafinit'a fancy (fancy'a)
〔 "rafinit" -adjective / "rafin" -adjective -done / "raf" -adjective -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "rafin" -adjective -past_passive / "raf" -adjective -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
rafinita (rafinit'a)
raytigit'a competent (competent'a)
〔 "raytigit" -adjective / "raytig" -adjective -done / "rayt" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "raytig" -adjective -past_passive / "rayt" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
rajtigita (rajtigit'a)
rit'a ritual (rit'a)
〔 "rit" -adjective 〕
rita (rit'a)
ritc'a rich (ritc'a)
〔 "ritc" -adjective 〕
riĉa (ritc'a)
ritc'a wealthy (wealxy'a) riĉa (ritc'a)
ritm'a rhythmic (rhyxm'a)
〔 "ritm" -adjective 〕
ritma (ritm'a)
rompit'a broken (rompit'a)
〔 "rompit" -adjective / "romp" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "romp" -adjective -past_passive 〕
rompita (rompit'a)
sablokovrit'a sandy (sandy'a)
〔 "sablokovrit" -adjective / "sablokovr" -adjective -done / "sablokov" -adjective -done -head / "sablok" -adjective -done -head -ready / "sabl" -adjective -done -head -ready -false 〕 〔 "sablokovr" -adjective -past_passive / "sablokov" -adjective -past_passive -head / "sablok" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready / "sabl" -adjective -past_passive -head -ready -false 〕
sablokovrita (sablokovrit'a)
sangomakulit'a bloody (bludy'a)
〔 "sangomakulit" -adjective / "sangomakul" -adjective -done / "sangomak" -adjective -done -person / "sangom" -adjective -done -person -derived_from / "sang" -adjective -done -person -derived_from -degree 〕 〔 "sangomakul" -adjective -past_passive / "sangomak" -adjective -past_passive -person / "sangom" -adjective -past_passive -person -derived_from / "sang" -adjective -past_passive -person -derived_from -degree 〕
sangomakulita (sangomakulit'a)
savit'a safe (saf'a)
〔 "savit" -adjective / "sav" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "sav" -adjective -past_passive 〕
savita (savit'a)
segmentit'a segmented (segment'a)
〔 "segmentit" -adjective / "segment" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "segment" -adjective -past_passive 〕
segmentita (segmentit'a)
sekvavits'a return (return'a)
〔 "sekvavits" -adjective 〕
sekvavica (sekvavic'a)
sekvit'a followed (folowed'a)
〔 "sekvit" -adjective / "sekv" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "sekv" -adjective -past_passive 〕
sekvoritc'a far-reaching (far-reatc'a)
〔 "sekvoritc" -adjective / "sekvor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "sekvo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "sekv" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
sekvoriĉa (sekvoritc'a)
semoritc'a seedy (sedy'a)
〔 "semoritc" -adjective / "semor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "semo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "sem" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
semoriĉa (semoritc'a)
sendefitsit'a balanced (balanced'a)
〔 "sendefitsit" -adjective / "sendefits" -adjective -done / without- "defits" -adjective -done / without- of- "fits" -adjective -done / without- "defitsit" -adjective / without- "defits" -adjective -done / without- of- "fits" -adjective -done / without- of- "fitsit" -adjective / without- of- "fits" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "sendefits" -adjective -past_passive / without- "defits" -adjective -past_passive / without- of- "fits" -adjective -past_passive 〕
sendeficita (sendeficit'a)
senigit'a bereft (bereft'a)
〔 "senigit" -adjective / "senig" -adjective -done / "sen" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / without- "ig" -adjective -done / without- "igit" -adjective / without- "ig" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "senig" -adjective -past_passive / "sen" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / without- "ig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
senigita (senigit'a)
senkonditc'a unconditional (unc'a)
〔 "senkonditc" -adjective / "senkond" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "senk" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -promising / without- "kond" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / without- "konditc" -adjective / without- "kond" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
senkondiĉa (senkonditc'a)
sensprit'a flat (flat'a)
〔 "sensprit" -adjective / "senspr" -adjective -done / "sensp" -adjective -done -head / without- "sprit" -adjective 〕 〔 "senspr" -adjective -past_passive / "sensp" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
sensprita (sensprit'a)
sensuspektit'a unsuspected (unsuspect'a)
〔 "sensuspektit" -adjective / "sensuspekt" -adjective -done / without- "suspekt" -adjective -done / without- "suspektit" -adjective / without- "suspekt" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "sensuspekt" -adjective -past_passive / without- "suspekt" -adjective -past_passive 〕
sensuspektita (sensuspektit'a)
sinyoritc'a gentleman (gentleman'a)
〔 "sinyoritc" -adjective / "sinyor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "sinyo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / reflexive- "nyo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "siny" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value / reflexive- "nyor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / reflexive- "nyo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / reflexive- "nyoritc" -adjective / reflexive- "nyor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / reflexive- "nyo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
spektakloritc'a spectacular (spectac'a)
〔 "spektakloritc" -adjective / "spektaklor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "spektaklo" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "spektakl" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
spektakloriĉa (spektakloritc'a)
spetsialigit'a dedicated (dedicat'a)
〔 "spetsialigit" -adjective / "spetsialig" -adjective -done / "spetsial" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "spetsi" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -reason 〕 〔 "spetsialig" -adjective -past_passive / "spetsial" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "spetsi" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -reason 〕
specialigita (specialigit'a)
spirit'a spiritual (spirit'a)
〔 "spirit" -adjective / "spir" -adjective -done / "spi" -adjective -done -head 〕 〔 "spir" -adjective -past_passive / "spi" -adjective -past_passive -head 〕
spirita (spirit'a)
spits'a piquant (piquant'a)
〔 "spits" -adjective 〕
spica (spic'a)
spits'a spicy (spic'a) spica (spic'a)
spitsoritc'a spicy (spic'a)
〔 "spitsoritc" -adjective / "spitsor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "spitso" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "spits" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
spicoriĉa (spicoritc'a)
sprit'a bright (briqt'a)
〔 "sprit" -adjective 〕
sprita (sprit'a)
sprit'a clever (clever'a) sprita (sprit'a)
sprit'a imaginative (imaginat'a) sprita (sprit'a)
sprit'a ingenious (ingenius'a)
stretcit'a close (clos'a)
〔 "stretcit" -adjective / "stretc" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "stretc" -adjective -past_passive 〕
streĉita (stretcit'a)
stretcit'a intense (int'a) streĉita (stretcit'a)
stretcit'a strained (strained'a) streĉita (stretcit'a)
stretcit'a taut (taut'a) streĉita (stretcit'a)
striit'a streaky (streaky'a)
〔 "striit" -adjective / "stri" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "stri" -adjective -past_passive 〕
striita (strit'a)
subit'a overnight (overniqt'a)
〔 "subit" -adjective / "sub" -adjective -done / beneath- "it" -adjective 〕 〔 "sub" -adjective -past_passive 〕
subita (subit'a)
subit'a sudden (suden'a) subita (subit'a)
sufitc'a enough (enuq'a)
〔 "sufitc" -adjective / "suf" -adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufiĉa (sufitc'a)
sufitc'a sufficient (sufic'a) sufiĉa (sufitc'a)
sukoritc'a succulent (suc'a)
〔 "sukoritc" -adjective / "sukor" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / "suko" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -head / "suk" -adjective -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
sukoriĉa (sukoritc'a)
sumigit'a combined (combined'a)
〔 "sumigit" -adjective / "sumig" -adjective -done / "sum" -adjective -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "sumig" -adjective -past_passive / "sum" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
sumigita (sumigit'a)
superkvalit'a quality (qualit'a)
〔 "superkvalit" -adjective / "superkval" -adjective -done / "superkv" -adjective -done -reason / above- "kval" -adjective -done / above- "kvalit" -adjective / above- "kval" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "superkval" -adjective -past_passive / "superkv" -adjective -past_passive -reason / above- "kval" -adjective -past_passive 〕
superkvalita (superkvalit'a)
superstitc'a superstitious (superstitius'a)
〔 "superstitc" -adjective / "superst" -adjective -grammatical_masculine / above- "stitc" -adjective 〕
surskribit'a written (surskribit'a)
〔 "surskribit" -adjective / "surskrib" -adjective -done / on- "skrib" -adjective -done / on- "skribit" -adjective / on- "skrib" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "surskrib" -adjective -past_passive / on- "skrib" -adjective -past_passive 〕
surskribita (surskribit'a)
tcirkawfermit'a enclosed (enclosed'a)
〔 "tcirkawfermit" -adjective / "tcirkawferm" -adjective -done / around- "awferm" -adjective -done / around- "awfermit" -adjective / around- "awferm" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "tcirkawferm" -adjective -past_passive / around- "awferm" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ĉirkaŭfermita (tcirkawfermit'a)
tegit'a coated (coat'a)
〔 "tegit" -adjective / "teg" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "teg" -adjective -past_passive 〕
tegita (tegit'a)
terurit'a petrified (terurit'a)
〔 "terurit" -adjective / "terur" -adjective -done / "teru" -adjective -done -head / "ter" -adjective -done -cost / "te" -adjective -done -cost -head 〕 〔 "terur" -adjective -past_passive / "teru" -adjective -past_passive -head / "ter" -adjective -past_passive -cost / "te" -adjective -past_passive -cost -head 〕
terurita (terurit'a)
trafit'a stricken (striken'a)
〔 "trafit" -adjective / "traf" -adjective -done / through- "fit" -adjective 〕 〔 "traf" -adjective -past_passive 〕
trafita (trafit'a)
triavits'a third (xird'a)
〔 three- "avits" -adjective 〕 〔 "triavits" -adjective 〕
triavica (triavic'a)
trokarigit'a overpriced (trokarigit'a)
〔 "trokarigit" -adjective / "trokarig" -adjective -done / "trokar" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / "troka" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / excessive- "ka" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / "trok" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -collection / excessive- "kar" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / excessive- "ka" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / excessive- "karig" -adjective -done / excessive- "kar" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / excessive- "ka" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head / excessive- "karigit" -adjective / excessive- "karig" -adjective -done / excessive- "kar" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / excessive- "ka" -adjective -done -cause_to_become -head 〕 〔 "trokarig" -adjective -past_passive / "trokar" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / "troka" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / excessive- "ka" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / "trok" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -collection / excessive- "kar" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / excessive- "ka" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / excessive- "karig" -adjective -past_passive / excessive- "kar" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / excessive- "ka" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become -head 〕
trokarigita (trokarigit'a)
trovit'a found (trovit'a)
〔 "trovit" -adjective / "trov" -adjective -done / excessive- "vit" -adjective 〕 〔 "trov" -adjective -past_passive 〕
trovita (trovit'a)
tsentralizit'a centralized (cent'a)
〔 "tsentralizit" -adjective / "tsentraliz" -adjective -done / "tsentral" -adjective -done -cause / "tsentr" -adjective -done -cause -reason / "tsent" -adjective -done -cause -reason -head 〕 〔 "tsentraliz" -adjective -past_passive / "tsentral" -adjective -past_passive -cause / "tsentr" -adjective -past_passive -cause -reason / "tsent" -adjective -past_passive -cause -reason -head 〕
centralizita (centralizit'a)
tsitr'a citric (citr'a)
〔 "tsitr" -adjective / "tsit" -adjective -head 〕
citra (citr'a)
tsivit'a civic (civic'a)
〔 "tsivit" -adjective / "tsiv" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "tsiv" -adjective -past_passive 〕
civita (civit'a)
tsivit'a municipal (municipal'a) civita (civit'a)
udjit'a departed (depart'a)
〔 "udjit" -adjective / "udj" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "udj" -adjective -past_passive 〕
ukit'a produced (produced'a)
〔 "ukit" -adjective / "uk" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "uk" -adjective -past_passive 〕
unuavits'a leading (leading'a)
〔 "unuavits" -adjective / as one- "avits" -adjective / primary- "vits" -adjective 〕
unuavica (unuavic'a)
vatit'a padded (paded'a)
〔 "vatit" -adjective / "vat" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "vat" -adjective -past_passive 〕
vatita (vatit'a)
verkit'a written (writ'a)
〔 "verkit" -adjective / "verk" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "verk" -adjective -past_passive 〕
vestit'a clad (clad'a)
〔 "vestit" -adjective / "vest" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "vest" -adjective -past_passive 〕
vestita (vestit'a)
vigligit'a animated (animat'a)
〔 "vigligit" -adjective / "viglig" -adjective -done / "vigl" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / second_person- "glig" -adjective -done / second_person- "gligit" -adjective / second_person- "glig" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "viglig" -adjective -past_passive / "vigl" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / second_person- "glig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
vigligita (vigligit'a)
vitr'a glass (glas'a)
〔 "vitr" -adjective / "vit" -adjective -head 〕
vits'a sequence (sequenc'a)
〔 "vits" -adjective 〕
vivigit'a animated (animat'a)
〔 "vivigit" -adjective / "vivig" -adjective -done / "viv" -adjective -done -cause_to_become / second_person- "vig" -adjective -done / second_person- "vigit" -adjective / second_person- "vig" -adjective -done / second_person- second_person- "git" -adjective 〕 〔 "vivig" -adjective -past_passive / "viv" -adjective -past_passive -cause_to_become / second_person- "vig" -adjective -past_passive 〕
vivigita (vivigit'a)
yustits'a judicial (judicial'a)
〔 "yustits" -adjective 〕
justica (jus'a)
zenit'a supreme (suprem'a)
〔 "zenit" -adjective / "zen" -adjective -done 〕 〔 "zen" -adjective -past_passive 〕
arbitr'e arbitrarily (arbitrar'e)
〔 "arbitr" -adverb / "arbit" -adverb -head / "arb" -adverb -head -done 〕
atendit'e duly (duly'e)
〔 "atendit" -adverb / "atend" -adverb -done / "at" -adverb -done -important 〕 〔 "atend" -adverb -past_passive / "at" -adverb -past_passive -important 〕
atendite (atendit'e)
blovit'e blown (blovit'e)
〔 "blovit" -adverb / "blov" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "blov" -adverb -past_passive 〕
blovite (blovit'e)
devigit'e perforce (devigit'e)
〔 "devigit" -adverb / "devig" -adverb -done / "dev" -adverb -done -cause_to_become / of- "vig" -adverb -done / of- "vigit" -adverb / of- "vig" -adverb -done / of- second_person- "git" -adverb 〕 〔 "devig" -adverb -past_passive / "dev" -adverb -past_passive -cause_to_become / of- "vig" -adverb -past_passive 〕
devigite (devigit'e)
didjit'e digitally (digit'e)
〔 "didjit" -adverb / "didj" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "didj" -adverb -past_passive 〕
diĝite (didjit'e)
duavits'e second (second'e)
〔 two- "avits" -adverb 〕 〔 "duavits" -adverb 〕
duavice (duavic'e)
ekskludit'e excludedly (excluded'e)
〔 "ekskludit" -adverb / "eksklud" -adverb -done / "ekskl" -adverb -done -key / outside- "klud" -adverb -done / outside- "kludit" -adverb / outside- "klud" -adverb -done / outside- closure- "it" -adverb / excluding- "it" -adverb 〕 〔 "eksklud" -adverb -past_passive / "ekskl" -adverb -past_passive -key / outside- "klud" -adverb -past_passive 〕
eksplitsit'e explicitly (explicit'e)
〔 "eksplitsit" -adverb / "eksplits" -adverb -done / outside- "plits" -adverb -done / outside- "plitsit" -adverb / outside- "plits" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "eksplits" -adverb -past_passive / outside- "plits" -adverb -past_passive 〕
eksplicite (eksplicit'e)
eksplitsit'e expressly (expresly'e) eksplicite (eksplicit'e)
ekstsit'e thrilling (xriling'e)
〔 "ekstsit" -adverb / "eksts" -adverb -done / outside- "tsit" -adverb 〕 〔 "eksts" -adverb -past_passive 〕
ekscite (ekscit'e)
enkludit'e includedly (included'e)
〔 "enkludit" -adverb / "enklud" -adverb -done / "enkl" -adverb -done -key / in- "klud" -adverb -done / in- "kludit" -adverb / in- "klud" -adverb -done / in- closure- "it" -adverb / including- "it" -adverb 〕 〔 "enklud" -adverb -past_passive / "enkl" -adverb -past_passive -key / in- "klud" -adverb -past_passive 〕
felitc'e happily (hapily'e)
〔 "felitc" -adverb / "fel" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
feliĉe (felitc'e)
felitc'e thankfully (xankfuly'e) feliĉe (felitc'e)
flankenmetit'e aside (flankenmetit'e)
〔 "flankenmetit" -adverb / "flankenmet" -adverb -done / "flankenm" -adverb -done -diminutive / aside- "enm" -adverb -done -diminutive / aside- "enmet" -adverb -done / aside- "enm" -adverb -done -diminutive / aside- in- "met" -adverb -done / aside- "enmetit" -adverb / aside- "enmet" -adverb -done / aside- "enm" -adverb -done -diminutive / aside- in- "met" -adverb -done / aside- in- "metit" -adverb / aside- in- "met" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "flankenmet" -adverb -past_passive / "flankenm" -adverb -past_passive -diminutive / aside- "enm" -adverb -past_passive -diminutive / aside- "enmet" -adverb -past_passive / aside- "enm" -adverb -past_passive -diminutive / aside- in- "met" -adverb -past_passive 〕
flankenmetite (flankenmetit'e)
hipokrit'e hypocritical (hypocrit'e)
〔 "hipokrit" -adverb / "hipokr" -adverb -done / "hipok" -adverb -done -head / "hip" -adverb -done -head -false 〕 〔 "hipokr" -adverb -past_passive / "hipok" -adverb -past_passive -head / "hip" -adverb -past_passive -head -false 〕
hipokrite (hipokrit'e)
hipokrit'e hypocritically (hypocrit'e)
implits'e tacitly (tacit'e)
〔 some- "mplits" -adverb 〕 〔 "implits" -adverb 〕
implice (implic'e)
inkognit'e incognito (incognit'e)
〔 some- "nkognit" -adverb / some- "nkogn" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "inkognit" -adverb / "inkogn" -adverb -done / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adverb -done / not_on_the_outside- "kognit" -adverb / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "inkogn" -adverb -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "kogn" -adverb -past_passive 〕
inkognite (inkognit'e)
intermit'e intermittently (intermitent'e)
〔 some- "ntermit" -adverb / some- "nterm" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "intermit" -adverb / "interm" -adverb -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adverb -done / not_on_the_outside- "termit" -adverb / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adverb -done / between- "mit" -adverb 〕 〔 "interm" -adverb -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -adverb -past_passive 〕
intsit'e provocatively (provocat'e)
〔 some- "ntsit" -adverb 〕 〔 "intsit" -adverb / "ints" -adverb -done / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -adverb 〕 〔 "ints" -adverb -past_passive 〕
incite (incit'e)
kacit'e secretly (kacit'e)
〔 "kacit" -adverb / "kac" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "kac" -adverb -past_passive 〕
kaŝite (kacit'e)
kludit'e closedly (closed'e)
〔 "kludit" -adverb / "klud" -adverb -done / closure- "it" -adverb 〕 〔 "klud" -adverb -past_passive 〕
konditc'e conditionally (condition'e)
〔 "konditc" -adverb / "kond" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
kondiĉe (konditc'e)
konsentit'e admittedly (admit'e)
〔 "konsentit" -adverb / "konsent" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "konsent" -adverb -past_passive 〕
konsentite (konsentit'e)
konsentit'e in agreement konsentite (konsentit'e)
konsentit'e of like mind konsentite (konsentit'e)
konsiderit'e deliberately (deliberat'e)
〔 "konsiderit" -adverb / "konsider" -adverb -done / "konside" -adverb -done -head / "konsid" -adverb -done -element / "kons" -adverb -done -element -next_generation 〕 〔 "konsider" -adverb -past_passive / "konside" -adverb -past_passive -head / "konsid" -adverb -past_passive -element / "kons" -adverb -past_passive -element -next_generation 〕
konsiderite (konsiderit'e)
konstruit'e built (konstruit'e)
〔 "konstruit" -adverb / "konstru" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "konstru" -adverb -past_passive 〕
kortucit'e emotionally (emot'e)
〔 "kortucit" -adverb / "kortuc" -adverb -done / "kort" -adverb -done -independent 〕 〔 "kortuc" -adverb -past_passive / "kort" -adverb -past_passive -independent 〕
kortuŝite (kortucit'e)
kunnaskit'e innately (inat'e)
〔 "kunnaskit" -adverb / "kunnask" -adverb -done / with- "nask" -adverb -done / with- "naskit" -adverb / with- "nask" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "kunnask" -adverb -past_passive / with- "nask" -adverb -past_passive 〕
kunnaskite (kunaskit'e)
lastavits'e last (las'e)
〔 "lastavits" -adverb 〕
lastavice (las'e)
lawmerit'e deservedly (deservedly'e)
〔 "lawmerit" -adverb / "lawmer" -adverb -done / "lawme" -adverb -done -head / according_to- "me" -adverb -done -head / "lawm" -adverb -done -element / according_to- "mer" -adverb -done / according_to- "me" -adverb -done -head / according_to- "merit" -adverb / according_to- "mer" -adverb -done / according_to- "me" -adverb -done -head 〕 〔 "lawmer" -adverb -past_passive / "lawme" -adverb -past_passive -head / according_to- "me" -adverb -past_passive -head / "lawm" -adverb -past_passive -element / according_to- "mer" -adverb -past_passive / according_to- "me" -adverb -past_passive -head 〕
laŭmerite (lawmerit'e)
lits'e legally (legaly'e)
〔 "lits" -adverb 〕
lice (lic'e)
malfelitc'e unfortunately (unfortunately'e)
〔 "malfelitc" -adverb / "malfel" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "malf" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -method / opposite_of- "fel" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / opposite_of- "felitc" -adverb / opposite_of- "fel" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
malfeliĉe (malfelitc'e)
malfermit'e openly (malfermit'e)
〔 "malfermit" -adverb / "malferm" -adverb -done / opposite_of- "ferm" -adverb -done / opposite_of- "fermit" -adverb / opposite_of- "ferm" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "malferm" -adverb -past_passive / opposite_of- "ferm" -adverb -past_passive 〕
malfermite (malfermit'e)
malpermesit'e against the rules
〔 "malpermesit" -adverb / "malpermes" -adverb -done / "malperm" -adverb -done -owner / opposite_of- "perm" -adverb -done -owner / opposite_of- "permes" -adverb -done / opposite_of- "perm" -adverb -done -owner / opposite_of- with- "mes" -adverb -done / opposite_of- "permesit" -adverb / opposite_of- "permes" -adverb -done / opposite_of- "perm" -adverb -done -owner / opposite_of- with- "mes" -adverb -done / opposite_of- with- "mesit" -adverb / opposite_of- with- "mes" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "malpermes" -adverb -past_passive / "malperm" -adverb -past_passive -owner / opposite_of- "perm" -adverb -past_passive -owner / opposite_of- "permes" -adverb -past_passive / opposite_of- "perm" -adverb -past_passive -owner / opposite_of- with- "mes" -adverb -past_passive 〕
malpermesite (malpermesit'e)
malpermesit'e prohibited (prohibit'e) malpermesite (malpermesit'e)
malpermesit'e while prohibited malpermesite (malpermesit'e)
malritc'e poorly (pur'e)
〔 "malritc" -adverb / "malr" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "mal" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -head / opposite_of- "ritc" -adverb 〕
malriĉe (malritc'e)
matritc'e fatherly (faxer'e)
〔 "matritc" -adverb / "matr" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "mat" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
merit'e rightly (riqt'e)
〔 "merit" -adverb / "mer" -adverb -done / "me" -adverb -done -head 〕 〔 "mer" -adverb -past_passive / "me" -adverb -past_passive -head 〕
merite (merit'e)
milit'e waringly (war'e)
〔 "milit" -adverb / "mil" -adverb -done / first_person- "lit" -adverb 〕 〔 "mil" -adverb -past_passive 〕
neatendit'e unexpectedly (neatendit'e)
〔 "neatendit" -adverb / "neatend" -adverb -done / "neat" -adverb -done -important / "ne" -adverb -done -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adverb -done -important / no,_not- "atend" -adverb -done / no,_not- "at" -adverb -done -important / no,_not- "atendit" -adverb / no,_not- "atend" -adverb -done / no,_not- "at" -adverb -done -important 〕 〔 "neatend" -adverb -past_passive / "neat" -adverb -past_passive -important / "ne" -adverb -past_passive -important -happening / no,_not- "at" -adverb -past_passive -important / no,_not- "atend" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- "at" -adverb -past_passive -important 〕
neatendite (neatendit'e)
nedevigit'e voluntarily (nedevigit'e)
〔 "nedevigit" -adverb / "nedevig" -adverb -done / "nedev" -adverb -done -cause_to_become / "ned" -adverb -done -cause_to_become -powerful / no,_not- "dev" -adverb -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- "devig" -adverb -done / no,_not- "dev" -adverb -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adverb -done / no,_not- "devigit" -adverb / no,_not- "devig" -adverb -done / no,_not- "dev" -adverb -done -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adverb -done / no,_not- of- "vigit" -adverb / no,_not- of- "vig" -adverb -done / no,_not- of- second_person- "git" -adverb 〕 〔 "nedevig" -adverb -past_passive / "nedev" -adverb -past_passive -cause_to_become / "ned" -adverb -past_passive -cause_to_become -powerful / no,_not- "dev" -adverb -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- "devig" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- "dev" -adverb -past_passive -cause_to_become / no,_not- of- "vig" -adverb -past_passive 〕
nedevigite (nedevigit'e)
nedifektit'e unimpairedly (unimpairedly'e)
〔 "nedifektit" -adverb / "nedifekt" -adverb -done / no,_not- "difekt" -adverb -done / no,_not- "difektit" -adverb / no,_not- "difekt" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "nedifekt" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- "difekt" -adverb -past_passive 〕
nedifektite (nedifektit'e)
nedividit'e entirely (ent'e)
〔 "nedividit" -adverb / "nedivid" -adverb -done / "nediv" -adverb -done -next_generation / "ned" -adverb -done -next_generation -knowledgable / no,_not- "div" -adverb -done -next_generation / no,_not- "divid" -adverb -done / no,_not- "div" -adverb -done -next_generation / no,_not- "dividit" -adverb / no,_not- "divid" -adverb -done / no,_not- "div" -adverb -done -next_generation 〕 〔 "nedivid" -adverb -past_passive / "nediv" -adverb -past_passive -next_generation / "ned" -adverb -past_passive -next_generation -knowledgable / no,_not- "div" -adverb -past_passive -next_generation / no,_not- "divid" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- "div" -adverb -past_passive -next_generation 〕
nedividite (nedividit'e)
nelits'e illegally (ilegal'e)
〔 "nelits" -adverb / no,_not- "lits" -adverb 〕
nelice (nelic'e)
nelitsencit'e illicitly (ilicit'e)
〔 "nelitsencit" -adverb / "nelitsenc" -adverb -done / no,_not- "litsenc" -adverb -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adverb -done / no,_not- "litsencit" -adverb / no,_not- "litsenc" -adverb -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adverb -done / no,_not- third_person- "tsencit" -adverb / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "nelitsenc" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- "litsenc" -adverb -past_passive / no,_not- third_person- "tsenc" -adverb -past_passive 〕
nelicencite (nelicencit'e)
nepetit'e unbiddenly (nepetit'e)
〔 "nepetit" -adverb / "nepet" -adverb -done / "nep" -adverb -done -diminutive / no,_not- "pet" -adverb -done / no,_not- "petit" -adverb / no,_not- "pet" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "nepet" -adverb -past_passive / "nep" -adverb -past_passive -diminutive / no,_not- "pet" -adverb -past_passive 〕
nepetite (nepetit'e)
nepetit'e without invitation (nepetit'e) nepetite (nepetit'e)
nesufitc'e insufficiently (insufic'e)
〔 "nesufitc" -adverb / "nesuf" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "nes" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -potential / no,_not- "suf" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / no,_not- "sufitc" -adverb / no,_not- "suf" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
nesufiĉe (nesufitc'e)
nesufitc'e under (under'e) nesufiĉe (nesufitc'e)
okupit'e occupiedly (okupit'e)
〔 eight- "upit" -adverb / eight- "up" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "okupit" -adverb / "okup" -adverb -done / "ok" -adverb -done -kit 〕 〔 "okup" -adverb -past_passive / "ok" -adverb -past_passive -kit 〕
patritc'e fatherly (faxer'e)
〔 "patritc" -adverb / "patr" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "pat" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
perdit'e lost (perdit'e)
〔 "perdit" -adverb / "perd" -adverb -done / with- "dit" -adverb 〕 〔 "perd" -adverb -past_passive 〕
povit'e been able (povit'e)
〔 "povit" -adverb / "pov" -adverb -done / at_the_rate_of- "vit" -adverb 〕 〔 "pov" -adverb -past_passive 〕
povite (povit'e)
prikalkulit'e intentionally (intent'e)
〔 "prikalkulit" -adverb / "prikalkul" -adverb -done / "prikalk" -adverb -done -person / about- "kalk" -adverb -done -person / about- "kalkul" -adverb -done / about- "kalk" -adverb -done -person / about- "kalkulit" -adverb / about- "kalkul" -adverb -done / about- "kalk" -adverb -done -person 〕 〔 "prikalkul" -adverb -past_passive / "prikalk" -adverb -past_passive -person / about- "kalk" -adverb -past_passive -person / about- "kalkul" -adverb -past_passive / about- "kalk" -adverb -past_passive -person 〕
prikalkulite (prikalkulit'e)
profit'e of benefit
〔 "profit" -adverb / "prof" -adverb -done / on_account_of- "fit" -adverb 〕 〔 "prof" -adverb -past_passive 〕
profit'e profitably (profit'e) profite (profit'e)
pruvit'e provenly (pruvit'e)
〔 "pruvit" -adverb / "pruv" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "pruv" -adverb -past_passive 〕
rabatit'e having been made cheap
〔 "rabatit" -adverb / "rabat" -adverb -done / "rab" -adverb -done -happening 〕 〔 "rabat" -adverb -past_passive / "rab" -adverb -past_passive -happening 〕
rabatite (rabatit'e)
returnit'e backward (bakward'e)
〔 "returnit" -adverb / "return" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "return" -adverb -past_passive 〕
returnite (returnit'e)
returnit'e backwards (bakward'e) returnite (returnit'e)
ritc'e richly (ritc'e)
〔 "ritc" -adverb 〕
senhezit'e readily (readily'e)
〔 "senhezit" -adverb / "senhez" -adverb -done / "senh" -adverb -done -device / without- "hez" -adverb -done / without- "hezit" -adverb / without- "hez" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "senhez" -adverb -past_passive / "senh" -adverb -past_passive -device / without- "hez" -adverb -past_passive 〕
senhezite (senhezit'e)
senkonditc'e categorically (categoric'e)
〔 "senkonditc" -adverb / "senkond" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "senk" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -promising / without- "kond" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / without- "konditc" -adverb / without- "kond" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
senkondiĉe (senkonditc'e)
sensprit'e flatly (flat'e)
〔 "sensprit" -adverb / "senspr" -adverb -done / "sensp" -adverb -done -head / without- "sprit" -adverb 〕 〔 "senspr" -adverb -past_passive / "sensp" -adverb -past_passive -head 〕
sensprite (sensprit'e)
sintsere dirit'e frankly
〔 reflexive- "ntsere" 〕 〔 "sintser" -location / "sintse" -location -head / reflexive- "ntse" -location -head / "sints" -location -element / reflexive- "ntser" -location / reflexive- "ntse" -location -head 〕 〔 "sintser" -adverb / "sintse" -adverb -head / reflexive- "ntse" -adverb -head / "sints" -adverb -element / reflexive- "ntser" -adverb / reflexive- "ntse" -adverb -head /+/ "dirit" -adverb / "dir" -adverb -done / "di" -adverb -done -head 〕 〔 "dir" -adverb -past_passive / "di" -adverb -past_passive -head 〕
sincere dirite
sintsere dirit'e to tell the truth sincere dirite
spektakloritc'e spectacularly (spectac'e)
〔 "spektakloritc" -adverb / "spektaklor" -adverb -grammatical_masculine / "spektaklo" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -head / "spektakl" -adverb -grammatical_masculine -value 〕
spektakloriĉe (spektakloritc'e)
spirit'e spiritually (spirit'e)
〔 "spirit" -adverb / "spir" -adverb -done / "spi" -adverb -done -head 〕 〔 "spir" -adverb -past_passive / "spi" -adverb -past_passive -head 〕
spirite (spirit'e)
spit'e defiantly (defiant'e)
〔 "spit" -adverb 〕
spite (spit'e)
spit'e despite (spit'e) spite (spit'e)
sprit'e jokingly (jok'e)
〔 "sprit" -adverb 〕
sprite (sprit'e)
stretcit'e narrowly (narowly'e)
〔 "stretcit" -adverb / "stretc" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "stretc" -adverb -past_passive 〕
streĉite (stretcit'e)
subit'e overnight (overniqt'e)
〔 "subit" -adverb / "sub" -adverb -done / beneath- "it" -adverb 〕 〔 "sub" -adverb -past_passive 〕
subite (subit'e)
subit'e sharply (carply'e) subite (subit'e)
subit'e suddenly (suden'e) subite (subit'e)
sufitc'e enough (enuq'e)
〔 "sufitc" -adverb / "suf" -adverb -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
sufitc'e pretty (prety'e) sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
sufitc'e quite a lot sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
sufitc'e sufficiently (sufic'e) sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
triavits'e thirdly (xird'e)
〔 three- "avits" -adverb 〕 〔 "triavits" -adverb 〕
triavice (triavic'e)
trovit'e found (trovit'e)
〔 "trovit" -adverb / "trov" -adverb -done / excessive- "vit" -adverb 〕 〔 "trov" -adverb -past_passive 〕
trovite (trovit'e)
udjit'e departedly (depart'e)
〔 "udjit" -adverb / "udj" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "udj" -adverb -past_passive 〕
ukit'e having been produced
〔 "ukit" -adverb / "uk" -adverb -done 〕 〔 "uk" -adverb -past_passive 〕
unuavits'e primarily (primarily'e)
〔 "unuavits" -adverb / as one- "avits" -adverb / primary- "vits" -adverb 〕
unuavice (unuavic'e)
vitr'e in glass
〔 "vitr" -adverb / "vit" -adverb -head 〕
vizit'e pay a visit
〔 "vizit" -adverb / "viz" -adverb -done / second_person- "zit" -adverb 〕 〔 "viz" -adverb -past_passive 〕
vortits'e by vortex
〔 "vortits" -adverb 〕
agit'i agitate (agitat'i)
〔 "agit" -infinitive / "ag" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "ag" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
agiti (agit'i)
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) agiti (agit'i)
akredit'i accredit (acredit'i)
〔 "akredit" -infinitive / "akred" -infinitive -done / "akr" -infinitive -done -repetition / "ak" -infinitive -done -repetition -head 〕 〔 "akred" -infinitive -past_passive / "akr" -infinitive -past_passive -repetition / "ak" -infinitive -past_passive -repetition -head 〕
akrediti (akredit'i)
cud'ax deditc'i should devote
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "deditc" -infinitive / "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax milit'i should fight
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "milit" -infinitive / "mil" -infinitive -done / first_person- "lit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mil" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
cud'ax profit'i should benefit
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "profit" -infinitive / "prof" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "prof" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
cud'ax sufitc'i should be enough
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "sufitc" -infinitive / "suf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
cud'ax tsit'i should cite
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "tsit" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax tsit'i should quote
cud'ax tsit'i should summon
cud'ax vizit'i should visit
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "vizit" -infinitive / "viz" -infinitive -done / second_person- "zit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "viz" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
cvit'i perspire (perspir'i)
〔 "cvit" -infinitive 〕
ŝviti (cvit'i)
cvit'i sweat (sweat'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
cvit'i to perspire (perspir'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
cvit'i to sweat (sweat'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
debit'i retail (ret'i)
〔 "debit" -infinitive / "deb" -infinitive -done / of- "bit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "deb" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
debiti (debit'i)
deditc'i dedicate (dedic'i)
〔 "deditc" -infinitive / "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
dediĉi (deditc'i)
deditc'i devote (devot'i) dediĉi (deditc'i)
deditc'i to dedicate (dedic'i) dediĉi (deditc'i)
dev'ax deditc'i must devote
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "deditc" -infinitive / "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax milit'i must fight
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "milit" -infinitive / "mil" -infinitive -done / first_person- "lit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mil" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ax profit'i must benefit
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "profit" -infinitive / "prof" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "prof" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ax sufitc'i must be enough
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "sufitc" -infinitive / "suf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
dev'ax tsit'i must cite
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "tsit" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax tsit'i must quote
dev'ax tsit'i must summon
dev'ax vizit'i must visit
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "vizit" -infinitive / "viz" -infinitive -done / second_person- "zit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "viz" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ix deditc'i needed to devote
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "deditc" -infinitive / "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix milit'i needed to fight
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "milit" -infinitive / "mil" -infinitive -done / first_person- "lit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mil" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ix profit'i needed to benefit
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "profit" -infinitive / "prof" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "prof" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ix sufitc'i needed to be enough
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "sufitc" -infinitive / "suf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
dev'ix tsit'i needed to cite
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "tsit" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix tsit'i needed to quote
dev'ix tsit'i needed to summon
dev'ix vizit'i needed to visit
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "vizit" -infinitive / "viz" -infinitive -done / second_person- "zit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "viz" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ox deditc'i will need to devote
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "deditc" -infinitive / "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox milit'i will need to fight
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "milit" -infinitive / "mil" -infinitive -done / first_person- "lit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mil" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ox profit'i will need to benefit
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "profit" -infinitive / "prof" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "prof" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
dev'ox sufitc'i will need to be enough
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "sufitc" -infinitive / "suf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
dev'ox tsit'i will need to cite
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "tsit" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox tsit'i will need to quote
dev'ox tsit'i will need to summon
dev'ox vizit'i will need to visit
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "vizit" -infinitive / "viz" -infinitive -done / second_person- "zit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "viz" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i)
〔 "diskredit" -infinitive / "diskred" -infinitive -done / "diskr" -infinitive -done -repetition / "disk" -infinitive -done -repetition -head / scatter- "kred" -infinitive -done / scatter- "kredit" -infinitive / scatter- "kred" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "diskred" -infinitive -past_passive / "diskr" -infinitive -past_passive -repetition / "disk" -infinitive -past_passive -repetition -head / scatter- "kred" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
diskrediti (diskredit'i)
ekstsit'i excite (excit'i)
〔 "ekstsit" -infinitive / "eksts" -infinitive -done / outside- "tsit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "eksts" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
eksciti (ekscit'i)
ekstsit'i to excite (excit'i) eksciti (ekscit'i)
ekvizit'i begin (begin'i)
〔 "ekvizit" -infinitive / "ekviz" -infinitive -done / "ekv" -infinitive -done -cause 〕 〔 "ekviz" -infinitive -past_passive / "ekv" -infinitive -past_passive -cause 〕
ekviziti (ekvizit'i)
elglit'i slip (slip'i)
〔 "elglit" -infinitive / "elgl" -infinitive -done / out_of- "glit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "elgl" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
elgliti (elglit'i)
endeditc'i initiate (initiat'i)
〔 "endeditc" -infinitive / "ended" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / "end" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine -repetition / in- "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / in- "deditc" -infinitive / in- "ded" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / in- of- "ditc" -infinitive 〕
endediĉi (endeditc'i)
esplorvizit'i survey (survey'i)
〔 "esplorvizit" -infinitive / "esplorviz" -infinitive -done / "esplorv" -infinitive -done -cause 〕 〔 "esplorviz" -infinitive -past_passive / "esplorv" -infinitive -past_passive -cause 〕
esplorviziti (esplorvizit'i)
evit'i avoid (avoid'i)
〔 "evit" -infinitive / "ev" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "ev" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
eviti (evit'i)
evit'i circumvent (circumvent'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i dodge (dodg'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i duck (duk'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i escape (escap'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i evade (evad'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i shirk (cirk'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i sidestep (sidest'i) eviti (evit'i)
evit'i to avoid (avoid'i) eviti (evit'i)
felitc'i to be happy
〔 "felitc" -infinitive / "fel" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
frit'i fry (fry'i)
〔 "frit" -infinitive 〕
friti (frit'i)
frit'i to fry (fry'i) friti (frit'i)
glit'i glide (glid'i)
〔 "glit" -infinitive 〕
gliti (glit'i)
glit'i slide (slid'i) gliti (glit'i)
glit'i slip (slip'i) gliti (glit'i)
glit'i to glide (glid'i) gliti (glit'i)
glit'i to slide (slid'i)
gravit'i gravitate (gravit'i)
〔 "gravit" -infinitive / "grav" -infinitive -done / canceled- "vit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "grav" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
graviti (gravit'i)
hezit'i hesitate (hesitat'i)
〔 "hezit" -infinitive / "hez" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "hez" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
heziti (hezit'i)
hezit'i to hesitate (hesitat'i) heziti (hezit'i)
hezit'i waver (waver'i) heziti (hezit'i)
imit'i imitate (imitat'i)
〔 some- "mit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "imit" -infinitive / "im" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "im" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
imiti (imit'i)
imit'i mimic (mimic'i) imiti (imit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imiti (imit'i)
implits'i connote (conot'i)
〔 some- "mplits" -infinitive 〕 〔 "implits" -infinitive 〕
implici (implic'i)
implits'i imply (imply'i) implici (implic'i)
implits'i to imply (imply'i) implici (implic'i)
inits'i initiate (initiat'i)
〔 some- "nits" -infinitive 〕 〔 "inits" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "its" -infinitive 〕
inici (inic'i)
intermit'i to break (break'i)
〔 some- "ntermit" -infinitive / some- "nterm" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "intermit" -infinitive / "interm" -infinitive -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -infinitive -done / not_on_the_outside- "termit" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -infinitive -done / between- "mit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "interm" -infinitive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
intermiti (intermit'i)
intsit'i to bait (bait'i)
〔 some- "ntsit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "intsit" -infinitive / "ints" -infinitive -done / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "ints" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
inciti (incit'i)
intsit'i to foment (foment'i) inciti (incit'i)
intsit'i to incite (incit'i) inciti (incit'i)
intsit'i to provoke (provok'i)
intsit'i to spark (spark'i) inciti (incit'i)
invit'i to invite (invit'i)
〔 some- "nvit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "invit" -infinitive / "inv" -infinitive -done / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "inv" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
inviti (invit'i)
irit'i to aggravate (irit'i)
〔 some- "rit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "irit" -infinitive / "ir" -infinitive -done / "i" -infinitive -done -head 〕 〔 "ir" -infinitive -past_passive / "i" -infinitive -past_passive -head 〕
iriti (irit'i)
kaltsitr'i to rebel (rebel'i)
〔 "kaltsitr" -infinitive / "kaltsit" -infinitive -head / "kalts" -infinitive -head -done 〕
kalcitri (kalcitr'i)
komplits'i to collude (colud'i)
〔 "komplits" -infinitive 〕
komplici (komplic'i)
kompromit'i to engage (engag'i)
〔 "kompromit" -infinitive / "komprom" -infinitive -done / "kompr" -infinitive -done -degree / "komp" -infinitive -done -degree -head 〕 〔 "komprom" -infinitive -past_passive / "kompr" -infinitive -past_passive -degree / "komp" -infinitive -past_passive -degree -head 〕
kompromiti (kompromit'i)
konditc'i to condition (condition'i)
〔 "konditc" -infinitive / "kond" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
konditc'i to stipulate (stipulat'i) kondiĉi (konditc'i)
konfit'i to preserve (preserv'i)
〔 "konfit" -infinitive / "konf" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "konf" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
konfiti (konfit'i)
kredit'i to credit (credit'i)
〔 "kredit" -infinitive / "kred" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "kred" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
krediti (kredit'i)
krepit'i to crackle (crakl'i)
〔 "krepit" -infinitive / "krep" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "krep" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
krepiti (krepit'i)
lits'i to allow (alow'i)
〔 "lits" -infinitive 〕
lici (lic'i)
malevit'i to face (fac'i)
〔 "malevit" -infinitive / "malev" -infinitive -done / "mal" -infinitive -done -powerful / opposite_of- "ev" -infinitive -done / opposite_of- "evit" -infinitive / opposite_of- "ev" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "malev" -infinitive -past_passive / "mal" -infinitive -past_passive -powerful / opposite_of- "ev" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
maleviti (malevit'i)
malfelitc'i to sadden (sad'i)
〔 "malfelitc" -infinitive / "malfel" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / "malf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine -method / opposite_of- "fel" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine / opposite_of- "felitc" -infinitive / opposite_of- "fel" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
malfeliĉi (malfelitc'i)
malimplits'i to unpack (unpak'i)
〔 "malimplits" -infinitive / opposite_of- "implits" -infinitive 〕
malimplici (malimplic'i)
medit'i to meditate (medit'i)
〔 "medit" -infinitive / "med" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "med" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
mediti (medit'i)
medit'i to muse (mus'i) mediti (medit'i)
merit'i to deserve (deserv'i)
〔 "merit" -infinitive / "mer" -infinitive -done / "me" -infinitive -done -head 〕 〔 "mer" -infinitive -past_passive / "me" -infinitive -past_passive -head 〕
meriti (merit'i)
merit'i to merit (merit'i) meriti (merit'i)
milit'i to fight (fiqt'i)
〔 "milit" -infinitive / "mil" -infinitive -done / first_person- "lit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "mil" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
milit'i to fight (fiqt'i) militi (milit'i)
milit'i to war (war'i) militi (milit'i)
moderit'i to be moderated
〔 "moderit" -infinitive / "moder" -infinitive -done / "mode" -infinitive -done -head / "mod" -infinitive -done -element 〕 〔 "moder" -infinitive -past_passive / "mode" -infinitive -past_passive -head / "mod" -infinitive -past_passive -element 〕
nit'i to rivet (rivet'i)
〔 "nit" -infinitive 〕
niti (nit'i)
ofits'i to function (function'i)
〔 "ofits" -infinitive 〕
ofici (ofic'i)
orbit'i to orbit (orbit'i)
〔 "orbit" -infinitive / "orb" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "orb" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
orbiti (orbit'i)
pretsipit'i to precipitate (precipitat'i)
〔 "pretsipit" -infinitive / "pretsip" -infinitive -done / "prets" -infinitive -done -structure 〕 〔 "pretsip" -infinitive -past_passive / "prets" -infinitive -past_passive -structure 〕
precipiti (precipit'i)
profit'i to benefit (benefit'i)
〔 "profit" -infinitive / "prof" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "prof" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
profiti (profit'i)
profit'i to profit (profit'i) profiti (profit'i)
prostituit'i to prostitute (prostitut'i)
〔 "prostituit" -infinitive / "prostitu" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "stitu" -infinitive -done / on_account_of- "stituit" -infinitive / on_account_of- "stitu" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "prostitu" -infinitive -past_passive / on_account_of- "stitu" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
prostituiti (prostituit'i)
〔 "publits" -infinitive 〕
publici (public'i)
rehabilit'i to redeem (redem'i)
〔 "rehabilit" -infinitive / "rehabil" -infinitive -done / "rehab" -infinitive -done -tool 〕 〔 "rehabil" -infinitive -past_passive / "rehab" -infinitive -past_passive -tool 〕
rehabiliti (rehabilit'i)
rehabilit'i to rehabilitate (rehabilitat'i) rehabiliti (rehabilit'i)
reintsit'i to reignite (reignit'i)
〔 "reintsit" -infinitive / "reints" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "reints" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
reinciti (reincit'i)
retsit'i to recite (recit'i)
〔 "retsit" -infinitive / "rets" -infinitive -done 〕 〔 "rets" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
reciti (recit'i)
revizit'i to return (ret'i)
〔 "revizit" -infinitive / "reviz" -infinitive -done / "rev" -infinitive -done -cause 〕 〔 "reviz" -infinitive -past_passive / "rev" -infinitive -past_passive -cause 〕
reviziti (revizit'i)
revizit'i to revisit (revisit'i) reviziti (revizit'i)
rondovizit'i to tour (tur'i)
〔 "rondovizit" -infinitive / "rondoviz" -infinitive -done / "rondov" -infinitive -done -cause / "rond" -infinitive -done -cause -ready 〕 〔 "rondoviz" -infinitive -past_passive / "rondov" -infinitive -past_passive -cause / "rond" -infinitive -past_passive -cause -ready 〕
rondoviziti (rondovizit'i)
spit'i to brave (brav'i)
〔 "spit" -infinitive 〕
spiti (spit'i)
spit'i to defy (defy'i) spiti (spit'i)
spit'i to spite (spit'i) spiti (spit'i)
spits'i to season (seas'i)
〔 "spits" -infinitive 〕
spici (spic'i)
split'i to split (split'i)
〔 "split" -infinitive 〕
spliti (split'i)
sprit'i to joke (jok'i)
〔 "sprit" -infinitive 〕
spriti (sprit'i)
sufitc'i to be enough
〔 "sufitc" -infinitive / "suf" -infinitive -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufitc'i to suffice (sufic'i) sufiĉi (sufitc'i)
tcirkawevit'i to elude (tcirkawevit'i)
〔 "tcirkawevit" -infinitive / "tcirkawev" -infinitive -done / "tcirkaw" -infinitive -done -powerful / "tcirk" -infinitive -done -powerful -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -infinitive -done -powerful / around- "awev" -infinitive -done / around- "aw" -infinitive -done -powerful / around- "awevit" -infinitive / around- "awev" -infinitive -done / around- "aw" -infinitive -done -powerful 〕 〔 "tcirkawev" -infinitive -past_passive / "tcirkaw" -infinitive -past_passive -powerful / "tcirk" -infinitive -past_passive -powerful -in_any_sense / around- "aw" -infinitive -past_passive -powerful / around- "awev" -infinitive -past_passive / around- "aw" -infinitive -past_passive -powerful 〕
ĉirkaŭeviti (tcirkawevit'i)
traglit'i to slip (slip'i)
〔 "traglit" -infinitive / "tragl" -infinitive -done / through- "glit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "tragl" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
tragliti (traglit'i)
tsit'i to cite (cit'i)
〔 "tsit" -infinitive 〕
citi (cit'i)
tsit'i to quote (quot'i) citi (cit'i)
tsit'i to quote (quot'i)
tsit'i to summon (sumon'i)
vizit'i to visit (visit'i)
〔 "vizit" -infinitive / "viz" -infinitive -done / second_person- "zit" -infinitive 〕 〔 "viz" -infinitive -past_passive 〕
viziti (vizit'i)
aermilit'o air warfare
〔 "aermilit" -substantive / "aermil" -substantive -done / "aerm" -substantive -done -tool 〕 〔 "aermil" -substantive -past_passive / "aerm" -substantive -past_passive -tool 〕
aermilito (aermilit'o)
aerolit'o meteorite (meteorit'o)
〔 "aerolit" -substantive / "aerol" -substantive -done / "aer" -substantive -done -compared_to / "ae" -substantive -done -compared_to -head / "a" -substantive -done -compared_to -element 〕 〔 "aerol" -substantive -past_passive / "aer" -substantive -past_passive -compared_to / "ae" -substantive -past_passive -compared_to -head / "a" -substantive -past_passive -compared_to -element 〕
aerolito (aerolit'o)
afidavit'o affidavit (afidavit'o)
〔 "afidavit" -substantive / "afidav" -substantive -done / "afid" -substantive -done -capable / "af" -substantive -done -capable -next_generation 〕 〔 "afidav" -substantive -past_passive / "afid" -substantive -past_passive -capable / "af" -substantive -past_passive -capable -next_generation 〕
afidavito (afidavit'o)
agit'o agitation (agitat'o)
〔 "agit" -substantive / "ag" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "ag" -substantive -past_passive 〕
agito (agit'o)
akonit'o aconite (aconit'o)
〔 "akonit" -substantive / "akon" -substantive -done / "ak" -substantive -done -part 〕 〔 "akon" -substantive -past_passive / "ak" -substantive -past_passive -part 〕
akonito (akonit'o)
akredit'o accreditation (acredit'o)
〔 "akredit" -substantive / "akred" -substantive -done / "akr" -substantive -done -repetition / "ak" -substantive -done -repetition -head 〕 〔 "akred" -substantive -past_passive / "akr" -substantive -past_passive -repetition / "ak" -substantive -past_passive -repetition -head 〕
akredito (akredit'o)
aktsipitr'o hawk (hawk'o)
〔 "aktsipitr" -substantive / "aktsipit" -substantive -head / "aktsip" -substantive -head -done / "akts" -substantive -head -done -structure 〕
akcipitro (akcipitr'o)
akuzit'o defendant (defendant'o)
〔 "akuzit" -substantive / "akuz" -substantive -done / "ak" -substantive -done -change 〕 〔 "akuz" -substantive -past_passive / "ak" -substantive -past_passive -change 〕
akuzito (akuzit'o)
algoritm'o algorithm (algorixm'o)
〔 "algoritm" -substantive / to_or_toward- "goritm" -substantive 〕
algoritmo (algoritm'o)
aliantsit'o ally (aly'o)
〔 "aliantsit" -substantive / "aliants" -substantive -done / to_or_toward- "iants" -substantive -done / to_or_toward- "iantsit" -substantive / to_or_toward- "iants" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "aliants" -substantive -past_passive / to_or_toward- "iants" -substantive -past_passive 〕
aliancito (aliancit'o)
altkapatsit'o broadband (broadband'o)
〔 "altkapatsit" -substantive / "altkapats" -substantive -done / to_or_toward- "tkapats" -substantive -done / to_or_toward- "tkapatsit" -substantive / to_or_toward- "tkapats" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "altkapats" -substantive -past_passive / to_or_toward- "tkapats" -substantive -past_passive 〕
altkapacito (altkapacit'o)
altkvalit'o class (clas'o)
〔 "altkvalit" -substantive / "altkval" -substantive -done / "altkv" -substantive -done -reason / to_or_toward- "tkval" -substantive -done / to_or_toward- "tkvalit" -substantive / to_or_toward- "tkval" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "altkval" -substantive -past_passive / "altkv" -substantive -past_passive -reason / to_or_toward- "tkval" -substantive -past_passive 〕
altkvalito (altkvalit'o)
antawkonditc'o precondition (prec'o)
〔 "antawkonditc" -substantive / "antawkond" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "antawk" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -promising / before- "kond" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / before- "konditc" -substantive / before- "kond" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
antaŭkondiĉo (antawkonditc'o)
antawkonditc'o prerequisite (prerequisit'o) antaŭkondiĉo (antawkonditc'o)
apendits'o appendix (apendix'o)
〔 "apendits" -substantive 〕
apendico (apendic'o)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o)
〔 "apetit" -substantive / "apet" -substantive -done / "ap" -substantive -done -diminutive 〕 〔 "apet" -substantive -past_passive / "ap" -substantive -past_passive -diminutive 〕
apetito (apetit'o)
arbitr'o arbitrator (arbitrator'o)
〔 "arbitr" -substantive / "arbit" -substantive -head / "arb" -substantive -head -done 〕
arestit'o arrested person
〔 "arestit" -substantive / "arest" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "arest" -substantive -past_passive 〕
arestito (arestit'o)
armistits'o armistice (armis'o)
〔 "armistits" -substantive 〕
armistico (armis'o)
armit'o gunman (gunman'o)
〔 "armit" -substantive / "arm" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "arm" -substantive -past_passive 〕
armito (armit'o)
artrit'o arthritis (arxrit'o)
〔 "artrit" -substantive / "artr" -substantive -done / "art" -substantive -done -head 〕 〔 "artr" -substantive -past_passive / "art" -substantive -past_passive -head 〕
artrito (artrit'o)
asotsiit'o associate (asociat'o)
〔 "asotsiit" -substantive / "asotsi" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "asotsi" -substantive -past_passive 〕
asociito (asocit'o)
asotsiit'o partner (part'o) asociito (asocit'o)
atendovits'o queue (queu'o)
〔 "atendovits" -substantive 〕
atendovico (atendovic'o)
atendvits'o line (lin'o)
〔 "atendvits" -substantive 〕
atendvico (atendvic'o)
avitc'o grandfather (grandfaxer'o)
〔 "avitc" -substantive / "av" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
avo (av'o)
bakelit'o bakelite (bakelit'o)
〔 "bakelit" -substantive / "bakel" -substantive -done / "bak" -substantive -done -method 〕 〔 "bakel" -substantive -past_passive / "bak" -substantive -past_passive -method 〕
bakelito (bakelit'o)
bandit'o bandit (bandit'o)
〔 "bandit" -substantive / "band" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "band" -substantive -past_passive 〕
bandito (bandit'o)
baronitc'o baron (baronitc'o)
〔 "baronitc" -substantive / "baron" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "bar" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -part / "ba" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -part -head 〕
barono (baronitc'o)
batalspirit'o morale (moral'o)
〔 "batalspirit" -substantive / "batalspir" -substantive -done / "batalspi" -substantive -done -head / "batalsp" -substantive -done -opportunity 〕 〔 "batalspir" -substantive -past_passive / "batalspi" -substantive -past_passive -head / "batalsp" -substantive -past_passive -opportunity 〕
batalspirito (batalspirit'o)
bataltrafit'o loss (los'o)
〔 "bataltrafit" -substantive / "bataltraf" -substantive -done / "bataltr" -substantive -done -actual / "batalt" -substantive -done -actual -head 〕 〔 "bataltraf" -substantive -past_passive / "bataltr" -substantive -past_passive -actual / "batalt" -substantive -past_passive -actual -head 〕
bataltrafito (bataltrafit'o)
bebitc'o baby (baby'o)
〔 "bebitc" -substantive / "beb" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
bebo (beb'o)
bebolit'o cot (cot'o)
〔 "bebolit" -substantive / "bebol" -substantive -done / "beb" -substantive -done -compared_to 〕 〔 "bebol" -substantive -past_passive / "beb" -substantive -past_passive -compared_to 〕
bebolito (bebolit'o)
bebolit'o crib (crib'o) bebolito (bebolit'o)
benefits'o benefit (benefit'o)
〔 "benefits" -substantive 〕
benefico (benefic'o)
biologia milit'o germ warfare
〔 "biologi" -type_or_kind 〕 〔 "biologi" -adjective 〕 〔 "biolog" -adjective -proform / "biol" -adjective -proform -construct / "bi" -adjective -proform -construct -compared_to /+/ "milit" -substantive / "mil" -substantive -done / first_person- "lit" -substantive 〕 〔 "mil" -substantive -past_passive 〕
biologia milito
biskvit'o biscuit (biscuit'o)
〔 "biskvit" -substantive / "biskv" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "biskv" -substantive -past_passive 〕
biskvito (biskvit'o)
biskvit'o cracker (craker'o) biskvito (biskvit'o)
bit'o bit (bit'o)
〔 "bit" -substantive 〕
bito (bit'o)
ciplit'o bunk (bunk'o)
〔 "ciplit" -substantive / "cipl" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "cipl" -substantive -past_passive 〕
ŝiplito (ciplit'o)
cvit'o sweat (sweat'o)
〔 "cvit" -substantive 〕
ŝvito (cvit'o)
debit'o demand (demand'o)
〔 "debit" -substantive / "deb" -substantive -done / of- "bit" -substantive 〕 〔 "deb" -substantive -past_passive 〕
debito (debit'o)
debitit'o debtor (debt'o)
〔 "debitit" -substantive / "debit" -substantive -done / "deb" -substantive -done -done / of- "bit" -substantive -done / of- "bitit" -substantive / of- "bit" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "debit" -substantive -past_passive / "deb" -substantive -past_passive -done / of- "bit" -substantive -past_passive 〕
debitito (debitit'o)
deditc'o commitment (comitment'o)
〔 "deditc" -substantive / "ded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -substantive 〕
dediĉo (deditc'o)
deditc'o dedication (dedic'o) dediĉo (deditc'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o)
〔 "defitsit" -substantive / "defits" -substantive -done / of- "fits" -substantive -done / of- "fitsit" -substantive / of- "fits" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "defits" -substantive -past_passive / of- "fits" -substantive -past_passive 〕
deficito (deficit'o)
delegit'o delegate (delegit'o)
〔 "delegit" -substantive / "deleg" -substantive -done / "del" -substantive -done -extreme / of- "leg" -substantive -done / of- "legit" -substantive / of- "leg" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "deleg" -substantive -past_passive / "del" -substantive -past_passive -extreme / of- "leg" -substantive -past_passive 〕
delegito (delegit'o)
delits'o delight (deliqt'o)
〔 "delits" -substantive / of- "lits" -substantive 〕
delico (delic'o)
deputit'o deputy (deput'o)
〔 "deputit" -substantive / "deput" -substantive -done / "dep" -substantive -done -likely / of- "put" -substantive -done / of- "putit" -substantive / of- "put" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "deput" -substantive -past_passive / "dep" -substantive -past_passive -likely / of- "put" -substantive -past_passive 〕
deputito (deputit'o)
deputit'o rep (rep'o) deputito (deputit'o)
diitc'o god (god'o)
〔 "diitc" -substantive / "di" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
dio (di'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o)
〔 "dinamit" -substantive / "dinam" -substantive -done / "din" -substantive -done -time 〕 〔 "dinam" -substantive -past_passive / "din" -substantive -past_passive -time 〕
dinamito (dinamit'o)
direktrits'o guideline (guidelin'o)
〔 "direktrits" -substantive 〕
direktrico (direktric'o)
dorlotit'o pet (pet'o)
〔 "dorlotit" -substantive / "dorlot" -substantive -done / "dorl" -substantive -done -upcoming 〕 〔 "dorlot" -substantive -past_passive / "dorl" -substantive -past_passive -upcoming 〕
dorlotito (dorlotit'o)
dukitc'o duke (duk'o)
〔 two- "kitc" -substantive 〕 〔 "dukitc" -substantive / "duk" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
duko (duk'o)
dungit'o employee (employ'o)
〔 two- "ngit" -substantive 〕 〔 "dungit" -substantive / "dung" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "dung" -substantive -past_passive 〕
dungito (dungit'o)
edzitc'o husband (husband'o)
〔 "edzitc" -substantive / "edz" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
edzo (edz'o)
ekstsit'o excitation (excit'o)
〔 "ekstsit" -substantive / "eksts" -substantive -done / outside- "tsit" -substantive 〕 〔 "eksts" -substantive -past_passive 〕
ekscito (ekscit'o)
ekstsit'o excitement (excit'o) ekscito (ekscit'o)
ekzekutistitc'o hangman (hangman'o)
〔 "ekzekutistitc" -substantive / "ekzekutist" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
ekzekutisto (ekzekutist'o)
ekzilit'o exile (exil'o)
〔 "ekzilit" -substantive / "ekzil" -substantive -done / "ekz" -substantive -done -tool 〕 〔 "ekzil" -substantive -past_passive / "ekz" -substantive -past_passive -tool 〕
ekzilito (ekzilit'o)
elektit'o choice (elektit'o)
〔 "elektit" -substantive / "elekt" -substantive -done / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -done / out_of- "ektit" -substantive / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "elekt" -substantive -past_passive / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -past_passive 〕
elektito (elektit'o)
elit'o elite (elit'o)
〔 "elit" -substantive / "el" -substantive -done / out_of- "it" -substantive 〕 〔 "el" -substantive -past_passive 〕
elito (elit'o)
elpelit'o pariah (pariah'o)
〔 "elpelit" -substantive / "elpel" -substantive -done / "elp" -substantive -done -method / out_of- "pel" -substantive -done / out_of- "pelit" -substantive / out_of- "pel" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "elpel" -substantive -past_passive / "elp" -substantive -past_passive -method / out_of- "pel" -substantive -past_passive 〕
elpelito (elpelit'o)
emerit'o retiree (ret'o)
〔 "emerit" -substantive / "emer" -substantive -done / "eme" -substantive -done -head / "em" -substantive -done -element 〕 〔 "emer" -substantive -past_passive / "eme" -substantive -past_passive -head / "em" -substantive -past_passive -element 〕
emerito (emerit'o)
endeditc'o initiation (initiat'o)
〔 "endeditc" -substantive / "ended" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "end" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -repetition / in- "ded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / in- "deditc" -substantive / in- "ded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / in- of- "ditc" -substantive 〕
endediĉo (endeditc'o)
endeditcit'o initiate (initiat'o)
〔 "endeditcit" -substantive / "endeditc" -substantive -done / "ended" -substantive -done -grammatical_masculine / "end" -substantive -done -grammatical_masculine -repetition / in- "ded" -substantive -done -grammatical_masculine / in- "deditc" -substantive -done / in- "ded" -substantive -done -grammatical_masculine / in- of- "ditc" -substantive -done / in- "deditcit" -substantive / in- "deditc" -substantive -done / in- "ded" -substantive -done -grammatical_masculine / in- of- "ditc" -substantive -done / in- of- "ditcit" -substantive / in- of- "ditc" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "endeditc" -substantive -past_passive / "ended" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_masculine / "end" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_masculine -repetition / in- "ded" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_masculine / in- "deditc" -substantive -past_passive / in- "ded" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_masculine / in- of- "ditc" -substantive -past_passive 〕
endediĉito (endeditcit'o)
enfermit'o inmate (enfermit'o)
〔 "enfermit" -substantive / "enferm" -substantive -done / in- "ferm" -substantive -done / in- "fermit" -substantive / in- "ferm" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "enferm" -substantive -past_passive / in- "ferm" -substantive -past_passive 〕
enfermito (enfermit'o)
enkartserigit'o inmate (inmat'o)
〔 "enkartserigit" -substantive / "enkartserig" -substantive -done / "enkartser" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / "enkartse" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "kartse" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -head / "enkarts" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "karts" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "kartser" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "kartse" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "karts" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "kartserig" -substantive -done / in- "kartser" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "kartse" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "karts" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -element / in- "kartserigit" -substantive / in- "kartserig" -substantive -done / in- "kartser" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "kartse" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -head / in- "karts" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -element 〕 〔 "enkartserig" -substantive -past_passive / "enkartser" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / "enkartse" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "kartse" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / "enkarts" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- "karts" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- "kartser" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "kartse" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "karts" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -element / in- "kartserig" -substantive -past_passive / in- "kartser" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "kartse" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -head / in- "karts" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -element 〕
enkarcerigito (enkarcerigit'o)
enlistigit'o listing (list'o)
〔 "enlistigit" -substantive / "enlistig" -substantive -done / "enlist" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "list" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "listig" -substantive -done / in- "list" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- third_person- "stig" -substantive -done / in- "listigit" -substantive / in- "listig" -substantive -done / in- "list" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- third_person- "stig" -substantive -done / in- third_person- "stigit" -substantive / in- third_person- "stig" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "enlistig" -substantive -past_passive / "enlist" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "list" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "listig" -substantive -past_passive / in- "list" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- third_person- "stig" -substantive -past_passive 〕
enlistigito (enlistigit'o)
enofitsigit'o appointee (apoint'o)
〔 "enofitsigit" -substantive / "enofitsig" -substantive -done / "enofits" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "ofits" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "ofitsig" -substantive -done / in- "ofits" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / in- "ofitsigit" -substantive / in- "ofitsig" -substantive -done / in- "ofits" -substantive -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "enofitsig" -substantive -past_passive / "enofits" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "ofits" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / in- "ofitsig" -substantive -past_passive / in- "ofits" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
enoficigito (enoficigit'o)
esplorvizit'o survey (survey'o)
〔 "esplorvizit" -substantive / "esplorviz" -substantive -done / "esplorv" -substantive -done -cause 〕 〔 "esplorviz" -substantive -past_passive / "esplorv" -substantive -past_passive -cause 〕
esplorvizito (esplorvizit'o)
etadjlit'o bunk (bunk'o)
〔 "etadjlit" -substantive / "etadjl" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "etadjl" -substantive -past_passive 〕
etaĝlito (etadjlit'o)
evit'o evasion (evasion'o)
〔 "evit" -substantive / "ev" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "ev" -substantive -past_passive 〕
evito (evit'o)
fantomitc'o spectrum (spec'o)
〔 "fantomitc" -substantive / "fantom" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "fant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -degree 〕
fantomo (fantom'o)
felitc'o happiness (hapines'o)
〔 "felitc" -substantive / "fel" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
feliĉo (felitc'o)
filitc'o son (son'o)
〔 "filitc" -substantive / "fil" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
filo (fil'o)
forkaptit'o captive (forkaptit'o)
〔 "forkaptit" -substantive / "forkapt" -substantive -done / away- "kapt" -substantive -done / away- "kaptit" -substantive / away- "kapt" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "forkapt" -substantive -past_passive / away- "kapt" -substantive -past_passive 〕
forkaptito (forkaptit'o)
forkaptit'o exile (forkaptit'o) forkaptito (forkaptit'o)
forpelit'o refugee (refug'o)
〔 "forpelit" -substantive / "forpel" -substantive -done / "forp" -substantive -done -method / away- "pel" -substantive -done / away- "pelit" -substantive / away- "pel" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "forpel" -substantive -past_passive / "forp" -substantive -past_passive -method / away- "pel" -substantive -past_passive 〕
forpelito (forpelit'o)
fratitc'o brother (broxer'o)
〔 "fratitc" -substantive / "frat" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
frato (frat'o)
frawlitc'o bachelor (batc'o)
〔 "frawlitc" -substantive / "frawl" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
fraŭlo (frawl'o)
frit'o chip (tcip'o)
〔 "frit" -substantive 〕
frito (frit'o)
gambit'o gambit (gambit'o)
〔 "gambit" -substantive / "gamb" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "gamb" -substantive -past_passive 〕
gambito (gambit'o)
gastigantitc'o host (host'o)
〔 "gastigantitc" -substantive / "gastigant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
gastiganto (gastigant'o)
glit'o slip (slip'o)
〔 "glit" -substantive 〕
glito (glit'o)
grafit'o graphite (grafit'o)
〔 "grafit" -substantive / "graf" -substantive -done / canceled- "fit" -substantive 〕 〔 "graf" -substantive -past_passive 〕
grafito (grafit'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o)
〔 "granit" -substantive / "gran" -substantive -done / canceled- "nit" -substantive 〕 〔 "gran" -substantive -past_passive 〕
granito (granit'o)
gravit'o gravity (gravit'o)
〔 "gravit" -substantive / "grav" -substantive -done / canceled- "vit" -substantive 〕 〔 "grav" -substantive -past_passive 〕
gravito (gravit'o)
hepatit'o hepatitis (hepatit'o)
〔 "hepatit" -substantive / "hepat" -substantive -done / "hep" -substantive -done -happening 〕 〔 "hepat" -substantive -past_passive / "hep" -substantive -past_passive -happening 〕
hepatito (hepatit'o)
heroitc'o hero (her'o)
〔 "heroitc" -substantive / "hero" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
heroo (hero'o)
hezit'o hesitation (hesitat'o)
〔 "hezit" -substantive / "hez" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "hez" -substantive -past_passive 〕
hezito (hezit'o)
hipokrit'o hypocrisy (hypocrisy'o)
〔 "hipokrit" -substantive / "hipokr" -substantive -done / "hipok" -substantive -done -head / "hip" -substantive -done -head -false 〕 〔 "hipokr" -substantive -past_passive / "hipok" -substantive -past_passive -head / "hip" -substantive -past_passive -head -false 〕
hospits'o hospice (hos'o)
〔 "hospits" -substantive 〕
hospico (hos'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o)
〔 "hunditc" -substantive / "hund" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
hundo (hund'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) hundo (hund'o)
imit'o imitation (imitat'o)
〔 some- "mit" -substantive 〕 〔 "imit" -substantive / "im" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "im" -substantive -past_passive 〕
imito (imit'o)
implits'o connotation (conot'o)
〔 some- "mplits" -substantive 〕 〔 "implits" -substantive 〕
implico (implic'o)
implits'o implication (implication'o) implico (implic'o)
indits'o clue (clu'o)
〔 some- "ndits" -substantive 〕 〔 "indits" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "dits" -substantive 〕
indico (indic'o)
indits'o evidence (evidenc'o) indico (indic'o)
indits'o rate (rat'o) indico (indic'o)
infektit'o patient (patient'o)
〔 some- "nfektit" -substantive / some- "nfekt" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "infektit" -substantive / "infekt" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "fektit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "infekt" -substantive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "fekt" -substantive -past_passive 〕
infektito (infektit'o)
infinit'o infinite (infinit'o)
〔 some- "nfinit" -substantive / some- "nfin" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "infinit" -substantive / "infin" -substantive -done / "inf" -substantive -done -grammatical_feminine / not_on_the_outside- "fin" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "finit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "fin" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "infin" -substantive -past_passive / "inf" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_feminine / not_on_the_outside- "fin" -substantive -past_passive 〕
infinito (infinit'o)
inits'o initiation (initiat'o)
〔 some- "nits" -substantive 〕 〔 "inits" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive 〕
inico (inic'o)
initsit'o initiate (initiat'o)
〔 some- "nitsit" -substantive / some- "nits" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "initsit" -substantive / "inits" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "itsit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "inits" -substantive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -past_passive 〕
inicito (inicit'o)
initsitit'o insider (insider'o)
〔 some- "nitsitit" -substantive / some- "nitsit" -substantive -done / some- "nits" -substantive -done -done 〕 〔 "initsitit" -substantive / "initsit" -substantive -done / "inits" -substantive -done -done / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -done -done / not_on_the_outside- "itsit" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -done -done / not_on_the_outside- "itsitit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "itsit" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -done -done 〕 〔 "initsit" -substantive -past_passive / "inits" -substantive -past_passive -done / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -past_passive -done / not_on_the_outside- "itsit" -substantive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "its" -substantive -past_passive -done 〕
inicitito (inicitit'o)
intermit'o period (period'o)
〔 some- "ntermit" -substantive / some- "nterm" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "intermit" -substantive / "interm" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "term" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "termit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -substantive -done / between- "mit" -substantive 〕 〔 "interm" -substantive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "term" -substantive -past_passive 〕
intermito (intermit'o)
intersendit'o negotiator (intersendit'o)
〔 some- "ntersendit" -substantive / some- "ntersend" -substantive -done / some- "nters" -substantive -done -important 〕 〔 "intersendit" -substantive / "intersend" -substantive -done / "inters" -substantive -done -important / not_on_the_outside- "ters" -substantive -done -important / not_on_the_outside- "tersend" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "ters" -substantive -done -important / between- "send" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "tersendit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "tersend" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "ters" -substantive -done -important / between- "sendit" -substantive / between- "send" -substantive -done / between- without- "dit" -substantive 〕 〔 "intersend" -substantive -past_passive / "inters" -substantive -past_passive -important / not_on_the_outside- "ters" -substantive -past_passive -important / not_on_the_outside- "tersend" -substantive -past_passive / not_on_the_outside- "ters" -substantive -past_passive -important / between- "send" -substantive -past_passive 〕
intersendito (intersendit'o)
intsit'o provocation (provocat'o)
〔 some- "ntsit" -substantive 〕 〔 "intsit" -substantive / "ints" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "tsit" -substantive 〕 〔 "ints" -substantive -past_passive 〕
incito (incit'o)
invit'o invitation (invit'o)
〔 some- "nvit" -substantive 〕 〔 "invit" -substantive / "inv" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive 〕 〔 "inv" -substantive -past_passive 〕
invito (invit'o)
invitit'o guest (guest'o)
〔 some- "nvitit" -substantive / some- "nvit" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "invitit" -substantive / "invit" -substantive -done / "inv" -substantive -done -done / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- "vitit" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -done / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tit" -substantive 〕 〔 "invit" -substantive -past_passive / "inv" -substantive -past_passive -done / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -past_passive 〕
invitito (invitit'o)
irit'o irritation (irit'o)
〔 some- "rit" -substantive 〕 〔 "irit" -substantive / "ir" -substantive -done / "i" -substantive -done -head 〕 〔 "ir" -substantive -past_passive / "i" -substantive -past_passive -head 〕
irito (irit'o)
its'o chip (tcip'o)
〔 "its" -substantive 〕
ico (ic'o)
jusnaskit'o newborn (newborn'o)
〔 "jusnaskit" -substantive / "jusnask" -substantive -done / barely- "nask" -substantive -done / barely- "naskit" -substantive / barely- "nask" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "jusnask" -substantive -past_passive / barely- "nask" -substantive -past_passive 〕
ĵusnaskito (jusnaskit'o)
kaltsitr'o kick (kik'o)
〔 "kaltsitr" -substantive / "kaltsit" -substantive -head / "kalts" -substantive -head -done 〕
kalcitro (kalcitr'o)
kapatsit'o capacity (capacit'o)
〔 "kapatsit" -substantive / "kapats" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "kapats" -substantive -past_passive 〕
kapacito (kapacit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o)
〔 "kaprits" -substantive 〕
kaprico (kapric'o)
kaprits'o vagary (vagary'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kaprits'o whim (hwim'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kaptit'o prisoner (kaptit'o)
〔 "kaptit" -substantive / "kapt" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "kapt" -substantive -past_passive 〕
kaptito (kaptit'o)
kelneritc'o waiter (waiter'o)
〔 "kelneritc" -substantive / "kelner" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "kelne" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / "keln" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -element 〕
kelnero (kelner'o)
knabitc'o boy (boy'o)
〔 "knabitc" -substantive / "knab" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
knabo (knab'o)
knabitc'o lad (lad'o) knabo (knab'o)
koit'o coitus (coit'o)
〔 "koit" -substantive / "ko" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "ko" -substantive -past_passive 〕
koito (koit'o)
komiksitc'o comic (comic'o)
〔 "komiksitc" -substantive / "komiks" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
komikso (komiks'o)
komisiit'o trustee (trust'o)
〔 "komisiit" -substantive / "komisi" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "komisi" -substantive -past_passive 〕
komisiito (komisit'o)
komplits'o accessory (aces'o)
〔 "komplits" -substantive 〕
komplico (komplic'o)
konditc'o condition (condition'o)
〔 "konditc" -substantive / "kond" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
kondiĉo (konditc'o)
konditc'o provision (provis'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
konditc'o proviso (provis'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
konditc'o stipulation (stipulat'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
kornits'o cornice (cornic'o)
〔 "kornits" -substantive 〕
kornico (kornic'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o)
〔 "kredit" -substantive / "kred" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "kred" -substantive -past_passive 〕
kredito (kredit'o)
kredit'o creditworthiness (credit'o) kredito (kredit'o)
kreit'o creation (creat'o)
〔 "kreit" -substantive / "kre" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "kre" -substantive -past_passive 〕
kreito (kreit'o)
kulpigit'o culprit (culprit'o)
〔 "kulpigit" -substantive / "kulpig" -substantive -done / "kulp" -substantive -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "kulpig" -substantive -past_passive / "kulp" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
kulpigito (kulpigit'o)
kvalit'o caliber (caliber'o)
〔 "kvalit" -substantive / "kval" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "kval" -substantive -past_passive 〕
kvalito (kvalit'o)
kvalit'o quality (qualit'o) kvalito (kvalit'o)
laborspirit'o morale (moral'o)
〔 "laborspirit" -substantive / "laborspir" -substantive -done / "laborspi" -substantive -done -head / "laborsp" -substantive -done -opportunity 〕 〔 "laborspir" -substantive -past_passive / "laborspi" -substantive -past_passive -head / "laborsp" -substantive -past_passive -opportunity 〕
laborspirito (laborspirit'o)
laborvits'o shift (cift'o)
〔 "laborvits" -substantive 〕
laborvico (laborvic'o)
lit'o bed (bed'o)
〔 "lit" -substantive 〕
lito (lit'o)
lit'o mulch (mult'o) lito (lit'o)
litr'o liter (liter'o)
〔 "litr" -substantive / "lit" -substantive -head 〕
litro (litr'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) litro (litr'o)
litsencit'o licensee (licens'o)
〔 "litsencit" -substantive / "litsenc" -substantive -done / third_person- "tsenc" -substantive -done / third_person- "tsencit" -substantive / third_person- "tsenc" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "litsenc" -substantive -past_passive / third_person- "tsenc" -substantive -past_passive 〕
licencito (licencit'o)
logaritm'o logarithm (logarixm'o)
〔 "logaritm" -substantive 〕
logaritmo (logaritm'o)
malfelitc'o misfortune (misfortun'o)
〔 "malfelitc" -substantive / "malfel" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "malf" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -method / opposite_of- "fel" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / opposite_of- "felitc" -substantive / opposite_of- "fel" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
malfeliĉo (malfelitc'o)
malfelitc'o unhappiness (unhapines'o) malfeliĉo (malfelitc'o)
malits'o malice (malic'o)
〔 "malits" -substantive / opposite_of- "its" -substantive 〕
malico (malic'o)
malits'o maliciousness (malic'o) malico (malic'o)
malprofit'o loss (los'o)
〔 "malprofit" -substantive / "malprof" -substantive -done / "malpr" -substantive -done -change_from / "malp" -substantive -done -change_from -head / opposite_of- "prof" -substantive -done / opposite_of- "profit" -substantive / opposite_of- "prof" -substantive -done / opposite_of- on_account_of- "fit" -substantive 〕 〔 "malprof" -substantive -past_passive / "malpr" -substantive -past_passive -change_from / "malp" -substantive -past_passive -change_from -head / opposite_of- "prof" -substantive -past_passive 〕
malprofito (malprofit'o)
mardjenigit'o dropout (droput'o)
〔 "mardjenigit" -substantive / "mardjenig" -substantive -done / "mardjen" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / "mardj" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -goal 〕 〔 "mardjenig" -substantive -past_passive / "mardjen" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / "mardj" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -goal 〕
marĝenigito (mardjenigit'o)
marmit'o casserole (caserol'o)
〔 "marmit" -substantive / "marm" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "marm" -substantive -past_passive 〕
marmito (marmit'o)
marmit'o pot (pot'o) marmito (marmit'o)
matritc'o father (faxer'o)
〔 "matritc" -substantive / "matr" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "mat" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
patro (patr'o)
matrits'o matrix (matrix'o)
〔 "matrits" -substantive 〕
matrico (matric'o)
medit'o meditation (medit'o)
〔 "medit" -substantive / "med" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "med" -substantive -past_passive 〕
medito (medit'o)
merit'o merit (merit'o)
〔 "merit" -substantive / "mer" -substantive -done / "me" -substantive -done -head 〕 〔 "mer" -substantive -past_passive / "me" -substantive -past_passive -head 〕
merito (merit'o)
meteorit'o meteorite (meteorit'o)
〔 "meteorit" -substantive / "meteor" -substantive -done / "meteo" -substantive -done -head / "mete" -substantive -done -value 〕 〔 "meteor" -substantive -past_passive / "meteo" -substantive -past_passive -head / "mete" -substantive -past_passive -value 〕
meteorito (meteorit'o)
milit'o war (war'o)
〔 "milit" -substantive / "mil" -substantive -done / first_person- "lit" -substantive 〕 〔 "mil" -substantive -past_passive 〕
milito (milit'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o)
〔 "mit" -substantive 〕
mito (mit'o)
monaqitc'o monk (monk'o)
〔 "monaqitc" -substantive / "monaq" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
monaĥo (monaq'o)
mondmilit'o world war
〔 "mondmilit" -substantive / "mondmil" -substantive -done / "mondm" -substantive -done -tool 〕 〔 "mondmil" -substantive -past_passive / "mondm" -substantive -past_passive -tool 〕
mondmilito (mondmilit'o)
monolit'o monolith (monolix'o)
〔 "monolit" -substantive / "monol" -substantive -done / "mon" -substantive -done -compared_to 〕 〔 "monol" -substantive -past_passive / "mon" -substantive -past_passive -compared_to 〕
monolito (monolit'o)
mortigit'o fatality (fatalit'o)
〔 "mortigit" -substantive / "mortig" -substantive -done / "mort" -substantive -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "mortig" -substantive -past_passive / "mort" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
mortigito (mortigit'o)
muntitst'o fitter (fit'o)
〔 "muntitst" -substantive 〕
muntitsto (muntitst'o)
nepitc'o grandson (grandson'o)
〔 "nepitc" -substantive / "nep" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / no,_not- "pitc" -substantive 〕
nepo (nep'o)
nesufitc'o shortage (cortag'o)
〔 "nesufitc" -substantive / "nesuf" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "nes" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -potential / no,_not- "suf" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / no,_not- "sufitc" -substantive / no,_not- "suf" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
nesufiĉo (nesufitc'o)
nesufitc'o shortfall (cortfal'o) nesufiĉo (nesufitc'o)
nevitc'o nephew (nefew'o)
〔 "nevitc" -substantive / "nev" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / no,_not- "vitc" -substantive 〕
nevo (nev'o)
nit'o rivet (rivet'o)
〔 "nit" -substantive 〕
nito (nit'o)
nitc'o niche (nitc'o)
〔 "nitc" -substantive 〕
niĉo (nitc'o)
nobelitc'o gentleman (gentleman'o)
〔 "nobelitc" -substantive / "nobel" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "nob" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -method 〕
nobelo (nobel'o)
nomit'o nominee (nomin'o)
〔 "nomit" -substantive / "nom" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "nom" -substantive -past_passive 〕
nomito (nomit'o)
nomumit'o appointee (apoint'o)
〔 "nomumit" -substantive / "nomum" -substantive -done / "nom" -substantive -done -derivation 〕 〔 "nomum" -substantive -past_passive / "nom" -substantive -past_passive -derivation 〕
nomumito (nomumit'o)
nomumit'o nominee (nomin'o) nomumito (nomumit'o)
notits'o notice (notic'o)
〔 "notits" -substantive 〕
notico (notic'o)
novbakit'o rookie (ruki'o)
〔 "novbakit" -substantive / "novbak" -substantive -done / "novb" -substantive -done -derived_from 〕 〔 "novbak" -substantive -past_passive / "novb" -substantive -past_passive -derived_from 〕
novbakito (novbakit'o)
novenaskit'o newborn (newborn'o)
〔 "novenaskit" -substantive / "novenask" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "novenask" -substantive -past_passive 〕
novenaskito (novenaskit'o)
novnaskit'o newborn (newborn'o)
〔 "novnaskit" -substantive / "novnask" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "novnask" -substantive -past_passive 〕
novnaskito (novnaskit'o)
ofendit'o victim (vict'o)
〔 "ofendit" -substantive / "ofend" -substantive -done / "of" -substantive -done -important 〕 〔 "ofend" -substantive -past_passive / "of" -substantive -past_passive -important 〕
ofendito (ofendit'o)
ofits'o mantle (mantl'o)
〔 "ofits" -substantive 〕
ofico (ofic'o)
onklitc'o uncle (unc'o)
〔 one- "klitc" -substantive 〕 〔 "onklitc" -substantive / "onkl" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
onklo (onkl'o)
orbit'o orbit (orbit'o)
〔 "orbit" -substantive / "orb" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "orb" -substantive -past_passive 〕
orbito (orbit'o)
ordinit'o clergyman (ordinit'o)
〔 "ordinit" -substantive / "ordin" -substantive -done / "ord" -substantive -done -grammatical_feminine 〕 〔 "ordin" -substantive -past_passive / "ord" -substantive -past_passive -grammatical_feminine 〕
ordinito (ordinit'o)
parazit'o parasite (parazit'o)
〔 "parazit" -substantive / "paraz" -substantive -done / "par" -substantive -done -mechanism / "pa" -substantive -done -mechanism -head 〕 〔 "paraz" -substantive -past_passive / "par" -substantive -past_passive -mechanism / "pa" -substantive -past_passive -mechanism -head 〕
parazito (parazit'o)
parotidit'o mumps (parotidit'o)
〔 "parotidit" -substantive / "parotid" -substantive -done / "parot" -substantive -done -next_generation / "par" -substantive -done -next_generation -upcoming / "pa" -substantive -done -next_generation -upcoming -head 〕 〔 "parotid" -substantive -past_passive / "parot" -substantive -past_passive -next_generation / "par" -substantive -past_passive -next_generation -upcoming / "pa" -substantive -past_passive -next_generation -upcoming -head 〕
parotidito (parotidit'o)
pastritc'o priest (priest'o)
〔 "pastritc" -substantive / "pastr" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "past" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
pastro (pastr'o)
patritc'o father (faxer'o)
〔 "patritc" -substantive / "patr" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "pat" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
patro (patr'o)
patrits'o stamp (stamp'o)
〔 "patrits" -substantive 〕
patrico (patric'o)
personigit'o personification (personigit'o)
〔 "personigit" -substantive / "personig" -substantive -done / "person" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / "pers" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -part / with- "son" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / with- "sonig" -substantive -done / with- "son" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / with- "sonigit" -substantive / with- "sonig" -substantive -done / with- "son" -substantive -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "personig" -substantive -past_passive / "person" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / "pers" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -part / with- "son" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / with- "sonig" -substantive -past_passive / with- "son" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
personigito (personigit'o)
pitc'o vulva (vulv'o)
〔 "pitc" -substantive 〕
piĉo (pitc'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o)
〔 "pits" -substantive 〕
de pico
pits'o pizza (piz'o) pico (pic'o)
pittc'o pitch (pitc'o)
〔 "pittc" -substantive 〕
pitĉo (pitc'o)
plenraytigit'o plenipotentiary (plenipotent'o)
〔 "plenraytigit" -substantive / "plenraytig" -substantive -done / "plenrayt" -substantive -done -cause_to_become 〕 〔 "plenraytig" -substantive -past_passive / "plenrayt" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become 〕
plenrajtigito (plenrajtigit'o)
pnewmonit'o pneumonia (pneumoni'o)
〔 "pnewmonit" -substantive / "pnewmon" -substantive -done / "pnewm" -substantive -done -part 〕 〔 "pnewmon" -substantive -past_passive / "pnewm" -substantive -past_passive -part 〕
pneŭmonito (pnewmonit'o)
polits'o police (polic'o)
〔 "polits" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "lits" -substantive 〕
polico (polic'o)
politsanitc'o policeman (polic'o)
〔 "politsanitc" -substantive / "politsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "polits" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -member / at_the_rate_of- "lits" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -member / at_the_rate_of- "litsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / at_the_rate_of- "lits" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -member / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / at_the_rate_of- "litsanitc" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "litsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / at_the_rate_of- "lits" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -member / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsanitc" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsan" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
policano (polic'o)
poplit'o ham (ham'o)
〔 "poplit" -substantive / "popl" -substantive -done / at_the_rate_of- "plit" -substantive 〕 〔 "popl" -substantive -past_passive 〕
poplito (poplit'o)
poplit'o hock (hok'o) poplito (poplit'o)
postenigit'o appointee (postenigit'o)
〔 "postenigit" -substantive / "postenig" -substantive -done / "posten" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / "post" -substantive -done -cause_to_become -goal / at_the_rate_of- "sten" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / after- "en" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / at_the_rate_of- "stenig" -substantive -done / at_the_rate_of- "sten" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / after- "enig" -substantive -done / after- "en" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / after- in- "ig" -substantive -done / at_the_rate_of- "stenigit" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "stenig" -substantive -done / at_the_rate_of- "sten" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / after- "enigit" -substantive / after- "enig" -substantive -done / after- "en" -substantive -done -cause_to_become / after- in- "ig" -substantive -done / after- in- "igit" -substantive / after- in- "ig" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "postenig" -substantive -past_passive / "posten" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / "post" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become -goal / at_the_rate_of- "sten" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / after- "en" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / at_the_rate_of- "stenig" -substantive -past_passive / at_the_rate_of- "sten" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / after- "enig" -substantive -past_passive / after- "en" -substantive -past_passive -cause_to_become / after- in- "ig" -substantive -past_passive 〕
postenigito (postenigit'o)
prezidantitc'o chairman (tcairman'o)
〔 "prezidantitc" -substantive / "prezidant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
prezidanto (prezidant'o)
prezidentitc'o chairman (tcairman'o)
〔 "prezidentitc" -substantive / "prezident" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
prezidento (prezident'o)
printsitc'o prince (princ'o)
〔 "printsitc" -substantive / "prints" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / about- "ntsitc" -substantive 〕
princo (princ'o)
profit'o profit (profit'o)
〔 "profit" -substantive / "prof" -substantive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -substantive 〕 〔 "prof" -substantive -past_passive 〕
profito (profit'o)
proparolantitc'o spokesman (spokesman'o)
〔 "proparolantitc" -substantive / "proparolant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / on_account_of- "parolant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / on_account_of- "parolantitc" -substantive / on_account_of- "parolant" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
proparolanto (proparolant'o)
pulmit'o pneumonia (pneumoni'o)
〔 "pulmit" -substantive / "pulm" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "pulm" -substantive -past_passive 〕
pulmito (pulmit'o)
pupitr'o desk (desk'o)
〔 "pupitr" -substantive / "pupit" -substantive -head / "pup" -substantive -head -done 〕
pupitro (pupitr'o)
redjitc'o king (king'o)
〔 "redjitc" -substantive / "redj" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
reĝo (redj'o)
registrit'o registrant (registrant'o)
〔 "registrit" -substantive / "registr" -substantive -done / "reg" -substantive -done -has_lead / "regist" -substantive -done -head 〕 〔 "registr" -substantive -past_passive / "reg" -substantive -past_passive -has_lead / "regist" -substantive -past_passive -head 〕
registrito (registrit'o)
rit'o rite (rit'o)
〔 "rit" -substantive 〕
rito (rit'o)
rit'o ritual (rit'o) rito (rit'o)
ritc'o riches (ritc'o)
〔 "ritc" -substantive 〕
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o)
〔 "ritm" -substantive 〕
ritmo (ritm'o)
rondovizit'o tour (tur'o)
〔 "rondovizit" -substantive / "rondoviz" -substantive -done / "rondov" -substantive -done -cause / "rond" -substantive -done -cause -ready 〕 〔 "rondoviz" -substantive -past_passive / "rondov" -substantive -past_passive -cause / "rond" -substantive -past_passive -cause -ready 〕
rondovizito (rondovizit'o)
sandvitc'o sandwich (sandwitc'o)
〔 "sandvitc" -substantive / "sandv" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
sandviĉo (sandvitc'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o)
〔 "satelit" -substantive / "satel" -substantive -done / "sat" -substantive -done -method 〕 〔 "satel" -substantive -past_passive / "sat" -substantive -past_passive -method 〕
satelito (satelit'o)
sendit'o emissary (sendit'o)
〔 "sendit" -substantive / "send" -substantive -done / without- "dit" -substantive 〕 〔 "send" -substantive -past_passive 〕
sendito (sendit'o)
sendit'o envoy (sendit'o) sendito (sendit'o)
sendit'o messenger (sendit'o) sendito (sendit'o)
senmalits'o innocence (inocenc'o)
〔 "senmalits" -substantive / without- "malits" -substantive / without- opposite_of- "its" -substantive 〕
senmalico (senmalic'o)
servits'o canteen (canten'o)
〔 "servits" -substantive 〕
servico (servic'o)
servits'o tableware (tablewar'o) servico (servic'o)
sindeditc'o devotion (devotion'o)
〔 "sindeditc" -substantive / "sinded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "sind" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -repetition / reflexive- "nded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / reflexive- "ndeditc" -substantive / reflexive- "nded" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
sindediĉo (sindeditc'o)
sinyoritc'o gentleman (gentleman'o)
〔 "sinyoritc" -substantive / "sinyor" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / "sinyo" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / reflexive- "nyo" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / "siny" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -value / reflexive- "nyor" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / reflexive- "nyo" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / reflexive- "nyoritc" -substantive / reflexive- "nyor" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / reflexive- "nyo" -substantive -grammatical_masculine -head 〕
sinjoro (sinjor'o)
solstits'o solstice (sols'o)
〔 "solstits" -substantive 〕
solstico (sols'o)
sortovits'o vicissitude (vicis'o)
〔 "sortovits" -substantive 〕
sortovico (sortovic'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o)
〔 "spirit" -substantive / "spir" -substantive -done / "spi" -substantive -done -head 〕 〔 "spir" -substantive -past_passive / "spi" -substantive -past_passive -head 〕
spirito (spirit'o)
spits'o spice (spic'o)
〔 "spits" -substantive 〕
spico (spic'o)
split'o chip (tcip'o)
〔 "split" -substantive 〕
splito (split'o)
split'o sliver (sliver'o) splito (split'o)
split'o splinter (splint'o) splito (split'o)
sportistitc'o sportsman (sportsman'o)
〔 "sportistitc" -substantive / "sportist" -substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
sportisto (sportist'o)
sprit'o wit (wit'o)
〔 "sprit" -substantive 〕
sprito (sprit'o)
subofits'o branch (brantc'o)
〔 "subofits" -substantive / beneath- "ofits" -substantive 〕
subofico (subofic'o)
superkredit'o overdraft (overdraft'o)
〔 "superkredit" -substantive / "superkred" -substantive -done / "superkr" -substantive -done -repetition / "superk" -substantive -done -repetition -head / above- "kred" -substantive -done / above- "kredit" -substantive / above- "kred" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "superkred" -substantive -past_passive / "superkr" -substantive -past_passive -repetition / "superk" -substantive -past_passive -repetition -head / above- "kred" -substantive -past_passive 〕
superkredito (superkredit'o)
superstitc'o superstition (superstition'o)
〔 "superstitc" -substantive / "superst" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / above- "stitc" -substantive 〕
superstiĉo (superstitc'o)
tcapitr'o chapter (tcapter'o)
〔 "tcapitr" -substantive / "tcapit" -substantive -head / "tcap" -substantive -head -done 〕
ĉapitro (tcapitr'o)
trafit'o victim (vict'o)
〔 "trafit" -substantive / "traf" -substantive -done / through- "fit" -substantive 〕 〔 "traf" -substantive -past_passive 〕
trafito (trafit'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o)
〔 "transit" -substantive / "trans" -substantive -done / through- "nsit" -substantive / across- "it" -substantive 〕 〔 "trans" -substantive -past_passive 〕
transito (transit'o)
trombotsit'o clot (clot'o)
〔 "trombotsit" -substantive / "trombots" -substantive -done / excessive- "mbots" -substantive -done / excessive- "mbotsit" -substantive / excessive- "mbots" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "trombots" -substantive -past_passive / excessive- "mbots" -substantive -past_passive 〕
trombocito (trombocit'o)
tsirkvit'o circuit (circuit'o)
〔 "tsirkvit" -substantive / "tsirkv" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "tsirkv" -substantive -past_passive 〕
cirkvito (cirkvit'o)
tsit'o quotation (quot'o)
〔 "tsit" -substantive 〕
cito (cit'o)
tsitr'o zither (zixer'o)
〔 "tsitr" -substantive / "tsit" -substantive -head 〕
citro (citr'o)
tsivit'o municipality (municipal'o)
〔 "tsivit" -substantive / "tsiv" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "tsiv" -substantive -past_passive 〕
civito (civit'o)
varbit'o recruit (recruit'o)
〔 "varbit" -substantive / "varb" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "varb" -substantive -past_passive 〕
varbito (varbit'o)
vidvitc'o widower (widower'o)
〔 "vidvitc" -substantive / "vidv" -substantive -grammatical_masculine / second_person- "dvitc" -substantive 〕
vidvo (vidv'o)
vit'o vine (vin'o)
〔 "vit" -substantive 〕
vito (vit'o)
vit'o vineyard (vin'o) vito (vit'o)
vitr'o glass (glas'o)
〔 "vitr" -substantive / "vit" -substantive -head 〕
vitro (vitr'o)
vits'o bout (but'o)
〔 "vits" -substantive 〕
vico (vic'o)
vits'o row (row'o) vico (vic'o)
vits'o sequence (sequenc'o) vico (vic'o)
vizit'o trip (trip'o)
〔 "vizit" -substantive / "viz" -substantive -done / second_person- "zit" -substantive 〕 〔 "viz" -substantive -past_passive 〕
vizito (vizit'o)
vizit'o visit (visit'o) vizito (vizit'o)
vortits'o vortex (vortex'o)
〔 "vortits" -substantive 〕
vortico (vortic'o)
vundit'o casualty (casualt'o)
〔 "vundit" -substantive / "vund" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "vund" -substantive -past_passive 〕
vundito (vundit'o)
yustits'o justice (jus'o)
〔 "yustits" -substantive 〕
justico (jus'o)
zenit'o heyday (heyday'o)
〔 "zenit" -substantive / "zen" -substantive -done 〕 〔 "zen" -substantive -past_passive 〕
zenito (zenit'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) zenito (zenit'o)
deditc'u should devote
〔 "deditc" -suggestive / "ded" -suggestive -grammatical_masculine / of- "ditc" -suggestive 〕
milit'u fight (fiqt'u)
〔 "milit" -suggestive / "mil" -suggestive -done / first_person- "lit" -suggestive 〕 〔 "mil" -suggestive -past_passive 〕
milit'u ought to fight
milit'u should fight
profit'u ought to benefit
〔 "profit" -suggestive / "prof" -suggestive -done / on_account_of- "fit" -suggestive 〕 〔 "prof" -suggestive -past_passive 〕
profit'u should benefit
sufitc'u ought to be enough
〔 "sufitc" -suggestive / "suf" -suggestive -grammatical_masculine 〕
sufitc'u should be enough
tsit'u ought to cite
〔 "tsit" -suggestive 〕
tsit'u ought to quote
tsit'u ought to summon
tsit'u should cite
tsit'u should quote
tsit'u should summon
vizit'u ought to visit
〔 "vizit" -suggestive / "viz" -suggestive -done / second_person- "zit" -suggestive 〕 〔 "viz" -suggestive -past_passive 〕
vizit'u should visit
vizit'u visit (visit'u)
konditc'aj on condition that
〔 "konditc" -conjunction / "kond" -conjunction -grammatical_masculine 〕 〔 "konditc" -connective adjective / "kond" -connective adjective -grammatical_masculine 〕
kondiĉe ke
femitc'ow a man (man'ow)
〔 "femitc" -singular substantive / "fem" -singular substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
femitc'oy men (men'oy)
〔 "femitc" -plural substantive / "fem" -plural substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
tiulitc'on he (tiulitc'on)
〔 "tiulitc" -accusative substantive / "tiul" -accusative substantive -grammatical_masculine / "ti" -accusative substantive -grammatical_masculine -person / that- "ul" -accusative substantive -grammatical_masculine / that- "ulitc" -accusative substantive / that- "ul" -accusative substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
tiulitc'on him (tiulitc'on) (tiulitc'on)
tiulitc'oz he (tiulitc'oz)
〔 "tiulitc" -nominative substantive / "tiul" -nominative substantive -grammatical_masculine / "ti" -nominative substantive -grammatical_masculine -person / that- "ul" -nominative substantive -grammatical_masculine / that- "ulitc" -nominative substantive / that- "ul" -nominative substantive -grammatical_masculine 〕
vidvitc'ow a widower (widower'ow)
〔 "vidvitc" -singular substantive / "vidv" -singular substantive -grammatical_masculine / second_person- "dvitc" -singular substantive 〕
vidvitc'oy widowers (widower'oy)
〔 "vidvitc" -plural substantive / "vidv" -plural substantive -grammatical_masculine / second_person- "dvitc" -plural substantive 〕
viritc'ow a man (viritc'ow)
〔 "viritc" -singular substantive / "vir" -singular substantive -grammatical_masculine / "vi" -singular substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / second_person- "ritc" -singular substantive 〕
viritc'oy men (viritc'oy)
〔 "viritc" -plural substantive / "vir" -plural substantive -grammatical_masculine / "vi" -plural substantive -grammatical_masculine -head / second_person- "ritc" -plural substantive 〕
vit'ow a vine (vin'ow)
〔 "vit" -singular substantive 〕
vit'oy vines (vin'oy)
〔 "vit" -plural substantive 〕
vitr'ow a glass (glas'ow)
〔 "vitr" -singular substantive / "vit" -singular substantive -head 〕
vitr'oy glasses (glas'oy)
〔 "vitr" -plural substantive / "vit" -plural substantive -head 〕
vits'ow a row (row'ow)
〔 "vits" -singular substantive 〕
vits'oy rows (row'oy)
〔 "vits" -plural substantive 〕
vizit'ow a visit (visit'ow)
〔 "vizit" -singular substantive / "viz" -singular substantive -done / second_person- "zit" -singular substantive 〕 〔 "viz" -singular substantive -past_passive 〕
vizit'oy visits (visit'oy)
〔 "vizit" -plural substantive / "viz" -plural substantive -done / second_person- "zit" -plural substantive 〕 〔 "viz" -plural substantive -past_passive 〕
vit'own a vine (vin'own)
〔 "vit" -accusative_singular substantive 〕
vit'owz a vine (vin'owz)
〔 "vit" -nominative_singular substantive 〕
vit'oyn vines (vin'oyn)
〔 "vit" -accusative_plural substantive 〕
vit'oyz vines (vin'oyz)
〔 "vit" -nominative_plural substantive 〕
vits'oyn rows (row'oyn)
〔 "vits" -accusative_plural substantive 〕
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Yiddish, Esperanto, Danish, Afrikaans.

Esper' English Yiddish Esperanto Danish Afrikaans
ritc'a rich (ritc'a) rajch (rajc'a) riĉa (ritc'a)
cvit'i to sweat (sweat'i) shvitsn (shvit'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) hunt (hunt'o) hundo (hund'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) hunt (hunt'o) hundo (hund'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) פּיצאַ (peּyodts'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) ritem (ritem'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Greek, Esperanto, Turkish, Icelandic.

Esper' English French Greek Esperanto Turkish Icelandic
arbitr'a arbitrary (arbitrar'a) arbitraire (arbitrair'a) arbitra (arbitr'a)
hipokrit'a hypocritical (hypocrit'a) hypocrite (hypocrit'a) hipokrita (hipokrit'a)
intermit'a intermittent (intermitent'a) intermittent (intermitent'a) intermita (intermit'a)
konstruit'a built (konstruit'a) construit (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) konstruita (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a)
konstruit'a constructed (konstruit'a) construit (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) konstruita (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a)
milit'a military (milit'a) militaire (milit'a) milita (milit'a)
ritc'a rich (ritc'a) riche (ric'a) riĉa (ritc'a)
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) agiter (agit'i) agiti (agit'i)
deditc'i to dedicate (dedic'i) dédiquer (dediquer'i) dediĉi (deditc'i)
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i) discréditer (discredit'i) diskrediti (diskredit'i)
ekstsit'i to excite (excit'i) exciter (excit'i) eksciti (ekscit'i)
evit'i to avoid (avoid'i) éviter (evit'i) eviti (evit'i)
frit'i to fry (fry'i) fritter (frit'i) friti (frit'i)
hezit'i to hesitate (hesitat'i) hésiter (hesit'i) heziti (hezit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imiter (imit'i) imiti (imit'i)
intsit'i to incite (incit'i) inciter (incit'i) inciti (incit'i)
invit'i to invite (invit'i) inviter (invit'i) inviti (invit'i)
medit'i to meditate (medit'i) méditer (medit'i) mediti (medit'i)
profit'i to profit (profit'i) profiter (profit'i) profiti (profit'i)
retsit'i to recite (recit'i) réciter (recit'i) reciti (recit'i)
tsit'i to cite (cit'i) citer (cit'i) citi (cit'i)
vizit'i to visit (visit'i) visiter (visit'i) viziti (vizit'i)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) appétit (apetit'o) apetito (apetit'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o) déficit (deficit'o) deficito (deficit'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o) dynamite (dynamit'o) dinamito (dinamit'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) granite (granit'o) granito (granit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) caprice (capric'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
konditc'o condition (condition'o) condition (condition'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) crédit (credit'o) kredito (kredit'o)
kvalit'o quality (qualit'o) qualité (qualit'o) kvalito (kvalit'o)
lit'o bed (bed'o) lit (lit'o) lito (lit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) litre (litr'o) litro (litr'o)
malits'o malice (malic'o) malice (malic'o) malico (malic'o)
merit'o merit (merit'o) mérit (merit'o) merito (merit'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o) mythe (mythe'o) mito (mit'o)
onklitc'o uncle (unc'o) oncle (onc'o) onklo (onkl'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) πίτσα (pits'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
polits'o police (polic'o) police (polic'o) polico (polic'o)
rit'o rite (rit'o) rite (rit'o) rito (rit'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) rythme (rythme'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o) satellite (satelit'o) satelito (satelit'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) esprit (esprit'o) spirito (spirit'o)
superstitc'o superstition (superstition'o) superstition (superstition'o) superstiĉo (superstitc'o)
tcapitr'o chapter (tcapter'o) chapitre (chapitr'o) ĉapitro (tcapitr'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) transit (transit'o) transito (transit'o)
yustits'o justice (jus'o) justice (jus'o) justico (jus'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) zénith (zenit'o) zenito (zenit'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Esper' English Italian Spanish Esperanto Tagalog Vietnamese
cud' deditc' should devote debe dedicar
cud' milit' should fight debe luchar
cud' sufitc' should be enough debe estar suficiente
cud' tsit' should cite debe citar
cud' tsit' should quote debe citar
cud' tsit' should summon debe citar
cud' vizit' should visit debe visitar
dev' deditc' must devote debe dedicar
dev' milit' must fight debe luchar
dev' sufitc' must be enough debe estar suficiente
dev' tsit' must cite debe citar
dev' tsit' must quote debe citar
dev' tsit' must summon debe citar
dev' vizit' must visit debe visitar
agit'a acted (act'a) actuado (act'a)
anontsit'a announced (anunced'a) anunciado (anunciad'a)
arbitr'a arbitrary (arbitrar'a) arbitrario (arbitrar'a) arbitrario (arbitr'a) arbitra (arbitr'a)
bonvenit'a welcomed (bonvenit'a) bienvenuto (bonvenit'a) bienvenida (bonvenit'a) bonvenita (bonvenit'a) (bonvenit'a) (bonvenit'a)
cvit'a sweaty (sweat'a) sudoroso (sudor'a) ŝvita (cvit'a)
dezertit'a deserted (desert'a) desierto (desiert'a)
ekstsit'a exciting (excit'a) emocionante (emocionant'a) ekscita (ekscit'a)
emerit'a retired (ret'a) pensionista (pensionist'a) emerita (emerit'a)
entombigit'a entombed (ent'a) enterrado (ent'a) entombigita (entombigit'a)
felitc'a happy (hapy'a) felice (felic'a) feliz (feliz'a) feliĉa (felitc'a)
frizit'a curly (curly'a) rizado (rizad'a)
glit'a glide (glid'a) deslizamiento (deslizamient'a)
granit'a granite (granit'a) granito (granit'a)
hipokrit'a hypocritical (hypocrit'a) hipócrita (hipocrit'a) hipokrita (hipokrit'a)
ilustrit'a illustrated (ilustrat'a) ilustrado (ilust'a) ilustrita (ilustrit'a)
imit'a imitative (imitat'a) imitativo (imit'a)
implits'a implicit (implicit'a) implícito (implic'a) implica (implic'a)
intermit'a intermittent (intermitent'a) intermittente (intermitent'a) intermitente (intermitent'a) intermita (intermit'a)
kaprits'a capricious (capric'a) caprichoso (capritcos'a) kaprica (kapric'a)
konditc'a conditional (condition'a) condicional (condic'a) kondiĉa (konditc'a)
konstruit'a constructed (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) construido (konstruit'a) konstruita (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a) (konstruit'a)
kredit'a believed (believed'a) cree (cre'a)
lits'a legitimate (legitimat'a) legítimo (legitim'a)
matritc'a paternal (paternal'a) paterna (patern'a)
milit'a military (milit'a) militare (milit'a) militar (milit'a) milita (milit'a)
orbit'a orbital (orbit'a) órbita (orbit'a) orbita (orbit'a)
patritc'a paternal (paternal'a) paterna (patern'a)
perdit'a lost (perdit'a) perdito (perdit'a) perdido (perdit'a) perdita (perdit'a) (perdit'a) (perdit'a)
permesit'a allowed (alowed'a) permitida (permit'a) permesita (permesit'a)
polits'a police (polic'a) policía (polici'a) polica (polic'a)
rit'a ritual (rit'a) ritual (rit'a) rita (rit'a)
ritc'a rich (ritc'a) ricco (ric'a) rico (ric'a) riĉa (ritc'a)
ritm'a rhythmic (rhyxm'a) rítmica (ritm'a) ritma (ritm'a)
sinyoritc'a gentleman (gentleman'a) caballero (cabalyer'a)
spirit'a spiritual (spirit'a) espiritual (espirit'a) spirita (spirit'a)
spits'a spicy (spic'a) picante (picant'a) spica (spic'a)
sprit'a ingenious (ingenius'a) ingenioso (ingeni'a)
subit'a sudden (suden'a) subito (subit'a) súbita (subit'a) subita (subit'a)
sufitc'a sufficient (sufic'a) sufficiente (sufic'a) suficiente (sufic'a) sufiĉa (sufitc'a)
superstitc'a superstitious (superstitius'a) supersticioso (superstic'a)
tsivit'a civic (civic'a) cívica (civic'a) civita (civit'a)
vitr'a glass (glas'a) de vidrio
vitr'a vidria (vidr'a)
vitr'a vidrio (vidr'a)
vits'a sequence (sequenc'a) secuencia (secuenci'a)
yustits'a judicial (judicial'a) judicial (hudicial'a) justica (jus'a)
zenit'a supreme (suprem'a) supremo (suprem'a)
arbitr'e arbitrarily (arbitrar'e) arbitrariamente (arbitr'e)
felitc'e happily (hapily'e) felizmente (feliz'e) feliĉe (felitc'e)
hipokrit'e hypocritically (hypocrit'e) hipócritamente (hipocrit'e)
intermit'e intermittently (intermitent'e) intermitente (intermitent'e)
intsit'e provocatively (provocat'e) provocativamente (provocativament'e) incite (incit'e)
konstruit'e built (konstruit'e) (konstruit'e) construido (konstruit'e) (konstruit'e) (konstruit'e) (konstruit'e)
lits'e legally (legaly'e) piojos (piohos'e) lice (lic'e)
milit'e waringly (war'e) por guerra
nepetit'e without invitation (nepetit'e) (nepetit'e) sin invitación (nepetit'e) nepetite (nepetit'e) (nepetit'e) (nepetit'e)
perdit'e lost (perdit'e) (perdit'e) perdido (perdit'e) (perdit'e) (perdit'e) (perdit'e)
profit'e of benefit de beneficio
ritc'e richly (ritc'e) ricamente (ric'e)
spirit'e spiritually (spirit'e) espiritualmente (espirit'e) spirite (spirit'e)
spit'e despite (spit'e) a pesar de spite (spit'e)
sprit'e jokingly (jok'e) duende (duend'e) sprite (sprit'e)
subit'e suddenly (suden'e) de repente subite (subit'e)
sufitc'e enough (enuq'e) suficiente (sufic'e) sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
sufitc'e sufficiently (sufic'e) suficiente (sufic'e) sufiĉe (sufitc'e)
〔 "vits" -adverb 〕
vicio (vici'e)
vizit'e pay a visit una visita
vortits'e by vortex vórtice (vortic'e)
〔 "yustits" -adverb 〕
justicia (hus'e)
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) agitare (agit'i) agiti (agit'i)
cud'ax deditc'i should devote debe dedicar
cud'ax milit'i should fight debe luchar
cud'ax sufitc'i should be enough debe estar suficiente
cud'ax tsit'i should cite debe citar
cud'ax tsit'i should quote debe citar
cud'ax tsit'i should summon debe citar
cud'ax vizit'i should visit debe visitar
cvit'i to perspire (perspir'i) sudor (sudor'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
deditc'i to dedicate (dedic'i) dedicare (dedic'i) dediĉi (deditc'i)
dev'ax deditc'i must devote debe dedicar
dev'ax milit'i must fight debe luchar
dev'ax sufitc'i must be enough debe estar suficiente
dev'ax tsit'i must cite debe citar
dev'ax tsit'i must quote debe citar
dev'ax tsit'i must summon debe citar
dev'ax vizit'i must visit debe visitar
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i) discreditare (discredit'i) diskrediti (diskredit'i)
ekstsit'i to excite (excit'i) excitar (ekscit'i) eksciti (ekscit'i)
evit'i to avoid (avoid'i) evitare (evit'i) evitar (evit'i) eviti (evit'i)
felitc'i to be happy estar feliz
frit'i to fry (fry'i) frittare (frit'i) freír (freir'i) friti (frit'i)
glit'i to slide (slid'i) diapositiva (diaposit'i)
hezit'i to hesitate (hesitat'i) dude (dud'i) heziti (hezit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imitare (imit'i) imitar (imit'i) imiti (imit'i)
implits'i to imply (imply'i) implicare (implicar'i) implica (implic'i) implici (implic'i)
intsit'i to incite (incit'i) incitare (incit'i) inciti (incit'i)
intsit'i to provoke (provok'i) provocan (provocan'i)
invit'i to invite (invit'i) invitare (invit'i) invitar (invit'i) inviti (invit'i)
konditc'i to condition (condition'i) condición (condic'i)
medit'i to meditate (medit'i) meditare (medit'i) meditar (medit'i) mediti (medit'i)
merit'i to deserve (deserv'i) merecen (merec'i) meriti (merit'i)
milit'i to fight (fiqt'i) lucha (lut'i)
milit'i to fight (fiqt'i) luchar (lut'i) militi (milit'i)
moderit'i to be moderated ester moderado
profit'i to profit (profit'i) profittare (profit'i) beneficio (benefici'i) profiti (profit'i)
retsit'i to recite (recit'i) recitare (recit'i) recitar (recit'i) reciti (recit'i)
spit'i to defy (defy'i) desafiar (desafiar'i) spiti (spit'i)
sufitc'i to be enough estar suficiente
tsit'i to cite (cit'i) citare (cit'i) citar (cit'i) citi (cit'i)
tsit'i to quote (quot'i) cita (cit'i) citi (cit'i)
tsit'i to quote (quot'i) citar (cit'i)
tsit'i to summon (sumon'i) citar (cit'i)
vizit'i to visit (visit'i) visitare (visit'i) visitar (visit'i) viziti (vizit'i)
aktsipitr'o hawk (hawk'o) halcón (halcon'o) akcipitro (akcipitr'o)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) appetito (apetit'o) apetito (apetit'o)
arbitr'o arbitrator (arbitrator'o) árbitro (arbitr'o)
cvit'o sweat (sweat'o) sudor (sudor'o) ŝvito (cvit'o)
deditc'o dedication (dedic'o) dedicación (dedicac'o) dediĉo (deditc'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o) deficit (deficit'o) déficit (deficit'o) deficito (deficit'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o) dinamite (dinamit'o) dinamita (dinamit'o) dinamito (dinamit'o)
ekstsit'o excitation (excit'o) excitación (ekscit'o) ekscito (ekscit'o)
felitc'o happiness (hapines'o) felicidad (felic'o) feliĉo (felitc'o)
frawlitc'o bachelor (batc'o) señorcito (senyorc'o) fraŭlo (frawl'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) granito (granit'o) granito (granit'o)
hezit'o hesitation (hesitat'o) vacilación (vacilacion'o) hezito (hezit'o)
hipokrit'o hypocrisy (hypocrisy'o) hipocresía (hipocresi'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) perra (per'o) hundo (hund'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) perro (per'o) hundo (hund'o)
intsit'o provocation (provocat'o) provocación (provocacion'o) incito (incit'o)
invit'o invitation (invit'o) invitación (invit'o) invito (invit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) capriccio (caprici'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
konditc'o condition (condition'o) condizione (condizion'o) condición (condic'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) credito (credit'o) crédito (cre'o) kredito (kredit'o)
kvalit'o quality (qualit'o) qualità (qualit'o) calidad (calidad'o) kvalito (kvalit'o)
lit'o bed (bed'o) letto (let'o) cama (cam'o) lito (lit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) litro (litr'o) litros (litr'o) litro (litr'o)
malits'o malice (malic'o) malicia (mal'o) malico (malic'o)
matritc'o father (faxer'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
medit'o meditation (medit'o) meditación (medit'o) medito (medit'o)
merit'o merit (merit'o) merito (merit'o) mérito (merit'o) merito (merit'o)
milit'o war (war'o) guerra (ger'o) milito (milit'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o) mito (mit'o) mito (mit'o)
onklitc'o uncle (unc'o) tío (ti'o) onklo (onkl'o)
orbit'o orbit (orbit'o) orbita (orbit'o) órbita (orbit'o) orbito (orbit'o)
patritc'o father (faxer'o) padre (padr'o) patro (patr'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
polits'o police (polic'o) policía (polici'o) polico (polic'o)
rit'o rite (rit'o) rito (rit'o) rito (rit'o) rito (rit'o)
ritc'o riches (ritc'o) riquezas (rikezas'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) ritmo (ritm'o) tasa (tas'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o) satellite (satelit'o) satélite (satelit'o) satelito (satelit'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) spirito (spirit'o) espíritu (espirit'o) spirito (spirit'o)
spits'o spice (spic'o) especias (especias'o) spico (spic'o)
split'o chip (tcip'o) chips (tcips'o) splito (split'o)
sprit'o wit (wit'o) ingenio (ingeni'o) sprito (sprit'o)
superstitc'o superstition (superstition'o) superstizione (superstizion'o) superstición (superstic'o) superstiĉo (superstitc'o)
tcapitr'o chapter (tcapter'o) capítulo (capitul'o) ĉapitro (tcapitr'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) transito (transit'o) tránsito (transit'o) transito (transit'o)
vidvitc'o widower (widower'o) viudo (viud'o) vidvo (vidv'o)
vit'o vine (vin'o) vite (vit'o) vito (vit'o)
vitr'o glass (glas'o) vetro (vetr'o) vidrio (vidr'o) vitro (vitr'o)
vits'o row (row'o) fila (fil'o) vico (vic'o)
vizit'o visit (visit'o) visitar (visit'o) vizito (vizit'o)
vortits'o vortex (vortex'o) vortice (vortic'o) vortico (vortic'o)
yustits'o justice (jus'o) justicia (hus'o) justico (jus'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) zenit (zenit'o) cenit (cenit'o) zenito (zenit'o)
deditc'u should devote debe dedicar
milit'u fight (fiqt'u) lucha (lut'u)
milit'u ought to fight debe luchar
milit'u should fight debe luchar
sufitc'u ought to be enough debe estar suficiente
sufitc'u should be enough debe estar suficiente
tsit'u ought to cite debe citar
tsit'u ought to quote debe citar
tsit'u ought to summon debe citar
tsit'u should cite debe citar
tsit'u should quote debe citar
tsit'u should summon debe citar
〔 "vits" -suggestive 〕
vicuña (vicuny'u)
vizit'u ought to visit debe visitar
vizit'u should visit debe visitar
vizit'u visit (visit'u) visitar (visit'u)
femitc'ow a man (man'ow) un hombre
femitc'oy men (men'oy) hombres (hombres'oy)
vidvitc'ow a widower (widower'ow) un viudo
vidvitc'oy widowers (widower'oy) viudos (viud'oy)
viritc'ow a man (viritc'ow) (viritc'ow) un hombre (viritc'ow) (viritc'ow) (viritc'ow) (viritc'ow)
viritc'oy men (viritc'oy) (viritc'oy) hombres (viritc'oy) (viritc'oy) (viritc'oy) (viritc'oy)
vitr'ow a glass (glas'ow) un vidrio
vitr'oy glasses (glas'oy) vidrios (vidr'oy)
vits'ow a row (row'ow) una fila
vits'oy rows (row'oy) filas (fil'oy)
vizit'ow a visit (visit'ow) una visita
vizit'oy visits (visit'oy) visitas (visit'oy)
vits'oyn rows (row'oyn) filas (fil'oyn)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Dutch, Esperanto, Swedish, Indonesian.

Esper' English German Dutch Esperanto Swedish Indonesian
hipokrit'a hypocritical (hypocrit'a) hypokritisch (hypokrit'a) hipokrita (hipokrit'a)
milit'a military (milit'a) militärisch (milit'a) milita (milit'a)
ritc'a rich (ritc'a) reich (reic'a) riĉa (ritc'a)
cvit'i to sweat (sweat'i) schwitzen (schwit'i) ŝviti (cvit'i)
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i) diskreditieren (diskredit'i) diskrediti (diskredit'i)
glit'i to glide (glid'i) gleiten (gleit'i) gliti (glit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imitieren (imit'i) imiti (imit'i)
implits'i to imply (imply'i) implizieren (implizieren'i) implici (implic'i)
medit'i to meditate (medit'i) meditieren (medit'i) mediti (medit'i)
profit'i to profit (profit'i) profitieren (profit'i) profiti (profit'i)
publits'i publizieren (publizieren'i) publici (public'i)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) Appetit (apetit'o) apetito (apetit'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o) Dynamit (dynamit'o) dinamito (dinamit'o)
frawlitc'o bachelor (batc'o) Fräulein (fraulein'o) fraŭlo (frawl'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) Granit (granit'o) granito (granit'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) Hund (hund'o) hundo (hund'o)
hunditc'o dog (dog'o) Hund (hund'o) hundo (hund'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) Kaprice (kapric'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) Kredit (kredit'o) kredito (kredit'o)
kvalit'o quality (qualit'o) Qualität (qualitat'o) kvalito (kvalit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) Liter (liter'o) litro (litr'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o) Mythe (mythe'o) mito (mit'o)
nit'o rivet (rivet'o) Niet (niet'o) nito (nit'o)
onklitc'o uncle (unc'o) Onkel (onkel'o) onklo (onkl'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) Pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) Rhythmus (rhythmus'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o) Satellit (satelit'o) satelito (satelit'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) Spiritus (spirit'o) spirito (spirit'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) Transit (transit'o) transito (transit'o)
vidvitc'o widower (widower'o) Witwer (witwer'o) vidvo (vidv'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) Zenit (zenit'o) zenito (zenit'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Latin, Portuguese, Esperanto, Finnish.

Esper' English Latin Portuguese Esperanto Finnish
intermit'a intermittent (intermitent'a) intermittens (intermit'a) intermita (intermit'a)
milit'a military (milit'a) militaris (milit'a) milita (milit'a)
subit'a sudden (suden'a) subitus (subit'a) subita (subit'a)
sufitc'a sufficient (sufic'a) sufficiens (sufic'a) sufiĉa (sufitc'a)
hezit'i to hesitate (hesitat'i) haesitare (haesit'i) heziti (hezit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imitari (imit'i) imiti (imit'i)
implits'i to imply (imply'i) implicare (implicar'i) implici (implic'i)
intsit'i to incite (incit'i) incitare (incit'i) inciti (incit'i)
invit'i to invite (invit'i) invitare (invit'i) inviti (invit'i)
lits'i to allow (alow'i) licet (licet'i) lici (lic'i)
medit'i to meditate (medit'i) meditare (medit'i) mediti (medit'i)
aktsipitr'o hawk (hawk'o) accipiter (acipiter'o) akcipitro (akcipitr'o)
konditc'o condition (condition'o) conditio (conditi'o) kondiĉo (konditc'o)
kvalit'o quality (qualit'o) qualitas (qualit'o) kvalito (kvalit'o)
matritc'o father (faxer'o) pater (pater'o) patro (patr'o)
orbit'o orbit (orbit'o) orbita (orbit'o) orbito (orbit'o)
patritc'o father (faxer'o) pater (pater'o) patro (patr'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o)
rit'o rite (rit'o) ritus (rit'o) rito (rit'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) transitus (transit'o) transito (transit'o)
vit'o vine (vin'o) vitis (vit'o) vito (vit'o)
vitr'o glass (glas'o) vitrum (vitr'o) vitro (vitr'o)
vits'o row (row'o) vicis (vicis'o) vico (vic'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Russian, Esperanto, Czech, Galician.

Esper' English Russian Esperanto Czech Galician
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) aгитировать (agyityirovat'i) agiti (agit'i)
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i) дискрeдитировать (dyiskredyityirovat'i) diskrediti (diskredit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) имитирoвать (yimyityirovat'i) imiti (imit'i)
tsit'i to cite (cit'i) цитирoвaть (tsyityirovat'i) citi (cit'i)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) aппeтит (aрetyit'o) apetito (apetit'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o) дeфицит (defyitsyit'o) deficito (deficit'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o) динамит (dyinamyit'o) dinamito (dinamit'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) грaинт (grayint'o) granito (granit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) кaприз (kaрryiz'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) кредит (kriedyit'o) kredito (kredit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) литр (lyitr'o) litro (litr'o)
orbit'o orbit (orbit'o) oрбитa (orbyit'o) orbito (orbit'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
polits'o police (polic'o) пoлиция (рolyits'o) polico (polic'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) ритм (ryitm'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o) сaтeллит (satelyit'o) satelito (satelit'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) сприт (sрryit'o) spirito (spirit'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) трaнзит (tranzyit'o) transito (transit'o)
vidvitc'o widower (widower'o) вдовец (vdoviets'o) vidvo (vidv'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) зeнит (zenyit'o) zenito (zenit'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Lithuanian, Esperanto, Welsh, Croatian.

Esper' English Lithuanian Esperanto Welsh Croatian
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) agituoti (agituot'i) agiti (agit'i)
diskredit'i to discredit (discredit'i) diskredituoti (diskredituot'i) diskrediti (diskredit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imituoti (imituot'i) imiti (imit'i)
tsit'i to cite (cit'i) cituoti (cituot'i) citi (cit'i)
vizit'i to visit (visit'i) vizituoti (vizituot'i) viziti (vizit'i)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) apetitas (apetit'o) apetito (apetit'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o) deficitas (deficit'o) deficito (deficit'o)
dinamit'o dynamite (dynamit'o) dinamitas (dinamit'o) dinamito (dinamit'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) granitas (granit'o) granito (granit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) kaprizas (kaprizas'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) kreditas (kredit'o) kredito (kredit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) litras (litr'o) litro (litr'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o) mitas (mit'o) mito (mit'o)
orbit'o orbit (orbit'o) orbita (orbit'o) orbito (orbit'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o)
polits'o police (polic'o) policija (policij'o) polico (polic'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) ritmas (ritm'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
satelit'o satellite (satelit'o) satelitas (satelit'o) satelito (satelit'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) spiritas (spirit'o) spirito (spirit'o)
transit'o transit (transit'o) tranzitas (tranzit'o) transito (transit'o)
zenit'o zenith (zenix'o) zenitas (zenit'o) zenito (zenit'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Polish, Esperanto, Irish, Estonian.

Esper' English Polish Esperanto Irish Estonian
agit'i to agitate (agitat'i) agitować (agit'i) agiti (agit'i)
imit'i to imitate (imitat'i) imitować (imit'i) imiti (imit'i)
tsit'i to cite (cit'i) cytować (cytowac'i) citi (cit'i)
vizit'i to visit (visit'i) wizytować (wizyt'i) viziti (vizit'i)
apetit'o appetite (apet'o) apetyt (apetyt'o) apetito (apetit'o)
defitsit'o deficit (deficit'o) deficyt (deficyt'o) deficito (deficit'o)
granit'o granite (granit'o) granit (granit'o) granito (granit'o)
kaprits'o caprice (capric'o) kaprys (kaprys'o) kaprico (kapric'o)
kredit'o credit (credit'o) kredyt (kredyt'o) kredito (kredit'o)
litr'o litre (litr'o) litr (litr'o) litro (litr'o)
mit'o myth (myx'o) mit (mit'o) mito (mit'o)
pits'o pizza (piz'o) pizza (piz'o) de pico pizza (piz'o) pitsa (pits'o)
polits'o police (polic'o) policja (policj'o) polico (polic'o)
ritm'o rhythm (rhyxm'o) rytm (rytm'o) ritmo (ritm'o)
spirit'o spirit (spirit'o) spirytus (spiryt'o) spirito (spirit'o)
sprit'o wit (wit'o) spryt (spryt'o) sprito (sprit'o)
vidvitc'o widower (widower'o) wdowiec (wdowiec'o) vidvo (vidv'o)