Latest comment: 4 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The topic development submission has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is below, plus see the general feedback page. Please also check the page history for changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Marks are available via UCLearn. Marks are based on the latest version before the due date.
Promising 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development by expanding the structure
Good alignment between focus questions and heading structure
Consider adopting closer alignment between the sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings
Adopt closer alignment between the sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings
Aim for 3 to 6 top-level headings between the Overview and Conclusion, with up to a similar number of sub-headings for large sections
The Overview and Conclusion should not have sub-headings
Use default heading formatting (i.e., avoid bold, italics, underline, changing the size etc.)
Avoid having sections with only 1 sub-heading – use 0 or 2+ sub-headings
Definition(s) tend to be pedestrian headings. Incorporate definitional material into the Overview and/or subsequent sections with embedded inter-wiki link(s) to further information.
Case study doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed case study within relevant sections
Quiz doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed quiz questions within relevant sections
Brief description about self provided – consider expanding
Consider linking to your eportfolio page and/or any other professional online profile or resume such as LinkedIn. This is not required, but it can be useful to interlink your professional networks.
Latest comment: 1 month ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's UCLearn site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.
The correct title and sub-title (or an abbreviation to fit within the 100 character limit) are used in the name of the presentation — this helps to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation
Provide a written description of the presentation to help potential viewers
Latest comment: 1 month ago1 comment1 person in discussion
This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Chapter marks will be available via UCLearn along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.
Overall, this is a reasonably good chapter. It makes very good use of psychological theory and basic use of research to address a real-world phenomenon or problem.
Reasonably good use of academic, peer-reviewed citations to support claims
In some places, better use could be made of academic, peer-reviewed citations (e.g., see the [factual?] tags)
For additional feedback, see the following comments and these copyedits
Overall, the quality of written expression is good
Avoid one sentence paragraphs. Communicate one idea per paragraph using three to five sentences.
Use 3rd person perspective (e.g., "it") rather than 1st (e.g., "we") or 2nd person (e.g., "you") perspective[1] in the main text, although 1st or 2nd person perspective can work well for case studies or feature boxes
Embed direct quotes within sentences and paragraphs, rather than presenting them holus-bolus
Avoid directional referencing (e.g., "as previously mentioned") because it's usually unnecessary. If needed, use section linking.
Avoid having sub-headings in the Overview (fixed)
Avoid having sections with 1 sub-heading – use 0 or 2+ sub-headings
The grammar for some sentences could be improved (e.g., see [grammar?] tags) by using a grammar checking tool, accessing UC services like Studiosity, and/or seeking peer feedback on draft work
APA style
Use double (not single) quotation marks "to introduce a word or phrase used ... as slang, or as an invented or coined expression" (APA Style 7th ed., 2020, p. 159)
Direct quotes need page numbers – even better, communicate about concepts in your own words
One use of embedded in-text interwiki links to Wikipedia articles. Adding more interwiki links for the first mention of key words and technical concepts would make the text even more interactive. See example.
One use of embedded in-text links to related book chapters. Embedding in-text links to related book chapters helps to integrate this chapter into the broader book project.
Basic use of figure(s)
No use of table(s)
Reasonably good/ use of feature box(es)
Excellent use of scenarios, case studies, or examples
Excellent use of quiz(zes) and/or reflection question(s)
Excellent use of interwiki links in the "See also" section
Use alphabetical order
Excellent use of external links in the "External links" section