Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2019/Thai cave rescue motivation and emotion

Latest comment: 4 years ago by Jtneill in topic Multimedia feedback

Topic development feedback

The topic development has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Topic development marks are available via UCLearn. Note that marks are based on what was available before the due date, whereas the comments may also be based on all material available at time of providing this feedback.


Title, sub-title, TOC

  1. Excellent

User page

  1. Excellent

Social contribution

  1. OK
  2. Link doesn't go directly to evidence of contribution
  3. See suggestions for how to record social contributions

Section headings

  1. Limited development of a heading structure
  2. Make sure to concentrate on addressing the question - e.g., we don't need much about "About the Thai cave rescue" because that is so well covered elsewhere - provide a very brief summary (e.g., in the Overview) and link to the Wikipedia article about the topic for more info. That way this chapter can concentrate on the psychological aspects, particularly those related to motivation and emotion.
  3. Taking a chronological approach probably makes sense - e.g., what motivated the boys and coach to go into the cave in the first place etc. A character approach would be an alternative structure (e.g., boys, coach, families, rescuers, public)

Key points

  1. Some, but limited development
  2. Overview - expand. Qs 2 and 3 and maybe 5 are the key questions to focus on.
  3. Conclusion - expand - this is the most important section.


  1. OK
  2. Consider increasing the image size so that it is more easily viewable without zooming.
  3. Use the image caption to reinforce key points being made in the text.


  1. OK
  2. Use APA style
  3. For latest APA style recommended format for dois see


  1. Excellent

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 00:58, 2 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Heading casing

FYI, the convention on Wikiversity is for lower-cased headings (or sentence casing). For example, use:

==Cats and dogs==

rather than

==Cats and Dogs==

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 11:23, 31 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

@BekRad: Just drawing your attention to this formatting suggestion. Sincerely, James. -- Jtneill - Talk - c 11:24, 31 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

Topic development feedback


The topic development has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Topic development marks are available via UCLearn. Note that marks are based on what was available before the due date, whereas the comments may also be based on all material available at time of providing this feedback.


Title and sub-title

  1. Excellent

User page

  1. Created, with description about self and link to book chapter
  2. Used effectively

Social contribution

  1. 1 contribution claimed, but no direct link to evidence provided.

Section headings

  1. Logical 2-level heading structure, with meaningful headings that directly relate to the core topic.
  2. Avoid having sections with 1 sub-heading - use 0 or 2+ sub-headings.

Key points

  1. The topic as it is currently worded doesn't justify a singular focus on one individual, although as a key figure Harris could be used for a case study focus - e.g., why not also consider, for example, the motivation for the boys/coach to enter the cave? The emotions of families and the world watching? etc.
  2. Only brief description of "About the Thai cave rescue" is needed to highlight key features that you subsequently discussion. Provide internal links to Wikipedia material for more detail.
  3. Key points are well developed for each section, but there is a lack of relevant citation.
  4. Consider including more interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles.
  5. Consider embedding one quiz question per major section rather than having one longer quiz towards the end.


  1. Provided, with an APA style caption
  2. Consider increasing image size from default
  3. Cite each figure at least once in the main text.


  1. All references should cited and vice-versa.
  2. For full APA style:
    1. Use correct capitalisation
    2. Use correct italicisation
    3. Use the new recommended format for dois -
    4. Do not include issue numbers for journals which are continuously numbered within a volume


  1. See also
    1. Good
  2. External links
    1. Rename links so that they are more user friendly

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 07:07, 27 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback


This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via UCLearn Canvas, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.



  1. Why focus on one person? Better to address the topic, perhaps using particularly people or groups of people as examples/case studies.
  2. The focus aside, the chapter provides an interesting and useful account using a wide range of relevant theories and some associated research to explore the emotions and motives of one of the rescuers. However, there is a notable lack of referencing about facts involved in the rescue.
  3. Consider noting that although the boys and the coach were rescued, the resounding success was nevertheless affected by the death of the one of the rescuers - emotions such as grief, fear etc. therefore should also be considered and explored.
  4. Overview is reasonable; to improve, add focus questions and an image.
  5. For additional feedback, see comments below and these copyedits.
  1. There is too much initial, general historical material. Instead, summarise and link to further information (such as Wikipedia articles), to allow this chapter to focus on the specific topic (i.e., the sub-title question).
  2. The Reeve (2018) textbook is overused as a citation - instead, utilise primary, peer-reviewed sources.
  1. Some relevant research is reviewed and discussed in relation to theory.
  2. There is insufficient citation to support claimed facts about the rescue.
  1. Written expression
    1. Use third person perspective rather than first person (e.g., "we") or second person (e.g., "you") perspective.
  2. Layout
    1. Sections which include sub-sections should also include an introductory paragraph (which doesn't need a separate heading) before branching into the sub-headings.
    2. The chapter is reasonably well structured.
  3. Learning features
    1. Very basic use of interwiki links to Wikipedia articles. Adding more interwiki links for the first mention of key words would make the text more interactive.
    2. No use of embedded links to related book chapters. Embedding interwiki links links to related book chapters helps to integrate this chapter into the broader book project.
    3. Basic use of images.
    4. No use of tables.
    5. No use of feature boxes.
    6. Basic use of quizzes.
    7. The quiz questions could be more effective as learning prompts by being embedded as single questions within each corresponding section rather than being presented as a set of questions at the end.
  4. Spelling
    1. Use Australian spelling (e.g., hypothesize vs. hypothesise; behavior vs. behaviour; fulfillment vs. fulfilment).
  5. APA style
    1. References are not in full APA style. For example:
      1. Check and correct use of capitalisation.
      2. Check and correct use of italicisation.
  1. ~1 logged social contributions without direct links to evidence

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 04:51, 13 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's Canvas site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.



  1. Overall, this is a basic presentation.
  2. This presentation makes use of simple tools but probably violates copyright restriction licenses for some of the images.
  1. Several of the comments about the book chapter also apply here.
  2. The content is interesting but somewhat speculative about a specific person's emotion and motivation during a specific event. There was no need to focus specifically on an individual (given the broader topic), although individuals could have provided useful case studies.
  3. An appropriate amount of content is presented - not too much or too little.
  4. Add and narrate an Overview slide (e.g., with focus questions), to help orientate the viewer about what will be covered.
  5. The presentation could be strengthened by adding a Conclusion slide with practical, take-home messages.
  1. The presentation is interesting to watch and listen to.
  2. The presentation makes effective use of text and image based slides with narrated audio.
  3. Well paced.
  4. The font size is sufficiently large to make it easy to read.
  5. The visual communication is effectively supplemented by images.
  1. The chapter title but not the sub-title are used in the video title - the latter would help to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation.
  2. The chapter title and sub-title are used on the opening slide - this helps to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation.
  3. Audio recording quality was OK - there was some white noise, a couple of skips between slides, and keyboard clicks. Probably an on-board microphone was used. Consider using an external microphone.
  4. Visual display quality was good.
  5. Image sources and their copyright status are not provided. Either acknowledge the image sources and their licenses in the video description or remove the presentation.
  6. A copyright license for the presentation is not provided.
  7. A link to the book chapter is not provided.
  8. A link from the book chapter is provided.
  9. A written description of the presentation is not provided.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 03:52, 25 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

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