Survey design/Introduction and overview
Survey design: Introduction and overview is a 1-2 hour session on the nuts and bolts of designing a survey. These presenter notes go together with the presentation slides.
Survey design: Introduction and overview was a repeat of the 27/8/09 presentation, this time for Dr. Anna Olsen's unit on "Methods of Social Inquiry" (Community Education). These were very engaged 2nd year undergraduate students! The topics were tailored to avoid being too statistical since the unit was mostly about qualitative research. The presentation went for approximately 80 minutes and followed a similar structure to previously, but went more smoothly overall. Basic outline of what was covered:
Survey design: Introduction and overview was a one hour presentation by James Neill on 27 August, 2009 to a group of approximately 16 PhD students in the Faculty of Business and Government at the University of Canberra about developing questionnaires, at the request of Assoc. Prof. Ali Khazi. This was a short version of the one-day survey design workshop. PlaneditOutline for a 60 minute presentation/lecture/workshop on survey design:
What happened insteadedit