Quizbank/University Physics Semester 2

Wright State University Lake Campus/2018-9/Phy2410 Template:EduV/announcement

  • Quizbank now resides on MyOpenMath at https://www.myopenmath.com (although I hope Wikiversity can play an important role in helping students and teachers use these questions!)
  • At the moment, most of the physics questions have already been transferred. To see them, join myopenmath.com as a student, and "enroll" in one or both of the following courses:
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    • Quizbank physics 2 (id 61712)
    • Quizbank astronomy (id 63705)

The enrollment key for each course is 123. They are all is set to practice mode, giving students unlimited attempts at each question. Instructors can also print out copies of the quiz for classroom use. If you have any problems leave a message at user talk:Guy vandegrift.

  • To use this resource you need to download 11 large pdf files. Here are links to them:   T1    T2    T3   T4    T5   T6   T7    T8    T9    T10    T11   

University Physics Semester 2


This unit has 11 exams (tests) that can viewed by clicking the links (e.g., T1). They are classroom-ready exams based on the collection of quizzes shown below each exam. The fraction indicates the ratio of the number of questions randomly selected to the number of questions on each quiz. Students can access these quizzes using either the (uneditable) permalink or directly via links to subpages of QB. Students and instructors can also view all the questions on this unit's /Questions list. Ideas for use by instructors can be found at Quizbank/Instructions.

  • Note change of date for this quiz

3/6 from Special:Permalink/1894334 to QB/d_cp2.5 | Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863337 to QB/a18ElectricChargeField_findE | Equations (solutions)
5/13 from Special:Permalink/1863397 to QB/c18ElectricChargeField_lineCharges | Equations (solution)

  8.85×10−12 F/m = vacuum permittivity.

e = 1.602×10−19C: negative (positive) charge for electrons (protons)

  = 8.99×109 m/F



  = field above an infinite plane of charge.

  is the electric field at the field point,  , due to point charges at the source points,  , and   points from source points to the field point.   is the electric field at the field point,  , due to point charges at the source points,  , and   points from source points to the field point.


  • Question 2: The angle is above the x-axis not the −x axis.
  • Question 4: There is an error of 109 which can be removed by changing nC to C (nano-Coulombs to Coulombs) in the question.
  • Question 5: I forgot to give you a value for z. Take z=1 until this gets fixed.
  • Question 6: Perhaps the student should be informed that the approximation of the field near an infinite plane should be used here.[1]
Question 1: Replace C by nC for both charges in the question.S

4/6 from Special:Permalink/1894335 to QB/d_cp2.6 | Equations
2/3 from Special:Permalink/1863399 to QB/c19ElectricPotentialField_SurfaceIntegral |Equations
4/6 from Special:Permalink/1863398 to QB/c19ElectricPotentialField_GaussLaw | Equations

    = electric flux




Calculating   and   with angular symmetry
Cyndrical:  .  Spherical:  

Calculating   and   with angular symmetry
Cyndrical:  .  Spherical:  

3/11 from Special:Permalink/1893815 to QB/d_cp2.7 | Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1893633 to QB/d_cp2.8 | Equations
3/5 from Special:Permalink/1863338 to QB/a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance | Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863339 to QB/a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE | Equations

  = electric potential


  = change in potential energy (or simply  )


Electron (proton) mass = 9.11×10−31kg (1.67× 10−27kg). Elementary charge = e = 1.602×10−19C.

 =kinetic energy. 1 eV = 1.602×10−19J

  near isolated point charge

Many charges:  .

The alpha-particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons.

  defines capacitance.

  where A is area and d<<A1/2 is gap length of parallel plate capacitor


  = stored energy

  = energy density

Available at special:permalink/1925995

2/10 from Special:Permalink/1893634 to QB/d_cp2.9|Equations
2/9 from Special:Permalink/1895273 to QB/d_cp2.10|Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863340 to QB/a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel | Equations
2/21 from Special:Permalink/1863341 to QB/a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1 | Equations
2/5 from Special:Permalink/1863342 to QB/a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits | Equations

Electric current: 1 Amp (A) = 1 Coulomb (C) per second (s)

Current= , where

  = (density, charge, speed, Area)

  where   =current density.

  = electric field where   = resistivity

 , and  ,

where   is resistance

  and Power= 

  where  =internal resistance and  =emf.


Kirchhoff Junction:  and Loop:  

Charging an RC (resistor-capacitor) circuit:   and   where   is RC time,   and  .

Discharging an RC circuit:   and  

2/9 from Special:Permalink/1902372 to QB/d_cp2.11 | Equations | Textbook links for d_cp2.11
2/11 from Special:Permalink/1892310 to QB/d_cp2.12 | Equations | Textbook links for d_cp2.12
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863344 to QB/a22Magnetism_forces | Equations
2/6 from Special:Permalink/1828922 to QB/c22Magnetism_ampereLaw | Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863400 to QB/c22Magnetism_ampereLawSymmetry | Equations

cross product

    ,  ,  
Magnetic force:   .
 =EXB drift velocity
Circular motion (uniform B field):   Period= 

Hall effect

Dipole moment= . Torque= . Stored energy= .
Hall field = 
Lorentz force = 

Free space permeability   T·m/A
Force between parallel wires  
Biot–Savart law  
Ampère's Law: 
Magnetic field inside solenoid with paramagnetic material =  where  = permeability

1/6 from Special:Permalink/1894334 to QB/d_cp2.5 | Equations
2/6 from Special:Permalink/1894335 to QB/d_cp2.6 | Equations
2/11 from Special:Permalink/1893815 to QB/d_cp2.7 | Equations
1/4 from Special:Permalink/1893633 to QB/d_cp2.8 | Equations
2/10 from Special:Permalink/1893634 to QB/d_cp2.9 | Equations
2/9 from Special:Permalink/1895273 to QB/d_cp2.10 | Equations
  8.85×10−12 F/m = vacuum permittivity.

e = 1.602×10−19C: negative (positive) charge for electrons (protons)

  = 8.99×109 m/F



  = field above an infinite plane of charge.

    = electric flux




  = electric potential


  = change in potential energy (or simply  )


Electron (proton) mass = 9.11×10−31kg (1.67× 10−27kg). Elementary charge = e = 1.602×10−19C.

 =kinetic energy. 1 eV = 1.602×10−19J

  near isolated point charge

Many charges:  .

  defines capacitance.

  where A is area and d<<A1/2 is gap length of parallel plate capacitor


  = stored energy

  = energy density

Electric current: 1 Amp (A) = 1 Coulomb (C) per second (s)

Current= , where

  = (density, charge, speed, Area)

  where   =current density.

  = electric field where   = resistivity

 , and  ,

where   is resistance

  and Power= 

  where  =internal resistance and  =emf.


Kirchhoff Junction:  and Loop:  

Charging an RC (resistor-capacitor) circuit:   and   where   is RC time,   and  .

Discharging an RC circuit:   and  

3/9 from Special:Permalink/1893631 to QB/d_cp2.13 | Equations
2/6 from Special:Permalink/1892308 to QB/d_cp2.14 | Equations
3/8 from Special:Permalink/1894891 to QB/d_cp2.15 | Equations
1/2 from Special:Permalink/1863345 to QB/a23InductionACcircuits_Q1 | Equations
1/4 from Special:Permalink/1863343 to QB/a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple | Equations

Magnetic flux  
Motional   if  
Electromotive "force" (volts)  
rotating coil  

Unit of inductance = Henry (H)=1V·s/A

Mutual inductance:   where  =flux through 1 due to current in 2. Reciprocity 


 ,  , Stored energy= 

  in LR circuit where  .

  in LC circuit where  

AC voltage and current   if  
RMS values   and  
Resistor   where  
Capacitor   where  
Inductor   where  
RLC series circuit   where   and  
Resonant angular frequency  
Quality factor  
Average power  
Transformer voltages and currents  

5/8 from Special:Permalink/1863346 to QB/a25GeometricOptics_image
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863347 to QB/a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses | Equations
3/4 from Special:Permalink/1863348 to QB/a25GeometricOptics_vision

2/9 from Special:Permalink/1902372 to QB/d_cp2.11 | Equations
2/11 from Special:Permalink/1892310 to QB/d_cp2.12 | Equations
1/9 from Special:Permalink/1893631 to QB/d_cp2.13 | Equations
1/6 from Special:Permalink/1892308 to QB/d_cp2.14 | Equations
1/8 from Special:Permalink/1894891 to QB/d_cp2.15 | Equations
2/6 from Special:Permalink/1895295 to QB/d_cp2.16 | Equations
2/4 from Special:Permalink/1863401 to QB/c24ElectromagneticWaves_displacementCurrent | Equations
(there might be a bit more?)

cross product

    ,  ,  
Magnetic force:   .
 =EXB drift velocity
Circular motion (uniform B field):   Period= 

Hall effect

Dipole moment= . Torque= . Stored energy= .
Hall field = 
Lorentz force = 

Free space permeability   T·m/A
Force between parallel wires  
Biot–Savart law  
Ampère's Law: 
Magnetic field inside solenoid with paramagnetic material =  where  = permeability

Magnetic flux  
Motional   if  
Electromotive "force" (volts)  
rotating coil  

Unit of inductance = Henry (H)=1V·s/A

Mutual inductance:   where  =flux through 1 due to current in 2. Reciprocity 


 ,  , Stored energy= 

  in LR circuit where  .

  in LC circuit where  

AC voltage and current   if  
RMS values   and  
Resistor   where  
Capacitor   where  
Inductor   where  
RLC series circuit   where   and  
Resonant angular frequency  
Quality factor  
Average power  
Transformer voltages and currents  

Displacement current   where   is the electric flux.

Maxwell's equations:  


Poynting vector  =energy flux

Average intensity  

Radiation pressure   (perfect absorber) and   (perfect reflector).

To be continued

1/8 from Special:Permalink/1878340 to QB/d_Bell.solitaire | Discussion
5/18 from Special:Permalink/1878339 to QB/d_Bell.polarization | Discussion
5/25 from Special:Permalink/1885266 to QB/d_Bell.photon | Discussion
1/10 from Special:Permalink/1878495 to QB/d_Bell.Venn | Discussion

We might not need an equation sheet for this quiz. These are "conceptual" quizzes so instead of "Equations" we have "Discussion".

1/6 from Special:Permalink/1894334 to QB/d_cp2.5 | Equations
1/6 from Special:Permalink/1894335 to QB/d_cp2.6 | Equations
1/11 from Special:Permalink/1893815 to QB/d_cp2.7 | Equations
1/4 from Special:Permalink/1893633 to QB/d_cp2.8 | Equations
1/10 from Special:Permalink/1893634 to QB/d_cp2.9 | Equations
1/9 from Special:Permalink/1895273 to QB/d_cp2.10 | Equations
1/9 from Special:Permalink/1902372 to QB/d_cp2.11 | Equations
1/11 from Special:Permalink/1892310 to QB/d_cp2.12 | Equations
1/9 from Special:Permalink/1893631 to QB/d_cp2.13 | Equations
1/6 from Special:Permalink/1892308 to QB/d_cp2.14 | Equations
1/8 from Special:Permalink/1894891 to QB/d_cp2.15 | Equations
1/6 from Special:Permalink/1895295 to QB/d_cp2.16 | Equations

  8.85×10−12 F/m = vacuum permittivity.

e = 1.602×10−19C: negative (positive) charge for electrons (protons)

  = 8.99×109 m/F



  = field above an infinite plane of charge.

    = electric flux




  = electric potential


  = change in potential energy (or simply  )


Electron (proton) mass = 9.11×10−31kg (1.67× 10−27kg). Elementary charge = e = 1.602×10−19C.

 =kinetic energy. 1 eV = 1.602×10−19J

  near isolated point charge

Many charges:  .

  defines capacitance.

  where A is area and d<<A1/2 is gap length of parallel plate capacitor


  = stored energy

  = energy density

Electric current: 1 Amp (A) = 1 Coulomb (C) per second (s)

Current= , where

  = (density, charge, speed, Area)

  where   =current density.

  = electric field where   = resistivity

 , and  ,

where   is resistance

  and Power= 

  where  =internal resistance and  =emf.


Kirchhoff Junction:  and Loop:  

Charging an RC (resistor-capacitor) circuit:   and   where   is RC time,   and  .

Discharging an RC circuit:   and  

cross product

    ,  ,  
Magnetic force:   .
 =EXB drift velocity
Circular motion (uniform B field):   Period= 

Hall effect

Dipole moment= . Torque= . Stored energy= .
Hall field = 
Lorentz force = 

Free space permeability   T·m/A
Force between parallel wires  
Biot–Savart law  
Ampère's Law: 
Magnetic field inside solenoid with paramagnetic material =  where  = permeability

Magnetic flux  
Motional   if  
Electromotive "force" (volts)  
rotating coil  

Unit of inductance = Henry (H)=1V·s/A

Mutual inductance:   where  =flux through 1 due to current in 2. Reciprocity 


 ,  , Stored energy= 

  in LR circuit where  .

  in LC circuit where  

AC voltage and current   if  
RMS values   and  
Resistor   where  
Capacitor   where  
Inductor   where  
RLC series circuit   where   and  
Resonant angular frequency  
Quality factor  
Average power  
Transformer voltages and currents  

Displacement current   where   is the electric flux.

Maxwell's equations:  


Poynting vector  =energy flux

Average intensity  

Radiation pressure   (perfect absorber) and   (perfect reflector).

Check transclusion

See also:


Transclusion problem:Copied from Talk

transclustion problem with cp2.5 and 2.6

{{#lsth:OpenStax University Physics/E&M/Electric Charges and Fields|For quiz at [[QB/d_cp2.5]]}}<ref>Not transcluding for some reason</ref>

    = electric flux





  1. But perhaps not. How difficult do we what these questions to be?
  2. Not transcluding for some reason