Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Coprolalia

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Exclamatory swearing and use of hostile or obscene epithets.

Daniele et al (1997) Obsessive-compulsive behaviour and cognitive impairment in a parkinsonian patient after left putaminal lesion. [1]

Shale et al (2005) Tics in a patient with Parkinson's disease†[2]

Dale et al (2007) Contemporary encephalitis lethargica presenting with agitated catatonia, stereotypy, and dystonia-parkinsonism. [3]

Further Research

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  1. Daniele, A.; Bartolomeo, P.; Cassetta, E.; Bentivoglio, A. R.; Gainotti, G.; Albanese, A. and Bartolomeo, P. (1997) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 62 (3) 288 – 289. Obsessive-compulsive behaviour and cognitive impairment in a parkinsonian patient after left putaminal lesion.
  2. Shale, Heidi; Fahn, Stanley and Mayeux, Richard (2005) Full Text Tics in a patient with Parkinson's disease†
  3. Dale, R. C.; Webster, R. and Gill, D. (2007) AbstactMov. Disord. 22 (15) 2281 - 2284. Contemporary encephalitis lethargica presenting with agitated catatonia, stereotypy, and dystonia-parkinsonism.