Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Cogwheel rigidity

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Cogwheel rigidity


Stiffness in the muscles, with a jerky quality when arms and legs are repeatedly moved.

The following references are relevant:-

Lance et al(1963) Action tremor and the cogwheel phenomenon in Parkinson’s disease[1]

Findley et al (1981) Tremor, the cogwheel phenomenon and clonus in Parkinson’s disease [2]

Ghiglione et al(2005) Cogwheel Rigidity [3]

Further Research

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  1. Lance, James W.; Schwab, Paul S. and Peterson, Elizabeth R. (1963) Full Text Brain 86 (1) 85 – 110 Action tremor and the cogwheel phenomenon in Parkinson’s disease
  2. Findley, L.J.; Gresty, M.A. and Halmagy, G.M.(1981) Full TextJ. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 1981 44 (6) 534 –5 46. Tremor, the cogwheel phenomenon and clonus in Parkinson's disease.
  3. Ghiglione, Paolo, Mutani, Roberto and Chio, Adriano (2005) Full Text Jama 62 (5)