Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Catatonia

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Catatonia Holding of statuesque postures

The following references are relevant:-

Northoff et al (1997) Glutamatergic dysfunction in catatonia? Successful treatment of three acute akinetic catatonic patients with the NMDA antagonist amantadine. [1]

Bhati et al(2007) Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Empirical Treatments for Catatonia [2]

Carroll et al(2007) Katatonia - A New Conceptual Understanding of Catatonia and a New Rating Scale [3]

Further Research

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  1. Northoff, G.; Eckert, J. and Fritze, J. (1997) Full text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 62 (4) 404 – 406. > Glutamatergic dysfunction in catatonia? Successful treatment of three acute akinetic catatonic patients with the NMDA antagonist amantadine.
  2. Bhati, Mahendra T. Catherine J. and O'Reardon, John P. (2007) Full Text Psychiatry (Edgmont). 4 (3) 46–52. Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Empirical Treatments for Catatonia
  3. Carrol, Brendan T.; Kirkhart, Rob: Ahuia, Niraj; Soovere, Ilo; Lauterbach, Edward C.; Dhossche, Dirk and Talbert, Rebecca. (2007) Full Text Psychiatry (Edgmont). 4 (3) 46 – 52. Katatonia - A New Conceptual Understanding of Catatonia and a New Rating Scale.