Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Automatism

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Forced obedience to external stimuli or commands.

Some potentially relevant references are:-

Allain et al (1995) Explicit and procedural memory in Parkinson's disease. [1]

Allain et al (1995) Procedural memory and Parkinson's disease. [2]

Perez-Velazquez (2012) The biophysical bases of will-less behaviours [3]

Further Research

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  1. .Allain,H,; Lieury, A.; Thomas V.; Reymann JM.; Gandon, J.M. and Belliard, S. (1995) Abstract Biomed. Pharmacother. 49 (4) 179 – 186 Explicit and procedural memory in Parkinson's disease.
  2. Allain, H.; Lieury, A.; Quemener, V.; Thomas, V.; Reymann, J.M, and Gandon, J.M. (1995) Abstract Dementia 6 (3) 174 – 178 Proceadurl memory and Parkinson's disease.
  3. Perez-Valaquez, Jose L. (2012) Abstract Front. Integr. Neirosci. 2012:6:98 The biophysical bases of will-less behaviours