Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Aphagia

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Inability to swallow

Swallowing problems are frequently reported by PD patients but the symptom awaits detailed scientific research.

The following references are relevant:-

eHealthMe (1977)Could Parkinson's disease cause Aphagia? A study of 26 patients [1]

eHealthMe (1977) Could Azilect cause Aphagia? [2]

Russell et al (2010) Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease [3]

Further Research

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This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
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  1. eHealthMe (1977) Article Could Parkinson's disease cause Aphagia? A study of 26 patients's+disease/aphagia
  2. eHealthMe(1977) Article Could Azilect cause Aphagia?
  3. Russell, John A.; Ciucci, Michelle, R.; Connor, Nadine P. and Schallert, Timothy(2010) Full TextBrain Res. 1341 : 3 – 11. Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease