Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Lecture 26/refcontrol

For further investigations of linear mappings, and, in particular, of trigonalizable mappings, we have first to discuss an important law in the polynomial ring over a field, the Lemma of Bezout.

The Lemma of Bezout

Recall that a polynomial divides a polynomial , if there exists an polynomial such that

This corresponds to the divisibility concept of the integers . From there, also the concept of a common divisor should be known.

Let denote polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (1) over a fieldMDLD/field . We say that a polynomial is a common divisor of the given polynomials if dividesMDLD/divides (polynomial ring 1)

every .

Let denote polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (1) over a fieldMDLD/field . We say that a polynomial is a greatest common divisor of the given polynomials, if is a common divisorMDLD/common divisor (polynomial ring 1) of the , and if has among all common divisors of the maximal

degree.MDLD/degree (polynomial)

A greatest common divisor is not uniquely determined, since with also for some constant is also a greatest common divisor. However, if we restrict to normed polynomials, then the greatest common divisor is unique.

PolynomialsMDLD/Polynomials (1) over a fieldMDLD/field are called coprime, if they have, with the exception of constants , no

common divisor.MDLD/common divisor (polynomial ring 1)

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let denote polynomialsMDLD/polynomials (1) over . Let be a greatest common divisorMDLD/greatest common divisor (polynomial ring) of the . Then there exists a representation



We consider the set of all linear combinations

This is an idealMDLD/ideal of , as can be checked directly. Due to fact, this ideal is a principal ideal,MDLD/principal ideal hence,

with a certain polynomial . This is a common divisor of the . Because of , we have

that is is a factor of every . A similar reasoning shows

for all , and, therefore, also


By the condition, has the maximal degree among all common divisors. Therefore, is a constant. Thus, we have

and, in particular, . Therefore, is a linear combination of the .

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let denote coprime polynomialsMDLD/coprime polynomials over . Then there exists a representation



This follows directly from fact.

For given polynomials , we can determine explicitly their greatest common divisor and a representation

as stated in fact. For this, we restrict ourselves to the case . Let the degree of be as large as the degree of . The division with remainder yields

with a remaining polynomial, whose degree is smaller than the degree of , or which is . The main point is that the ideals

are identical and, thus, the greatest common divisor of and and of and coincide. Now we perform again the division with remainder, dividing by with remainder , and again the ideal coincides with the starting ideal. In this way, we obtain a sequence of remaining polynomials

with the property that two adjacent polynomials generate the same ideal. Hence, (the last remaining polynomial different from ) is the greatest common divisor of and . We can find a representation of as a linear combination of the , by working back this algorithm using the equations which describe the divisions with remainder.

The method described in the previous remark is called Euclidean algorithm. It holds accordingly also for the integers.

We want to determine the greatest common divisorMDLD/greatest common divisor (polynomial) for the polynomials and in . For this, we perform the division with remainder,MDLD/division with remainder (polynomial ring) and we obtain

Thus the two polynomials are coprime.MDLD/coprime (polynomial) A representation of the is

We mention the Lemma of Bezout for the integers.

Every set of integers has a greatest common divisor , and this can be expressed as a linear combination of the , that is, there exist integers such that

In particular, for coprime integers , there exists a representation of .


Generalized eigenspaces

A trigonalizable mapping can be described by an upper triangular matrix. We want to understand whether there are even easier matrices to describe such a mapping. This will be done in two steps. In this lecture, we describe a trigonalizable mapping as a direct sum of mappings on so-called generalized eigenspaces. In the next two lectures, we will discuss endomorphisms on such generalized eigenspaces.

For a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping on a -vector spaceMDLD/vector space and an eigenvalue ,

is called generalized eigenspace

of for this eigenvalue.

If is finite-dimensional, then the chain

becomes stationary, that is, there exists some such that

Generalized eigenspaces are, due to exercise, invariant under the linear mapping. By definition, we have

and for diagonalizable we have equality, see exercise. We want to understand trigonalizable mappings via their generalized eigenspaces.

Let be a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping on a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let

be a factorization of the characteristic polynomialMDLD/characteristic polynomial in coprimeMDLD/coprime (polynomial) polynomials . Then we have the direct sum decompositionMDLD/direct sum decomposition

where these linear subspaces are -invariant.MDLD/invariant (linear)

The restriction of onto is bijective.

Due to the Lemma of Bezout, there exist polynomials such that

Set and . Let . Due to the Theorem of Cayley-Hamilton , we have

Therefore, the image of belongs to the kernel of and vice versa. From

we can read off that the left-hand summand belongs to and the right-hand summand belongs to . Therefore, we have a sum decomposition, which is direct, since implies . For the -invarianceMDLD/invariance (endomorphism) of these spaces, see exercise. For , we have

that is, we have . Therefore, the restriction of to the kernel of is surjective, thus bijective.

We consider the permutation matrixMDLD/permutation matrix

over , the characteristic polynomialMDLD/characteristic polynomial is

where the two factors are coprime.MDLD/coprime (polynomial) We want to check fact in this example. We have




We have

Moreover, we have


From this, we can read off that the restriction of to is bijective. The representation of the from example yields the matrix equation


be an endomorphismMDLD/endomorphism on the finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let . Then the dimensionMDLD/dimension (vs) of the generalized eigenspaceMDLD/generalized eigenspace equals the algebraic multiplicityMDLD/algebraic multiplicity

of .

We write the characteristic polynomialMDLD/characteristic polynomial of as

where does not occur in as a linear factor, that is, is the algebraic multiplicity of . Then, and are coprime,MDLD/coprime (polynomial) and, due to fact, we have the decompositon


is a bijection. Moreover,

where the inclusion is clear, and the other inclusion follows from the fact that higher powerse of do not annihilate further elements, by the bijectivity on just mentioned. For the characteristic polynomial, we have, due to the direct sum decomposition according to fact, the relation

where is the characteristic polynomial of and is the characteristic polynomial of . Since restricted to is the zero mapping, the minimal polynomial of and, hence, also the characteristic polynomial are some power of , say


In particular, , as is a divisor of . Assume that . Then is a zero of and is an eigenvalue of . But this is a contradiction to the fact that is a bijection on this space.

For a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping on a finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space and two eigenvaluesMDLD/eigenvalues , the corresponding generalized eigenspaceMDLD/generalized eigenspace have trivial intersection, that is

The characteristic polynomial of has the form

where neither nor is a zero of . Because of fact, applied to , we have

Because of , this implies immediately


be a trigonalizableMDLD/trigonalizable -endomorphismMDLD/endomorphism on the finite-dimensionalMDLD/finite-dimensional -vector spaceMDLD/vector space . Then is the direct sumMDLD/direct sum (vs) of the generalized eigenspaces,MDLD/generalized eigenspaces that is,

where are the different eigenvaluesMDLD/eigenvalues of , and is the direct sumMDLD/direct sum (mapping) of the restrictions

on the generalized eigenspaces.


be the characteristic polynomial,MDLD/characteristic polynomial which splits into linear factors according to fact, where the are different. We do induction over . For , there is only one eigenvalue and only one generalized eigenspace. Due to fact, the minimal polynomial is of the form and thus . Suppose that the statement is already proven for smaller . We set and . We are then in the situation of fact and fact. Therefore, we have a direct sum decomposition into -invariantMDLD/invariant (endomorphism) linear subspaces

The characteristic polynomial is, according to fact, the product of the characteristic polynomials of the restrictions to the spaces. Because of fact, the polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of the restriction to the first generalized eigenspace, hence, is the characteristic polynomial of the restriction to . In particular, this restriction is also trigonalizable. By the induction hypothesis, is the direct sum of the generalized eigenspaces for . Altogether, this implies the direct sum decomposition of and of .

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