This is an example Thumbnail Storyboard
- Start with a wide shot
- In this example, we start with a wide shot from behind the people.. In this view we see the two people looking at the movie poster on the wall. Then we dolly in to get a better view of the movie poster.
Thumbnail Storyboard Example #1
The Thumbnail Storyboards for "Seduced by the Dark Side"
EXTERIOR - The local movie theater - NIGHT
Fade In
 Dolly In
(1) The Young Person and Old Person stand looking at the movie poster outside the theater.
- I want to start with an establishing shot which shows two people looking at the poster on the side wall of a local cinema. After two seconds of street sounds, I want to start the "Star Wars" musical theme as the poster becomes larger in the frame as the camera dollies in.
I want to stretch this out as much as possible so once the camera is close enough to the poster to start the music for the poster, I want the camera to slow down and move steadily inward at the music plays for a full five seconds.
- Note: This is a wide angle shot to give the feeling of being far apart.
The camera slowly dollies in. (Example: a 24mm lens in 35mm still camera equivalents)
Pedestal Down 
(2) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
- I want the young person to begin talking before the audience even sees the young person's face.
Dolly Left 
(3) Young Person (continued): "but I do not understand one thing."
- After the camera dollies in and it dollies left (trucks left), I want to see the face of the boy as he turns toward the old person (and toward the camera.)
Cut To 
(4) Old Person: "What's that?"
- I want to use a wide angle shot to emphasize the emotional distance between the two characters.
Cut To 
(5) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
- I still want to use a wide angle shot but not as wide as before. I still want the audience to feel that the two people are emotionally very far apart.
Cut To 
(6) The old person thinks for a while.
- Now I want to become more emotionally involved with the old person. Therefore, I will begin using a mild telephoto lens. I want to pause for three seconds as "thinking music" plays. This will build tension.
(7) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
- I want to use a mild telephoto (85 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent)
Cut To 
(8) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
- I want to use a mild telephoto (85 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent). Just enough to feel some warmth to the scene but not too much.
- For music, I just want a single musical note in the background, possibly angelic voices.
Cut To 
(9) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
- Now I want to use a telephoto lens to give a warm and close feeling (135 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent)
- Before the man speaks, I want about 2 seconds of music to indicate that he knows what he is doing.
Cut To 
(10) The young person thinks for a moment.
- I want to use a portrait telephoto to give a warm and close feeling (135 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent)
- I want to stretch this out as long as possible. Therefore, I want five seconds of "Serious Thinking Music" to fill this gap in the dialog.
(11) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
- I want to use a portrait telephoto to give a warm and close feeling (135 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent)
- To emphasize this, once the young person says this, I want a (musical) cord from the "Star Wars" theme.
Cut To 
(12) The Old Person smiles.
- Now I want to use portrait telephoto lense to give a warm and close feeling (135 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent). Again, I want to stretch this out as long as possible so I want really powerful music here which is very warm and happy.
Cut To  
(13) Old Person and the Young Person walk toward home together.
- I want to use a portrait telephoto to give a warm and close feeling (135 mm lens in 35 mm film camera equivalent).
This is shot full frame of just the old person and the young person. The rest is a matte painting. The dolly out shot will be done simply by compositing this into the matte painting and zooming out. Since the actual movie set is just a blank wall and a movie poster, everything else is a matte painting. Threrefore, I can use a 3D animated matte painting with characters from the Star Wars movie walking around the streets in front of the movie cinema. And of course, I want great music to associate the scene with the space port in Star Wars.
(14) Fade to Black.