Activities, assignments and assessment
Here you will find people describing their ideas for learning activities, assignments and assessment methods. Most of what you see was generated at the Open Conference on Activities, Assignments and Assessment (AAAOpenConf2013). At that event, people gave video recorded 10 minute presentations and 250 word summaries, with the audience making notes from the presentation to create the pages you see below.

Our goal is to continually add to and improve these pages. We're building them up to each have a short video, a concise text, and links to examples. Please feel free to contribute.
Our definitions
editActivities are the work people do, and the events they attend, in the conduct of their studies. A lecture is an activity, as is a tutorial, but here we extend on those traditional activities, looking for creative and alternative variations.
Assignments are the substantive works that people are asked to do in order to generate evidence for an assessment of their learning. An essay is an assignment, as is a group presentation, a poster or a lab report. But taking the principle of "activity and assignments that benefit public information" we are extending the assignment idea, to engage with public information projects.
Assessment are the methods for establishing if someone has achieved a learning outcome, satisfied a criteria, or is on their way toward an objective. A typical assessment method used in large groups is the exam. Other methods include a marking schedule used to assess an essay to certain criteria. We're looking for assessment methods that reduce workloads and/or add value to work already being done.
editBelow we have recorded a range of examples and aim to continue this work.
- Get the book
- Accountability in team assignments
- Badges, flipped and peer assessment
- Building ‘exit velocity’
- Collaboratively write a Wikibook
- Compile a dialog on quotes
- Digital assessment
- Edit Wikipedia
- Engage public forums
- Examples of Assessment in Open Education
- Group lecture notes
- In-class team assessment
- Inquiry-based learning in the Open
- Journalism students and Wikinews
- Mixed-media assessment
- Networked learning midwifery
- Peer assessment
- Peer review of teaching
- Principles of assessment
- Quizzes that promote engagement
- Recognising Contextual Learning
- Recorded lectures, seminars and presentations
- Self assessment and evidence portfolios
- Simulation in health education
- Student centred rich media assessment
- Student publishing
- Student-generated-textbook
- Teaching learners to notice
- Wikiversity for Indigenous and Intercultural Health
- Youtube playlists