Votian/Dialect classification
< Votian
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Votian dialects
edit- Votic
- Eastern Votic dialect
- Kabrio dialect (Russian: Копорья)
- Itšäpäivä - Kozlova dialect
- Kozlova dialect (Russian: Козлово)
- Iivanaisi dialect (Russian: Ивановское)
- Mahu dialect (Russian: Подмошье)
- Kliimettina dialect (Russian: Климетино)
- Itšäpäivä dialect (Russian: Ицепино)
- Western Votic dialects
- Hill dialect:
- Kõrstõva ~ Kerstova dialect (Russian: Керстово)
- Tšitširitsa ~ Kikeritsa dialect (Russian: Кикерицы)
- Pihlaala dialect (Russian: Пиллово)
- Rudja dialect (Russian: Рудилово)
- Rannala dialect (Russian: Раннолово)
- Lempola dialect (Russian: Лемполово)
- Pummala dialect (Russian: Пумалица)
- Kattila dialect (Russian: Котлы)
- Untovõõ ~ Undova dialect (Russian: Ундово)
- Valley dialect:
- Jarvikoištšülä dialect (Russian: Бабино)
- Savvokkala dialect (Russian: Савикино)
- Mati dialect (Russian: Маттия)
- Kõrvõttula dialect (Russian: Корвитино)
- Mataucio dialect (Russian: Матовка)
- Veertävä dialect (Russian: Вердия)
- Muukkova dialect (Russian: Мукково)
- Pontizõõ - Velikkä dialect
- Velikkä dialect (Russian: Великино)
- Pontizõõ dialect (Russian: Понтилово)
- Valkovitsa dialect (Russian: Валговицы)
- Koskolova dialect (Russian: Косколово)
- Kahcizõõ dialect (Russian: Березняки)
- Vaipooli dialect:
- Luuditsa - Liivtšülä dialect
- Rüsümätši dialect (Russian: Верхние Лужицы, Finnish: Risumäki)
- Luutsa ~ Luuditsa dialect (Russian: Лужицы)
- Liivtšülä dialect (Russian: Пески)
- Jõgõperä - Rajo dialect
- Jõgõperä dialect (Russian: Кроколье)
- Rajo dialect (Russian: Межники)
- Narvuzi dialect (Russian: Куземкино)
- Luuditsa - Liivtšülä dialect
- Hill dialect:
- Kreevin dialect (Latvian: Kreeviš ~ Krievinsh ('a Russian'), hence Russian: кревинг) dialect was still alive in 1846 near Bauska (German: Marienland or Bauske) in Latvian Zemgale, noted by the academician A. Sjögren. In the 1440s the knight Heidenreich Vinke von Overberg deported Votic war prisoners - their ancestors to Courland [7].
- Eastern Votic dialect
- Kukkuzi dialect (Russian: Куровицы) dialect is traditionally classified as Votic under strong Ingrian influence, but T-R. Viitsoo opposed this claim as a linguistic nonsense. We might talk about Votic substratum here instead and also in other Ingrian dialects of lower Laugaz valley (Russian: Усть-Луга): Kotko (Орлы), Mannakka (Манновка), Teesuu (Извоз), Haavikko (Кейкино) etc. and less obviously in surroundings of river Rosona (Russian: Росона). [8] [9].
Following dialects of Estonia share distinctive features with Votic and might have been originally closer to Votic than to Estonian dialects. [10] [11]:
- Alutaguse dialects: The most characteristic of which was the speech of Lüganuse parish. [12]
- Vaiga or East-Estonian dialects: The most characteristic of which was the speech of Kodavere and north-eastern Maarja-Magdaleena parishes. [13].
- nucleus: (central and northern Kodavere, north-eastern Maarja-Magdaleena)
- northern: (northern Torma and Avinurme, north-eastern corner of Laiuse, south-western Iisaku - espescially Tudulinna area)
- central: (the rest of Torma, eastern Laiuse, eastern Palamuse, central Maarja-Magdaleena)
- southern: (Äksi, southern Maarja-Magdaleena)[14]
Votic substratum is found also in Finnish dialects of Western-Ingria e.g. Lutheran parts of Kattila (Russian: Котлы) and Novoselkka, Kurgolovo (Russian: Курголово) - Suakyla (Russian: Дубровка). There are some remarques about extinct Finnic dialect of Gdov (Russian: Гдов) area - Dobrychinskaya (Russian: Добручинская) municipality.
(The distribution of Votic villages in this classification needs further confirmation.)
edit- ↑ Ergo-Hart Västrik Veekogud ja veehaldjad vadja rahvausundis
- ↑ Мехмет Муслимов ВОДСКИЙ ЯЗЫК
- ↑ Татьяна Ефимова VAĐĐAMAA - ВОДСКАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ
- ↑ П.И. Кеппен Список населённых пунктов с водским населением 1848 года
- ↑ Peter von Köppen'in Pietari läänin etnografisen kartan liitteeksi tarkoitettu vatjalaiskylien luettelo
- ↑ Viitsoo, Tiit-Rein 2008. Liivi keel ja läänemeresoome keelemaastikud. Tartu Ülikooli eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse istituut & Eesti Keele Instituut, "Läänemeresoome murdeliigenduse põhijooned" p. 69.
- ↑ M. Must 1987. Kirderannikumurre, s 339 ja 46.3.3.
- ↑ Viitsoo, Tiit-Rein 2008. Liivi keel ja läänemeresoome keelemaastikud. Tartu Ülikooli eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse istituut & Eesti Keele Instituut, "Läänemeresoome murdeliigenduse põhijooned" p. 64-67.
- ↑ Karl Pajusalu, Tiit Hennoste, Ellen Niit, Peeter Päll, Jüri Viikberg 2002. Eesti murded ja kohanimed. Tallinn, p. 56, 57.
- ↑ Karl Pajusalu, Tiit Hennoste, Ellen Niit, Peeter Päll, Jüri Viikberg 2002. Eesti murded ja kohanimed. Tallinn, p. 56, 57.
- ↑ "Idamurde tekstid" / Aili Univere ; toimetanud: M. Must, V. Pall ; Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Eesti Keele Instituut, Tallinn, 1996, lk 11-14
See also
editFurther reading
editAbout Ingrian and Votic elements in Kukkuzi and Lower Luga dialects:
- [1] Elena Markus (Tartu), Fedor Rozhanskiy (Moscow)"The development of a mixed language in the multilingual environment"
About Kreevin:
- F. J. Wiedemann 1871. „Über die Nationalität und die Sprache der jetzt ausgestorbenen Kreewinen in Kurland”
- [2] Gunita Šlara 1992. „Praeguseks välja surnud Kurlandi kreevinite päritolust ja keelest”
- [3] Mägiste, Julius 1934. „Eesti ja kreevinite keelelisist kokkupuuteist”
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