Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2014/Imagery and motivation

Latest comment: 9 years ago by RenaeLN in topic Multimedia feedback




Thank for the feedback on my page :) I really appreciate it.

In reference to your question, I have actually found a couple of ideas on theories of emotions. Of course, I did narrow it down to the ones that would be useful for my paper but chapter 13 in the textbook is where I got most of the ideas from actually. Then from there on I went into google scholar and googled key words pertinent to those. Im still going through some online, but I should be done wit that today. But from what I remember form the reading chapter 13 will probably be your best bet because it talks about arousal level and how that affects performance. There is the Inverted-U theroy that may be useful to you. Again, unfortunately I cant help you too much because I am not 100% sure what your topic is, but the theories im using are the emotional set-point and emotions related to genes. If you find anything else, let me know! :)

Best of luck

Cheers --CazaF (discusscontribs) 00:23, 15 October 2014 (UTC)Reply



so I did a little more research on theories, and check these slides on slide share.

There a 4 of them there. Hopefully it helps you out!

Cheers --CazaF (discusscontribs) 01:46, 15 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for these! Your chapter is looking great, well done!--Emily (discuss • --Emily (discusscontribs) 06:50, 26 October 2014 (UTC)contribs) 09:42, 25 October 2014 (UTC)Reply




I've just had a quick look at your page, it's looking good - I just have a couple of small suggestions:

with your pre-quiz - given it results in right/wrong answers maybe you could pose a question before it. For example, it could be 'are you someone who uses imagery on a daily basis?'. I think the small para below it is great though, it might just lead in well.

I'd consider linking some of the terms in the overview with other pages if possible (eg Goal Setting Theory, Possible-Selves Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour). YOu could also link Imagery in the Defining imagery paragraph.

I'd be cautious of making statements without referencing them. (eg Imagery can be thought of as an aspect of the imagination; a way for individuals to envision possibilities about the future and develop plans of action to bring these about).

I really like the practical applications box. I wonder if you inserted a quiz under it testing some of that stuff if it would highlight to readers how much they've learnt.

ChelsiCFD (discusscontribs) 00:32, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the feedback CFD, I changed the intro of my pre-quiz so that it explains what your actually being quizzed on now! And thanks for picking me up on that statement, I had references flying everywhere and its so easy to miss. Would have liked to have put in a quiz at the end but ran out of words :(--Emily (discusscontribs) 06:50, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi! Your page looks really interesting- looking forward to seeing where it goes! Just a small suggestion, in your 'Application of this theory' section you have used the example of presenting an important speech for the first 2 points. I think it would be great to use that example through the rest of the points- that way it flows well and easy to follow. Hopefully thats helpful- good luck!--U3068695 (discusscontribs) 01:45, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks UTC, yep much better idea- initially I was trying to show how it can be used in different areas but I agree that this was maybe making it a little confusing. Flowed much better when using the same example.--Emily (discusscontribs) 06:50, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I think you are on solid ground with your chapter. It flows well. Only some suggestions to make it easier for the readers to follow:

1. Maybe shorten your overview a bit. The point of overview is to let readers know what is your topic and what are the questions you are going to answer.

2. Maybe highlight a few studies, contrast a few studies that you think are really important or interesting. Maybe give your theories clearer structure too. I know you have a structure for things, but making it clearer and stand out will help the readers to follow better. --Xlc (discusscontribs) 06:06, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Xlc, hope that I have made the theories a bit clearer than they were. I struggled a bit finding the right format so that it flowed well initially, hope that it is easier reading now. Your page also looks fantastic, really well done.--Emily (discusscontribs) 06:50, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply



Hi - this is a really interesting topic. The flow of the chapter works really well, I have some minor suggestions:

  • The examples seem to get lost in amongst other text, I have used coloured boxes (same colour for each case study to allow discrepancy from other text) to allow for them to stand out, just a suggestion.
  • I noticed you wanted to include links for a few keyp words used throughout the chapter, I wasn't sure if you were unsure how to do this so thought I would give you an example - self-discrepancy theory - go into the edit form of the discussion page and it will show the link and how to type it in using square brackets
  • using images throughout could also break up the text a bit, especially at the beginning, the overview is quite long which is fine, but it may be good to break it up into section or by using pictures so that the reader finds it a bit easier to read
  • I really like the quiz at the beginning, it is a great way to engage the reader from the start and allow them to think about themselves and how they use imagery in their everyday lives
  • the tips at the end using 'applications of self-imagery' is really useful as well. It is a great way of outlining take home messages for the reader.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading you chapter, it gave me some insight into my own behaviour which is always helpful and I am sure lots of people will learn something about themselves which may help them in the future. Good job! U3030139 (discusscontribs) 01:47, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your feedback! Great idea using colored boxes for the examples, it also helped me break up the text a bit as well. Trying to add pictures at the moment but having trouble with my internet for some reason...hopefully works soon! --Emily (discusscontribs) 09:41, 25 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.



  1. Overall, this is a strong, indepth, practical chapter about how visual imagery can be used to enhance motivation. See my edits and comments below for further feedback.
  1. Theory is well covered and integrated with research.
  1. Research is well covered and integrated with theory.
  2. When describing important research findings, indicate the size of effects in addition to whether or not there was an effect or relationship.
  3. Major statements were well references.
  4. There was evidence of a critical approach to the research :)
  1. Written expression is excellent; the chapter is well structured and well written. The use of case study examples and practical tips added considerably to the chapter.
  2. The chapter has a well developed Overview and Conclusion.
  3. Learning features
    1. Links to Wikipedia were provided; these could be improved by making them interwiki links rather than external links.
  4. Spelling, grammar and proofreading
    1. Use Australian spelling e.g., utilize -> utilise
    2. Check use of ownership apostrophes e.g., ones -> one's, individuals attitudes -> individual's attitudes
  5. APA style
    1. In-text citations should be in alphabetical order
    2. The formatting for subsequent citations of sources with three or more authors doesn't need the extra comma (e.g., (Taylor, et al., 1998) -> (Taylor et al., 1998)
    3. Statistical symbols such as N, M, and SD should be in italics, whereas symbols using other alphabets such as β should not be in italics.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 06:28, 18 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.



  1. Overall, this is an excellent presentation – well done!
  1. An extremely well designed and organised presentation which provides an excellent overview of imagery and motivation. Logical flow between concepts is clearly demonstrated as is linkage to, and integration of, research and theory – very impressive. The presentation is comprehensive and covers quite a lot of territory without trying to do too much. A great overview and summary slide were also provided with tips for using imagery being the perfect way to sum-up such a great and engaging presentation. Perhaps the inclusion of the full title provided in the book chapter could help to provide the audience with a clearer idea of where the presentation is going.
  1. A clear, well-paced, engaging style of visual and audio communication. The presentation was particularly engaging through use of illustrative examples, pictures, diagrams, questions posed to the audience and good vocal intonation.
  1. Production quality is excellent. The creative use of screenr makes this much more dynamic than most presentations. The presentation had clear picture and audio quality and demonstrated a clear element of professionalism. A creative commons license is provided. A link is provided to and from the book chapter. A comprehensive reference list is provided.

RenaeLN (discusscontribs) 06:40, 21 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

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