Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2014/Guilt and motivation

Good start


The headings look good. -- Jtneill - Talk - c 03:55, 20 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Similar to my chapter


I am working on a chapter called 'Shoplifting motivation - why do people steal?'. It might be useful to share some information. I have decided to work on a couple of theories while using some case studies to explain the theories. The theories I thought may be useful in this area are deterrence theory, self-efficacy theory and social learning theory. I will be discussing whether punishment used as a deterrence has an effect on the motivation behind shoplifting/criminal behaviour, and in terms of the social learning theory - looking at peer influence, and other aspects of learnt behaviour that may influence a person's decision to shop lift.

I have not started putting information up on my chapter as yet, have done a lot of research but will be looking at having a lot more of the detail behind my chapter up over the next few days. I will ensure references are uploaded to assist you as they may be relevant in terms of guilt. I think the feeling of guilt may be something I should focus on when discussing deterrence theory as this may be itself a deterrence if a person commits theft and feels guilt following this, will the guilt feeling motivate them not to commit further offences? U3030139 (discusscontribs) 06:07, 15 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Some suggestions


Hi mate

Couple of sugggestions:

Your description of guilt is a little arduous. I wonder if you could break it into two sentences. Maybe something like: Guilt can be considered either a cognitive or an emotional experience. It arises when an individual transgresses against their own standard of conduct, or societal norms, and and the individual believes they bear responsibility for the transgression.

With this sentence: Many people believe that the experience or avoidance of negative affective states, such as guilt, illustrate and illuminate many moments of our life - I think you could expand on it, or perhaps use an example of how it does that.

I think sentences like this might be better broken into two as well: Guilt is considered one of the moral (self-conscious) emotions; others include shame, embarrassment, and pride; and has been likened to an indicator of morality and the social acceptance of certain behaviours (Haidt, 2003), or you could try turning them around (start with the social acceptance being linked with moral emotions, and then give the examples.

I think James suggested utilising links for terms when you first use them, for example you could link 'guilt' with this

Generally though, it's reading really well and had a good blend of informative without being too heavy.

ChelsCFD (discusscontribs) 11:17, 20 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Just another thought - you might want to touch on the physiological experience of guilt. CFD (discusscontribs) 23:07, 20 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Referencing syntax


Hi, I noticed that your reference list was not quite in APA style, If you put this syntax at the beginning of your reference list it should ensure that everything but the first line of each reference is indented:

copy and paste this under the '==References== heading, and then enter each of your references underneath followed by a space. You will also need to go through and highlight the names of the journals and press the italics button to make them into italics.

Hope this helps! :)

ps. just realized that the syntax turned what I wrote underneath into APA reference style, so just click on the edit button for this post and it will come up!--Emily (discusscontribs) 21:42, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Comparisons with Shame and Embarrassment section


Hi, I've been reading through your topic and i'm really impressed. I have some suggestions for your "Comparisons with Shame and Embarrassment" section. That colored box formatting is really good and looks a lot like those 'focus' sections in textbooks. My feedback would be that when you say "One view is that shame results from when..." and "Some of the views of embarrassment are that" these parts do not come across as authoritative as you would probably want. I would recommend finding some definitions for guilt, shame, and embarrassment and reworking this section to cite those definitions and be a little less fuzzy. These phrases are defined in a variety of psychology textbooks and there are even some good psychology dictionaries that would reference them in a psychological context. If you are unable to access one of these even might be a good option. If you are looking highlight debate over the distinction between these terms I still thinks some citations would be useful here. I hope you find this helpful. --U3054879 (discusscontribs) 11:50, 25 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Few more suggestions



it's all looking great, just a couple of things:

You've got a quote in the overview without a citation.

title 'comparison with shame and embarrassment' is all caps. You need to change it to only cap for first word (reminds me to check mine!)

I think this sentence might need to be broken into 2: Connecting goals and emotions is relevant when discussing guilt, particularly when looking at ethical, moral, and cultural mores and behaviours[9]; guilt can function as a facilitating emotion to assist with integration of an individual into a community and motivating them to accept and adapt to the societal mores and avoid ostracisation

this sentence: Guilt has been found to motivate individual's action to alleviate - I think it might need to be "individuals'" or motivate an individual's actions...

Your link to appraisal theory isn't connecting, though it sounds the same as attribution theory - you might want to check that out.

Introjected Regulation para - check your caps in both the title and the name of the theories.

you might want to break this sentence down to two sentences: The motivation that comes from guilt often works in two distinct manners, one is the avoidance by an individual of any action that may cause guilt, and they focus on acting within their own code of conduct and societal norms; the other is the prosocial behaviours that a person feels will expunge their guilt after they have been 'caught' acting in a manner that transgresses their or society's norms.

Other than that, it reads well and the layout is really nice. good job!

Chelsi CFD (discusscontribs) 13:04, 25 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Last minute feedback!



It all looks good, I think if you have time/room you could add some pictures though. I realise it's tricky to find ones that work, I found a couple of links for you though

or you could use this one for wikipedia:

There are also some under google images (with the whole copyright thing tied right down) listed under 'guilty quotes images'. It wouldn't let me post a google link for some reason - apparently they are blacklisted!

I corrected some caps in titles.

Also - could you move the table to the centre, or is that non-APA?

You could link to this as See also: (they also have some pictures you could use!)

Other than that, its looking good! I don't think any of these (other than changing the caps etc) are super important, you've done a great job!

Chels CFD (discusscontribs) 09:08, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I've posted an article on guilt and looking at anticipated guilt. I found it an interesting reading read, maybe you could find a section about it in your chapter. Guilt and anticipated guilt

General feedback

  • Difference between guilt and shame not immediately made clear and therefore the reader is left unclear about the difference
  • Good initial outline of guilt and motivation and the relationship between the two
  • Individual guilt is more extensively written about, group guilt less so – both could be as equally important and often related?? More social experiences included would be helpful for people to relate to and understand.
  • Again, very general information regarding motivation – manual like, more instructional less experiential.
  • Basic sentencing such as ‘appraisal theory is xxx’ and no transition to next statement (in some cases).
  • ‘This was hypothesised correctly when observing relationships between married couples and friendships and is further explained in the case study below’ - sentence has poor structure.

U3014122 (discusscontribs) 00:31, 3 November 2014 (UTC)Reply


I recommend renaming the links to other book chapters to be more user-friendly. e.g.,
Self-injury and motivation (Book chapter, 2014) vs. Motivation and emotion/Book/2014/Self-injury and motivation. -- Jtneill - Talk - c 21:22, 26 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.




Overall, this is a well structured presentation.

The structure is good, and the flow is logical. Providing a summary at the end of the presentation was useful. An introductory slide, outlining the presentation, would be beneficial. There was more emphasis on theory than research. The use of more examples would be useful.

The voice-over is well-paced, with appropriate pauses between sentences and slides. However, it does lack some expression, making the presentation slightly less engaging. The images selected were appropriate, however it is important to provide text (i.e. dot points) on the slides to re-enforce the information being delivered verbally. This would have made the presentation much easier to follow.

Production quality is generally good. Quality of visuals are good. The audio is generally good, but there is some background noise. A link to the book chapter is not provided. No indication of copyright license is provided.

ShaunaB - Talk

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.



  1. Overall, this is a solid chapter which applies several motivational theories to communicate an understanding of the experience and function of guilt. For more feedback, see my copyedits and comments below.
  1. Several relevant motivational theories are considered and related to guilt.
  2. It could be helpful for the Overview to provide greater orientation to these theories.
  1. Many relevant citations to research studies are provided and several studies are described.
  2. The Reeve (2009) textbook is probably over-used as a citation; ideally consult and cite primary sources.
  3. When describing important research findings, indicate the size of effects in addition to whether or not there was an effect or relationship.
  4. The chapter could be strengthed by developing more integration between theory and research.
  1. Written expression is generally good, although it could be improved e.g., where clarification templates have been added to the page.
    1. Avoid directional referencing e.g., above, below, as previously mentioned
  2. Layout
    1. Tables and/or Figures could be added and used more effectively.
  3. Learning features
    1. Several useful, relevant interwiki links are included; more could be used.
  4. Spelling, grammar and proofreading
    1. Use abbreviations such as "e.g." inside brackets and "for example" outside brackets
    2. Check use of ownership apostrophes e.g., individuals vs. individual's vs. individuals'
    3. The grammar for some sentences could be improved - see the [grammar?] tags
  5. APA style is generally good.
    1. Direct quotes need page numbers.
    2. Add APA style captions to tables and figures.
    3. Reference list - check correct capitalisation and remove issue numbers for seriated journals

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 12:28, 26 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi James,

Thanks for the feedback, I've made some edits in regards to your comments.

I did have a question however, how can you tell the difference between a seriated journal or not?

Cheers, Fitzcaelte (discusscontribs) 04:05, 27 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

Great. Most journals consecutively number pages within a volume. The only way to know for sure is to check the issue/volume page numbering.
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