Talk:Introduction to Parkinson's Science/Q Page 40

Comments on page development


This page needs to be changed to deal with non-motor symptoms as originally intended:

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Site description of Q Page 40

Other PD symptoms

Question Page 40. URL: Introduction_to_Parkinson's_Science/Q_Page_40

Questions addressed:

  • What other symptoms, especially non-motor symptoms, of Parkinson’s are there?
Bladder and bowel, olfaction, speech and swallowing, depression, dementia. The life cycle of Parkinson’s.
  • What are the origins of these symptom?
Other brain areas that are affected by the disease. The Braak staging hypothesis and the evidence for it beginning in the Enteric Nervous System and in the myocardial nerves.

The nature of the content as so far written


This page originally listed Parkinson's symptoms alphabetically. These are now linked to through the table. But the links should be to the non-motor symptoms.

This page serves Section 2, providing information for someone wanting to learn about symptoms. Someone new to Parkinson's is probably looking for something summarising the more obvious or troublesome non-motor symptoms and those which arise early on.

There is also scope for material on this topic to be in Section 1 where more references to papers looking in detail at individual symptoms can be put in. There is certainly scope for Section 1 to have a topic on Parkinson's symptoms and research into their pathological origin and treatments.

Note that Q_Page_50 has been written to summarise therapies and treatments for the symptoms which it was expected would be listed on Q_Page_2 and Q_Page_40. Thus these pages should be written to reflect this relationship.

Note too that the pages describing the symptoms were meant to indicate the suspected origins of the symptoms and therefore were broadly divided into those arising from degeneration of the nigro-striatal system and those arising from degeneration of other parts of the nervous system.



I suggest that a new version of Q_Page_40 is created which is of a similar style to Q_Page_2 and deals with the most common/troublesome symptoms not included in Q_Page_2. It should also deal briefly with the non-nigro-striatal origins of the symptoms although this is also covered in Q_Page_50 where treatments are covered because treatments ought, where possible, to address the ultimate causes of the symptoms. A major point in Q_Page_50 is that non-motor symptoms generally do not respond to dopaminergic treatment because they arise from damage to other, non-dopaminergic, parts of the nervous system not just in the brain.

Droflet (discusscontribs) 11:57, 27 February 2013 (UTC) Revised 12 August 2013 to reflect what has been done already.Reply

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