Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Olfactory dysfunction

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Olfactory dysfunction

A reduced or impaired ability to detect odors.

The following references are relevant:-

Hoyles and Sharma (2013) Olfactory loss as a supporting feature in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: a pragmatic approach[1]

Takeda (2013) Severe olfactory dysfunction is a predictor of dementia with Parkinson’s disease[2]

Hüttenbrink et al (2013) Olfactory dysfunction: common in later life and early warning of neurodegenerative disease [3]

Further Research

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  1. Hoyles, K. and Shama, (2013) Full Text J.C. J. Neurol. (Feb. 3) Olfactory loss as a supporting feature in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: a pragmatic approach.
  2. Takeda,A. (2013) Full Text Rinsho Shinkeigaku 53 (2) 91 – 97 Severe olfactory dysfunction is a predictor of dementia with Parkinson’s disease
  3. Hüttenbrink. K.B.; Hummel.T.; Berg, D; Gasser, T. and Hähner,A. (2013) Full TextDtsch. Arztebl. Int. 110 (1-2) 1 – 7 Olfactory dysfunction: common in later life and early warning of neurodegenerative disease