Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Ataxia

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Lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements

The following references are relevant:-

Nocera et al Impaired Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease[1]

Paquette et al (2011) Walking in circles: navigation deficits from Parkinson's disease but not from cerebellar ataxia [2]

Chaturvedi and Flint (2013) Mitochondrial Diseases of the Brain. [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature (Ataxia)

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This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
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  1. Nocera, Joe. R.; Horvat, Michaej and Ray, Christopher T. Full Text Adapt. Phys. Activ. Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease Published in final edited form as: Adapt. Phys. Activ. Q. 27 (2) 87– 95. Impaired Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Paquette, Caroline; Franzen, Erika; Melvill-Jones, Geoffrey and Horak, Fay B. (2011) Full Text Neuroscience 190 177 – 183 Walking in circles: navigation deficits from Parkinson's disease but not from cerebellar ataxia
  3. Chaturvedi, R.K. and Flint, Beal M. (2013) Full Text Free Radic Biol. Med. 2013 Apr 5. pii: S0891-5849(13)00123-8. doi: 0. Mitochondrial Diseases of the Brain.