Professional Development for Teachers of Health Professionals/Evaluate teaching practice

In this module you will evaluate your teaching practice. You will seek observations and comments from your peers, survey and collect feedback from your students, and write an evaluative report of your practice.

Reflexions on a rainy day... by Tomascastelazo on Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Contact a peer who will observe the range of your teaching practice. They are to look at your subject website, observe your teaching and assessment methods, and give constructive feedback. Document that feedback online, preferably publicly accessible as a link from the subject website.
  2. Prepare an online survey for students, both formative and summative. The formative survey consists of 2 or 3 questions asked at key stages in your subject's schedule. They are used to check progress and make necessary adjustments to the program so as to aid student progress. The summative survey is taken at the conclusion of the subject, and asks for overall feedback. If you're teaching in an educational organisation, consider using or adapting the questions they would ask in their surveys.
  3. Write an evaluation of your work that includes:
    1. a statement of your objectives and/or the issues you are trying to address in the development of your subject;
    2. descriptions of the range of methods you used, key insights gained from the peer observations and student feedback surveys, and what you did to respond to this feedback as the subject progressed;
    3. and finally, a statement of what you will do next in your developments.
  4. Publish the evaluation online and link it to your subject website. Take care to de-identify data cited from the surveys and observations, unless you have approval to publish their identities. Once published, you can be awarded the Evaluate teaching practice badge.